From 0b9776d2f34197d1e920e1dc8506b8f8c31452ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eric Windisch <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 11:20:53 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Install glance images before starting Nova

The docker driver for Nova needs a registry service to be running.
It is being run inside a container using an image -- that image must
be downloaded. The registry service must be started via
nova_plugins/hypervisor-docker, but this is presently called
before Glance's image download.

The reordering is being done such that Glance may download the
registry image, but prior to starting Nova such that "hypervisor-docker"
may have an image downloaded and available to launch the registry.

This change should cause no negative effects on other hypervisors.

Change-Id: I7bccb42517e4c6187f2a90c64f39cda4577f89a3
blueprint: docker-glance-uploads
--- | 82 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 303541d63e..78cfbc58ce 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1090,6 +1090,47 @@ if is_service_enabled g-api g-reg; then
+# Install Images
+# ==============
+# Upload an image to glance.
+# The default image is cirros, a small testing image which lets you login as **root**
+# cirros has a ``cloud-init`` analog supporting login via keypair and sending
+# scripts as userdata.
+# See for more on cloud-init
+# Override ``IMAGE_URLS`` with a comma-separated list of UEC images.
+#  * **precise**:
+if is_service_enabled g-reg; then
+    TOKEN=$(keystone token-get | grep ' id ' | get_field 2)
+    die_if_not_set $LINENO TOKEN "Keystone fail to get token"
+    if is_baremetal; then
+        echo_summary "Creating and uploading baremetal images"
+        # build and upload separate deploy kernel & ramdisk
+        upload_baremetal_deploy $TOKEN
+        # upload images, separating out the kernel & ramdisk for PXE boot
+        for image_url in ${IMAGE_URLS//,/ }; do
+            upload_baremetal_image $image_url $TOKEN
+        done
+    else
+        echo_summary "Uploading images"
+        # Option to upload legacy ami-tty, which works with xenserver
+        if [[ -n "$UPLOAD_LEGACY_TTY" ]]; then
+            IMAGE_URLS="${IMAGE_URLS:+${IMAGE_URLS},}"
+        fi
+        for image_url in ${IMAGE_URLS//,/ }; do
+            upload_image $image_url $TOKEN
+        done
+    fi
 # Create an access key and secret key for nova ec2 register image
 if is_service_enabled key && is_service_enabled swift3 && is_service_enabled nova; then
     NOVA_USER_ID=$(keystone user-list | grep ' nova ' | get_field 1)
@@ -1195,47 +1236,6 @@ if is_service_enabled nova && is_service_enabled key; then
-# Install Images
-# ==============
-# Upload an image to glance.
-# The default image is cirros, a small testing image which lets you login as **root**
-# cirros has a ``cloud-init`` analog supporting login via keypair and sending
-# scripts as userdata.
-# See for more on cloud-init
-# Override ``IMAGE_URLS`` with a comma-separated list of UEC images.
-#  * **precise**:
-if is_service_enabled g-reg; then
-    TOKEN=$(keystone token-get | grep ' id ' | get_field 2)
-    die_if_not_set $LINENO TOKEN "Keystone fail to get token"
-    if is_baremetal; then
-        echo_summary "Creating and uploading baremetal images"
-        # build and upload separate deploy kernel & ramdisk
-        upload_baremetal_deploy $TOKEN
-        # upload images, separating out the kernel & ramdisk for PXE boot
-        for image_url in ${IMAGE_URLS//,/ }; do
-            upload_baremetal_image $image_url $TOKEN
-        done
-    else
-        echo_summary "Uploading images"
-        # Option to upload legacy ami-tty, which works with xenserver
-        if [[ -n "$UPLOAD_LEGACY_TTY" ]]; then
-            IMAGE_URLS="${IMAGE_URLS:+${IMAGE_URLS},}"
-        fi
-        for image_url in ${IMAGE_URLS//,/ }; do
-            upload_image $image_url $TOKEN
-        done
-    fi
 # If we are running nova with baremetal driver, there are a few
 # last-mile configuration bits to attend to, which must happen
 # after n-api and n-sch have started.