James E. Blair 101e0fbbc5 Combine parted script into one command
It looks like we may be encountering issues running the second or
third of these commands; combine them into one to reduce system

Change-Id: Iacb93868c678161d84bb5c06a8180b8eb12b5fe7
2017-09-01 13:40:25 -07:00

107 lines
4.1 KiB

# TODO: Turn this into proper Ansible
- name: Fix the disk layout
become: yes
executable: /bin/bash
creates: /etc/fixed_disk_layout
shell: |
set -ex
# Don't attempt to fix disk layout more than once
touch /etc/fixed_disk_layout
# Ensure virtual machines from different providers all have at least 8GB of
# swap.
# Use an ephemeral disk if there is one or create and use a swapfile.
# Rackspace also doesn't have enough space on / for two devstack installs,
# so we partition the disk and mount it on /opt, syncing the previous
# contents of /opt over.
swapcurrent=$(( $(grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{ print $2; }') / 1024 ))
if [[ $swapcurrent -lt $SWAPSIZE ]]; then
if [ -b /dev/xvde ]; then
EPHEMERAL_DEV=$(blkid -L ephemeral0 || true)
if [ -n "$EPHEMERAL_DEV" -a -b "$EPHEMERAL_DEV" ]; then
if [ -n "$DEV" ]; then
# If an ephemeral device is available, use it
if mount | grep ${DEV} > /dev/null; then
echo "*** ${DEV} appears to already be mounted"
echo "*** ${DEV} unmounting and reformating"
umount ${DEV}
parted ${DEV} --script -- \
mklabel msdos \
mkpart primary linux-swap 1 ${SWAPSIZE} \
mkpart primary ext2 8192 -1
# We are only interested in scanning $DEV, not all block devices
sudo partprobe ${DEV}
# The device partitions might not show up immediately, make sure
# they are ready and available for use
udevadm settle --timeout=0 || echo "Block device not ready yet. Waiting for up to 10 seconds for it to be ready"
udevadm settle --timeout=10 --exit-if-exists=${DEV}1
udevadm settle --timeout=10 --exit-if-exists=${DEV}2
mkswap ${DEV}1
mkfs.ext4 ${DEV}2
swapon ${DEV}1
mount ${DEV}2 /mnt
find /opt/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -exec mv {} /mnt/ \;
umount /mnt
mount ${DEV}2 /opt
# Sanity check
grep -q ${DEV}1 /proc/swaps || exit 1
grep -q ${DEV}2 /proc/mounts || exit 1
# If no ephemeral devices are available, use root filesystem
# Don't use sparse device to avoid wedging when disk space and
# memory are both unavailable.
touch ${swapfile}
swapdiff=$(( $SWAPSIZE - $swapcurrent ))
if df -T ${swapfile} | grep -q ext ; then
fallocate -l ${swapdiff}M ${swapfile}
# Cannot fallocate on filesystems like XFS
dd if=/dev/zero of=${swapfile} bs=1M count=${swapdiff}
chmod 600 ${swapfile}
mkswap ${swapfile}
swapon ${swapfile}
# Sanity check
grep -q ${swapfile} /proc/swaps || exit 1
# dump vm settings for reference (Ubuntu 12 era procps can get
# confused with certain proc trigger nodes that are write-only and
# return a EPERM; ignore this)
sysctl vm || true
# ensure a standard level of swappiness. Some platforms
# (rax+centos7) come with swappiness of 0 (presumably because the
# vm doesn't come with swap setup ... but we just did that above),
# which depending on the kernel version can lead to the OOM killer
# kicking in on some processes despite swap being available;
# particularly things like mysql which have very high ratio of
# anonymous-memory to file-backed mappings.
# make sure reload of sysctl doesn't reset this
sed -i '/vm.swappiness/d' /etc/sysctl.conf
# This sets swappiness low; we really don't want to be relying on
# cloud I/O based swap during our runs
sysctl -w vm.swappiness=30