# Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import random import netaddr from oslo_log import log as logging from tempest import config from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF = config.CONF def rand_ip(): return ".".join(str(random.randrange(0, 256)) for _ in range(4)) def rand_ipv6(): def hexes(n): return "".join(random.choice("1234567890abcdef") for _ in range(n)) result = ":".join(hexes(4) for _ in range(8)) an = netaddr.IPAddress(result, version=6) return an.format(netaddr.ipv6_compact) def rand_zone_name(name='', prefix=None, suffix='.com.'): """Generate a random zone name :param str name: The name that you want to include :param prefix: the exact text to start the string. Defaults to "rand" :param suffix: the exact text to end the string :return: a random zone name e.g. example.org. :rtype: string """ name = data_utils.rand_name(name=name, prefix=prefix) return name + suffix def rand_email(domain=None): """Generate a random zone name :return: a random zone name e.g. example.org. :rtype: string """ domain = domain or rand_zone_name() return 'example@%s' % domain.rstrip('.') def rand_ttl(start=1, end=86400): """Generate a random TTL value :return: a random ttl e.g. 165 :rtype: string """ start = max(start, CONF.dns.min_ttl) return data_utils.rand_int_id(start, end) def rand_zonefile_data(name=None, ttl=None): """Generate random zone data, with optional overrides :return: A ZoneModel """ zone_base = ('$ORIGIN &\n& # IN SOA ns.& nsadmin.& # # # # #\n' '& # IN NS ns.&\n& # IN MX 10 mail.&\nns.& 360 IN A') if name is None: name = rand_zone_name() if ttl is None: ttl = rand_ttl() return zone_base.replace('&', name).replace('#', str(ttl)) def rand_quotas(zones=None, zone_records=None, zone_recordsets=None, recordset_records=None, api_export_size=None): quotas_dict = { 'zones': zones or data_utils.rand_int_id(100, 999999), 'zone_records': zone_records or data_utils.rand_int_id(100, 999999), 'zone_recordsets': zone_recordsets or data_utils.rand_int_id(100, 999999), 'recordset_records': recordset_records or data_utils.rand_int_id(100, 999999), } if CONF.dns_feature_enabled.bug_1573141_fixed: quotas_dict['api_export_size'] = \ api_export_size or data_utils.rand_int_id(100, 999999) else: LOG.warn("Leaving `api_export_size` out of quota data due to: " "https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1573141") return quotas_dict def rand_zone_data(name=None, email=None, ttl=None, description=None): """Generate random zone data, with optional overrides :return: A ZoneModel """ if name is None: name = rand_zone_name(prefix='testdomain', suffix='.com.') if email is None: email = ("admin@" + name).strip('.') if description is None: description = rand_zone_name(prefix='Description ', suffix='') if ttl is None: ttl = rand_ttl() return { 'name': name, 'email': email, 'ttl': ttl, 'description': description} def rand_recordset_data(record_type, zone_name, name=None, records=None, ttl=None): """Generate random recordset data, with optional overrides :return: A RecordsetModel """ if name is None: name = rand_zone_name(prefix=record_type, suffix='.' + zone_name) if records is None: records = [rand_ip()] if ttl is None: ttl = rand_ttl() return { 'type': record_type, 'name': name, 'records': records, 'ttl': ttl} def rand_a_recordset(zone_name, ip=None, **kwargs): if ip is None: ip = rand_ip() return rand_recordset_data('A', zone_name, records=[ip], **kwargs) def rand_aaaa_recordset(zone_name, ip=None, **kwargs): if ip is None: ip = rand_ipv6() return rand_recordset_data('AAAA', zone_name, records=[ip], **kwargs) def rand_cname_recordset(zone_name, cname=None, **kwargs): if cname is None: cname = zone_name return rand_recordset_data('CNAME', zone_name, records=[cname], **kwargs) def rand_mx_recordset(zone_name, pref=None, host=None, **kwargs): if pref is None: pref = str(random.randint(0, 65535)) if host is None: host = rand_zone_name(prefix='mail', suffix='.' + zone_name) data = "{0} {1}".format(pref, host) return rand_recordset_data('MX', zone_name, records=[data], **kwargs) def rand_spf_recordset(zone_name, data=None, **kwargs): data = data or '"v=spf1 +all"' return rand_recordset_data('SPF', zone_name, records=[data], **kwargs) def rand_srv_recordset(zone_name, data=None): data = data or "10 0 8080 %s.%s" % (rand_zone_name(suffix=''), zone_name) return rand_recordset_data('SRV', zone_name, name="_sip._tcp.%s" % zone_name, records=[data]) def rand_sshfp_recordset(zone_name, algorithm_number=None, fingerprint_type=None, fingerprint=None, **kwargs): algorithm_number = algorithm_number or 2 fingerprint_type = fingerprint_type or 1 fingerprint = fingerprint or \ "123456789abcdef67890123456789abcdef67890" data = "%s %s %s" % (algorithm_number, fingerprint_type, fingerprint) return rand_recordset_data('SSHFP', zone_name, records=[data], **kwargs) def rand_txt_recordset(zone_name, data=None, **kwargs): data = data or '"v=spf1 +all"' return rand_recordset_data('TXT', zone_name, records=[data], **kwargs) def wildcard_ns_recordset(zone_name): name = "*.{0}".format(zone_name) records = ["ns.example.com."] return rand_recordset_data('NS', zone_name, name, records) def rand_ns_records(): ns_zone = rand_zone_name() records = [] for i in range(0, 2): records.append("ns%s.%s" % (i, ns_zone)) ns_records = [{"hostname": x, "priority": random.randint(1, 999)} for x in records] return ns_records def rand_tld(): data = { "name": rand_zone_name(prefix='tld', suffix='') } return data def rand_transfer_request_data(description=None, target_project_id=None): """Generate random transfer request data, with optional overrides :return: A TransferRequest data """ data = {} if description is None: data['description'] = data_utils.rand_name(prefix='Description ') if target_project_id: data['target_project_id'] = target_project_id return data def rand_tsig_algorithm(): algorithm = ['hmac-md5', 'hmac-sha1', 'hmac-sha224', 'hmac-sha256', 'hmac-sha384', 'hmac-sha512'] return random.choice(algorithm) def rand_tsig_scope(): scope = ["ZONE", "POOL"] return random.choice(scope) def make_rand_recordset(zone_name, record_type): """Create a rand recordset by type This essentially just dispatches to the relevant random recordset creation functions. :param str zone_name: The zone name the recordset applies to :param str record_type: The type of recordset (ie A, MX, NS, etc...) """ func = globals()["rand_{}_recordset".format(record_type.lower())] return func(zone_name)