Since lazy queues feature is used in v1.1 and v2, it should return 200 OK when get a non-existing queue. But it still return 404 when use redis backend. APIImpact Change-Id: I8dfcaf63e7dbd16a97452294dc1971647610066d Closes-bug: #1545622
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# Copyright (c) 2014 Prashanth Raghu.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import functools
import msgpack
from oslo_utils import timeutils
import redis
from zaqar.common import decorators
from zaqar import storage
from zaqar.storage import errors
from zaqar.storage.redis import utils
QUEUES_SET_STORE_NAME = 'queues_set'
class QueueController(storage.Queue):
"""Implements queue resource operations using Redis.
Queues are scoped by project, which is prefixed to the
queue name.
Redis Data Structures:
1. Queue Index (Redis sorted set):
Set of all queues for the given project, ordered by name.
Key: <project_id>.queues_set
| Id | Value |
| name | <project_id>.<queue_name> |
2. Queue Information (Redis hash):
Key: <project_id>.<queue_name>
| Name | Field |
| metadata | m |
| creation timestamp | t |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(QueueController, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._client = self.driver.connection
self._packer = msgpack.Packer(encoding='utf-8',
self._unpacker = functools.partial(msgpack.unpackb, encoding='utf-8')
def _claim_ctrl(self):
return self.driver.claim_controller
def _subscription_ctrl(self):
return self.driver.subscription_controller
def _get_queue_info(self, queue_key, fields, transform=str):
"""Get one or more fields from Queue Info."""
values = self._client.hmget(queue_key, fields)
return [transform(v) for v in values] if transform else values
def _list(self, project=None, marker=None,
limit=storage.DEFAULT_QUEUES_PER_PAGE, detailed=False):
client = self._client
qset_key = utils.scope_queue_name(QUEUES_SET_STORE_NAME, project)
marker = utils.scope_queue_name(marker, project)
rank = client.zrank(qset_key, marker)
start = rank + 1 if rank else 0
cursor = (q for q in client.zrange(qset_key, start,
start + limit - 1))
marker_next = {}
def denormalizer(info, name):
queue = {'name': utils.descope_queue_name(name)}
marker_next['next'] = queue['name']
if detailed:
queue['metadata'] = info[1]
return queue
yield utils.QueueListCursor(self._client, cursor, denormalizer)
yield marker_next and marker_next['next']
def _get(self, name, project=None):
"""Obtain the metadata from the queue."""
return self.get_metadata(name, project)
except errors.QueueDoesNotExist:
return {}
def _create(self, name, metadata=None, project=None):
# TODO(prashanthr_): Implement as a lua script.
queue_key = utils.scope_queue_name(name, project)
qset_key = utils.scope_queue_name(QUEUES_SET_STORE_NAME, project)
# Check if the queue already exists.
if self._exists(name, project):
return False
queue = {
'c': 0,
'cl': 0,
'm': self._packer(metadata or {}),
't': timeutils.utcnow_ts()
# Pipeline ensures atomic inserts.
with self._client.pipeline() as pipe:
pipe.zadd(qset_key, 1, queue_key).hmset(queue_key, queue)
except redis.exceptions.ResponseError:
return False
return True
def _exists(self, name, project=None):
# TODO(prashanthr_): Cache this lookup
queue_key = utils.scope_queue_name(name, project)
qset_key = utils.scope_queue_name(QUEUES_SET_STORE_NAME, project)
return self._client.zrank(qset_key, queue_key) is not None
def set_metadata(self, name, metadata, project=None):
if not self.exists(name, project):
raise errors.QueueDoesNotExist(name, project)
key = utils.scope_queue_name(name, project)
fields = {'m': self._packer(metadata)}
self._client.hmset(key, fields)
def get_metadata(self, name, project=None):
if not self.exists(name, project):
raise errors.QueueDoesNotExist(name, project)
queue_key = utils.scope_queue_name(name, project)
metadata = self._get_queue_info(queue_key, b'm', None)[0]
return self._unpacker(metadata)
def _delete(self, name, project=None):
queue_key = utils.scope_queue_name(name, project)
qset_key = utils.scope_queue_name(QUEUES_SET_STORE_NAME, project)
# NOTE(prashanthr_): Pipelining is used to mitigate race conditions
with self._client.pipeline() as pipe:
pipe.zrem(qset_key, queue_key)
def _stats(self, name, project=None):