diff --git a/contrib/archive/backends/impl_ipa/__init__.py b/contrib/archive/backends/impl_ipa/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c29a1462..000000000
--- a/contrib/archive/backends/impl_ipa/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
-# Author: Rich Megginson <rmeggins@redhat.com>
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import pprint
-import time
-from oslo_config import cfg
-from oslo_log import log as logging
-from oslo_serialization import jsonutils as json
-from oslo_utils import importutils
-import requests
-from designate.backend import base
-from designate import exceptions
-from designate.i18n import _LE
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class IPABaseError(exceptions.Backend):
-    error_code = 500
-    error_type = 'unknown_ipa_error'
-class IPAAuthError(IPABaseError):
-    error_type = 'authentication_error'
-# map of designate domain parameters to the corresponding
-# ipa parameter
-# NOTE: ipa manages serial, and does not honor
-# increment_serial=False - this means the designate serial
-# and the ipa serial will diverge if updates are made
-# using increment_serial=False
-domain2ipa = {'ttl': 'dnsttl', 'email': 'idnssoarname',
-              'serial': 'idnssoaserial', 'expire': 'idnssoaexpire',
-              'minimum': 'idnssoaminimum', 'refresh': 'idnssoarefresh',
-              'retry': 'idnssoaretry'}
-# map of designate record types to ipa
-rectype2iparectype = {'A': ('arecord', '%(data)s'),
-                      'AAAA': ('aaaarecord', '%(data)s'),
-                      'MX': ('mxrecord', '%(data)s'),
-                      'CNAME': ('cnamerecord', '%(data)s'),
-                      'TXT': ('txtrecord', '%(data)s'),
-                      'SRV': ('srvrecord', '%(data)s'),
-                      'NS': ('nsrecord', '%(data)s'),
-                      'PTR': ('ptrrecord', '%(data)s'),
-                      'SPF': ('spfrecord', '%(data)s'),
-                      'SSHFP': ('sshfprecord', '%(data)s'),
-                      'NAPTR': ('naptrrecord', '%(data)s'),
-                      'CAA': ('caarecord', '%(data)s'),
-                      'CERT': ('certrecord', '%(data)s'),
-                      }
-class IPAUnknownError(IPABaseError):
-    pass
-class IPACommunicationFailure(IPABaseError):
-    error_type = 'communication_failure'
-    pass
-class IPAInvalidData(IPABaseError):
-    error_type = 'invalid_data'
-    pass
-class IPADomainNotFound(IPABaseError):
-    error_type = 'domain_not_found'
-    pass
-class IPARecordNotFound(IPABaseError):
-    error_type = 'record_not_found'
-    pass
-class IPADuplicateDomain(IPABaseError):
-    error_type = 'duplicate_domain'
-    pass
-class IPADuplicateRecord(IPABaseError):
-    error_type = 'duplicate_record'
-    pass
-ipaerror2exception = {
-        'dnszone': IPAInvalidData,
-        'dnsrecord': IPAInvalidData
-    },
-        'dnszone': IPADomainNotFound,
-        'dnsrecord': IPARecordNotFound
-    },
-        'dnszone': IPADuplicateDomain,
-        'dnsrecord': IPADuplicateRecord
-    },
-    # NOTE: Designate will send updates with all fields
-    # even if they have not changed value.  If none of
-    # the given values has changed, IPA will return
-    # this error code - this can be ignored
-        'dnszone': None,
-        'dnsrecord': None
-    }
-def abs2rel_name(domain, rsetname):
-    """convert rsetname from absolute form foo.bar.tld. to the name
-    relative to the domain.  For IPA, if domain is rsetname, then use
-    "@" as the relative name.  If rsetname does not end with a subset
-    of the domain, the just return the raw rsetname
-    """
-    if rsetname.endswith(domain):
-        idx = rsetname.rfind(domain)
-        if idx == 0:
-            rsetname = "@"
-        elif idx > 0:
-            rsetname = rsetname[:idx].rstrip(".")
-    return rsetname
-class IPABackend(base.Backend):
-    __plugin_name__ = 'ipa'
-    @classmethod
-    def get_cfg_opts(cls):
-        group = cfg.OptGroup(
-            name='backend:ipa', title="Configuration for IPA Backend"
-        )
-        opts = [
-            cfg.StrOpt('ipa-host', default='localhost.localdomain',
-                       help='IPA RPC listener host - must be FQDN'),
-            cfg.IntOpt('ipa-port', default=IPA_DEFAULT_PORT,
-                       help='IPA RPC listener port'),
-            cfg.StrOpt('ipa-client-keytab',
-                       help='Kerberos client keytab file'),
-            cfg.StrOpt('ipa-auth-driver-class',
-                       default='designate.backend.impl_ipa.auth.IPAAuth',
-                       help='Class that implements the authentication '
-                       'driver for IPA'),
-            cfg.StrOpt('ipa-ca-cert',
-                       help='CA certificate for use with https to IPA'),
-            cfg.StrOpt('ipa-base-url', default='/ipa',
-                       help='Base URL for IPA RPC, relative to host[:port]'),
-            cfg.StrOpt('ipa-json-url',
-                       default='/json',
-                       help='URL for IPA JSON RPC, relative to IPA base URL'),
-            cfg.IntOpt('ipa-connect-retries', default=1,
-                       help='How many times Designate will attempt to retry '
-                       'the connection to IPA before giving up'),
-            cfg.BoolOpt('ipa-force-ns-use', default=False,
-                        help='IPA requires that a specified '
-                        'name server or SOA MNAME is resolvable - if this '
-                        'option is set, Designate will force IPA to use a '
-                        'given name server even if it is not resolvable'),
-            cfg.StrOpt('ipa-version', default='2.65',
-                       help='IPA RPC JSON version')
-        ]
-        return [(group, opts)]
-    def start(self):
-        LOG.debug('IPABackend start')
-        self.request = requests.Session()
-        authclassname = cfg.CONF[self.name].ipa_auth_driver_class
-        authclass = importutils.import_class(authclassname)
-        self.request.auth = (
-            authclass(cfg.CONF[self.name].ipa_client_keytab,
-                      cfg.CONF[self.name].ipa_host))
-        ipa_base_url = cfg.CONF[self.name].ipa_base_url
-        if ipa_base_url.startswith("http"):  # full URL
-            self.baseurl = ipa_base_url
-        else:  # assume relative to https://host[:port]
-            self.baseurl = "https://" + cfg.CONF[self.name].ipa_host
-            ipa_port = cfg.CONF[self.name].ipa_port
-            if ipa_port != IPA_DEFAULT_PORT:
-                self.baseurl += ":" + str(ipa_port)
-            self.baseurl += ipa_base_url
-        ipa_json_url = cfg.CONF[self.name].ipa_json_url
-        if ipa_json_url.startswith("http"):  # full URL
-            self.jsonurl = ipa_json_url
-        else:  # assume relative to https://host[:port]
-            self.jsonurl = self.baseurl + ipa_json_url
-        xtra_hdrs = {'Content-Type': 'application/json',
-                     'Referer': self.baseurl}
-        self.request.headers.update(xtra_hdrs)
-        self.request.verify = cfg.CONF[self.name].ipa_ca_cert
-        self.ntries = cfg.CONF[self.name].ipa_connect_retries
-        self.force = cfg.CONF[self.name].ipa_force_ns_use
-    def create_zone(self, context, zone):
-        LOG.debug('Create Zone %r' % zone)
-        ipareq = {'method': 'dnszone_add', 'id': 0}
-        params = [zone['name']]
-        servers = self.central_service.get_zone_ns_records(self.admin_context)
-        # just use the first one for zone creation - add the others
-        # later, below - use force because designate assumes the NS
-        # already exists somewhere, is resolvable, and already has
-        # an A/AAAA record
-        args = {'idnssoamname': servers[0]['name']}
-        if self.force:
-            args['force'] = True
-        for dkey, ipakey in list(domain2ipa.items()):
-            if dkey in zone:
-                args[ipakey] = zone[dkey]
-        ipareq['params'] = [params, args]
-        self._call_and_handle_error(ipareq)
-        # add NS records for all of the other servers
-        if len(servers) > 1:
-            ipareq = {'method': 'dnsrecord_add', 'id': 0}
-            params = [zone['name'], "@"]
-            args = {'nsrecord': servers[1:]}
-            if self.force:
-                args['force'] = True
-            ipareq['params'] = [params, args]
-            self._call_and_handle_error(ipareq)
-    def update_zone(self, context, zone):
-        LOG.debug('Update Zone %r' % zone)
-        ipareq = {'method': 'dnszone_mod', 'id': 0}
-        params = [zone['name']]
-        args = {}
-        for dkey, ipakey in list(domain2ipa.items()):
-            if dkey in zone:
-                args[ipakey] = zone[dkey]
-        ipareq['params'] = [params, args]
-        self._call_and_handle_error(ipareq)
-    def delete_zone(self, context, zone):
-        LOG.debug('Delete Zone %r' % zone)
-        ipareq = {'method': 'dnszone_del', 'id': 0}
-        params = [zone['name']]
-        args = {}
-        ipareq['params'] = [params, args]
-        self._call_and_handle_error(ipareq)
-    def create_recordset(self, context, domain, recordset):
-        LOG.debug('Discarding create_recordset call, not-applicable')
-    def update_recordset(self, context, domain, recordset):
-        LOG.debug('Update RecordSet %r / %r' % (domain, recordset))
-        # designate allows to update a recordset if there are no
-        # records in it - we should ignore this case
-        if not self._recset_has_records(context, recordset):
-            LOG.debug('No records in %r / %r - skipping' % (domain, recordset))
-            return
-        # The only thing IPA allows is to change the ttl, since that is
-        # stored "per recordset"
-        if 'ttl' not in recordset:
-            return
-        ipareq = {'method': 'dnsrecord_mod', 'id': 0}
-        dname = domain['name']
-        rsetname = abs2rel_name(dname, recordset['name'])
-        params = [domain['name'], rsetname]
-        args = {'dnsttl': recordset['ttl']}
-        ipareq['params'] = [params, args]
-        self._call_and_handle_error(ipareq)
-    def delete_recordset(self, context, domain, recordset):
-        LOG.debug('Delete RecordSet %r / %r' % (domain, recordset))
-        # designate allows to delete a recordset if there are no
-        # records in it - we should ignore this case
-        if not self._recset_has_records(context, recordset):
-            LOG.debug('No records in %r / %r - skipping' % (domain, recordset))
-            return
-        ipareq = {'method': 'dnsrecord_mod', 'id': 0}
-        dname = domain['name']
-        rsetname = abs2rel_name(dname, recordset['name'])
-        params = [domain['name'], rsetname]
-        rsettype = rectype2iparectype[recordset['type']][0]
-        args = {rsettype: None}
-        ipareq['params'] = [params, args]
-        self._call_and_handle_error(ipareq)
-    def create_record(self, context, domain, recordset, record):
-        LOG.debug('Create Record %r / %r / %r' % (domain, recordset, record))
-        ipareq = {'method': 'dnsrecord_add', 'id': 0}
-        params, args = self._rec_to_ipa_rec(domain, recordset, [record])
-        ipareq['params'] = [params, args]
-        self._call_and_handle_error(ipareq)
-    def update_record(self, context, domain, recordset, record):
-        LOG.debug('Update Record %r / %r / %r' % (domain, recordset, record))
-        # for modify operations - IPA does not support a way to change
-        # a particular field in a given record - e.g. for an MX record
-        # with several values, IPA stores them like this:
-        # name: "server1.local."
-        # data: ["10 mx1.server1.local.", "20 mx2.server1.local."]
-        # we could do a search of IPA, compare the values in the
-        # returned array - but that adds an additional round trip
-        # and is error prone
-        # instead, we just get all of the current values and send
-        # them in one big modify
-        criteria = {'recordset_id': record['recordset_id']}
-        reclist = self.central_service.find_records(self.admin_context,
-                                                    criteria)
-        ipareq = {'method': 'dnsrecord_mod', 'id': 0}
-        params, args = self._rec_to_ipa_rec(domain, recordset, reclist)
-        ipareq['params'] = [params, args]
-        self._call_and_handle_error(ipareq)
-    def delete_record(self, context, domain, recordset, record):
-        LOG.debug('Delete Record %r / %r / %r' % (domain, recordset, record))
-        ipareq = {'method': 'dnsrecord_del', 'id': 0}
-        params, args = self._rec_to_ipa_rec(domain, recordset, [record])
-        args['del_all'] = 0
-        ipareq['params'] = [params, args]
-        self._call_and_handle_error(ipareq)
-    def ping(self, context):
-        LOG.debug('Ping')
-        # NOTE: This call will cause ipa to issue an error, but
-        # 1) it should not throw an exception
-        # 2) the response will indicate ipa is running
-        # 3) the bandwidth usage is minimal
-        ipareq = {'method': 'dnszone_show', 'id': 0}
-        params = ['@']
-        args = {}
-        ipareq['params'] = [params, args]
-        retval = {'result': True}
-        try:
-            self._call_and_handle_error(ipareq)
-        except Exception as e:
-            retval = {'result': False, 'reason': str(e)}
-        return retval
-    def _rec_to_ipa_rec(self, domain, recordset, reclist):
-        dname = domain['name']
-        rsetname = abs2rel_name(dname, recordset['name'])
-        params = [dname, rsetname]
-        rectype = recordset['type']
-        vals = []
-        for record in reclist:
-            vals.append(rectype2iparectype[rectype][1] % record)
-        args = {rectype2iparectype[rectype][0]: vals}
-        ttl = recordset.get('ttl') or domain.get('ttl')
-        if ttl is not None:
-            args['dnsttl'] = ttl
-        return params, args
-    def _ipa_error_to_exception(self, resp, ipareq):
-        exc = None
-        if resp['error'] is None:
-            return exc
-        errcode = resp['error']['code']
-        method = ipareq['method']
-        methtype = method.split('_')[0]
-        exclass = ipaerror2exception.get(errcode, {}).get(methtype,
-                                                          IPAUnknownError)
-        if exclass:
-            LOG.debug("Error: ipa command [%s] returned error [%s]" %
-                      (pprint.pformat(ipareq), pprint.pformat(resp)))
-        elif errcode:  # not mapped
-            LOG.debug("Ignoring IPA error code %d: %s" %
-                      (errcode, pprint.pformat(resp)))
-        return exclass
-    def _call_and_handle_error(self, ipareq):
-        if 'version' not in ipareq['params'][1]:
-            ipareq['params'][1]['version'] = cfg.CONF[self.name].ipa_version
-        need_reauth = False
-        while True:
-            status_code = 200
-            try:
-                if need_reauth:
-                    self.request.auth.refresh_auth()
-                rawresp = self.request.post(self.jsonurl,
-                                            data=json.dumps(ipareq))
-                status_code = rawresp.status_code
-            except IPAAuthError:
-                status_code = 401
-            if status_code == 401:
-                if self.ntries == 0:
-                    # persistent inability to auth
-                    LOG.error(_LE("Error: could not authenticate to IPA - "
-                              "please check for correct keytab file"))
-                    # reset for next time
-                    self.ntries = cfg.CONF[self.name].ipa_connect_retries
-                    raise IPACommunicationFailure()
-                else:
-                    LOG.debug("Refresh authentication")
-                    need_reauth = True
-                    self.ntries -= 1
-                    time.sleep(1)
-            else:
-                # successful - reset
-                self.ntries = cfg.CONF[self.name].ipa_connect_retries
-                break
-        try:
-            resp = json.loads(rawresp.text)
-        except ValueError:
-            # response was not json - some sort of error response
-            LOG.debug("Error: unknown error from IPA [%s]" % rawresp.text)
-            raise IPAUnknownError("unable to process response from IPA")
-        # raise the appropriate exception, if error
-        exclass = self._ipa_error_to_exception(resp, ipareq)
-        if exclass:
-            # could add additional info/message to exception here
-            raise exclass()
-        return resp
-    def _recset_has_records(self, context, recordset):
-        """Return True if the recordset has records, False otherwise"""
-        criteria = {'recordset_id': recordset['id']}
-        num = self.central_service.count_records(self.admin_context,
-                                                 criteria)
-        return num > 0
diff --git a/contrib/archive/backends/impl_ipa/auth.py b/contrib/archive/backends/impl_ipa/auth.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 45ba6314d..000000000
--- a/contrib/archive/backends/impl_ipa/auth.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
-# Author: Rich Megginson <rmeggins@redhat.com>
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import logging
-import os
-import kerberos
-from requests import auth
-from designate.backend.impl_ipa import IPAAuthError
-from designate.i18n import _LE
-from designate.i18n import _LW
-from designate.utils import generate_uuid
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class IPAAuth(auth.AuthBase):
-    def __init__(self, keytab, hostname):
-        # store the kerberos credentials in memory rather than on disk
-        os.environ['KRB5CCNAME'] = "MEMORY:" + generate_uuid()
-        self.token = None
-        self.keytab = keytab
-        self.hostname = hostname
-        if self.keytab:
-            os.environ['KRB5_CLIENT_KTNAME'] = self.keytab
-        else:
-            LOG.warning(_LW('No IPA client kerberos keytab file given'))
-    def __call__(self, request):
-        if not self.token:
-            self.refresh_auth()
-        request.headers['Authorization'] = 'negotiate ' + self.token
-        return request
-    def refresh_auth(self):
-        service = "HTTP@" + self.hostname
-        flags = kerberos.GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG | kerberos.GSS_C_SEQUENCE_FLAG
-        try:
-            (_, vc) = kerberos.authGSSClientInit(service, flags)
-        except kerberos.GSSError as e:
-            LOG.error(_LE("caught kerberos exception %r") % e)
-            raise IPAAuthError(str(e))
-        try:
-            kerberos.authGSSClientStep(vc, "")
-        except kerberos.GSSError as e:
-            LOG.error(_LE("caught kerberos exception %r") % e)
-            raise IPAAuthError(str(e))
-        self.token = kerberos.authGSSClientResponse(vc)
diff --git a/contrib/archive/backends/impl_multi.py b/contrib/archive/backends/impl_multi.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d977d1480..000000000
--- a/contrib/archive/backends/impl_multi.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2013 eNovance SAS <licensing@enovance.com>
-# Author: Artom Lifshitz <artom.lifshitz@enovance.com>
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import logging
-from oslo_config import cfg
-from oslo_utils import excutils
-from designate import backend
-from designate.backend import base
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-CFG_GROUP = 'backend:multi'
-class MultiBackend(base.Backend):
-    """
-    Multi-backend backend
-    This backend dispatches calls to a master backend and a slave backend.
-    It enforces master/slave ordering semantics as follows:
-    Creates for tsigkeys, servers and domains are done on the master first,
-    then on the slave.
-    Updates for tsigkeys, servers and domains and all operations on records
-    are done on the master only. It's assumed masters and slaves use an
-    external mechanism to sync existing domains, most likely XFR.
-    Deletes are done on the slave first, then on the master.
-    If the create on the slave fails, the domain/tsigkey/server is deleted from
-    the master. If delete on the master fails, the domain/tdigkey/server is
-    recreated on the slave.
-    """
-    __plugin_name__ = 'multi'
-    @classmethod
-    def get_cfg_opts(cls):
-        group = cfg.OptGroup(
-            name=CFG_GROUP, title="Configuration for multi-backend Backend"
-        )
-        opts = [
-            cfg.StrOpt('master', default='fake', help='Master backend'),
-            cfg.StrOpt('slave', default='fake', help='Slave backend'),
-        ]
-        return [(group, opts)]
-    def __init__(self, central_service):
-        super(MultiBackend, self).__init__(central_service)
-        self.central = central_service
-        self.master = backend.get_backend(cfg.CONF[CFG_GROUP].master,
-                                          central_service)
-        self.slave = backend.get_backend(cfg.CONF[CFG_GROUP].slave,
-                                         central_service)
-    def start(self):
-        self.master.start()
-        self.slave.start()
-    def stop(self):
-        self.slave.stop()
-        self.master.stop()
-    def create_tsigkey(self, context, tsigkey):
-        self.master.create_tsigkey(context, tsigkey)
-        try:
-            self.slave.create_tsigkey(context, tsigkey)
-        except Exception:
-            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
-                self.master.delete_tsigkey(context, tsigkey)
-    def update_tsigkey(self, context, tsigkey):
-        self.master.update_tsigkey(context, tsigkey)
-    def delete_tsigkey(self, context, tsigkey):
-        self.slave.delete_tsigkey(context, tsigkey)
-        try:
-            self.master.delete_tsigkey(context, tsigkey)
-        except Exception:
-            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
-                self.slave.create_tsigkey(context, tsigkey)
-    def create_zone(self, context, zone):
-        self.master.create_zone(context, zone)
-        try:
-            self.slave.create_zone(context, zone)
-        except Exception:
-            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
-                self.master.delete_zone(context, zone)
-    def update_zone(self, context, zone):
-        self.master.update_zone(context, zone)
-    def delete_zone(self, context, zone):
-        # Fetch the full zone from Central first, as we may
-        # have to recreate it on slave if delete on master fails
-        deleted_context = context.deepcopy()
-        deleted_context.show_deleted = True
-        full_domain = self.central.find_zone(
-            deleted_context, {'id': zone['id']})
-        self.slave.delete_zone(context, zone)
-        try:
-            self.master.delete_zone(context, zone)
-        except Exception:
-            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
-                self.slave.create_zone(context, zone)
-                [self.slave.create_record(context, zone, record)
-                 for record in self.central.find_records(
-                     context, {'domain_id': full_domain['id']})]
-    def create_recordset(self, context, zone, recordset):
-        self.master.create_recordset(context, zone, recordset)
-    def update_recordset(self, context, zone, recordset):
-        self.master.update_recordset(context, zone, recordset)
-    def delete_recordset(self, context, zone, recordset):
-        self.master.delete_recordset(context, zone, recordset)
-    def create_record(self, context, zone, recordset, record):
-        self.master.create_record(context, zone, recordset, record)
-    def update_record(self, context, zone, recordset, record):
-        self.master.update_record(context, zone, recordset, record)
-    def delete_record(self, context, zone, recordset, record):
-        self.master.delete_record(context, zone, recordset, record)
-    def ping(self, context):
-        return {
-            'master': self.master.ping(context),
-            'slave': self.slave.ping(context)
-        }
diff --git a/contrib/consume.py b/contrib/consume.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c3f141d2c..000000000
--- a/contrib/consume.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 Rackspace, Inc.
-# Author: Tim Simmons <tim.simmons@rackspace.com>
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-This dumb script allows you to see what's being dumped onto
-the notifications.info queue
-nabbed from:
-import pika
-def on_message(channel, method_frame, header_frame, body):
-    print(method_frame.delivery_tag)
-    print(body)
-    channel.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method_frame.delivery_tag)
-connection = pika.BlockingConnection()
-channel = connection.channel()
-channel.basic_consume(on_message, 'notifications.info')
-    channel.start_consuming()
-except KeyboardInterrupt:
-    channel.stop_consuming()
diff --git a/ipa-requirements.txt b/ipa-requirements.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f6e655c2c..000000000
--- a/ipa-requirements.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@