================== Designate Policies ================== .. warning:: JSON formatted policy file is deprecated since Designate 12.0.0 (Wallaby). This `oslopolicy-convert-json-to-yaml`__ tool will migrate your existing JSON-formatted policy file to YAML in a backward-compatible way. .. __: https://docs.openstack.org/oslo.policy/latest/cli/oslopolicy-convert-json-to-yaml.html .. _oslo policy: https://docs.openstack.org/oslo.policy/latest/ .. _Keystone Default Roles: https://docs.openstack.org/keystone/latest/admin/service-api-protection.html .. _Keystone Scoped Tokens: https://docs.openstack.org/keystone/latest/admin/tokens-overview.html#authorization-scopes Designate, like most OpenStack services, supports Role Based Access Control (RBAC) using `oslo policy`_ to define default RBAC policies in the Designate code. These default policies can be overridden by operators using a yaml policy file. For a sample policy file, refer to :doc:`samples/policy-yaml`. Currently Designate defaults to the OpenStack legacy "admin or owner" scheme, but Designate also supports a newer RBAC model using `Keystone Default Roles`_ and `Keystone Scoped Tokens`_ via configuration settings. Enabling Keystone Default Roles and Scoped Tokens ------------------------------------------------- Starting with the Xena release of Designate, Keystone token scopes and default roles can be enforced. By default, in the Xena release, `oslo policy`_ will not be enforcing these new roles and scopes. However, at some point in the future they may become the default. You may want to enable them now to be ready for the later transition. This section will describe those settings. The Oslo Policy project defines two configuration settings, among others, that can be set in the Designate configuration file to influence how policies are handled by Designate. Those two settings are `enforce_scope <https://docs.openstack.org/oslo.policy/latest/configuration/index.html#oslo_policy.enforce_scope>`_ and `enforce_new_defaults <https://docs.openstack.org/oslo.policy/latest/configuration/index.html#oslo_policy.enforce_new_defaults>`_. When you enable `Keystone Default Roles`_ and `Keystone Scoped Tokens`_ the Designate policy honors the following roles: * System scoped - Admin * System scoped - Reader * Project scoped - Reader * Project scoped - Member [oslo_policy] enforce_scope ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Keystone has introduced the concept of `token scopes <https://docs.openstack.org/keystone/latest/admin/tokens-overview.html#authorization-scopes>`_. To ensure backward compatibility, Oslo Policy does not enforce scope validation of tokens by default. In the Xena release, Designate supports enforcing Keystone token scopes. To enable Keystone token scoping, add the following to your Designate configuration file:: [oslo_policy] enforce_scope = True The primary effect of this setting is to allow a system scoped admin token when performing administrative API calls to the Designate API. The Designate API already enforces the project scoping in Keystone tokens. [oslo_policy] enforce_new_defaults ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Designate Xena release added support for `Keystone Default Roles`_ in the default policies. To be backward compatible, Oslo Policy currently uses deprecated policies that do not require the new `Keystone Default Roles`_ by default. Designate supports requiring these new `Keystone Default Roles`_ as of the Xena release. To start requiring these roles in Designate, enable the new policies by adding the following setting to your Designate configuration file:: [oslo_policy] enforce_new_defaults = True Example OpenStack Client Command ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After you have enabled enforce_new_defaults and enforce_scope, administrative commands require a system scoped admin token. An example `OpenStack Client <https://docs.openstack.org/python-designateclient/latest/cli/index.html>`_ command to create a `Top Level Domain (TLD) <https://docs.openstack.org/designate/latest/admin/tlds.html>`_ would look like: .. code-block:: bash openstack --os-system-scope all --os-auth-url <identity endpoint URL> --os-password <admin password> --os-username admin --os-user-domain-name default create tld --name example.org Oslo Tools For Policy Management -------------------------------- This section describes how to use Oslo Policy tools to managing Designate policies. Sample File Generation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To generate a sample policy.yaml file from the Designate defaults, run the oslo policy generation script:: oslopolicy-sample-generator --config-file etc/designate/designate-policy-generator.conf --output-file policy.yaml.sample Merged File Generation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To generate a policy file which shows the effective policy in use by the project, including all registered policy defaults and the policy overrides included in a policy.yaml file, run this command:: oslopolicy-policy-generator --config-file etc/designate/designate-policy-generator.conf This tool uses the output_file path from the config-file. List Redundant Configurations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To generate a list of matches for policy rules that are defined in a configuration file where the rule does not differ from a registered default rule, run this command:: oslopolicy-list-redundant --config-file etc/designate/designate-policy-generator.conf These are rules that can be removed from the policy file with no change in effective policy. Designate Default Policy Overview --------------------------------- The following is an overview of all available policies in Designate. For a sample configuration file, refer to :doc:`samples/policy-yaml`. .. show-policy:: :config-file: ../../etc/designate/designate-policy-generator.conf