# Copyright 2012 Managed I.T. # # Author: Kiall Mac Innes # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from debtcollector import removals import flask import webob.dec from oslo_config import cfg import oslo_messaging as messaging from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_middleware import base from oslo_middleware import request_id from oslo_serialization import jsonutils as json from oslo_utils import strutils from designate import exceptions from designate import notifications from designate import context from designate import objects from designate.objects.adapters import DesignateAdapter from designate.i18n import _LI from designate.i18n import _LW from designate.i18n import _LE from designate.i18n import _LC LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) cfg.CONF.register_opts([ cfg.BoolOpt('maintenance-mode', default=False, help='Enable API Maintenance Mode'), cfg.StrOpt('maintenance-mode-role', default='admin', help='Role allowed to bypass maintaince mode'), cfg.StrOpt('secure-proxy-ssl-header', default='X-Forwarded-Proto', help="The HTTP Header that will be used to determine which " "the original request protocol scheme was, even if it was " "removed by an SSL terminating proxy."), cfg.StrOpt('override-proto', help="A scheme that will be used to override " "the request protocol scheme, even if it was " "set by an SSL terminating proxy.") ], group='service:api') def auth_pipeline_factory(loader, global_conf, **local_conf): """ A paste pipeline replica that keys off of auth_strategy. Code nabbed from cinder. """ pipeline = local_conf[cfg.CONF['service:api'].auth_strategy] pipeline = pipeline.split() LOG.info(_LI('Getting auth pipeline: %s'), pipeline[:-1]) filters = [loader.get_filter(n) for n in pipeline[:-1]] app = loader.get_app(pipeline[-1]) filters.reverse() for filter in filters: app = filter(app) return app class ContextMiddleware(base.Middleware): def _extract_sudo(self, ctxt, request): if request.headers.get('X-Auth-Sudo-Tenant-ID') or \ request.headers.get('X-Auth-Sudo-Project-ID'): ctxt.sudo( request.headers.get('X-Auth-Sudo-Tenant-ID') or request.headers.get('X-Auth-Sudo-Project-ID') ) def _extract_all_projects(self, ctxt, request): ctxt.all_tenants = False if request.headers.get('X-Auth-All-Projects'): value = request.headers.get('X-Auth-All-Projects') ctxt.all_tenants = strutils.bool_from_string(value) for i in ('all_projects', 'all_tenants', ): if i in request.GET: value = request.GET.pop(i) ctxt.all_tenants = strutils.bool_from_string(value) def _extract_edit_managed_records(self, ctxt, request): ctxt.edit_managed_records = False if 'edit_managed_records' in request.GET: value = request.GET.pop('edit_managed_records') ctxt.edit_managed_records = strutils.bool_from_string(value) elif request.headers.get('X-Designate-Edit-Managed-Records'): ctxt.edit_managed_records = \ strutils.bool_from_string( request.headers.get('X-Designate-Edit-Managed-Records')) def make_context(self, request, *args, **kwargs): req_id = request.environ.get(request_id.ENV_REQUEST_ID) kwargs.setdefault('request_id', req_id) ctxt = context.DesignateContext(*args, **kwargs) try: self._extract_sudo(ctxt, request) self._extract_all_projects(ctxt, request) self._extract_edit_managed_records(ctxt, request) finally: request.environ['context'] = ctxt return ctxt class KeystoneContextMiddleware(ContextMiddleware): def __init__(self, application): super(KeystoneContextMiddleware, self).__init__(application) LOG.info(_LI('Starting designate keystonecontext middleware')) def process_request(self, request): headers = request.headers try: if headers['X-Identity-Status'] is 'Invalid': # TODO(graham) fix the return to use non-flask resources return flask.Response(status=401) except KeyError: # If the key is valid, Keystone does not include this header at all pass tenant_id = headers.get('X-Tenant-ID') if tenant_id is None: return flask.Response(status=401) if headers.get('X-Service-Catalog'): catalog = json.loads(headers.get('X-Service-Catalog')) else: catalog = None roles = headers.get('X-Roles').split(',') try: self.make_context( request, auth_token=headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), user=headers.get('X-User-ID'), tenant=tenant_id, roles=roles, service_catalog=catalog) except exceptions.Forbidden: return flask.Response(status=403) class NoAuthContextMiddleware(ContextMiddleware): def __init__(self, application): super(NoAuthContextMiddleware, self).__init__(application) LOG.info(_LI('Starting designate noauthcontext middleware')) def process_request(self, request): headers = request.headers self.make_context( request, auth_token=headers.get('X-Auth-Token', None), user=headers.get('X-Auth-User-ID', 'noauth-user'), tenant=headers.get('X-Auth-Project-ID', 'noauth-project'), roles=headers.get('X-Roles', 'admin').split(',') ) class TestContextMiddleware(ContextMiddleware): def __init__(self, application, tenant_id=None, user_id=None): super(TestContextMiddleware, self).__init__(application) LOG.critical(_LC('Starting designate testcontext middleware')) LOG.critical(_LC('**** DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION ****')) self.default_tenant_id = tenant_id self.default_user_id = user_id def process_request(self, request): headers = request.headers all_tenants = strutils.bool_from_string( headers.get('X-Test-All-Tenants', 'False')) self.make_context( request, user=headers.get('X-Test-User-ID', self.default_user_id), tenant=headers.get('X-Test-Tenant-ID', self.default_tenant_id), all_tenants=all_tenants) class MaintenanceMiddleware(base.Middleware): def __init__(self, application): super(MaintenanceMiddleware, self).__init__(application) LOG.info(_LI('Starting designate maintenance middleware')) self.enabled = cfg.CONF['service:api'].maintenance_mode self.role = cfg.CONF['service:api'].maintenance_mode_role def process_request(self, request): # If maintaince mode is not enabled, pass the request on as soon as # possible if not self.enabled: return None # If the caller has the bypass role, let them through if ('context' in request.environ and self.role in request.environ['context'].roles): LOG.warning(_LW('Request authorized to bypass maintenance mode')) return None # Otherwise, reject the request with a 503 Service Unavailable return flask.Response(status=503, headers={'Retry-After': 60}) class NormalizeURIMiddleware(base.Middleware): @webob.dec.wsgify def __call__(self, request): # Remove any trailing /'s. request.environ['PATH_INFO'] = request.environ['PATH_INFO'].rstrip('/') return request.get_response(self.application) class FaultWrapperMiddleware(base.Middleware): def __init__(self, application): super(FaultWrapperMiddleware, self).__init__(application) LOG.info(_LI('Starting designate faultwrapper middleware')) @webob.dec.wsgify def __call__(self, request): try: return request.get_response(self.application) except exceptions.Base as e: # Handle Designate Exceptions status = e.error_code if hasattr(e, 'error_code') else 500 # Start building up a response response = { 'code': status } if e.error_type: response['type'] = e.error_type if e.error_message: response['message'] = e.error_message if e.errors: response['errors'] = e.errors return self._handle_exception(request, e, status, response) except messaging.MessagingTimeout as e: # Special case for RPC timeout's response = { 'code': 504, 'type': 'timeout', } return self._handle_exception(request, e, 504, response) except Exception as e: # Handle all other exception types return self._handle_exception(request, e) def _handle_exception(self, request, e, status=500, response=None): response = response or {} # Log the exception ASAP unless it is a 404 Not Found if not getattr(e, 'expected', False): LOG.exception(e) headers = [ ('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ] url = getattr(request, 'url', None) # Set a response code and type, if they are missing. if 'code' not in response: response['code'] = status if 'type' not in response: response['type'] = 'unknown' # Return the new response if 'context' in request.environ: response['request_id'] = request.environ['context'].request_id notifications.send_api_fault(request.environ['context'], url, response['code'], e) else: # TODO(ekarlso): Remove after verifying that there's actually a # context always set LOG.error(_LE('Missing context in request, please check.')) return flask.Response(status=status, headers=headers, response=json.dumps(response)) class ValidationErrorMiddleware(base.Middleware): def __init__(self, application): super(ValidationErrorMiddleware, self).__init__(application) LOG.info(_LI('Starting designate validation middleware')) @webob.dec.wsgify def __call__(self, request): try: return request.get_response(self.application) except exceptions.InvalidObject as e: # Allow current views validation to pass through to FaultWapper if not isinstance(e.errors, objects.ValidationErrorList): raise return self._handle_errors(request, e) def _handle_errors(self, request, exception): response = {} headers = [ ('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ] rendered_errors = DesignateAdapter.render( self.api_version, exception.errors, failed_object=exception.object) url = getattr(request, 'url', None) response['code'] = exception.error_code response['type'] = exception.error_type or 'unknown' response['errors'] = rendered_errors # Return the new response if 'context' in request.environ: response['request_id'] = request.environ['context'].request_id notifications.send_api_fault(request.environ['context'], url, response['code'], exception) else: # TODO(ekarlso): Remove after verifying that there's actually a # context always set LOG.error(_LE('Missing context in request, please check.')) return flask.Response(status=exception.error_code, headers=headers, response=json.dumps(response)) class APIv1ValidationErrorMiddleware(ValidationErrorMiddleware): def __init__(self, application): super(APIv1ValidationErrorMiddleware, self).__init__(application) self.api_version = 'API_v1' class APIv2ValidationErrorMiddleware(ValidationErrorMiddleware): def __init__(self, application): super(APIv2ValidationErrorMiddleware, self).__init__(application) self.api_version = 'API_v2' class SSLMiddleware(base.Middleware): """A middleware that replaces the request wsgi.url_scheme environment variable with the value of HTTP header configured in secure_proxy_ssl_header if exists in the incoming request. This is useful if the server is behind a SSL termination proxy. Code nabbed from Heat. """ # Replaced by oslo.middleware's http_proxy_to_wsgi middleware @removals.remove def __init__(self, application): super(SSLMiddleware, self).__init__(application) LOG.info(_LI('Starting designate ssl middleware')) self.secure_proxy_ssl_header = 'HTTP_{0}'.format( cfg.CONF['service:api'].secure_proxy_ssl_header.upper(). replace('-', '_')) self.override = cfg.CONF['service:api'].override_proto def process_request(self, request): request.environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = request.environ.get( self.secure_proxy_ssl_header, request.environ['wsgi.url_scheme']) if self.override: request.environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = self.override