# Copyright 2014 Rackspace Inc. # # Author: Tim Simmons # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os import dns import dns.resolver import six from oslo_concurrency import lockutils from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from designate.backend.agent_backend import base from designate import exceptions from designate import utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CFG_GROUP = 'backend:agent:bind9' """GROUP = backend:agent:bind9""" bind9_group = cfg.OptGroup( name='backend:agent:bind9', title="Configuration for bind9 backend" ) bind9_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('rndc-host', default='', help='RNDC Host'), cfg.IntOpt('rndc-port', default=953, help='RNDC Port'), cfg.StrOpt('rndc-config-file', help='RNDC Config File'), cfg.StrOpt('rndc-key-file', help='RNDC Key File'), cfg.StrOpt('zone-file-path', default='$state_path/zones', help='Path where zone files are stored'), cfg.StrOpt('query-destination', default='', help='Host to query when finding zones') ] cfg.CONF.register_group(bind9_group) cfg.CONF.register_opts(bind9_opts, group=bind9_group) class Bind9Backend(base.AgentBackend): __plugin_name__ = 'bind9' __backend_status__ = 'untested' @classmethod def get_cfg_opts(cls): return [(bind9_group, bind9_opts)] def start(self): LOG.info("Started bind9 backend") def find_zone_serial(self, zone_name): LOG.debug("Finding %s", zone_name) resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver() resolver.nameservers = [cfg.CONF[CFG_GROUP].query_destination] try: rdata = resolver.query(zone_name, 'SOA')[0] except Exception: return None return rdata.serial def create_zone(self, zone): LOG.debug("Creating %s", zone.origin.to_text()) self._sync_zone(zone, new_zone_flag=True) def update_zone(self, zone): LOG.debug("Updating %s", zone.origin.to_text()) self._sync_zone(zone) def delete_zone(self, zone_name): LOG.debug('Delete Zone: %s' % zone_name) rndc_op = 'delzone' # RNDC doesn't like the trailing dot on the zone name rndc_call = self._rndc_base() + [rndc_op, zone_name.rstrip('.')] utils.execute(*rndc_call) def _rndc_base(self): rndc_call = [ 'rndc', '-s', cfg.CONF[CFG_GROUP].rndc_host, '-p', str(cfg.CONF[CFG_GROUP].rndc_port), ] if cfg.CONF[CFG_GROUP].rndc_config_file: rndc_call.extend(['-c', cfg.CONF[CFG_GROUP].rndc_config_file]) if cfg.CONF[CFG_GROUP].rndc_key_file: rndc_call.extend(['-k', cfg.CONF[CFG_GROUP].rndc_key_file]) return rndc_call def _sync_zone(self, zone, new_zone_flag=False): """Sync a single zone's zone file and reload bind config""" # NOTE: Different versions of BIND9 behave differently with a trailing # dot, so we're just going to take it off. zone_name = zone.origin.to_text(omit_final_dot=True) if six.PY3 and isinstance(zone_name, bytes): zone_name = zone_name.decode('utf-8') # NOTE: Only one thread should be working with the Zonefile at a given # time. The sleep(1) below introduces a not insignificant risk # of more than 1 thread working with a zonefile at a given time. with lockutils.lock('bind9-%s' % zone_name): LOG.debug('Synchronising Zone: %s' % zone_name) zone_path = cfg.CONF[CFG_GROUP].zone_file_path output_path = os.path.join(zone_path, '%s.zone' % zone_name) zone.to_file(output_path, relativize=False) rndc_call = self._rndc_base() if new_zone_flag: rndc_op = [ 'addzone', '%s { type master; file "%s"; };' % (zone_name, output_path), ] rndc_call.extend(rndc_op) else: rndc_op = 'reload' rndc_call.extend([rndc_op]) rndc_call.extend([zone_name]) LOG.debug('Calling RNDC with: %s' % " ".join(rndc_call)) self._execute_rndc(rndc_call) def _execute_rndc(self, rndc_call): try: LOG.debug('Executing RNDC call: %s' % " ".join(rndc_call)) utils.execute(*rndc_call) except utils.processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.debug('RNDC call failure: %s' % e) raise exceptions.Backend(e)