#!/bin/bash # Gate commits to several projects on a VM running those projects # configured by devstack. # Copyright (C) 2011-2012 OpenStack LLC. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. PROJECTS="openstack-dev/devstack openstack/nova openstack/glance openstack/keystone openstack/python-novaclient openstack/python-keystoneclient openstack/python-quantumclient openstack/python-glanceclient openstack/python-openstackclient openstack/horizon openstack/quantum openstack/tempest openstack/cinder openstack/python-cinderclient openstack/swift openstack/python-swiftclient" # Set to 1 to run the Tempest test suite export DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST=${DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST:-0} # Set to 1 to run postgresql instead of mysql export DEVSTACK_GATE_POSTGRES=${DEVSTACK_GATE_POSTGRES:-0} # Set to 1 to run cinder instead of nova volume # Only applicable to stable/folsom branch export DEVSTACK_GATE_CINDER=${DEVSTACK_GATE_CINDER:-0} # Set to 1 to enable Cinder secure delete. # False by default to avoid dd problems on Precise. # https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1023755 export DEVSTACK_CINDER_SECURE_DELETE=${DEVSTACK_CINDER_SECURE_DELETE:-0} # Set to 1 to run quantum instead of nova network # Only applicable to master branch export DEVSTACK_GATE_QUANTUM=${DEVSTACK_GATE_QUANTUM:-0} # Set to the name of the "old" branch to run grenade (eg "stable/folsom") export DEVSTACK_GATE_GRENADE=${DEVSTACK_GATE_GRENADE:-""} # Set the virtualization driver to: libvirt, openvz export DEVSTACK_GATE_VIRT_DRIVER=${DEVSTACK_GATE_VIRT_DRIVER:-libvirt} # See switch below for this -- it gets set to 1 when tempest # is the project being gated. export DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST_FULL=${DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST_FULL:-0} # Set this variable to skip updating the devstack-gate project itself. # Useful in development so you can edit scripts in place and run them # directly. Do not set in production. # Normally not set, and we do include devstack-gate with the rest of # the projects. if [ -z "$SKIP_DEVSTACK_GATE_PROJECT" ]; then PROJECTS="openstack-infra/devstack-gate $PROJECTS" fi export BASE=/opt/stack # Most of the work of this script is done in functions so that we may # easily redirect their stdout / stderr to log files. function setup_workspace { DEST=$1 # Enabled detailed logging, since output of this function is redirected set -o xtrace # HPcloud stopped adding the hostname to /etc/hosts with their # precise images. HOSTNAME=`/bin/hostname` if ! grep $HOSTNAME /etc/hosts >/dev/null then echo "Need to add hostname to /etc/hosts" sudo bash -c 'echo " $HOSTNAME" >>/etc/hosts' fi # Hpcloud provides no swap, but does have a virtual disk mounted # at /mnt we can use. It also doesn't have enough space on / for # two devstack installs, so we partition the vdisk: if [ `grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{ print $2; }'` -eq 0 ] && \ [ -b /dev/vdb ]; then sudo umount /dev/vdb sudo parted /dev/vdb --script -- mklabel msdos sudo parted /dev/vdb --script -- mkpart primary linux-swap 0 8192 sudo parted /dev/vdb --script -- mkpart primary ext2 8192 -1 sudo mkswap /dev/vdb1 sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/vdb2 sudo swapon /dev/vdb1 sudo mount /dev/vdb2 /opt fi sudo mkdir -p $DEST sudo chown -R jenkins:jenkins $DEST cd $DEST # The vm template update job should cache the git repos # Move them to where we expect: if ls ~/workspace-cache/*; then rsync -a ~/workspace-cache/ $DEST/ fi echo "Using branch: $ZUUL_BRANCH" for PROJECT in $PROJECTS do echo "Setting up $PROJECT" SHORT_PROJECT=`basename $PROJECT` if [[ ! -e $SHORT_PROJECT ]]; then echo " Need to clone $SHORT_PROJECT" git clone http://zuul.openstack.org/p/$PROJECT fi cd $SHORT_PROJECT BRANCH=$ZUUL_BRANCH MAX_ATTEMPTS=3 COUNT=0 # Attempt a git remote update. Run for up to 5 minutes before killing. # If first SIGTERM does not kill the process wait a minute then SIGKILL. # If update fails try again for up to a total of 3 attempts. until timeout -k 1m 5m git remote update do COUNT=$(($COUNT + 1)) echo "git remote update failed." if [ $COUNT -eq $MAX_ATTEMPTS ] then exit 1 fi SLEEP_TIME=$((30 + $RANDOM % 60)) echo "sleep $SLEEP_TIME before retrying." sleep $SLEEP_TIME done # Ensure that we don't have stale remotes around git remote prune origin # See if this project has this branch, if not, use master if ! git branch -a |grep remotes/origin/$BRANCH>/dev/null; then BRANCH=master fi # See if Zuul prepared a ref for this project if [ "$ZUUL_REF" != "" ] && \ git fetch http://zuul.openstack.org/p/$PROJECT $ZUUL_REF; then # It's there, so check it out. git checkout FETCH_HEAD git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD git clean -x -f -d -q else if [ "$PROJECT" == "$ZUUL_PROJECT" ]; then echo "Unable to find ref $ZUUL_REF for $PROJECT" exit 1 fi git checkout $BRANCH git reset --hard remotes/origin/$BRANCH git clean -x -f -d -q fi cd $DEST done # The vm template update job should cache some images in ~/files. # Move them to where devstack expects: if [ -e ~/cache/files/* ]; then rsync -a ~/cache/files/ $DEST/devstack/files/ fi # Disable detailed logging as we return to the main script set +o xtrace } function setup_host { # Enabled detailed logging, since output of this function is redirected set -o xtrace # Make sure headers for the currently running kernel are installed: sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes linux-headers-`uname -r` # Move the PIP cache into position: sudo mkdir -p /var/cache/pip sudo mv ~/cache/pip/* /var/cache/pip # Start with a fresh syslog sudo stop rsyslog sudo mv /var/log/syslog /var/log/syslog-pre-devstack sudo mv /var/log/kern.log /var/log/kern_log-pre-devstack sudo touch /var/log/syslog sudo chown /var/log/syslog --ref /var/log/syslog-pre-devstack sudo chmod /var/log/syslog --ref /var/log/syslog-pre-devstack sudo chmod a+r /var/log/syslog sudo touch /var/log/kern.log sudo chown /var/log/kern.log --ref /var/log/kern_log-pre-devstack sudo chmod /var/log/kern.log --ref /var/log/kern_log-pre-devstack sudo chmod a+r /var/log/kern.log sudo start rsyslog # Create a stack user for devstack to run as, so that we can # revoke sudo permissions from that user when appropriate. sudo useradd -U -s /bin/bash -d $BASE/new -m stack TEMPFILE=`mktemp` echo "stack ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:ALL" >$TEMPFILE chmod 0440 $TEMPFILE sudo chown root:root $TEMPFILE sudo mv $TEMPFILE /etc/sudoers.d/50_stack_sh # If we will be testing OpenVZ, make sure stack is a member of the vz group if [ "$DEVSTACK_GATE_VIRT_DRIVER" == "openvz" ]; then sudo usermod -a -G vz stack fi # Disable detailed logging as we return to the main script set +o xtrace } function cleanup_host { # Enabled detailed logging, since output of this function is redirected set -o xtrace cd $WORKSPACE # No matter what, archive logs sudo cp /var/log/syslog $WORKSPACE/logs/syslog.txt sudo cp /var/log/kern.log $WORKSPACE/logs/kern_log.txt mkdir $WORKSPACE/logs/rabbitmq/ sudo cp /var/log/rabbitmq/* $WORKSPACE/logs/rabbitmq/ mkdir $WORKSPACE/logs/sudoers.d/ sudo cp /etc/sudoers.d/* $WORKSPACE/logs/sudoers.d/ sudo cp /etc/sudoers $WORKSPACE/logs/sudoers.txt if [ -d $BASE/old ]; then mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/logs/old/ mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/logs/new/ mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/logs/grenade/ sudo cp $BASE/old/screen-logs/* $WORKSPACE/logs/old/ sudo cp $BASE/old/devstacklog.txt $WORKSPACE/logs/old/ sudo cp $BASE/old/devstack/localrc $WORKSPACE/logs/old/localrc.txt sudo cp $BASE/logs/* $WORKSPACE/logs/ sudo cp $BASE/new/grenade/localrc $WORKSPACE/logs/grenade/localrc.txt NEWLOGTARGET=$WORKSPACE/logs/new else NEWLOGTARGET=$WORKSPACE/logs fi sudo cp $BASE/new/screen-logs/* $NEWLOGTARGET/ sudo cp $BASE/new/devstacklog.txt $NEWLOGTARGET/ sudo cp $BASE/new/devstack/localrc $NEWLOGTARGET/localrc.txt # Make sure jenkins can read all the logs sudo chown -R jenkins:jenkins $WORKSPACE/logs/ sudo chmod a+r $WORKSPACE/logs/ rename 's/\.log$/.txt/' $WORKSPACE/logs/* rename 's/(.*)/$1.txt/' $WORKSPACE/logs/sudoers.d/* rename 's/\.log$/.txt/' $WORKSPACE/logs/rabbitmq/* mv $WORKSPACE/logs/rabbitmq/startup_log \ $WORKSPACE/logs/rabbitmq/startup_log.txt # Remove duplicate logs rm $WORKSPACE/logs/*.*.txt # Save the tempest nosetests results sudo cp $BASE/new/tempest/nosetests*.xml $WORKSPACE/ sudo chown jenkins:jenkins $WORKSPACE/nosetests*.xml sudo chmod a+r $WORKSPACE/nosetests*.xml # Disable detailed logging as we return to the main script set +o xtrace } # Make a directory to store logs rm -rf logs mkdir -p logs setup_workspace $BASE/new &> \ $WORKSPACE/logs/devstack-gate-setup-workspace-new.txt # Set GATE_SCRIPT_DIR to point to devstack-gate in the workspace so that # we are testing the proposed change from this point forward. GATE_SCRIPT_DIR=$BASE/new/devstack-gate # Also, if we're testing devstack-gate, re-exec this script once so # that we can test the new version of it. if [[ $ZUUL_PROJECT == "openstack-infra/devstack-gate" ]] && [[ $RE_EXEC != "true" ]]; then export RE_EXEC="true" echo "This build includes a change to the devstack gate; re-execing this script." exec $GATE_SCRIPT_DIR/devstack-vm-gate-wrap.sh fi if [ "$DEVSTACK_GATE_GRENADE" ]; then ORIGBRANCH=$ZUUL_BRANCH ZUUL_BRANCH=$DEVSTACK_GATE_GRENADE setup_workspace $BASE/old &> \ $WORKSPACE/logs/devstack-gate-setup-workspace-old.txt ZUUL_BRANCH=$ORIGBRANCH fi echo "Triggered by: https://review.openstack.org/$ZUUL_CHANGE patchset $ZUUL_PATCHSET" echo "Pipeline: $ZUUL_PIPELINE" setup_host &> $WORKSPACE/logs/devstack-gate-setup-host.txt # We want to run the full tempest test suite for # new commits to Tempest, and the smoke test suite # for commits to the core projects if [[ $ZUUL_PROJECT == "openstack/tempest" ]]; then export DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST_FULL=1 fi # Run the test $GATE_SCRIPT_DIR/devstack-vm-gate.sh RETVAL=$? cleanup_host &> $WORKSPACE/logs/devstack-gate-cleanup-host.txt exit $RETVAL