# Copyright (c) 2013 Rackspace, Inc. # Copyright (c) 2015 Catalyst IT Ltd. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import datetime import re from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_utils import timeutils import six from zaqar.i18n import _ MIN_MESSAGE_TTL = 60 MIN_CLAIM_TTL = 60 MIN_CLAIM_GRACE = 60 MIN_SUBSCRIPTION_TTL = 60 _PURGBLE_RESOURCE_TYPES = {'messages', 'subscriptions'} _TRANSPORT_LIMITS_OPTIONS = ( cfg.IntOpt('max_queues_per_page', default=20, deprecated_name='queue_paging_uplimit', deprecated_group='limits:transport', help='Defines the maximum number of queues per page.'), cfg.IntOpt('max_messages_per_page', default=20, deprecated_name='message_paging_uplimit', deprecated_group='limits:transport', help='Defines the maximum number of messages per page.'), cfg.IntOpt('max_subscriptions_per_page', default=20, deprecated_name='subscription_paging_uplimit', deprecated_group='limits:transport', help='Defines the maximum number of subscriptions per page.'), cfg.IntOpt('max_messages_per_claim_or_pop', default=20, deprecated_name='max_messages_per_claim', help='The maximum number of messages that can be claimed (OR) ' 'popped in a single request'), cfg.IntOpt('max_queue_metadata', default=64 * 1024, deprecated_name='metadata_size_uplimit', deprecated_group='limits:transport', help='Defines the maximum amount of metadata in a queue.'), cfg.IntOpt('max_messages_post_size', default=256 * 1024, deprecated_name='message_size_uplimit', deprecated_group='limits:transport', deprecated_opts=[cfg.DeprecatedOpt('max_message_size')], help='Defines the maximum size of message posts.'), cfg.IntOpt('max_message_ttl', default=1209600, deprecated_name='message_ttl_max', deprecated_group='limits:transport', help='Maximum amount of time a message will be available.'), cfg.IntOpt('max_claim_ttl', default=43200, deprecated_name='claim_ttl_max', deprecated_group='limits:transport', help='Maximum length of a message in claimed state.'), cfg.IntOpt('max_claim_grace', default=43200, deprecated_name='claim_grace_max', deprecated_group='limits:transport', help='Defines the maximum message grace period in seconds.'), cfg.ListOpt('subscriber_types', default=['http', 'https', 'mailto', 'trust+http', 'trust+https'], help='Defines supported subscriber types.'), ) _TRANSPORT_LIMITS_GROUP = 'transport' # NOTE(kgriffs): Don't use \w because it isn't guaranteed to match # only ASCII characters. QUEUE_NAME_REGEX = re.compile('^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+$') QUEUE_NAME_MAX_LEN = 64 PROJECT_ID_MAX_LEN = 256 def _config_options(): return [(_TRANSPORT_LIMITS_GROUP, _TRANSPORT_LIMITS_OPTIONS)] class ValidationFailed(ValueError): """User input did not follow API restrictions.""" def __init__(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): msg = msg.format(*args, **kwargs) super(ValidationFailed, self).__init__(msg) class Validator(object): def __init__(self, conf): self._conf = conf self._conf.register_opts(_TRANSPORT_LIMITS_OPTIONS, group=_TRANSPORT_LIMITS_GROUP) self._limits_conf = self._conf[_TRANSPORT_LIMITS_GROUP] self._supported_operations = ('add', 'remove', 'replace') def queue_identification(self, queue, project): """Restrictions on a project id & queue name pair. :param queue: Name of the queue :param project: Project id :raises: ValidationFailed if the `name` is longer than 64 characters or contains anything other than ASCII digits and letters, underscores, and dashes. Also raises if `project` is not None but longer than 256 characters. """ if project is not None and len(project) > PROJECT_ID_MAX_LEN: msg = _(u'Project ids may not be more than {0} characters long.') raise ValidationFailed(msg, PROJECT_ID_MAX_LEN) if len(queue) > QUEUE_NAME_MAX_LEN: msg = _(u'Queue names may not be more than {0} characters long.') raise ValidationFailed(msg, QUEUE_NAME_MAX_LEN) if not QUEUE_NAME_REGEX.match(queue): raise ValidationFailed( _(u'Queue names may only contain ASCII letters, digits, ' 'underscores, and dashes.')) def _get_change_operation_d10(self, raw_change): op = raw_change.get('op') if op is None: msg = (_('Unable to find `op` in JSON Schema change. ' 'It must be one of the following: %(available)s.') % {'available': ', '.join(self._supported_operations)}) raise ValidationFailed(msg) if op not in self._supported_operations: msg = (_('Invalid operation: `%(op)s`. ' 'It must be one of the following: %(available)s.') % {'op': op, 'available': ', '.join(self._supported_operations)}) raise ValidationFailed(msg) return op def _get_change_path_d10(self, raw_change): try: return raw_change['path'] except KeyError: msg = _("Unable to find '%s' in JSON Schema change") % 'path' raise ValidationFailed(msg) def _decode_json_pointer(self, pointer): """Parse a json pointer. Json Pointers are defined in http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pbryan-zyp-json-pointer . The pointers use '/' for separation between object attributes, such that '/A/B' would evaluate to C in {"A": {"B": "C"}}. A '/' character in an attribute name is encoded as "~1" and a '~' character is encoded as "~0". """ self._validate_json_pointer(pointer) ret = [] for part in pointer.lstrip('/').split('/'): ret.append(part.replace('~1', '/').replace('~0', '~').strip()) return ret def _validate_json_pointer(self, pointer): """Validate a json pointer. We only accept a limited form of json pointers. """ if not pointer.startswith('/'): msg = _('Pointer `%s` does not start with "/".') % pointer raise ValidationFailed(msg) if re.search('/\s*?/', pointer[1:]): msg = _('Pointer `%s` contains adjacent "/".') % pointer raise ValidationFailed(msg) if len(pointer) > 1 and pointer.endswith('/'): msg = _('Pointer `%s` end with "/".') % pointer raise ValidationFailed(msg) if pointer[1:].strip() == '/': msg = _('Pointer `%s` does not contains valid token.') % pointer raise ValidationFailed(msg) if re.search('~[^01]', pointer) or pointer.endswith('~'): msg = _('Pointer `%s` contains "~" not part of' ' a recognized escape sequence.') % pointer raise ValidationFailed(msg) def _get_change_value(self, raw_change, op): if 'value' not in raw_change: msg = _('Operation "{0}" requires a member named "value".') raise ValidationFailed(msg, op) return raw_change['value'] def _validate_change(self, change): if change['op'] == 'remove': return path_root = change['path'][0] if len(change['path']) >= 1 and path_root.lower() != 'metadata': msg = _("The root of path must be metadata, e.g /metadata/key.") raise ValidationFailed(msg) def _validate_path(self, op, path): limits = {'add': 2, 'remove': 2, 'replace': 2} if len(path) != limits.get(op, 2): msg = _("Invalid JSON pointer for this resource: " "'/%s, e.g /metadata/key'") % '/'.join(path) raise ValidationFailed(msg) def _parse_json_schema_change(self, raw_change, draft_version): if draft_version == 10: op = self._get_change_operation_d10(raw_change) path = self._get_change_path_d10(raw_change) else: msg = _('Unrecognized JSON Schema draft version') raise ValidationFailed(msg) path_list = self._decode_json_pointer(path) return op, path_list def queue_patching(self, request, changes): washed_changes = [] content_types = { 'application/openstack-messaging-v2.0-json-patch': 10, } json_schema_version = content_types[request.content_type] if not isinstance(changes, list): msg = _('Request body must be a JSON array of operation objects.') raise ValidationFailed(msg) for raw_change in changes: if not isinstance(raw_change, dict): msg = _('Operations must be JSON objects.') raise ValidationFailed(msg) (op, path) = self._parse_json_schema_change(raw_change, json_schema_version) # NOTE(flwang): Now the 'path' is a list. self._validate_path(op, path) change = {'op': op, 'path': path, 'json_schema_version': json_schema_version} if not op == 'remove': change['value'] = self._get_change_value(raw_change, op) self._validate_change(change) washed_changes.append(change) return washed_changes def queue_listing(self, limit=None, **kwargs): """Restrictions involving a list of queues. :param limit: The expected number of queues in the list :param kwargs: Ignored arguments passed to storage API :raises: ValidationFailed if the limit is exceeded """ uplimit = self._limits_conf.max_queues_per_page if limit is not None and not (0 < limit <= uplimit): msg = _(u'Limit must be at least 1 and no greater than {0}.') raise ValidationFailed(msg, self._limits_conf.max_queues_per_page) def queue_metadata_length(self, content_length): """Restrictions on queue's length. :param content_length: Queue request's length. :raises: ValidationFailed if the metadata is oversize. """ if content_length is None: return if content_length > self._limits_conf.max_queue_metadata: msg = _(u'Queue metadata is too large. Max size: {0}') raise ValidationFailed(msg, self._limits_conf.max_queue_metadata) def queue_metadata_putting(self, queue_metadata): """Checking if the reserved attributes of the queue are valid. :param queue_metadata: Queue's metadata. :raises: ValidationFailed if any reserved attribute is invalid. """ if not queue_metadata: return queue_default_ttl = queue_metadata.get('_default_message_ttl', None) if queue_default_ttl and not isinstance(queue_default_ttl, int): msg = _(u'_default_message_ttl must be integer.') raise ValidationFailed(msg) if queue_default_ttl: if not (MIN_MESSAGE_TTL <= queue_default_ttl <= self._limits_conf.max_message_ttl): msg = _(u'_default_message_ttl can not exceed {0} ' 'seconds, and must be at least {1} seconds long.') raise ValidationFailed( msg, self._limits_conf.max_message_ttl, MIN_MESSAGE_TTL) queue_max_msg_size = queue_metadata.get('_max_messages_post_size', None) if queue_max_msg_size and not isinstance(queue_max_msg_size, int): msg = _(u'_max_messages_post_size must be integer.') raise ValidationFailed(msg) if queue_max_msg_size: if not (0 < queue_max_msg_size <= self._limits_conf.max_messages_post_size): raise ValidationFailed( _(u'_max_messages_post_size can not exceed {0}, ' ' and must be at least greater than 0.'), self._limits_conf.max_messages_post_size) def queue_purging(self, document): """Restrictions the resource types to be purged for a queue. :param resource_types: Type list of all resource under a queue :raises: ValidationFailed if the resource types are invalid """ if 'resource_types' not in document: msg = _(u'Post body must contain key "resource_types".') raise ValidationFailed(msg) if (not set(document['resource_types']).issubset( _PURGBLE_RESOURCE_TYPES)): msg = _(u'Resource types must be a sub set of {0}.') raise ValidationFailed(msg, _PURGBLE_RESOURCE_TYPES) def message_posting(self, messages): """Restrictions on a list of messages. :param messages: A list of messages :raises: ValidationFailed if any message has a out-of-range TTL. """ if not messages: raise ValidationFailed(_(u'No messages to enqueu.')) for msg in messages: self.message_content(msg) def message_length(self, content_length, max_msg_post_size=None): """Restrictions on message post length. :param content_length: Queue request's length. :raises: ValidationFailed if the metadata is oversize. """ if content_length is None: return if max_msg_post_size: try: min_max_size = min(max_msg_post_size, self._limits_conf.max_messages_post_size) if content_length > min_max_size: raise ValidationFailed( _(u'Message collection size is too large. The max ' 'size for current queue is {0}. It is calculated ' 'by max size = min(max_messages_post_size_config: ' '{1}, max_messages_post_size_queue: {2}).'), min_max_size, self._limits_conf.max_messages_post_size, max_msg_post_size) except TypeError: # NOTE(flwang): If there is a type error when using min(), # it only happens in py3.x, it will be skipped and compare # the message length with the size defined in config file. pass if content_length > self._limits_conf.max_messages_post_size: raise ValidationFailed( _(u'Message collection size is too large. Max size {0}'), self._limits_conf.max_messages_post_size) def message_content(self, message): """Restrictions on each message.""" ttl = message['ttl'] if not (MIN_MESSAGE_TTL <= ttl <= self._limits_conf.max_message_ttl): msg = _(u'The TTL for a message may not exceed {0} seconds, and ' 'must be at least {1} seconds long.') raise ValidationFailed( msg, self._limits_conf.max_message_ttl, MIN_MESSAGE_TTL) def message_listing(self, limit=None, **kwargs): """Restrictions involving a list of messages. :param limit: The expected number of messages in the list :param kwargs: Ignored arguments passed to storage API :raises: ValidationFailed if the limit is exceeded """ uplimit = self._limits_conf.max_messages_per_page if limit is not None and not (0 < limit <= uplimit): msg = _(u'Limit must be at least 1 and may not ' 'be greater than {0}.') raise ValidationFailed( msg, self._limits_conf.max_messages_per_page) def message_deletion(self, ids=None, pop=None): """Restrictions involving deletion of messages. :param ids: message ids passed in by the delete request :param pop: count of messages to be POPped :raises: ValidationFailed if, pop AND id params are present together neither pop or id params are present message count to be popped > maximum allowed """ if pop is not None and ids is not None: msg = _(u'pop and id params cannot be present together in the ' 'delete request.') raise ValidationFailed(msg) if pop is None and ids is None: msg = _(u'The request should have either "ids" or "pop" ' 'parameter in the request, to be able to delete.') raise ValidationFailed(msg) pop_uplimit = self._limits_conf.max_messages_per_claim_or_pop if pop is not None and not (0 < pop <= pop_uplimit): msg = _(u'Pop value must be at least 1 and may not ' 'be greater than {0}.') raise ValidationFailed(msg, pop_uplimit) delete_uplimit = self._limits_conf.max_messages_per_page if ids is not None and not (0 < len(ids) <= delete_uplimit): msg = _(u'ids parameter should have at least 1 and not ' 'greater than {0} values.') raise ValidationFailed(msg, delete_uplimit) def claim_creation(self, metadata, limit=None): """Restrictions on the claim parameters upon creation. :param metadata: The claim metadata :param limit: The number of messages to claim :raises: ValidationFailed if either TTL or grace is out of range, or the expected number of messages exceed the limit. """ self.claim_updating(metadata) uplimit = self._limits_conf.max_messages_per_claim_or_pop if limit is not None and not (0 < limit <= uplimit): msg = _(u'Limit must be at least 1 and may not ' 'be greater than {0}.') raise ValidationFailed( msg, self._limits_conf.max_messages_per_claim_or_pop) grace = metadata['grace'] if not (MIN_CLAIM_GRACE <= grace <= self._limits_conf.max_claim_grace): msg = _(u'The grace for a claim may not exceed {0} seconds, and ' 'must be at least {1} seconds long.') raise ValidationFailed( msg, self._limits_conf.max_claim_grace, MIN_CLAIM_GRACE) def claim_updating(self, metadata): """Restrictions on the claim TTL. :param metadata: The claim metadata :raises: ValidationFailed if the TTL is out of range """ ttl = metadata['ttl'] if not (MIN_CLAIM_TTL <= ttl <= self._limits_conf.max_claim_ttl): msg = _(u'The TTL for a claim may not exceed {0} seconds, and ' 'must be at least {1} seconds long.') raise ValidationFailed( msg, self._limits_conf.max_claim_ttl, MIN_CLAIM_TTL) def subscription_posting(self, subscription): """Restrictions on a creation of subscription. :param subscription: dict of subscription :raises: ValidationFailed if the subscription is invalid. """ for p in ('subscriber',): if p not in subscription.keys(): raise ValidationFailed(_(u'Missing parameter %s in body.') % p) self.subscription_patching(subscription) def subscription_patching(self, subscription): """Restrictions on an update of subscription. :param subscription: dict of subscription :raises: ValidationFailed if the subscription is invalid. """ if not subscription: raise ValidationFailed(_(u'No subscription to create.')) subscriber = subscription.get('subscriber', None) subscriber_type = None if subscriber: parsed_uri = six.moves.urllib_parse.urlparse(subscriber) subscriber_type = parsed_uri.scheme if subscriber_type not in self._limits_conf.subscriber_types: msg = _(u'The subscriber type of subscription must be ' u'supported in the list {0}.') raise ValidationFailed(msg, self._limits_conf.subscriber_types) options = subscription.get('options', None) if options and not isinstance(options, dict): msg = _(u'Options must be a dict.') raise ValidationFailed(msg) ttl = subscription.get('ttl', None) if ttl: if not isinstance(ttl, int): msg = _(u'TTL must be an integer.') raise ValidationFailed(msg) if ttl < MIN_SUBSCRIPTION_TTL: msg = _(u'The TTL for a subscription ' 'must be at least {0} seconds long.') raise ValidationFailed(msg, MIN_SUBSCRIPTION_TTL) # NOTE(flwang): By this change, technically, user can set a very # big TTL so as to get a very long subscription. now = timeutils.utcnow_ts() now_dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(now) msg = _(u'The TTL seconds for a subscription plus current time' ' must be less than {0}.') try: # NOTE(flwang): If below expression works, then we believe the # ttl is acceptable otherwise it exceeds the max time of # python. now_dt + datetime.timedelta(seconds=ttl) except OverflowError: raise ValidationFailed(msg, datetime.datetime.max) def subscription_confirming(self, confirmed): confirmed = confirmed.get('confirmed', None) if not isinstance(confirmed, bool): msg = _(u"The 'confirmed' should be boolean.") raise ValidationFailed(msg) def subscription_listing(self, limit=None, **kwargs): """Restrictions involving a list of subscriptions. :param limit: The expected number of subscriptions in the list :param kwargs: Ignored arguments passed to storage API :raises: ValidationFailed if the limit is exceeded """ uplimit = self._limits_conf.max_subscriptions_per_page if limit is not None and not (0 < limit <= uplimit): msg = _(u'Limit must be at least 1 and may not ' 'be greater than {0}.') raise ValidationFailed( msg, self._limits_conf.max_subscriptions_per_page) def get_limit_conf_value(self, limit_conf_name=None): """Return the value of limit configuration. :param limit_conf_name: configuration name """ return self._limits_conf[limit_conf_name]