Michael Johnson 64993055e7 Fix designate-dashboard lint
Previously the lint test was failing to run because there was no configuration file for it. This patch adds the .eslintrc file and fixes the found lint issues.
This patch also adds tox environments to run the lint and karma tests.

Change-Id: Idcef4c3ce4e9455acceed645c2530355989a7ee2
2022-06-24 21:07:13 +00:00

42 lines
1.1 KiB

# Set up globals
angular: false
extends: openstack
# Most environment options are not explicitly enabled or disabled, only
# included here for completeness' sake. They are commented out, because the
# global updates.py script would otherwise override them during a global
# requirements synchronization.
# Individual projects should choose which platforms they deploy to.
# browser global variables.
browser: true
# Adds all of the Jasmine testing global variables for version 1.3 and 2.0.
jasmine: true
# Enable eslint-plugin-angular
- angular
# Below we adjust rules specific to horizon's usage of openstack's linting
# rules, and its own plugin inclusions.
# Disabled Rules from eslint-config-openstack
valid-jsdoc: 1
brace-style: 1
no-extra-parens: 1
consistent-return: 1
callback-return: 1
guard-for-in: 1
block-scoped-var: 1
semi-spacing: 1
no-redeclare: 1
no-new: 1
no-warning-comments: 0