Thomas Herve 0c62a69eba Fix agent unit tests on py3
A bunch of agent tests fail locally for me (for a good reason it seems).
This fixes it by encoding the result of zone.to_text, which is bytes.

Change-Id: I52ce3eafe3e27d022220baf5e15bf1e4958740d5
2017-05-23 12:05:31 +02:00

254 lines
9.0 KiB

# Copyright 2014 Rackspace Inc.
# Author: Tim Simmons <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Typically runs on the resolver hosts. Listen for incoming DNS requests
on a port different than 53 and execute create_zone/delete_zone on the
backend adaptor (e.g. Bind9)
Configured in [service:agent]
import dns
import dns.opcode
import dns.rcode
import dns.message
import dns.flags
import dns.opcode
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from designate import utils
from designate import dnsutils
from designate.backend import agent_backend
from designate.i18n import _LW
from designate.i18n import _LE
from designate.i18n import _LI
import designate.backend.private_codes as pcodes
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class RequestHandler(object):
def __init__(self):
self.masters = []
for server in CONF['service:agent'].masters:
raw_server = utils.split_host_port(server)
master = {'host': raw_server[0], 'port': int(raw_server[1])}
self.masters.append(master)"Agent masters: %(masters)s"),
{'masters': self.masters})
self.allow_notify = CONF['service:agent'].allow_notify
self.transfer_source = CONF['service:agent'].transfer_source
backend_driver = cfg.CONF['service:agent'].backend_driver
self.backend = agent_backend.get_backend(backend_driver, self)
def __call__(self, request):
:param request: DNS Request Message
:return: DNS Response Message
# TODO(Tim): Handle multiple questions
rdtype = request.question[0].rdtype
rdclass = request.question[0].rdclass
opcode = request.opcode()
if opcode == dns.opcode.NOTIFY:
response = self._handle_notify(request)
elif opcode == pcodes.CC:
if rdclass == pcodes.CLASSCC:
if rdtype == pcodes.CREATE:
response = self._handle_create(request)
elif rdtype == pcodes.DELETE:
response = self._handle_delete(request)
response = self._handle_query_error(request,
response = self._handle_query_error(request, dns.rcode.REFUSED)
# Unhandled OpCodes include STATUS, QUERY, IQUERY, UPDATE
response = self._handle_query_error(request, dns.rcode.REFUSED)
# TODO(Tim): Answer Type 65XXX queries
yield response
raise StopIteration
def _handle_query_error(self, request, rcode):
Construct an error response with the rcode passed in.
:param request: The decoded request from the wire.
:param rcode: The response code to send back.
:return: A dns response message with the response code set to rcode
response = dns.message.make_response(request)
return response
def _handle_create(self, request):
response = dns.message.make_response(request)
question = request.question[0]
requester = request.environ['addr'][0]
zone_name ='utf-8')
if not self._allowed(request, requester, "CREATE", zone_name):
return response
serial = self.backend.find_zone_serial(zone_name)
if serial is not None:
# Does this warrant a warning?
# There is a race condition between checking if the zone exists
# and creating it.
LOG.warning(_LW("Not creating %(name)s, zone already exists"),
{'name': zone_name})
# Provide an authoritative answer
response.flags |= dns.flags.AA
return response
LOG.debug("Received %(verb)s for %(name)s from %(host)s",
{'verb': "CREATE", 'name': zone_name, 'host': requester})
# Receive an AXFR from MiniDNS to populate the zone
zone = dnsutils.do_axfr(zone_name, self.masters,
except Exception as e:
# TODO(Federico) unknown exceptions should be logged with a full
# traceback. Same in the other methods.
LOG.error(_LE("Exception while creating zone %r"), e)
return response
# Provide an authoritative answer
response.flags |= dns.flags.AA
return response
def _handle_notify(self, request):
Constructs the response to a NOTIFY and acts accordingly on it.
* Decodes the NOTIFY
* Checks if the master sending the NOTIFY is allowed to notify
* Does a serial check to see if further action needs to be taken
* Kicks off an AXFR and returns a valid response
response = dns.message.make_response(request)
question = request.question[0]
requester = request.environ['addr'][0]
zone_name ='utf-8')
if not self._allowed(request, requester, "NOTIFY", zone_name):
return response
serial = self.backend.find_zone_serial(zone_name)
if serial is None:
LOG.warning(_LW("Refusing NOTIFY for %(name)s, doesn't exist") %
{'name': zone_name})
return response
LOG.debug("Received %(verb)s for %(name)s from %(host)s",
{'verb': "NOTIFY", 'name': zone_name, 'host': requester})
# According to RFC we should query the server that sent the NOTIFY
# TODO(Tim): Reenable this when it makes more sense
# resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver()
# resolver.nameservers = [requester]
# This assumes that the Master is running on port 53
# soa_answer = resolver.query(zone_name, 'SOA')
# Check that the serial is < serial above
zone = dnsutils.do_axfr(zone_name, self.masters,
except Exception:
return response
# Provide an authoritative answer
response.flags |= dns.flags.AA
return response
def _handle_delete(self, request):
Constructs the response to a DELETE and acts accordingly on it.
* Decodes the message for zone name
* Checks if the master sending the DELETE is in the allowed notify list
* Checks if the zone exists (maybe?)
* Kicks a call to the backend to delete the zone in question
response = dns.message.make_response(request)
question = request.question[0]
requester = request.environ['addr'][0]
zone_name ='utf-8')
if not self._allowed(request, requester, "DELETE", zone_name):
return response
serial = self.backend.find_zone_serial(zone_name)
if serial is None:
LOG.warning(_LW("Not deleting %(name)s, zone doesn't exist") %
{'name': zone_name})
# Provide an authoritative answer
response.flags |= dns.flags.AA
return response
LOG.debug("Received DELETE for %(name)s from %(host)s",
{'name': zone_name, 'host': requester})
# Provide an authoritative answer
response.flags |= dns.flags.AA
# Call into the backend to Delete
except Exception:
return response
return response
def _allowed(self, request, requester, op, zone_name):
# If there are no explict notifiers specified, allow all
if not self.allow_notify:
return True
if requester not in self.allow_notify:
LOG.warning(_LW("%(verb)s for %(name)s from %(server)s refused") %
{'verb': op, 'name': zone_name, 'server': requester})
return False
return True