# Copyright 2012 Managed I.T. # Copyright 2013 - 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Author: Kiall Mac Innes # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import re import collections import copy import functools import threading import itertools import string import random import time from oslo.config import cfg from oslo import messaging from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import excutils from oslo_concurrency import lockutils from oslo_db import exception as db_exception from designate.i18n import _LI from designate.i18n import _LC from designate.i18n import _LW from designate import context as dcontext from designate import exceptions from designate import network_api from designate import objects from designate import policy from designate import quota from designate import service from designate import utils from designate import storage from designate.mdns import rpcapi as mdns_rpcapi from designate.pool_manager import rpcapi as pool_manager_rpcapi LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) DOMAIN_LOCKS = threading.local() NOTIFICATION_BUFFER = threading.local() RETRY_STATE = threading.local() def _retry_on_deadlock(exc): """Filter to trigger retry a when a Deadlock is received.""" # TODO(kiall): This is a total leak of the SQLA Driver, we'll need a better # way to handle this. if isinstance(exc, db_exception.DBDeadlock): LOG.warn(_LW("Deadlock detected. Retrying...")) return True return False def retry(cb=None, retries=50, delay=150): """A retry decorator that ignores attempts at creating nested retries""" def outer(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(RETRY_STATE, 'held'): # Create the state vars if necessary RETRY_STATE.held = False RETRY_STATE.retries = 0 if not RETRY_STATE.held: # We're the outermost retry decorator RETRY_STATE.held = True try: while True: try: result = f(self, *copy.deepcopy(args), **copy.deepcopy(kwargs)) break except Exception as exc: RETRY_STATE.retries += 1 if RETRY_STATE.retries >= retries: # Exceeded retry attempts, raise. raise elif cb is not None and cb(exc) is False: # We're not setup to retry on this exception. raise else: # Retry, with a delay. time.sleep(delay / float(1000)) finally: RETRY_STATE.held = False RETRY_STATE.retries = 0 else: # We're an inner retry decorator, just pass on through. result = f(self, *copy.deepcopy(args), **copy.deepcopy(kwargs)) return result return wrapper return outer # TODO(kiall): Get this a better home :) def transaction(f): @retry(cb=_retry_on_deadlock) @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): self.storage.begin() try: result = f(self, *args, **kwargs) self.storage.commit() return result except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): self.storage.rollback() return wrapper def synchronized_domain(domain_arg=1, new_domain=False): """Ensures only a single operation is in progress for each domain A Decorator which ensures only a single operation can be happening on a single domain at once, within the current designate-central instance """ def outer(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(DOMAIN_LOCKS, 'held'): # Create the held set if necessary DOMAIN_LOCKS.held = set() domain_id = None if 'domain_id' in kwargs: domain_id = kwargs['domain_id'] elif 'domain' in kwargs: domain_id = kwargs['domain'].id elif 'recordset' in kwargs: domain_id = kwargs['recordset'].domain_id elif 'record' in kwargs: domain_id = kwargs['record'].domain_id # The various objects won't always have an ID set, we should # attempt to locate an Object containing the ID. if domain_id is None: for arg in itertools.chain(kwargs.values(), args): if isinstance(arg, objects.Domain): domain_id = arg.id if domain_id is not None: break elif (isinstance(arg, objects.RecordSet) or isinstance(arg, objects.Record) or isinstance(arg, objects.ZoneTransferRequest) or isinstance(arg, objects.ZoneTransferAccept)): domain_id = arg.domain_id if domain_id is not None: break # If we still don't have an ID, find the Nth argument as # defined by the domain_arg decorator option. if domain_id is None and len(args) > domain_arg: domain_id = args[domain_arg] if isinstance(domain_id, objects.Domain): # If the value is a Domain object, extract it's ID. domain_id = domain_id.id if not new_domain and domain_id is None: raise Exception('Failed to determine domain id for ' 'synchronized operation') if domain_id in DOMAIN_LOCKS.held: # Call the wrapped function return f(self, *args, **kwargs) else: with lockutils.lock('domain-%s' % domain_id): DOMAIN_LOCKS.held.add(domain_id) # Call the wrapped function result = f(self, *args, **kwargs) DOMAIN_LOCKS.held.remove(domain_id) return result return wrapper return outer def notification(notification_type): def outer(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(NOTIFICATION_BUFFER, 'queue'): # Create the notifications queue if necessary NOTIFICATION_BUFFER.stack = 0 NOTIFICATION_BUFFER.queue = collections.deque() NOTIFICATION_BUFFER.stack += 1 try: # Find the context argument context = dcontext.DesignateContext.\ get_context_from_function_and_args(f, args, kwargs) # Call the wrapped function result = f(self, *args, **kwargs) # Enqueue the notification LOG.debug('Queueing notification for %(type)s ', {'type': notification_type}) NOTIFICATION_BUFFER.queue.appendleft( (context, notification_type, result,)) return result finally: NOTIFICATION_BUFFER.stack -= 1 if NOTIFICATION_BUFFER.stack == 0: LOG.debug('Emitting %(count)d notifications', {'count': len(NOTIFICATION_BUFFER.queue)}) # Send the queued notifications, in order. for value in NOTIFICATION_BUFFER.queue: LOG.debug('Emitting %(type)s notification', {'type': value[1]}) self.notifier.info(value[0], value[1], value[2]) # Reset the queue NOTIFICATION_BUFFER.queue.clear() return wrapper return outer class Service(service.RPCService, service.Service): RPC_API_VERSION = '5.1' target = messaging.Target(version=RPC_API_VERSION) def __init__(self, threads=None): super(Service, self).__init__(threads=threads) # Get a storage connection storage_driver = cfg.CONF['service:central'].storage_driver self.storage = storage.get_storage(storage_driver) # Get a quota manager instance self.quota = quota.get_quota() self.network_api = network_api.get_network_api(cfg.CONF.network_api) @property def service_name(self): return 'central' def start(self): # Check to see if there are any TLDs in the database tlds = self.storage.find_tlds({}) if tlds: self.check_for_tlds = True LOG.info(_LI("Checking for TLDs")) else: self.check_for_tlds = False LOG.info(_LI("NOT checking for TLDs")) if (cfg.CONF['service:central'].managed_resource_tenant_id == "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"): msg = _LW("Managed Resource Tenant ID is not properly configured") LOG.warn(msg) super(Service, self).start() def stop(self): super(Service, self).stop() @property def mdns_api(self): return mdns_rpcapi.MdnsAPI.get_instance() @property def pool_manager_api(self): return pool_manager_rpcapi.PoolManagerAPI.get_instance() def _is_valid_domain_name(self, context, domain_name): # Validate domain name length if len(domain_name) > cfg.CONF['service:central'].max_domain_name_len: raise exceptions.InvalidDomainName('Name too long') # Break the domain name up into its component labels domain_labels = domain_name.strip('.').split('.') # We need more than 1 label. if len(domain_labels) <= 1: raise exceptions.InvalidDomainName('More than one label is ' 'required') # Check the TLD for validity if there are entries in the database if self.check_for_tlds: try: self.storage.find_tld(context, {'name': domain_labels[-1]}) except exceptions.TldNotFound: raise exceptions.InvalidDomainName('Invalid TLD') # Now check that the domain name is not the same as a TLD try: stripped_domain_name = domain_name.rstrip('.').lower() self.storage.find_tld( context, {'name': stripped_domain_name}) except exceptions.TldNotFound: pass else: raise exceptions.InvalidDomainName( 'Domain name cannot be the same as a TLD') # Check domain name blacklist if self._is_blacklisted_domain_name(context, domain_name): # Some users are allowed bypass the blacklist.. Is this one? if not policy.check('use_blacklisted_domain', context, do_raise=False): raise exceptions.InvalidDomainName('Blacklisted domain name') return True def _is_valid_recordset_name(self, context, domain, recordset_name): if not recordset_name.endswith('.'): raise ValueError('Please supply a FQDN') # Validate record name length max_len = cfg.CONF['service:central'].max_recordset_name_len if len(recordset_name) > max_len: raise exceptions.InvalidRecordSetName('Name too long') # RecordSets must be contained in the parent zone if not recordset_name.endswith(domain['name']): raise exceptions.InvalidRecordSetLocation( 'RecordSet is not contained within it\'s parent domain') def _is_valid_recordset_placement(self, context, domain, recordset_name, recordset_type, recordset_id=None): # CNAME's must not be created at the zone apex. if recordset_type == 'CNAME' and recordset_name == domain.name: raise exceptions.InvalidRecordSetLocation( 'CNAME recordsets may not be created at the zone apex') # CNAME's must not share a name with other recordsets criterion = { 'domain_id': domain.id, 'name': recordset_name, } if recordset_type != 'CNAME': criterion['type'] = 'CNAME' recordsets = self.storage.find_recordsets(context, criterion) if ((len(recordsets) == 1 and recordsets[0].id != recordset_id) or len(recordsets) > 1): raise exceptions.InvalidRecordSetLocation( 'CNAME recordsets may not share a name with any other records') return True def _is_valid_recordset_placement_subdomain(self, context, domain, recordset_name, criterion=None): """ Check that the placement of the requested rrset belongs to any of the domains subdomains.. """ LOG.debug("Checking if %s belongs in any of %s subdomains" % (recordset_name, domain.name)) criterion = criterion or {} context = context.elevated() context.all_tenants = True if domain.name == recordset_name: return child_domains = self.storage.find_domains( context, {"parent_domain_id": domain.id}) for child_domain in child_domains: try: self._is_valid_recordset_name( context, child_domain, recordset_name) except Exception: continue else: msg = 'RecordSet belongs in a child zone: %s' % \ child_domain['name'] raise exceptions.InvalidRecordSetLocation(msg) def _is_blacklisted_domain_name(self, context, domain_name): """ Ensures the provided domain_name is not blacklisted. """ blacklists = self.storage.find_blacklists(context) for blacklist in blacklists: if bool(re.search(blacklist.pattern, domain_name)): return True return False def _is_subdomain(self, context, domain_name, pool_id): """ Ensures the provided domain_name is the subdomain of an existing domain (checks across all tenants) """ context = context.elevated() context.all_tenants = True # Break the name up into it's component labels labels = domain_name.split(".") criterion = {"pool_id": pool_id} i = 1 # Starting with label #2, search for matching domain's in the database while (i < len(labels)): name = '.'.join(labels[i:]) criterion["name"] = name try: domain = self.storage.find_domain(context, criterion) except exceptions.DomainNotFound: i += 1 else: return domain return False def _is_superdomain(self, context, domain_name, pool_id): """ Ensures the provided domain_name is the parent domain of an existing subdomain (checks across all tenants) """ context = context.elevated() context.all_tenants = True # Create wildcard term to catch all subdomains search_term = "%%.%(name)s" % {"name": domain_name} criterion = {'name': search_term, "pool_id": pool_id} subdomains = self.storage.find_domains(context, criterion) return subdomains def _is_valid_ttl(self, context, ttl): min_ttl = cfg.CONF['service:central'].min_ttl if min_ttl is not None and ttl < int(min_ttl): try: policy.check('use_low_ttl', context) except exceptions.Forbidden: raise exceptions.InvalidTTL('TTL is below the minimum: %s' % min_ttl) def _increment_domain_serial(self, context, domain): # Increment the serial number domain.serial = utils.increment_serial(domain.serial) domain = self.storage.update_domain(context, domain) # Update SOA record self._update_soa(context, domain) return domain # SOA Recordset Methods def _build_soa_record(self, zone, ns_records): return "%s %s. %d %d %d %d %d" % (ns_records[0]['hostname'], zone['email'].replace("@", "."), zone['serial'], zone['refresh'], zone['retry'], zone['expire'], zone['minimum']) def _create_soa(self, context, zone): # Need elevated context to get the pool elevated_context = context.elevated() elevated_context.all_tenants = True # Get the pool for it's list of ns_records pool = self.storage.get_pool(elevated_context, zone.pool_id) soa_values = [self._build_soa_record(zone, pool.ns_records)] recordlist = objects.RecordList(objects=[ objects.Record(data=r, managed=True) for r in soa_values]) values = { 'name': zone['name'], 'type': "SOA", 'records': recordlist } soa, zone = self._create_recordset_in_storage( context, zone, objects.RecordSet(**values), increment_serial=False) return soa def _update_soa(self, context, zone): # NOTE: We should not be updating SOA records when a zone is SECONDARY. if zone.type != 'PRIMARY': return # Need elevated context to get the pool elevated_context = context.elevated() elevated_context.all_tenants = True # Get the pool for it's list of ns_records pool = self.storage.get_pool(elevated_context, zone.pool_id) soa = self.find_recordset(context, criterion={'domain_id': zone['id'], 'type': "SOA"}) soa.records[0].data = self._build_soa_record(zone, pool.ns_records) self._update_recordset_in_storage(context, zone, soa, increment_serial=False) # NS Recordset Methods def _create_ns(self, context, zone, ns_records): # NOTE: We should not be creating NS records when a zone is SECONDARY. if zone.type != 'PRIMARY': return # Create an NS record for each server recordlist = objects.RecordList(objects=[ objects.Record(data=r, managed=True) for r in ns_records]) values = { 'name': zone['name'], 'type': "NS", 'records': recordlist } ns, zone = self._create_recordset_in_storage( context, zone, objects.RecordSet(**values), increment_serial=False) return ns def _add_ns(self, context, zone, ns_record): # Get NS recordset # If the zone doesn't have an NS recordset yet, create one try: ns_recordset = self.find_recordset( context, criterion={'domain_id': zone['id'], 'type': "NS"}) except exceptions.RecordSetNotFound: self._create_ns(context, zone, [ns_record]) return # Add new record to recordset based on the new nameserver ns_recordset.records.append( objects.Record(data=ns_record, managed=True)) self._update_recordset_in_storage(context, zone, ns_recordset) def _delete_ns(self, context, zone, ns_record): ns_recordset = self.find_recordset( context, criterion={'domain_id': zone['id'], 'type': "NS"}) for record in copy.deepcopy(ns_recordset.records): if record.data == ns_record: ns_recordset.records.remove(record) self._update_recordset_in_storage(context, zone, ns_recordset) # Quota Enforcement Methods def _enforce_domain_quota(self, context, tenant_id): criterion = {'tenant_id': tenant_id} count = self.storage.count_domains(context, criterion) self.quota.limit_check(context, tenant_id, domains=count) def _enforce_recordset_quota(self, context, domain): # TODO(kiall): Enforce RRSet Quotas pass def _enforce_record_quota(self, context, domain, recordset): # Ensure the records per domain quota is OK criterion = {'domain_id': domain['id']} count = self.storage.count_records(context, criterion) self.quota.limit_check(context, domain['tenant_id'], domain_records=count) # TODO(kiall): Enforce Records per RRSet Quotas # Misc Methods def get_absolute_limits(self, context): # NOTE(Kiall): Currently, we only have quota based limits.. return self.quota.get_quotas(context, context.tenant) # Quota Methods def get_quotas(self, context, tenant_id): target = {'tenant_id': tenant_id} policy.check('get_quotas', context, target) # This allows admins to get quota information correctly for all tenants context.all_tenants = True return self.quota.get_quotas(context, tenant_id) def get_quota(self, context, tenant_id, resource): target = {'tenant_id': tenant_id, 'resource': resource} policy.check('get_quota', context, target) return self.quota.get_quota(context, tenant_id, resource) @transaction def set_quota(self, context, tenant_id, resource, hard_limit): target = { 'tenant_id': tenant_id, 'resource': resource, 'hard_limit': hard_limit, } policy.check('set_quota', context, target) return self.quota.set_quota(context, tenant_id, resource, hard_limit) @transaction def reset_quotas(self, context, tenant_id): target = {'tenant_id': tenant_id} policy.check('reset_quotas', context, target) self.quota.reset_quotas(context, tenant_id) # TLD Methods @notification('dns.tld.create') @transaction def create_tld(self, context, tld): policy.check('create_tld', context) # The TLD is only created on central's storage and not on the backend. created_tld = self.storage.create_tld(context, tld) # Set check for tlds to be true self.check_for_tlds = True return created_tld def find_tlds(self, context, criterion=None, marker=None, limit=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None): policy.check('find_tlds', context) return self.storage.find_tlds(context, criterion, marker, limit, sort_key, sort_dir) def get_tld(self, context, tld_id): policy.check('get_tld', context, {'tld_id': tld_id}) return self.storage.get_tld(context, tld_id) @notification('dns.tld.update') @transaction def update_tld(self, context, tld): target = { 'tld_id': tld.obj_get_original_value('id'), } policy.check('update_tld', context, target) tld = self.storage.update_tld(context, tld) return tld @notification('dns.tld.delete') @transaction def delete_tld(self, context, tld_id): # Known issue - self.check_for_tld is not reset here. So if the last # TLD happens to be deleted, then we would incorrectly do the TLD # validations. # This decision was influenced by weighing the (ultra low) probability # of hitting this issue vs doing the checks for every delete. policy.check('delete_tld', context, {'tld_id': tld_id}) tld = self.storage.delete_tld(context, tld_id) return tld # TSIG Key Methods @notification('dns.tsigkey.create') @transaction def create_tsigkey(self, context, tsigkey): policy.check('create_tsigkey', context) created_tsigkey = self.storage.create_tsigkey(context, tsigkey) # TODO(Ron): this method needs to do more than update storage. return created_tsigkey def find_tsigkeys(self, context, criterion=None, marker=None, limit=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None): policy.check('find_tsigkeys', context) return self.storage.find_tsigkeys(context, criterion, marker, limit, sort_key, sort_dir) def get_tsigkey(self, context, tsigkey_id): policy.check('get_tsigkey', context, {'tsigkey_id': tsigkey_id}) return self.storage.get_tsigkey(context, tsigkey_id) @notification('dns.tsigkey.update') @transaction def update_tsigkey(self, context, tsigkey): target = { 'tsigkey_id': tsigkey.obj_get_original_value('id'), } policy.check('update_tsigkey', context, target) tsigkey = self.storage.update_tsigkey(context, tsigkey) # TODO(Ron): this method needs to do more than update storage. return tsigkey @notification('dns.tsigkey.delete') @transaction def delete_tsigkey(self, context, tsigkey_id): policy.check('delete_tsigkey', context, {'tsigkey_id': tsigkey_id}) tsigkey = self.storage.delete_tsigkey(context, tsigkey_id) # TODO(Ron): this method needs to do more than update storage. return tsigkey # Tenant Methods def find_tenants(self, context): policy.check('find_tenants', context) return self.storage.find_tenants(context) def get_tenant(self, context, tenant_id): target = { 'tenant_id': tenant_id } policy.check('get_tenant', context, target) return self.storage.get_tenant(context, tenant_id) def count_tenants(self, context): policy.check('count_tenants', context) return self.storage.count_tenants(context) # Domain Methods @notification('dns.domain.create') @synchronized_domain(new_domain=True) def create_domain(self, context, domain): # TODO(kiall): Refactor this method into *MUCH* smaller chunks. # Default to creating in the current users tenant if domain.tenant_id is None: domain.tenant_id = context.tenant target = { 'tenant_id': domain.tenant_id, 'domain_name': domain.name } policy.check('create_domain', context, target) # Ensure the tenant has enough quota to continue self._enforce_domain_quota(context, domain.tenant_id) # Ensure the domain name is valid self._is_valid_domain_name(context, domain.name) # Ensure TTL is above the minimum if domain.ttl is not None: self._is_valid_ttl(context, domain.ttl) # Get the default pool_id default_pool_id = cfg.CONF['service:central'].default_pool_id if domain.pool_id is None: domain.pool_id = default_pool_id # Handle sub-domains appropriately parent_domain = self._is_subdomain( context, domain.name, domain.pool_id) if parent_domain: if parent_domain.tenant_id == domain.tenant_id: # Record the Parent Domain ID domain.parent_domain_id = parent_domain.id else: raise exceptions.Forbidden('Unable to create subdomain in ' 'another tenants domain') # Handle super-domains appropriately subdomains = self._is_superdomain(context, domain.name, domain.pool_id) if subdomains: LOG.debug("Domain '{0}' is a superdomain.".format(domain.name)) for subdomain in subdomains: if subdomain.tenant_id != domain.tenant_id: raise exceptions.Forbidden('Unable to create domain ' 'because another tenant ' 'owns a subdomain of ' 'the domain') # If this succeeds, subdomain parent IDs will be updated # after domain is created # NOTE(kiall): Fetch the servers before creating the domain, this way # we can prevent domain creation if no servers are # configured. elevated_context = context.elevated() elevated_context.all_tenants = True pool = self.storage.get_pool(elevated_context, domain.pool_id) if len(pool.ns_records) == 0: LOG.critical(_LC('No nameservers configured. ' 'Please create at least one nameserver')) raise exceptions.NoServersConfigured() if domain.type == 'SECONDARY' and domain.serial is None: domain.serial = 1 domain = self._create_domain_in_storage(context, domain) self.pool_manager_api.create_domain(context, domain) if domain.type == 'SECONDARY': self.mdns_api.perform_zone_xfr(context, domain) # If domain is a superdomain, update subdomains # with new parent IDs for subdomain in subdomains: LOG.debug("Updating subdomain '{0}' parent ID " "using superdomain ID '{1}'" .format(subdomain.name, domain.id)) subdomain.parent_domain_id = domain.id self.update_domain(context, subdomain) return domain @transaction def _create_domain_in_storage(self, context, domain): domain.action = 'CREATE' domain.status = 'PENDING' domain = self.storage.create_domain(context, domain) pool_ns_records = self.get_domain_servers(context, domain['id']) # Create the SOA and NS recordsets for the new domain. The SOA # record will always be the first 'created_at' record for a domain. self._create_soa(context, domain) self._create_ns(context, domain, [n.hostname for n in pool_ns_records]) if domain.obj_attr_is_set('recordsets'): for rrset in domain.recordsets: self._create_recordset_in_storage( context, domain, rrset, increment_serial=False) return domain def get_domain(self, context, domain_id): domain = self.storage.get_domain(context, domain_id) target = { 'domain_id': domain_id, 'domain_name': domain.name, 'tenant_id': domain.tenant_id } policy.check('get_domain', context, target) return domain def get_domain_servers(self, context, domain_id=None, criterion=None): if domain_id is None: policy.check('get_domain_servers', context) pool_id = cfg.CONF['service:central'].default_pool_id else: domain = self.storage.get_domain(context, domain_id) target = { 'domain_id': domain_id, 'domain_name': domain.name, 'tenant_id': domain.tenant_id } pool_id = domain.pool_id policy.check('get_domain_servers', context, target) # Need elevated context to get the pool elevated_context = context.elevated() elevated_context.all_tenants = True # Get the pool for it's list of ns_records pool = self.storage.get_pool(elevated_context, pool_id) return pool.ns_records def find_domains(self, context, criterion=None, marker=None, limit=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None): target = {'tenant_id': context.tenant} policy.check('find_domains', context, target) return self.storage.find_domains(context, criterion, marker, limit, sort_key, sort_dir) def find_domain(self, context, criterion=None): target = {'tenant_id': context.tenant} policy.check('find_domain', context, target) return self.storage.find_domain(context, criterion) @notification('dns.domain.update') @synchronized_domain() def update_domain(self, context, domain, increment_serial=True): # TODO(kiall): Refactor this method into *MUCH* smaller chunks. target = { 'domain_id': domain.obj_get_original_value('id'), 'domain_name': domain.obj_get_original_value('name'), 'tenant_id': domain.obj_get_original_value('tenant_id'), } policy.check('update_domain', context, target) changes = domain.obj_get_changes() # Ensure immutable fields are not changed if 'tenant_id' in changes: # TODO(kiall): Moving between tenants should be allowed, but the # current code will not take into account that # RecordSets and Records must also be moved. raise exceptions.BadRequest('Moving a domain between tenants is ' 'not allowed') if 'name' in changes: raise exceptions.BadRequest('Renaming a domain is not allowed') # Ensure TTL is above the minimum ttl = changes.get('ttl', None) if ttl is not None: self._is_valid_ttl(context, ttl) domain = self._update_domain_in_storage( context, domain, increment_serial=increment_serial) # Fire off a XFR if 'masters' in changes: self.mdns_api.perform_zone_xfr(context, domain) self.pool_manager_api.update_domain(context, domain) return domain @transaction def _update_domain_in_storage(self, context, domain, increment_serial=True): domain.action = 'UPDATE' domain.status = 'PENDING' if increment_serial: # _increment_domain_serial increments and updates the domain domain = self._increment_domain_serial(context, domain) else: domain = self.storage.update_domain(context, domain) return domain @notification('dns.domain.delete') @synchronized_domain() def delete_domain(self, context, domain_id): domain = self.storage.get_domain(context, domain_id) target = { 'domain_id': domain_id, 'domain_name': domain.name, 'tenant_id': domain.tenant_id } if hasattr(context, 'abandon') and context.abandon: policy.check('abandon_domain', context, target) else: policy.check('delete_domain', context, target) # Prevent deletion of a zone which has child zones criterion = {'parent_domain_id': domain_id} if self.storage.count_domains(context, criterion) > 0: raise exceptions.DomainHasSubdomain('Please delete any subdomains ' 'before deleting this domain') if hasattr(context, 'abandon') and context.abandon: LOG.info(_LW("Abandoning zone '%(zone)s'") % {'zone': domain.name}) domain = self.storage.delete_domain(context, domain.id) else: domain = self._delete_domain_in_storage(context, domain) self.pool_manager_api.delete_domain(context, domain) return domain @transaction def _delete_domain_in_storage(self, context, domain): domain.action = 'DELETE' domain.status = 'PENDING' domain = self.storage.update_domain(context, domain) return domain def xfr_domain(self, context, domain_id): domain = self.storage.get_domain(context, domain_id) target = { 'domain_id': domain_id, 'domain_name': domain.name, 'tenant_id': domain.tenant_id } policy.check('xfr_domain', context, target) if domain.type == 'SECONDARY': self.mdns_api.perform_zone_xfr(context, domain) else: msg = "Can't XFR a non Secondary zone." raise exceptions.BadRequest(msg) def count_domains(self, context, criterion=None): if criterion is None: criterion = {} target = { 'tenant_id': criterion.get('tenant_id', None) } policy.check('count_domains', context, target) return self.storage.count_domains(context, criterion) # Report combining all the count reports based on criterion def count_report(self, context, criterion=None): reports = [] if criterion is None: # Get all the reports reports.append({'zones': self.count_domains(context), 'records': self.count_records(context), 'tenants': self.count_tenants(context)}) elif criterion == 'zones': reports.append({'zones': self.count_domains(context)}) elif criterion == 'records': reports.append({'records': self.count_records(context)}) elif criterion == 'tenants': reports.append({'tenants': self.count_tenants(context)}) else: raise exceptions.ReportNotFound() return reports @notification('dns.domain.touch') @synchronized_domain() def touch_domain(self, context, domain_id): domain = self.storage.get_domain(context, domain_id) target = { 'domain_id': domain_id, 'domain_name': domain.name, 'tenant_id': domain.tenant_id } policy.check('touch_domain', context, target) self._touch_domain_in_storage(context, domain) self.pool_manager_api.update_domain(context, domain) return domain @transaction def _touch_domain_in_storage(self, context, domain): domain = self._increment_domain_serial(context, domain) return domain # RecordSet Methods @notification('dns.recordset.create') @synchronized_domain() def create_recordset(self, context, domain_id, recordset, increment_serial=True): domain = self.storage.get_domain(context, domain_id) # Don't allow updates to zones that are being deleted if domain.action == 'DELETE': raise exceptions.BadRequest('Can not update a deleting zone') target = { 'domain_id': domain_id, 'domain_name': domain.name, 'domain_type': domain.type, 'recordset_name': recordset.name, 'tenant_id': domain.tenant_id, } policy.check('create_recordset', context, target) recordset, domain = self._create_recordset_in_storage( context, domain, recordset, increment_serial=increment_serial) self.pool_manager_api.update_domain(context, domain) return recordset @transaction def _create_recordset_in_storage(self, context, domain, recordset, increment_serial=True): # Ensure the tenant has enough quota to continue self._enforce_recordset_quota(context, domain) # Ensure TTL is above the minimum ttl = getattr(recordset, 'ttl', None) if ttl is not None: self._is_valid_ttl(context, ttl) # Ensure the recordset name and placement is valid self._is_valid_recordset_name(context, domain, recordset.name) self._is_valid_recordset_placement(context, domain, recordset.name, recordset.type) self._is_valid_recordset_placement_subdomain( context, domain, recordset.name) if recordset.obj_attr_is_set('records') and len(recordset.records) > 0: if increment_serial: # update the zone's status and increment the serial domain = self._update_domain_in_storage( context, domain, increment_serial) for record in recordset.records: record.action = 'CREATE' record.status = 'PENDING' record.serial = domain.serial recordset = self.storage.create_recordset(context, domain.id, recordset) # Return the domain too in case it was updated return (recordset, domain) def get_recordset(self, context, domain_id, recordset_id): domain = self.storage.get_domain(context, domain_id) recordset = self.storage.get_recordset(context, recordset_id) # Ensure the domain_id matches the record's domain_id if domain.id != recordset.domain_id: raise exceptions.RecordSetNotFound() target = { 'domain_id': domain_id, 'domain_name': domain.name, 'recordset_id': recordset.id, 'tenant_id': domain.tenant_id, } policy.check('get_recordset', context, target) recordset = recordset return recordset def find_recordsets(self, context, criterion=None, marker=None, limit=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None): target = {'tenant_id': context.tenant} policy.check('find_recordsets', context, target) recordsets = self.storage.find_recordsets(context, criterion, marker, limit, sort_key, sort_dir) return recordsets def find_recordset(self, context, criterion=None): target = {'tenant_id': context.tenant} policy.check('find_recordset', context, target) recordset = self.storage.find_recordset(context, criterion) return recordset @notification('dns.recordset.update') @synchronized_domain() def update_recordset(self, context, recordset, increment_serial=True): domain_id = recordset.obj_get_original_value('domain_id') domain = self.storage.get_domain(context, domain_id) changes = recordset.obj_get_changes() # Ensure immutable fields are not changed if 'tenant_id' in changes: raise exceptions.BadRequest('Moving a recordset between tenants ' 'is not allowed') if 'domain_id' in changes: raise exceptions.BadRequest('Moving a recordset between domains ' 'is not allowed') if 'type' in changes: raise exceptions.BadRequest('Changing a recordsets type is not ' 'allowed') # Don't allow updates to zones that are being deleted if domain.action == 'DELETE': raise exceptions.BadRequest('Can not update a deleting zone') target = { 'domain_id': recordset.obj_get_original_value('domain_id'), 'domain_type': domain.type, 'recordset_id': recordset.obj_get_original_value('id'), 'domain_name': domain.name, 'tenant_id': domain.tenant_id } policy.check('update_recordset', context, target) if recordset.managed and not context.edit_managed_records: raise exceptions.BadRequest('Managed records may not be updated') recordset, domain = self._update_recordset_in_storage( context, domain, recordset, increment_serial=increment_serial) self.pool_manager_api.update_domain(context, domain) return recordset @transaction def _update_recordset_in_storage(self, context, domain, recordset, increment_serial=True): changes = recordset.obj_get_changes() # Ensure the record name is valid self._is_valid_recordset_name(context, domain, recordset.name) self._is_valid_recordset_placement(context, domain, recordset.name, recordset.type, recordset.id) self._is_valid_recordset_placement_subdomain( context, domain, recordset.name) # Ensure TTL is above the minimum ttl = changes.get('ttl', None) if ttl is not None: self._is_valid_ttl(context, ttl) if increment_serial: # update the zone's status and increment the serial domain = self._update_domain_in_storage( context, domain, increment_serial) if recordset.records: for record in recordset.records: if record.action != 'DELETE': record.action = 'UPDATE' record.status = 'PENDING' record.serial = domain.serial # Update the recordset recordset = self.storage.update_recordset(context, recordset) return (recordset, domain) @notification('dns.recordset.delete') @synchronized_domain() def delete_recordset(self, context, domain_id, recordset_id, increment_serial=True): domain = self.storage.get_domain(context, domain_id) recordset = self.storage.get_recordset(context, recordset_id) # Ensure the domain_id matches the recordset's domain_id if domain.id != recordset.domain_id: raise exceptions.RecordSetNotFound() # Don't allow updates to zones that are being deleted if domain.action == 'DELETE': raise exceptions.BadRequest('Can not update a deleting zone') target = { 'domain_id': domain_id, 'domain_name': domain.name, 'domain_type': domain.type, 'recordset_id': recordset.id, 'tenant_id': domain.tenant_id } policy.check('delete_recordset', context, target) if recordset.managed and not context.edit_managed_records: raise exceptions.BadRequest('Managed records may not be updated') recordset, domain = self._delete_recordset_in_storage( context, domain, recordset, increment_serial=increment_serial) self.pool_manager_api.update_domain(context, domain) return recordset @transaction def _delete_recordset_in_storage(self, context, domain, recordset, increment_serial=True): if increment_serial: # update the zone's status and increment the serial domain = self._update_domain_in_storage( context, domain, increment_serial) if recordset.records: for record in recordset.records: record.action = 'DELETE' record.status = 'PENDING' record.serial = domain.serial # Update the recordset's action/status and then delete it self.storage.update_recordset(context, recordset) recordset = self.storage.delete_recordset(context, recordset.id) return (recordset, domain) def count_recordsets(self, context, criterion=None): if criterion is None: criterion = {} target = { 'tenant_id': criterion.get('tenant_id', None) } policy.check('count_recordsets', context, target) return self.storage.count_recordsets(context, criterion) # Record Methods @notification('dns.record.create') @synchronized_domain() def create_record(self, context, domain_id, recordset_id, record, increment_serial=True): domain = self.storage.get_domain(context, domain_id) # Don't allow updates to zones that are being deleted if domain.action == 'DELETE': raise exceptions.BadRequest('Can not update a deleting zone') recordset = self.storage.get_recordset(context, recordset_id) target = { 'domain_id': domain_id, 'domain_name': domain.name, 'domain_type': domain.type, 'recordset_id': recordset_id, 'recordset_name': recordset.name, 'tenant_id': domain.tenant_id } policy.check('create_record', context, target) record, domain = self._create_record_in_storage( context, domain, recordset, record, increment_serial=increment_serial) self.pool_manager_api.update_domain(context, domain) return record @transaction def _create_record_in_storage(self, context, domain, recordset, record, increment_serial=True): # Ensure the tenant has enough quota to continue self._enforce_record_quota(context, domain, recordset) if increment_serial: # update the zone's status and increment the serial domain = self._update_domain_in_storage( context, domain, increment_serial) record.action = 'CREATE' record.status = 'PENDING' record.serial = domain.serial record = self.storage.create_record(context, domain.id, recordset.id, record) return (record, domain) def get_record(self, context, domain_id, recordset_id, record_id): domain = self.storage.get_domain(context, domain_id) recordset = self.storage.get_recordset(context, recordset_id) record = self.storage.get_record(context, record_id) # Ensure the domain_id matches the record's domain_id if domain.id != record.domain_id: raise exceptions.RecordNotFound() # Ensure the recordset_id matches the record's recordset_id if recordset.id != record.recordset_id: raise exceptions.RecordNotFound() target = { 'domain_id': domain_id, 'domain_name': domain.name, 'recordset_id': recordset_id, 'recordset_name': recordset.name, 'record_id': record.id, 'tenant_id': domain.tenant_id } policy.check('get_record', context, target) return record def find_records(self, context, criterion=None, marker=None, limit=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None): target = {'tenant_id': context.tenant} policy.check('find_records', context, target) return self.storage.find_records(context, criterion, marker, limit, sort_key, sort_dir) def find_record(self, context, criterion=None): target = {'tenant_id': context.tenant} policy.check('find_record', context, target) return self.storage.find_record(context, criterion) @notification('dns.record.update') @synchronized_domain() def update_record(self, context, record, increment_serial=True): domain_id = record.obj_get_original_value('domain_id') domain = self.storage.get_domain(context, domain_id) # Don't allow updates to zones that are being deleted if domain.action == 'DELETE': raise exceptions.BadRequest('Can not update a deleting zone') recordset_id = record.obj_get_original_value('recordset_id') recordset = self.storage.get_recordset(context, recordset_id) changes = record.obj_get_changes() # Ensure immutable fields are not changed if 'tenant_id' in changes: raise exceptions.BadRequest('Moving a recordset between tenants ' 'is not allowed') if 'domain_id' in changes: raise exceptions.BadRequest('Moving a recordset between domains ' 'is not allowed') if 'recordset_id' in changes: raise exceptions.BadRequest('Moving a recordset between ' 'recordsets is not allowed') target = { 'domain_id': record.obj_get_original_value('domain_id'), 'domain_name': domain.name, 'domain_type': domain.type, 'recordset_id': record.obj_get_original_value('recordset_id'), 'recordset_name': recordset.name, 'record_id': record.obj_get_original_value('id'), 'tenant_id': domain.tenant_id } policy.check('update_record', context, target) if recordset.managed and not context.edit_managed_records: raise exceptions.BadRequest('Managed records may not be updated') record, domain = self._update_record_in_storage( context, domain, record, increment_serial=increment_serial) self.pool_manager_api.update_domain(context, domain) return record @transaction def _update_record_in_storage(self, context, domain, record, increment_serial=True): if increment_serial: # update the zone's status and increment the serial domain = self._update_domain_in_storage( context, domain, increment_serial) record.action = 'UPDATE' record.status = 'PENDING' record.serial = domain.serial # Update the record record = self.storage.update_record(context, record) return (record, domain) @notification('dns.record.delete') @synchronized_domain() def delete_record(self, context, domain_id, recordset_id, record_id, increment_serial=True): domain = self.storage.get_domain(context, domain_id) # Don't allow updates to zones that are being deleted if domain.action == 'DELETE': raise exceptions.BadRequest('Can not update a deleting zone') recordset = self.storage.get_recordset(context, recordset_id) record = self.storage.get_record(context, record_id) # Ensure the domain_id matches the record's domain_id if domain.id != record.domain_id: raise exceptions.RecordNotFound() # Ensure the recordset_id matches the record's recordset_id if recordset.id != record.recordset_id: raise exceptions.RecordNotFound() target = { 'domain_id': domain_id, 'domain_name': domain.name, 'domain_type': domain.type, 'recordset_id': recordset_id, 'recordset_name': recordset.name, 'record_id': record.id, 'tenant_id': domain.tenant_id } policy.check('delete_record', context, target) if recordset.managed and not context.edit_managed_records: raise exceptions.BadRequest('Managed records may not be updated') record, domain = self._delete_record_in_storage( context, domain, record, increment_serial=increment_serial) self.pool_manager_api.update_domain(context, domain) return record @transaction def _delete_record_in_storage(self, context, domain, record, increment_serial=True): if increment_serial: # update the zone's status and increment the serial domain = self._update_domain_in_storage( context, domain, increment_serial) record.action = 'DELETE' record.status = 'PENDING' record.serial = domain.serial record = self.storage.update_record(context, record) return (record, domain) def count_records(self, context, criterion=None): if criterion is None: criterion = {} target = { 'tenant_id': criterion.get('tenant_id', None) } policy.check('count_records', context, target) return self.storage.count_records(context, criterion) # Diagnostics Methods def _sync_domain(self, context, domain): return self.pool_manager_api.update_domain(context, domain) @transaction def sync_domains(self, context): policy.check('diagnostics_sync_domains', context) domains = self.storage.find_domains(context) results = {} for domain in domains: results[domain.id] = self._sync_domain(context, domain) return results @transaction def sync_domain(self, context, domain_id): domain = self.storage.get_domain(context, domain_id) target = { 'domain_id': domain_id, 'domain_name': domain.name, 'tenant_id': domain.tenant_id } policy.check('diagnostics_sync_domain', context, target) return self._sync_domain(context, domain) @transaction def sync_record(self, context, domain_id, recordset_id, record_id): domain = self.storage.get_domain(context, domain_id) recordset = self.storage.get_recordset(context, recordset_id) target = { 'domain_id': domain_id, 'domain_name': domain.name, 'recordset_id': recordset_id, 'recordset_name': recordset.name, 'record_id': record_id, 'tenant_id': domain.tenant_id } policy.check('diagnostics_sync_record', context, target) self.pool_manager_api.update_domain(context, domain) def ping(self, context): policy.check('diagnostics_ping', context) # TODO(Ron): Handle this method properly. try: backend_status = {'status': None} except Exception as e: backend_status = {'status': False, 'message': str(e)} try: storage_status = self.storage.ping(context) except Exception as e: storage_status = {'status': False, 'message': str(e)} if backend_status and storage_status: status = True else: status = False return { 'host': cfg.CONF.host, 'status': status, 'backend': backend_status, 'storage': storage_status } def _determine_floatingips(self, context, fips, records=None, tenant_id=None): """ Given the context or tenant, records and fips it returns the valid floatingips either with a associated record or not. Deletes invalid records also. Returns a list of tuples with FloatingIPs and it's Record. """ tenant_id = tenant_id or context.tenant elevated_context = context.elevated() elevated_context.all_tenants = True elevated_context.edit_managed_records = True criterion = { 'managed': True, 'managed_resource_type': 'ptr:floatingip', } records = self.find_records(elevated_context, criterion) records = dict([(r['managed_extra'], r) for r in records]) invalid = [] data = {} # First populate the list of FIPS for fip_key, fip_values in fips.items(): # Check if the FIP has a record record = records.get(fip_values['address']) # NOTE: Now check if it's owned by the tenant that actually has the # FIP in the external service and if not invalidate it (delete it) # thus not returning it with in the tuple with the FIP, but None.. if record: record_tenant = record['managed_tenant_id'] if record_tenant != tenant_id: msg = "Invalid FloatingIP %s belongs to %s but record " \ "owner %s" LOG.debug(msg, fip_key, tenant_id, record_tenant) invalid.append(record) record = None data[fip_key] = (fip_values, record) return data, invalid def _invalidate_floatingips(self, context, records): """ Utility method to delete a list of records. """ elevated_context = context.elevated() elevated_context.all_tenants = True elevated_context.edit_managed_records = True if records > 0: for r in records: msg = 'Deleting record %s for FIP %s' LOG.debug(msg, r['id'], r['managed_resource_id']) self.delete_record(elevated_context, r['domain_id'], r['recordset_id'], r['id']) def _format_floatingips(self, context, data, recordsets=None): """ Given a list of FloatingIP and Record tuples we look through creating a new dict of FloatingIPs """ elevated_context = context.elevated() elevated_context.all_tenants = True fips = objects.FloatingIPList() for key, value in data.items(): fip, record = value fip_ptr = objects.FloatingIP().from_dict({ 'address': fip['address'], 'id': fip['id'], 'region': fip['region'], 'ptrdname': None, 'ttl': None, 'description': None, 'action': None, 'status': 'ACTIVE' }) # TTL population requires a present record in order to find the # RS or Zone if record: fip_ptr['action'] = record.action fip_ptr['status'] = record.status # We can have a recordset dict passed in if (recordsets is not None and record['recordset_id'] in recordsets): recordset = recordsets[record['recordset_id']] else: recordset = self.storage.get_recordset( elevated_context, record['recordset_id']) if recordset['ttl'] is not None: fip_ptr['ttl'] = recordset['ttl'] else: zone = self.get_domain( elevated_context, record['domain_id']) fip_ptr['ttl'] = zone['ttl'] fip_ptr['ptrdname'] = record['data'] else: LOG.debug("No record information found for %s" % value[0]['id']) # Store the "fip_record" with the region and it's id as key fips.append(fip_ptr) return fips def _list_floatingips(self, context, region=None): data = self.network_api.list_floatingips(context, region=region) return self._list_to_dict(data, keys=['region', 'id']) def _list_to_dict(self, data, keys=['id']): new = {} for i in data: key = tuple([i[key] for key in keys]) new[key] = i return new def _get_floatingip(self, context, region, floatingip_id, fips): if (region, floatingip_id) not in fips: msg = 'FloatingIP %s in %s is not associated for tenant "%s"' % \ (floatingip_id, region, context.tenant) raise exceptions.NotFound(msg) return fips[region, floatingip_id] # PTR ops def list_floatingips(self, context): """ List Floating IPs PTR A) We have service_catalog in the context and do a lookup using the token pr Neutron in the SC B) We lookup FIPs using the configured values for this deployment. """ elevated_context = context.elevated() elevated_context.all_tenants = True elevated_context.edit_managed_records = True tenant_fips = self._list_floatingips(context) valid, invalid = self._determine_floatingips( elevated_context, tenant_fips) self._invalidate_floatingips(context, invalid) return self._format_floatingips(context, valid) def get_floatingip(self, context, region, floatingip_id): """ Get Floating IP PTR """ elevated_context = context.elevated() elevated_context.all_tenants = True tenant_fips = self._list_floatingips(context, region=region) self._get_floatingip(context, region, floatingip_id, tenant_fips) valid, invalid = self._determine_floatingips( elevated_context, tenant_fips) self._invalidate_floatingips(context, invalid) return self._format_floatingips(context, valid)[0] def _set_floatingip_reverse(self, context, region, floatingip_id, values): """ Set the FloatingIP's PTR record based on values. """ elevated_context = context.elevated() elevated_context.all_tenants = True elevated_context.edit_managed_records = True tenant_fips = self._list_floatingips(context, region=region) fip = self._get_floatingip(context, region, floatingip_id, tenant_fips) zone_name = self.network_api.address_zone(fip['address']) # NOTE: Find existing zone or create it.. try: zone = self.storage.find_domain( elevated_context, {'name': zone_name}) except exceptions.DomainNotFound: msg = _LI( 'Creating zone for %(fip_id)s:%(region)s - ' '%(fip_addr)s zone %(zonename)s') % \ {'fip_id': floatingip_id, 'region': region, 'fip_addr': fip['address'], 'zonename': zone_name} LOG.info(msg) email = cfg.CONF['service:central'].managed_resource_email tenant_id = cfg.CONF['service:central'].managed_resource_tenant_id zone_values = { 'type': 'PRIMARY', 'name': zone_name, 'email': email, 'tenant_id': tenant_id } zone = self.create_domain( elevated_context, objects.Domain(**zone_values)) record_name = self.network_api.address_name(fip['address']) recordset_values = { 'name': record_name, 'type': 'PTR', 'ttl': values.get('ttl', None) } try: recordset = self.find_recordset( elevated_context, {'name': record_name, 'type': 'PTR'}) # Update the recordset values recordset.name = recordset_values['name'] recordset.type = recordset_values['type'] recordset.ttl = recordset_values['ttl'] recordset.domain_id = zone['id'] recordset = self.update_recordset( elevated_context, recordset=recordset) # Delete the current records for the recordset LOG.debug("Removing old Record") for record in recordset.records: self.delete_record( elevated_context, domain_id=recordset['domain_id'], recordset_id=recordset['id'], record_id=record['id']) except exceptions.RecordSetNotFound: recordset = self.create_recordset( elevated_context, domain_id=zone['id'], recordset=objects.RecordSet(**recordset_values)) record_values = { 'data': values['ptrdname'], 'description': values['description'], 'managed': True, 'managed_extra': fip['address'], 'managed_resource_id': floatingip_id, 'managed_resource_region': region, 'managed_resource_type': 'ptr:floatingip', 'managed_tenant_id': context.tenant } record = self.create_record( elevated_context, domain_id=zone['id'], recordset_id=recordset['id'], record=objects.Record(**record_values)) return self._format_floatingips( context, {(region, floatingip_id): (fip, record)}, {recordset['id']: recordset})[0] def _unset_floatingip_reverse(self, context, region, floatingip_id): """ Unset the FloatingIP PTR record based on the Service's FloatingIP ID > managed_resource_id Tenant ID > managed_tenant_id We find the record based on the criteria and delete it or raise. """ elevated_context = context.elevated() elevated_context.all_tenants = True elevated_context.edit_managed_records = True criterion = { 'managed_resource_id': floatingip_id, 'managed_tenant_id': context.tenant } try: record = self.storage.find_record( elevated_context, criterion=criterion) except exceptions.RecordNotFound: msg = 'No such FloatingIP %s:%s' % (region, floatingip_id) raise exceptions.NotFound(msg) self.delete_record( elevated_context, domain_id=record['domain_id'], recordset_id=record['recordset_id'], record_id=record['id']) @transaction def update_floatingip(self, context, region, floatingip_id, values): """ We strictly see if values['ptrdname'] is str or None and set / unset the requested FloatingIP's PTR record based on that. """ if 'ptrdname' in values.obj_what_changed() and\ values['ptrdname'] is None: self._unset_floatingip_reverse(context, region, floatingip_id) elif isinstance(values['ptrdname'], basestring): return self._set_floatingip_reverse( context, region, floatingip_id, values) # Blacklisted Domains @notification('dns.blacklist.create') @transaction def create_blacklist(self, context, blacklist): policy.check('create_blacklist', context) created_blacklist = self.storage.create_blacklist(context, blacklist) return created_blacklist def get_blacklist(self, context, blacklist_id): policy.check('get_blacklist', context) blacklist = self.storage.get_blacklist(context, blacklist_id) return blacklist def find_blacklists(self, context, criterion=None, marker=None, limit=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None): policy.check('find_blacklists', context) blacklists = self.storage.find_blacklists(context, criterion, marker, limit, sort_key, sort_dir) return blacklists def find_blacklist(self, context, criterion): policy.check('find_blacklist', context) blacklist = self.storage.find_blacklist(context, criterion) return blacklist @notification('dns.blacklist.update') @transaction def update_blacklist(self, context, blacklist): target = { 'blacklist_id': blacklist.id, } policy.check('update_blacklist', context, target) blacklist = self.storage.update_blacklist(context, blacklist) return blacklist @notification('dns.blacklist.delete') @transaction def delete_blacklist(self, context, blacklist_id): policy.check('delete_blacklist', context) blacklist = self.storage.delete_blacklist(context, blacklist_id) return blacklist # Server Pools @notification('dns.pool.create') @transaction def create_pool(self, context, pool): # Verify that there is a tenant_id if pool.tenant_id is None: pool.tenant_id = context.tenant policy.check('create_pool', context) created_pool = self.storage.create_pool(context, pool) return created_pool def find_pools(self, context, criterion=None, marker=None, limit=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None): policy.check('find_pools', context) return self.storage.find_pools(context, criterion, marker, limit, sort_key, sort_dir) def find_pool(self, context, criterion=None): policy.check('find_pool', context) return self.storage.find_pool(context, criterion) def get_pool(self, context, pool_id): policy.check('get_pool', context) return self.storage.get_pool(context, pool_id) @notification('dns.pool.update') @transaction def update_pool(self, context, pool): policy.check('update_pool', context) # If there is a nameserver, then additional steps need to be done # Since these are treated as mutable objects, we're only going to # be comparing the nameserver.value which is the FQDN if pool.obj_attr_is_set('ns_records'): elevated_context = context.elevated() elevated_context.all_tenants = True # TODO(kiall): ListObjects should be able to give you their # original set of values. original_pool = self.storage.get_pool(elevated_context, pool.id) # Find the current NS hostnames existing_ns = set([n.hostname for n in original_pool.ns_records]) # Find the desired NS hostnames request_ns = set([n.hostname for n in pool.ns_records]) # Get the NS's to be created and deleted, ignoring the ones that # are in both sets, as those haven't changed. # TODO(kiall): Factor in priority create_ns = request_ns.difference(existing_ns) delete_ns = existing_ns.difference(request_ns) updated_pool = self.storage.update_pool(context, pool) # After the update, handle new ns_records for ns in create_ns: # Create new NS recordsets for every zone zones = self.find_domains( context=elevated_context, criterion={'pool_id': pool.id, 'action': '!DELETE'}) for z in zones: self._add_ns(elevated_context, z, ns) # Then handle the ns_records to delete for ns in delete_ns: # Cannot delete the last nameserver, so verify that first. if len(pool.ns_records) == 0: raise exceptions.LastServerDeleteNotAllowed( "Not allowed to delete last of servers" ) # Delete the NS record for every zone zones = self.find_domains( context=elevated_context, criterion={'pool_id': pool.id}) for z in zones: self._delete_ns(elevated_context, z, ns) return updated_pool @notification('dns.pool.delete') @transaction def delete_pool(self, context, pool_id): policy.check('delete_pool', context) # Make sure that there are no existing zones in the pool elevated_context = context.elevated() elevated_context.all_tenants = True zones = self.find_domains( context=elevated_context, criterion={'pool_id': pool_id, 'action': '!DELETE'}) # If there are existing zones, do not delete the pool LOG.debug("Zones is None? %r " % zones) if len(zones) == 0: pool = self.storage.delete_pool(context, pool_id) else: raise exceptions.InvalidOperation('pool must not contain zones') return pool # Pool Manager Integration def update_status(self, context, domain_id, status, serial): """ :param context: Security context information. :param domain_id: The ID of the designate domain. :param status: The status, 'SUCCESS' or 'ERROR'. :param serial: The consensus serial number for the domain. :return: None """ # TODO(kiall): If the status is SUCCESS and the zone is already ACTIVE, # we likely don't need to do anything. self._update_record_status(context, domain_id, status, serial) self._update_domain_status(context, domain_id, status, serial) def _update_domain_status(self, context, domain_id, status, serial): domain = self.storage.get_domain(context, domain_id) domain, deleted = self._update_domain_or_record_status( domain, status, serial) LOG.debug('Setting domain %s, serial %s: action %s, status %s' % (domain.id, domain.serial, domain.action, domain.status)) self.storage.update_domain(context, domain) # TODO(Ron): Including this to retain the current logic. # We should NOT be deleting domains. The domain status should be # used to indicate the domain has been deleted and not the deleted # column. The deleted column is needed for unique constraints. if deleted: # TODO(vinod): Pass a domain to delete_domain rather than id so # that the action, status and serial are updated correctly. self.storage.delete_domain(context, domain.id) def _update_record_status(self, context, domain_id, status, serial): criterion = { 'domain_id': domain_id } if status == 'SUCCESS': criterion.update({ 'status': ['PENDING', 'ERROR'], 'serial': '<=%d' % serial, }) elif status == 'ERROR' and serial == 0: criterion.update({ 'status': 'PENDING', }) elif status == 'ERROR': criterion.update({ 'status': 'PENDING', 'serial': '<=%d' % serial, }) records = self.storage.find_records(context, criterion=criterion) for record in records: record, deleted = self._update_domain_or_record_status( record, status, serial) if record.obj_what_changed(): LOG.debug('Setting record %s, serial %s: action %s, status %s' % (record.id, record.serial, record.action, record.status)) self.storage.update_record(context, record) # TODO(Ron): Including this to retain the current logic. # We should NOT be deleting records. The record status should # be used to indicate the record has been deleted. if deleted: LOG.debug('Deleting record %s, serial %s: action %s, status %s' % (record.id, record.serial, record.action, record.status)) self.storage.delete_record(context, record.id) recordset = self.storage.get_recordset( context, record.recordset_id) if len(recordset.records) == 0: self.storage.delete_recordset(context, recordset.id) @staticmethod def _update_domain_or_record_status(domain_or_record, status, serial): deleted = False if status == 'SUCCESS': if domain_or_record.action in ['CREATE', 'UPDATE'] \ and domain_or_record.status in ['PENDING', 'ERROR'] \ and serial >= domain_or_record.serial: domain_or_record.action = 'NONE' domain_or_record.status = 'ACTIVE' elif domain_or_record.action == 'DELETE' \ and domain_or_record.status in ['PENDING', 'ERROR'] \ and serial >= domain_or_record.serial: domain_or_record.action = 'NONE' domain_or_record.status = 'DELETED' deleted = True elif status == 'ERROR': if domain_or_record.status == 'PENDING' \ and (serial >= domain_or_record.serial or serial == 0): domain_or_record.status = 'ERROR' return domain_or_record, deleted # Zone Transfers def _transfer_key_generator(self, size=8): chars = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size)) @notification('dns.zone_transfer_request.create') @transaction def create_zone_transfer_request(self, context, zone_transfer_request): elevated_context = context.elevated() elevated_context.all_tenants = True # get zone zone = self.get_domain(context, zone_transfer_request.domain_id) # Don't allow transfers for zones that are being deleted if zone.action == 'DELETE': raise exceptions.BadRequest('Can not transfer a deleting zone') target = { 'tenant_id': zone.tenant_id, } policy.check('create_zone_transfer_request', context, target) zone_transfer_request.key = self._transfer_key_generator() if zone_transfer_request.tenant_id is None: zone_transfer_request.tenant_id = context.tenant created_zone_transfer_request = \ self.storage.create_zone_transfer_request( context, zone_transfer_request) return created_zone_transfer_request def get_zone_transfer_request(self, context, zone_transfer_request_id): elevated_context = context.elevated() elevated_context.all_tenants = True # Get zone transfer request zone_transfer_request = self.storage.get_zone_transfer_request( elevated_context, zone_transfer_request_id) LOG.info(_LI('Target Tenant ID found - using scoped policy')) target = { 'target_tenant_id': zone_transfer_request.target_tenant_id, 'tenant_id': zone_transfer_request.tenant_id, } policy.check('get_zone_transfer_request', context, target) return zone_transfer_request def find_zone_transfer_requests(self, context, criterion=None, marker=None, limit=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None): policy.check('find_zone_transfer_requests', context) requests = self.storage.find_zone_transfer_requests( context, criterion, marker, limit, sort_key, sort_dir) return requests def find_zone_transfer_request(self, context, criterion): target = { 'tenant_id': context.tenant, } policy.check('find_zone_transfer_request', context, target) return self.storage.find_zone_transfer_requests(context, criterion) @notification('dns.zone_transfer_request.update') @transaction def update_zone_transfer_request(self, context, zone_transfer_request): if 'domain_id' in zone_transfer_request.obj_what_changed(): raise exceptions.InvalidOperation('Domain cannot be changed') target = { 'tenant_id': zone_transfer_request.tenant_id, } policy.check('update_zone_transfer_request', context, target) request = self.storage.update_zone_transfer_request( context, zone_transfer_request) return request @notification('dns.zone_transfer_request.delete') @transaction def delete_zone_transfer_request(self, context, zone_transfer_request_id): # Get zone transfer request zone_transfer_request = self.storage.get_zone_transfer_request( context, zone_transfer_request_id) target = { 'tenant_id': zone_transfer_request.tenant_id, } policy.check('delete_zone_transfer_request', context, target) return self.storage.delete_zone_transfer_request( context, zone_transfer_request_id) @notification('dns.zone_transfer_accept.create') @transaction def create_zone_transfer_accept(self, context, zone_transfer_accept): elevated_context = context.elevated() elevated_context.all_tenants = True zone_transfer_request = self.get_zone_transfer_request( context, zone_transfer_accept.zone_transfer_request_id) zone_transfer_accept.domain_id = zone_transfer_request.domain_id if zone_transfer_request.status != 'ACTIVE': if zone_transfer_request.status == 'COMPLETE': raise exceptions.InvaildZoneTransfer( 'Zone Transfer Request has been used') raise exceptions.InvaildZoneTransfer( 'Zone Transfer Request Invalid') if zone_transfer_request.key != zone_transfer_accept.key: raise exceptions.IncorrectZoneTransferKey( 'Key does not match stored key for request') target = { 'target_tenant_id': zone_transfer_request.target_tenant_id } policy.check('create_zone_transfer_accept', context, target) if zone_transfer_accept.tenant_id is None: zone_transfer_accept.tenant_id = context.tenant created_zone_transfer_accept = \ self.storage.create_zone_transfer_accept( context, zone_transfer_accept) try: domain = self.storage.get_domain( elevated_context, zone_transfer_request.domain_id) # Don't allow transfers for zones that are being deleted if domain.action == 'DELETE': raise exceptions.BadRequest('Can not transfer a deleting zone') domain.tenant_id = zone_transfer_accept.tenant_id self.storage.update_domain(elevated_context, domain) except Exception: created_zone_transfer_accept.status = 'ERROR' self.storage.update_zone_transfer_accept( context, created_zone_transfer_accept) raise else: created_zone_transfer_accept.status = 'COMPLETE' zone_transfer_request.status = 'COMPLETE' self.storage.update_zone_transfer_accept( context, created_zone_transfer_accept) self.storage.update_zone_transfer_request( elevated_context, zone_transfer_request) return created_zone_transfer_accept def get_zone_transfer_accept(self, context, zone_transfer_accept_id): # Get zone transfer accept zone_transfer_accept = self.storage.get_zone_transfer_accept( context, zone_transfer_accept_id) target = { 'tenant_id': zone_transfer_accept.tenant_id } policy.check('get_zone_transfer_accept', context, target) return zone_transfer_accept def find_zone_transfer_accepts(self, context, criterion=None, marker=None, limit=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None): policy.check('find_zone_transfer_accepts', context) return self.storage.find_zone_transfer_accepts(context, criterion, marker, limit, sort_key, sort_dir) def find_zone_transfer_accept(self, context, criterion): policy.check('find_zone_transfer_accept', context) return self.storage.find_zone_transfer_accept(context, criterion) @notification('dns.zone_transfer_accept.update') @transaction def update_zone_transfer_accept(self, context, zone_transfer_accept): target = { 'tenant_id': zone_transfer_accept.tenant_id } policy.check('update_zone_transfer_accept', context, target) accept = self.storage.update_zone_transfer_accept( context, zone_transfer_accept) return accept @notification('dns.zone_transfer_accept.delete') @transaction def delete_zone_transfer_accept(self, context, zone_transfer_accept_id): # Get zone transfer accept zt_accept = self.storage.get_zone_transfer_accept( context, zone_transfer_accept_id) target = { 'tenant_id': zt_accept.tenant_id } policy.check('delete_zone_transfer_accept', context, target) return self.storage.delete_zone_transfer_accept( context, zone_transfer_accept_id)