# Copyright (c) 2013 Rackspace Hosting, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """pools: a resource to handle storage pool management A pool is added by an operator by interacting with the pooling-related endpoints. When specifying a pool, the following fields are required: :: { "name": string, "weight": integer, "uri": string::uri } Furthermore, depending on the underlying storage type of pool being registered, there is an optional field:: { "options": {...} } """ import falcon import jsonschema from oslo_log import log import six from zaqar.common.api.schemas import pools as schema from zaqar.common import utils as common_utils from zaqar.storage import errors from zaqar.storage import utils as storage_utils from zaqar.transport import utils as transport_utils from zaqar.transport.wsgi import errors as wsgi_errors from zaqar.transport.wsgi import utils as wsgi_utils LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) class Listing(object): """A resource to list registered pools :param pools_controller: means to interact with storage """ def __init__(self, pools_controller): self._ctrl = pools_controller def on_get(self, request, response, project_id): """Returns a pool listing as objects embedded in an object: :: { "pools": [ {"href": "", "weight": 100, "uri": ""}, ... ], "links": [ {"href": "", "rel": "next"} ] } :returns: HTTP | 200 """ LOG.debug(u'LIST pools') store = {} request.get_param('marker', store=store) request.get_param_as_int('limit', store=store) request.get_param_as_bool('detailed', store=store) cursor = self._ctrl.list(**store) pools = list(next(cursor)) results = {} if pools: store['marker'] = next(cursor) for entry in pools: entry['href'] = request.path + '/' + entry['name'] results['links'] = [ { 'rel': 'next', 'href': request.path + falcon.to_query_str(store) } ] results['pools'] = pools response.content_location = request.relative_uri response.body = transport_utils.to_json(results) response.status = falcon.HTTP_200 class Resource(object): """A handler for individual pool. :param pools_controller: means to interact with storage """ def __init__(self, pools_controller): self._ctrl = pools_controller validator_type = jsonschema.Draft4Validator self._validators = { 'weight': validator_type(schema.patch_weight), 'uri': validator_type(schema.patch_uri), 'options': validator_type(schema.patch_options), 'create': validator_type(schema.create) } def on_get(self, request, response, project_id, pool): """Returns a JSON object for a single pool entry: :: {"weight": 100, "uri": "", options: {...}} :returns: HTTP | [200, 404] """ LOG.debug(u'GET pool - name: %s', pool) data = None detailed = request.get_param_as_bool('detailed') or False try: data = self._ctrl.get(pool, detailed) except errors.PoolDoesNotExist as ex: LOG.debug(ex) raise wsgi_errors.HTTPNotFound(six.text_type(ex)) data['href'] = request.path response.body = transport_utils.to_json(data) response.content_location = request.relative_uri def on_put(self, request, response, project_id, pool): """Registers a new pool. Expects the following input: :: {"weight": 100, "uri": ""} An options object may also be provided. :returns: HTTP | [201, 204] """ LOG.debug(u'PUT pool - name: %s', pool) conf = self._ctrl.driver.conf data = wsgi_utils.load(request) wsgi_utils.validate(self._validators['create'], data) if not storage_utils.can_connect(data['uri'], conf=conf): raise wsgi_errors.HTTPBadRequestBody( 'cannot connect to %s' % data['uri'] ) try: self._ctrl.create(pool, weight=data['weight'], uri=data['uri'], options=data.get('options', {})) response.status = falcon.HTTP_201 response.location = request.path except errors.PoolAlreadyExists as e: LOG.exception(e) raise wsgi_errors.HTTPConflict(six.text_type(e)) def on_delete(self, request, response, project_id, pool): """Deregisters a pool. :returns: HTTP | 204 """ LOG.debug(u'DELETE pool - name: %s', pool) self._ctrl.delete(pool) response.status = falcon.HTTP_204 def on_patch(self, request, response, project_id, pool): """Allows one to update a pool's weight, uri, and/or options. This method expects the user to submit a JSON object containing at least one of: 'uri', 'weight', 'options'. If none are found, the request is flagged as bad. There is also strict format checking through the use of jsonschema. Appropriate errors are returned in each case for badly formatted input. :returns: HTTP | 200,400 """ LOG.debug(u'PATCH pool - name: %s', pool) data = wsgi_utils.load(request) EXPECT = ('weight', 'uri', 'options') if not any([(field in data) for field in EXPECT]): LOG.debug(u'PATCH pool, bad params') raise wsgi_errors.HTTPBadRequestBody( 'One of `uri`, `weight`, or `options` needs ' 'to be specified' ) for field in EXPECT: wsgi_utils.validate(self._validators[field], data) conf = self._ctrl.driver.conf if 'uri' in data and not storage_utils.can_connect(data['uri'], conf=conf): raise wsgi_errors.HTTPBadRequestBody( 'cannot connect to %s' % data['uri'] ) fields = common_utils.fields(data, EXPECT, pred=lambda v: v is not None) try: self._ctrl.update(pool, **fields) except errors.PoolDoesNotExist as ex: LOG.exception(ex) raise wsgi_errors.HTTPNotFound(six.text_type(ex))