
989 lines
33 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2011-2013 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Distro check functions
function is_fedora {
# note we consider CentOS 7 as fedora for now
lsb_release -i 2>/dev/null | grep -iq "fedora" || \
lsb_release -i 2>/dev/null | grep -iq "CentOS"
function is_ubuntu {
lsb_release -i 2>/dev/null | grep -iq "ubuntu"
function is_debian {
# do not rely on lsb_release because it may be not installed by default
cat /etc/*-release | grep ID 2>/dev/null | grep -iq "debian"
function uses_debs {
# check if apt-get is installed, valid for debian based
type "apt-get" 2>/dev/null
function function_exists {
type $1 2>/dev/null | grep -q 'is a function'
function apt_get_install {
# fetch the updates in a loop to ensure that we're update to
# date. Only do this once per run. Give up to 5 minutes to succeed
# here.
if [[ -z "$APT_UPDATED" ]]; then
if ! timeout 300 sh -c "while ! sudo apt-get update; do sleep 30; done"; then
echo "Failed to update apt repos, we're dead now"
exit 1
sudo apt-get --assume-yes install $@
function call_hook_if_defined {
local hook_name=$1
local filename=${2-$WORKSPACE/devstack-gate-$hook_name.txt}
local save_dir=${3-$BASE/logs/}
if function_exists $hook_name; then
echo "Running $hook_name"
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set -o xtrace -o pipefail
tsfilter $hook_name | tee $filename
local ret_val=$?
$SUDO mv $filename $save_dir
set +o pipefail
return $ret_val
# awk filter to timestamp the stream, including stderr merging
function tsfilter {
$@ 2>&1 | awk '
cmd ="date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N | \""
cmd | getline now
close("date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N | \"")
sub(/^/, now)
# make sure we return the command status, not the awk status
return ${PIPESTATUS[0]}
function _ping_check {
local host=$1
local times=${2:-20}
echo "Testing ICMP connectivit to $host"
ping -c $times $host
function _http_check {
local url=$1
local dl='wget --progress=bar -O /dev/null'
if [[ `which curl` ]]; then
dl='curl -# -o /dev/null'
# do a pypi http fetch, to make sure that we're good
for i in `seq 1 10`; do
echo "HTTP check of $url - attempt #$i"
$dl $url || /bin/true
# do a few network tests to baseline how bad we are
function network_sanity_check {
echo "Performing network sanity check..."
if [[ -f $PIP_CONFIG_FILE ]]; then
line=$(cat $PIP_CONFIG_FILE|grep index-url)
pypi_host=$(echo $pypi_url|grep -Po '.*?//\K.*?(?=/)')
_ping_check $pypi_host
_http_check $pypi_url
# rax ubuntu mirror
# create the start timer for when the job began
function start_timer {
# first make sure the time is right, so we don't go into crazy land
# later if the system decides to apply an ntp date and we jump forward
# 4 hrs (which has happened)
if is_fedora; then
local ntp_service='ntpd'
elif uses_debs; then
local ntp_service='ntp'
echo "Unsupported platform, can't determine ntp service"
exit 1
local default_ntp_server=$(
grep ^server /etc/ntp.conf | head -1 | awk '{print $2}')
local ntp_server=${NTP_SERVER:-$default_ntp_server}
sudo service $ntp_service stop
sudo /usr/sbin/ntpdate $ntp_server
sudo service $ntp_service start
sleep 1
START_TIME=`date +%s`
function remaining_time {
local now=`date +%s`
local elapsed=$(((now - START_TIME) / 60))
echo "Job timeout set to: $REMAINING_TIME minutes"
if [ ${REMAINING_TIME} -le 0 ]; then
echo "Already timed out."
exit 1
# indent the output of a command 4 spaces, useful for distinguishing
# the output of a command from the command itself
function indent {
$@ | (while read; do echo " $REPLY"; done)
# Attempt to fetch a git ref for a project, if that ref is not empty
function git_fetch_at_ref {
local project=$1
local ref=$2
if [ "$ref" != "" ]; then
git fetch $ZUUL_URL/$project $ref
return $?
# return failing
return 1
function git_checkout {
local project=$1
local branch=$2
local reset_branch=$branch
if [[ "$branch" != "FETCH_HEAD" ]]; then
git checkout $branch
git reset --hard $reset_branch
if ! git clean -x -f -d -q ; then
sleep 1
git clean -x -f -d -q
function git_has_branch {
local project=$1 # Project is here for test mocks
local branch=$2
if git branch -a |grep remotes/origin/$branch>/dev/null; then
return 0
return 1
function git_prune {
git_timed remote prune origin
function git_remote_update {
git_timed remote update
# git can sometimes get itself infinitely stuck with transient network
# errors or other issues with the remote end. This wraps git in a
# timeout/retry loop and is intended to watch over non-local git
# processes that might hang. Run for up to 5 minutes before killing.
# If first SIGTERM does not kill the process wait a minute then SIGKILL.
# If the git operation fails try again for up to a total of 3 attempts.
# usage: git_timed <git-command>
function git_timed {
local max_attempts=3
local count=0
until timeout -k 1m 5m git "$@"; do
count=$(($count + 1))
echo "git $@ failed."
if [ $count -eq $max_attempts ]; then
echo "Max attempts reached for git $@; giving up."
exit 1
local sleep_time=$((30 + $RANDOM % 60))
echo "sleep $sleep_time before retrying."
sleep $sleep_time
function git_remote_set_url {
git remote set-url $1 $2
function git_clone_and_cd {
local project=$1
local short_project=$2
local git_base=${GIT_BASE:-}
if [[ ! -e $short_project ]]; then
echo " Need to clone $short_project"
git clone $git_base/$project
cd $short_project
function fix_etc_hosts {
# HPcloud stopped adding the hostname to /etc/hosts with their
# precise images.
if ! grep $HOSTNAME /etc/hosts >/dev/null; then
echo "Need to add hostname to /etc/hosts"
sudo bash -c 'echo " $HOSTNAME" >>/etc/hosts'
function fix_disk_layout {
# HPCloud and Rackspace performance nodes provide no swap, but do
# have ephemeral disks we can use. HPCloud also doesn't have
# enough space on / for two devstack installs, so we partition the
# disk and mount it on /opt, syncing the previous contents of /opt
# over.
if [ `grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{ print $2; }'` -eq 0 ]; then
if [ -b /dev/xvde ]; then
EPHEMERAL_DEV=$(blkid -L ephemeral0 || true)
if [ -n "$EPHEMERAL_DEV" -a -b "$EPHEMERAL_DEV" ]; then
if [ -n "$DEV" ]; then
local swap=${DEV}1
local lvmvol=${DEV}2
local optdev=${DEV}3
if mount | grep ${DEV} > /dev/null; then
echo "*** ${DEV} appears to already be mounted"
echo "*** ${DEV} unmounting and reformating"
sudo umount ${DEV}
sudo parted ${DEV} --script -- mklabel msdos
sudo parted ${DEV} --script -- mkpart primary linux-swap 1 8192
sudo parted ${DEV} --script -- mkpart primary ext2 8192 32768
sudo parted ${DEV} --script -- mkpart primary ext2 32768 -1
sudo mkswap $swap
sudo vgcreate stack-volumes-lvmdriver-1 $lvmvol
sudo mkfs.ext4 $optdev
sudo swapon $swap
sudo mount $optdev /mnt
sudo find /opt/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -exec mv {} /mnt/ \;
sudo umount /mnt
sudo mount $optdev /opt
# dump vm settings for reference (Ubuntu 12 era procps can get
# confused with certain proc trigger nodes that are write-only and
# return a EPERM; ignore this)
sudo sysctl vm || true
# ensure a standard level of swappiness. Some platforms
# (rax+centos7) come with swappiness of 0 (presumably because the
# vm doesn't come with swap setup ... but we just did that above),
# which depending on the kernel version can lead to the OOM killer
# kicking in on some processes despite swap being available;
# particularly things like mysql which have very high ratio of
# anonymous-memory to file-backed mappings.
# make sure reload of sysctl doesn't reset this
sudo sed -i '/vm.swappiness/d' /etc/sysctl.conf
# This sets swappiness low; we really don't want to be relying on
# cloud I/O based swap during our runs
sudo sysctl -w vm.swappiness=10
# Set up a project in accordance with the future state proposed by
# Zuul.
# Arguments:
# project: The full name of the project to set up
# branch: The branch to check out
# The branch argument should be the desired branch to check out. If
# you have no other opinions, then you should supply ZUUL_BRANCH here.
# This is generally the branch corresponding with the change being
# tested.
# If you would like to check out a branch other than what ZUUL has
# selected, for example in order to check out the old or new branches
# for grenade, or an alternate branch to test client library
# compatibility, then supply that as the argument instead. This
# function will try to check out the following (in order):
# The zuul ref for the project specific OVERRIDE_$PROJECT_PROJECT_BRANCH if specified
# The zuul ref for the indicated branch
# The zuul ref for the master branch
# The tip of the project specific OVERRIDE_$PROJECT_PROJECT_BRANCH if specified
# The tip of the indicated branch
# The tip of the master branch
function setup_project {
local project=$1
local branch=$2
local short_project=`basename $project`
local git_base=${GIT_BASE:-}
echo "Setting up $project @ $branch"
git_clone_and_cd $project $short_project
git_remote_set_url origin $git_base/$project
# allow for possible project branch override
local uc_project=`echo $short_project | tr [:lower:] [:upper:] | tr '-' '_' | sed 's/[^A-Z_]//'`
local project_branch_var="\$OVERRIDE_${uc_project}_PROJECT_BRANCH"
local project_branch=`eval echo ${project_branch_var}`
if [[ "$project_branch" != "" ]]; then
# Try the specified branch before the ZUUL_BRANCH.
if [[ ! -z $ZUUL_BRANCH ]]; then
OVERRIDE_ZUUL_REF=$(echo $ZUUL_REF | sed -e "s,$ZUUL_BRANCH,$branch,")
# Update git remotes
# Ensure that we don't have stale remotes around
# See if this project has this branch, if not, use master
if ! git_has_branch $project $branch; then
FALLBACK_ZUUL_REF=$(echo $ZUUL_REF | sed -e "s,$branch,master,")
# See if Zuul prepared a ref for this project
if git_fetch_at_ref $project $OVERRIDE_ZUUL_REF || \
git_fetch_at_ref $project $FALLBACK_ZUUL_REF; then
# It's there, so check it out.
git_checkout $project FETCH_HEAD
if git_has_branch $project $branch; then
git_checkout $project $branch
git_checkout $project master
function re_exec_devstack_gate {
export RE_EXEC="true"
echo "This build includes a change to devstack-gate; re-execing this script."
exec $WORKSPACE/devstack-gate/
function setup_workspace {
local base_branch=$1
local DEST=$2
local copy_cache=$3
local xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
# Enabled detailed logging, since output of this function is redirected
set -o xtrace
if [ -z "$base_branch" ]; then
echo "ERROR: setup_workspace: base_branch is an empty string!" >&2
return 1
sudo mkdir -p $DEST
sudo chown -R jenkins:jenkins $DEST
#TODO(jeblair): remove when this is no longer created by the image
rm -fr ~/workspace-cache/
# The vm template update job should cache the git repos
# Move them to where we expect:
echo "Using branch: $base_branch"
cd $DEST
if [ -d /opt/git/$PROJECT ]; then
# Start with a cached git repo if possible
rsync -a /opt/git/${PROJECT}/ `basename $PROJECT`
setup_project $PROJECT $base_branch
# It's important we are back at DEST for the rest of the script
cd $DEST
if [ -n "$copy_cache" ] ; then
# The vm template update job should cache some images in ~/cache.
# Move them to where devstack expects:
find ~/cache/files/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -exec cp {} $DEST/devstack/files/ \;
# The vm template update job should cache some images in ~/cache.
# Move them to where devstack expects:
find ~/cache/files/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -exec mv {} $DEST/devstack/files/ \;
# Disable detailed logging as we return to the main script
function copy_mirror_config {
# The pydistutils.cfg file is added by Puppet. Some CIs may not rely on
# Puppet to do the base node installation
if [ -f ~/.pydistutils.cfg ]; then
sudo install -D -m0644 -o root -g root ~/.pydistutils.cfg ~root/.pydistutils.cfg
sudo install -D -m0644 -o stack -g stack ~/.pydistutils.cfg ~stack/.pydistutils.cfg
sudo install -D -m0644 -o tempest -g tempest ~/.pydistutils.cfg ~tempest/.pydistutils.cfg
function setup_host {
# Enabled detailed logging, since output of this function is redirected
local xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set -o xtrace
echo "What's our kernel?"
uname -a
# capture # of cpus
echo "NProc has discovered $(nproc) CPUs"
cat /proc/cpuinfo
# This is necessary to keep sudo from complaining
# We set some home directories under $BASE, make sure it exists.
sudo mkdir -p $BASE
# Start with a fresh syslog
if uses_debs; then
sudo stop rsyslog
sudo mv /var/log/syslog /var/log/syslog-pre-devstack
sudo mv /var/log/kern.log /var/log/kern_log-pre-devstack
sudo touch /var/log/syslog
sudo chown /var/log/syslog --ref /var/log/syslog-pre-devstack
sudo chmod /var/log/syslog --ref /var/log/syslog-pre-devstack
sudo chmod a+r /var/log/syslog
sudo touch /var/log/kern.log
sudo chown /var/log/kern.log --ref /var/log/kern_log-pre-devstack
sudo chmod /var/log/kern.log --ref /var/log/kern_log-pre-devstack
sudo chmod a+r /var/log/kern.log
sudo start rsyslog
elif is_fedora; then
# save timestamp and use journalctl to dump everything since
# then at the end
date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" | sudo tee $BASE/log-start-timestamp.txt
# Create a stack user for devstack to run as, so that we can
# revoke sudo permissions from that user when appropriate.
sudo useradd -U -s /bin/bash -d $BASE/new -m stack
# Use 755 mode on the user dir regarless to the /etc/login.defs setting
sudo chmod 755 $BASE/new
echo "stack ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:ALL" >$TEMPFILE
chmod 0440 $TEMPFILE
sudo chown root:root $TEMPFILE
sudo mv $TEMPFILE /etc/sudoers.d/50_stack_sh
# Create user's ~/.cache directory with proper permissions, ensuring later
# 'sudo pip install's do not create it owned by root.
sudo mkdir -p $BASE/new/.cache
sudo chown -R stack:stack $BASE/new/.cache
# Create a tempest user for tempest to run as, so that we can
# revoke sudo permissions from that user when appropriate.
# NOTE(sdague): we should try to get the state dump to be a
# neutron API call in Icehouse to remove this.
sudo useradd -U -s /bin/bash -m tempest
echo "tempest ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/sbin/ip" >$TEMPFILE
echo "tempest ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/sbin/iptables" >>$TEMPFILE
echo "tempest ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/ovsdb-client" >>$TEMPFILE
chmod 0440 $TEMPFILE
sudo chown root:root $TEMPFILE
sudo mv $TEMPFILE /etc/sudoers.d/51_tempest_sh
# Future useradd calls should strongly consider also updating
# ~/.pydisutils.cfg in the copy_mirror_config
# function if tox/pip will be used at all.
# If we will be testing OpenVZ, make sure stack is a member of the vz group
if [ "$DEVSTACK_GATE_VIRT_DRIVER" == "openvz" ]; then
sudo usermod -a -G vz stack
# Ensure that all of the users have the openstack mirror config
# perform network sanity check so that we can characterize the
# state of the world
# Disable detailed logging as we return to the main script
function archive_test_artifact {
local filename=$1
sudo gzip -9 $filename
sudo chown jenkins:jenkins $filename.gz
sudo chmod a+r $filename.gz
function process_testr_artifacts {
local project=$1
local path_prefix=${2:-new}
local project_path=$BASE/$path_prefix/$project
local repo_path=$project_path/.testrepository
local log_path=$BASE/logs
if [[ "$path_prefix" != "new" ]]; then
# Check for an interrupted run first because 0 will always exist
if [ -f $repo_path/tmp* ]; then
# If testr timed out, collect temp file from testr
sudo cp $repo_path/tmp* $log_path/testrepository.subunit
archive_test_artifact $log_path/testrepository.subunit
elif [ -f $repo_path/0 ]; then
pushd $project_path
sudo testr last --subunit > $WORKSPACE/testrepository.subunit
sudo mv $WORKSPACE/testrepository.subunit \
sudo python /usr/local/jenkins/slave_scripts/ \
$log_path/testrepository.subunit $log_path/testr_results.html
archive_test_artifact $log_path/testrepository.subunit
archive_test_artifact $log_path/testr_results.html
function cleanup_host {
# TODO: clean this up to be errexit clean
local errexit=$(set +o | grep errexit)
set +o errexit
# Enabled detailed logging, since output of this function is redirected
local xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set -o xtrace
# Sleep to give services a chance to flush their log buffers.
sleep 2
# No matter what, archive logs and config files
if uses_debs; then
sudo cp /var/log/syslog $BASE/logs/syslog.txt
sudo cp /var/log/kern.log $BASE/logs/kern_log.txt
elif is_fedora; then
# the journal gives us syslog() and kernel output, so is like
# a concatenation of the above.
sudo journalctl --no-pager \
--since="$(cat $BASE/log-start-timestamp.txt)" \
| sudo tee $BASE/logs/syslog.txt > /dev/null
# apache logs; including wsgi stuff like horizon, keystone, etc.
if uses_debs; then
local apache_logs=/var/log/apache2
elif is_fedora; then
local apache_logs=/var/log/httpd
sudo cp -r ${apache_logs} $BASE/logs/apache
# rabbitmq logs
if [ -d /var/log/rabbitmq ]; then
sudo cp -r /var/log/rabbitmq $BASE/logs
# db logs
if [ -d /var/log/postgresql ] ; then
# Rename log so it doesn't have an additional '.' so it won't get
# deleted
sudo cp /var/log/postgresql/*log $BASE/logs/postgres.log
if [ -f /var/log/mysql.err ] ; then
sudo cp /var/log/mysql.err $BASE/logs/mysql_err.log
if [ -f /var/log/mysql.log ] ; then
sudo cp /var/log/mysql.log $BASE/logs/
# libvirt
if [ -d /var/log/libvirt ] ; then
sudo cp -r /var/log/libvirt $BASE/logs/
# sudo config
sudo cp -r /etc/sudoers.d $BASE/logs/
sudo cp /etc/sudoers $BASE/logs/sudoers.txt
# Archive config files
sudo mkdir $BASE/logs/etc/
proj=`basename $PROJECT`
if [ -d /etc/$proj ]; then
sudo cp -r /etc/$proj $BASE/logs/etc/
# Archive Apache config files
sudo mkdir $BASE/logs/apache_config
if uses_debs; then
if [[ -d /etc/apache2/sites-enabled ]]; then
sudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/* $BASE/logs/apache_config
elif is_fedora; then
if [[ -d /etc/apache2/httpd/conf.d ]]; then
sudo cp /etc/httpd/conf.d/* $BASE/logs/apache_config
# copy devstack log files
if [ -d $BASE/old ]; then
sudo mkdir -p $BASE/logs/old $BASE/logs/new
# copy all log files, but note that devstack creates a shortened
# symlink without timestamp (foo.log -> foo.2014-01-01-000000.log)
# for each log to latest log. Thus we just copy the symlinks to
# avoid excessively long file-names.
find $BASE/old/screen-logs -type l -print0 | \
xargs -0 -I {} sudo cp {} $BASE/logs/old
sudo cp $BASE/old/devstacklog.txt $BASE/logs/old/
sudo cp $BASE/old/devstack/localrc $BASE/logs/old/localrc.txt
sudo cp $BASE/old/tempest/etc/tempest.conf $BASE/logs/old/tempest_conf.txt
if -f [ $BASE/old/devstack/tempest.log ] ; then
sudo cp $BASE/old/devstack/tempest.log $BASE/logs/old/verify_tempest_conf.log
# grenade logs
sudo cp $BASE/new/grenade/localrc $BASE/logs/grenade_localrc.txt
# grenade pluginrc - external grenade plugins use this file to
# communicate with grenade, capture for posterity
if -f [ $BASE/new/grenade/pluginrc ]; then
sudo cp $BASE/new/grenade/pluginrc $BASE/logs/grenade_pluginrc.txt
# grenade logs directly and uses similar timestampped files to
# devstack. So temporarily copy out & rename the latest log
# files from the short-symlinks into grenade/, clean-up left
# over time-stampped files and put the interesting logs back at
# top-level for easy access
sudo mkdir -p $BASE/logs/grenade
sudo cp $BASE/logs/ $BASE/logs/grenade/
sudo cp $BASE/logs/ \
sudo rm $BASE/logs/*
sudo mv $BASE/logs/grenade/*.log $BASE/logs
sudo rm -rf $BASE/logs/grenade
if [ -f $BASE/new/grenade/javelin.log ] ; then
sudo cp $BASE/new/grenade/javelin.log $BASE/logs/javelin.log
find $BASE/new/screen-logs -type l -print0 | \
xargs -0 -I {} sudo cp {} $NEWLOGTARGET/
sudo cp $BASE/new/devstacklog.txt $NEWLOGTARGET/
sudo cp $BASE/new/devstack/localrc $NEWLOGTARGET/localrc.txt
if [ -f $BASE/new/devstack/tempest.log ]; then
sudo cp $BASE/new/devstack/tempest.log $NEWLOGTARGET/verify_tempest_conf.log
# Copy failure files if they exist
if [ $(ls $BASE/status/stack/*.failure | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
sudo mkdir -p $BASE/logs/status
sudo cp $BASE/status/stack/*.failure $BASE/logs/status/
# Copy Ironic nodes console logs if they exist
if [ -d $BASE/new/ironic-bm-logs ] ; then
sudo mkdir -p $BASE/logs/ironic-bm-logs
sudo cp $BASE/new/ironic-bm-logs/*.log $BASE/logs/ironic-bm-logs/
# Copy tempest config file
sudo cp $BASE/new/tempest/etc/tempest.conf $NEWLOGTARGET/tempest_conf.txt
sudo iptables-save > $WORKSPACE/iptables.txt
df -h > $WORKSPACE/df.txt
pip freeze > $WORKSPACE/pip-freeze.txt
sudo mv $WORKSPACE/iptables.txt $WORKSPACE/df.txt \
$WORKSPACE/pip-freeze.txt $BASE/logs/
if [ `command -v dpkg` ]; then
dpkg -l> $WORKSPACE/dpkg-l.txt
gzip -9 dpkg-l.txt
sudo mv $WORKSPACE/dpkg-l.txt.gz $BASE/logs/
if [ `command -v rpm` ]; then
rpm -qa > $WORKSPACE/rpm-qa.txt
gzip -9 rpm-qa.txt
sudo mv $WORKSPACE/rpm-qa.txt.gz $BASE/logs/
process_testr_artifacts tempest
process_testr_artifacts tempest old
if [ -f $BASE/new/tempest/tempest.log ] ; then
sudo cp $BASE/new/tempest/tempest.log $BASE/logs/tempest.log
if [ -f $BASE/old/tempest/tempest.log ] ; then
sudo cp $BASE/old/tempest/tempest.log $BASE/logs/old/tempest.log
# ceph logs and config
if [ -d /var/log/ceph ] ; then
sudo cp -r /var/log/ceph $BASE/logs/
if [ -f /etc/ceph/ceph.conf ] ; then
sudo cp /etc/ceph/ceph.conf $BASE/logs/ceph_conf.txt
if [ -d /var/log/openvswitch ] ; then
sudo cp -r /var/log/openvswitch $BASE/logs/
# Make sure jenkins can read all the logs and configs
sudo chown -R jenkins:jenkins $BASE/logs/
sudo chmod a+r $BASE/logs/ $BASE/logs/etc
# rename files to .txt; this is so that when displayed via
# clicking results in the browser shows the
# files, rather than trying to send it to another app or make you
# download it, etc.
# firstly, rename all .log files to .txt files
for f in $(find $BASE/logs -name "*.log"); do
sudo mv $f ${f/.log/.txt}
#rename all failure files to have .txt
for f in $(find $BASE/logs/status -name "*.failure"); do
sudo mv $f ${f/.failure/.txt}
# append .txt to all config files
# (there are some /etc/swift .builder and .ring files that get
# caught up which aren't really text, don't worry about that)
find $BASE/logs/sudoers.d $BASE/logs/etc -type f -exec mv '{}' '{}'.txt \;
# rabbitmq
if [ -f $BASE/logs/rabbitmq/ ]; then
find $BASE/logs/rabbitmq -type f -exec mv '{}' '{}'.txt \;
for X in `find $BASE/logs/rabbitmq -type f` ; do
mv "$X" "${X/@/_at_}"
# glusterfs logs and config
if [ -d /var/log/glusterfs ] ; then
sudo cp -r /var/log/glusterfs $BASE/logs/
if [ -f /etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol ] ; then
sudo cp /etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol $BASE/logs/
# final memory usage and process list
ps -eo user,pid,ppid,lwp,%cpu,%mem,size,rss,cmd > $BASE/logs/ps.txt
# Compress all text logs
sudo find $BASE/logs -iname '*.txt' -execdir gzip -9 {} \+
sudo find $BASE/logs -iname '*.dat' -execdir gzip -9 {} \+
sudo find $BASE/logs -iname '*.conf' -execdir gzip -9 {} \+
# Disable detailed logging as we return to the main script
function remote_command {
local ssh_opts="-tt -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectionAttempts=4"
local dest_host=$1
ssh $ssh_opts $dest_host "$@"
function remote_copy_dir {
local dest_host=$1
local src_dir=$2
local dest_dir=$3
remote_command "$dest_host" mkdir -p "$dest_dir"
rsync -avz "$src_dir" "${dest_host}:$dest_dir"
function remote_copy_file {
local ssh_opts="-o PasswordAuthentication=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectionAttempts=4"
local src=$1
local dest=$2
scp $ssh_opts "$src" "$dest"
# enable_netconsole
function enable_netconsole {
# do nothing if not set
if [[ $DEVSTACK_GATE_NETCONSOLE = "" ]]; then
local remote_ip=$(echo $DEVSTACK_GATE_NETCONSOLE | awk -F: -e '{print $1}')
local remote_port=$(echo $DEVSTACK_GATE_NETCONSOLE | awk -F: -e '{print $2}')
# netconsole requires the device to send and the destitation MAC,
# which is obviously on the same subnet. The way to get packets
# out to the world is specify the default gw as the remote
# destination.
local default_gw=$(ip route | grep default | awk '{print $3}')
local gw_mac=$(arp $default_gw | grep $default_gw | awk '{print $3}')
local gw_dev=$(ip route | grep default | awk '{print $5}')
# turn up message output
sudo dmesg -n 8
sudo modprobe configfs
sudo modprobe netconsole
sudo mount none -t configfs /sys/kernel/config
sudo mkdir /sys/kernel/config/netconsole/target1
pushd /sys/kernel/config/netconsole/target1
echo "$gw_dev" | sudo tee ./dev_name
echo "$remote_ip" | sudo tee ./remote_ip
echo "$gw_mac" | sudo tee ./remote_mac
echo "$remote_port" | sudo tee ./remote_port
echo 1 | sudo tee ./enabled
# This function creates an internal gre bridge to connect all external
# network bridges across the compute and network nodes.
# bridge_name: Bridge name on each host for logical l2 network
# connectivity.
# host_ip: ip address of the bridge host which is reachable for all peer
# the hub for all of our spokes.
# set_ips: Whether or not to set l3 addresses on our logical l2 network.
# This can be helpful for setting up routing tables.
# offset: starting value for gre tunnel key and the ip addr suffix
# The next two parameters are only used if set_ips is "True".
# pub_addr_prefix: The IPv4 address three octet prefix used to give compute
# nodes non conflicting addresses on the pub_if_name'd
# network. Should be provided as X.Y.Z. Offset will be
# applied to this as well as the below mask to get the
# resulting address.
# pub_addr_mask: the CIDR mask less the '/' for the IPv4 addresses used
# above.
# every additional parameter is considered as a peer host (spokes)
# For OVS troubleshooting needs:
function ovs_gre_bridge {
local install_ovs_deps="source $BASE/new/devstack/functions-common; \
install_package openvswitch-switch; \
restart_service openvswitch-switch"
local mtu=1450
local bridge_name=$1
local host_ip=$2
local set_ips=$3
local offset=$4
if [[ "$set_ips" == "True" ]] ; then
local pub_addr_prefix=$5
local pub_addr_mask=$6
shift 6
shift 4
local peer_ips=$@
eval $install_ovs_deps
# create a bridge, just like you would with 'brctl addbr'
# if the bridge exists, --may-exist prevents ovs from returning an error
sudo ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-br $bridge_name
# as for the mtu, look for notes on lp#1301958 in
sudo ip link set mtu $mtu dev $bridge_name
if [[ "$set_ips" == "True" ]] ; then
sudo ip addr add ${pub_addr_prefix}.${offset}/${pub_addr_mask} dev ${bridge_name}
for node_ip in $peer_ips; do
(( offset++ ))
# For reference on how to setup a tunnel using OVS see:
# The command below is equivalent to the sequence of ip/brctl commands
# where an interface of gre type is created first, and then plugged into
# the bridge; options are command specific configuration key-value pairs.
# Create the gre tunnel for the Controller/Network Node:
# This establishes a tunnel between remote $node_ip to local $host_ip
# uniquely identified by a key $offset
sudo ovs-vsctl add-port $bridge_name \
${bridge_name}_${node_ip} \
-- set interface ${bridge_name}_${node_ip} type=gre \
options:remote_ip=${node_ip} \
options:key=${offset} \
# Now complete the gre tunnel setup for the Compute Node:
# Similarly this establishes the tunnel in the reverse direction
remote_command $node_ip "$install_ovs_deps"
remote_command $node_ip sudo ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-br $bridge_name
remote_command $node_ip sudo ip link set mtu $mtu dev $bridge_name
remote_command $node_ip sudo ovs-vsctl add-port $bridge_name \
${bridge_name}_${host_ip} \
-- set interface ${bridge_name}_${host_ip} type=gre \
options:remote_ip=${host_ip} \
options:key=${offset} \
if [[ "$set_ips" == "True" ]] ; then
remote_command $node_ip \
sudo ip addr add ${pub_addr_prefix}.${offset}/${pub_addr_mask} \
dev ${bridge_name}