From 47367071cdc110c40ec5c92d12f4dbe50cc553d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jim Rollenhagen <>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 14:24:00 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Remove ironic code from tree

This removes all of the ironic code from the devstack tree, in favor of
the devstack plugin in Ironic's tree.

Depends-On: I659e3de5c64df798441798ff48ba5c9c0506585a
Depends-On: I2c52bc014f1b0dbc6b0ae22a4deb4132b4c28621
Change-Id: I5125fce295c79600781469c2f48bea80e7600081
---                                     |   1 -
 doc/source/index.rst                         |   2 -
 doc/source/plugin-registry.rst               |   2 +
 extras.d/                        |  50 --
 files/apache-ironic.template                 |  12 -
 files/debs/ironic                            |  19 -
 files/rpms/ironic                            |  14 -
 functions-common                             |  12 +-
 lib/ironic                                   | 874 -------------------
 stackrc                                      |   8 +-
 tools/ironic/scripts/cleanup-node            |  25 -
 tools/ironic/scripts/configure-vm            |  93 --
 tools/ironic/scripts/create-node             |  79 --
 tools/ironic/scripts/setup-network           |  28 -
 tools/ironic/templates/brbm.xml              |   6 -
 tools/ironic/templates/tftpd-xinetd.template |  14 -
 tools/ironic/templates/vm.xml                |  49 --
 17 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 1272 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 extras.d/
 delete mode 100644 files/apache-ironic.template
 delete mode 100644 files/debs/ironic
 delete mode 100644 files/rpms/ironic
 delete mode 100644 lib/ironic
 delete mode 100755 tools/ironic/scripts/cleanup-node
 delete mode 100755 tools/ironic/scripts/configure-vm
 delete mode 100755 tools/ironic/scripts/create-node
 delete mode 100755 tools/ironic/scripts/setup-network
 delete mode 100644 tools/ironic/templates/brbm.xml
 delete mode 100644 tools/ironic/templates/tftpd-xinetd.template
 delete mode 100644 tools/ironic/templates/vm.xml

diff --git a/ b/
index ae28aa9ab7..fc6f80dad4 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ source $TOP_DIR/lib/cinder
 source $TOP_DIR/lib/swift
 source $TOP_DIR/lib/heat
 source $TOP_DIR/lib/neutron-legacy
-source $TOP_DIR/lib/ironic
 # Extras Source
diff --git a/doc/source/index.rst b/doc/source/index.rst
index ec345c9f64..2622436820 100644
--- a/doc/source/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/index.rst
@@ -174,7 +174,6 @@ Scripts
 * `lib/heat <lib/heat.html>`__
 * `lib/horizon <lib/horizon.html>`__
 * `lib/infra <lib/infra.html>`__
-* `lib/ironic <lib/ironic.html>`__
 * `lib/keystone <lib/keystone.html>`__
 * `lib/ldap <lib/ldap.html>`__
 * `lib/neutron-legacy <lib/neutron-legacy.html>`__
@@ -189,7 +188,6 @@ Scripts
 * ` <>`__
 * `run\ <>`__
-* `extras.d/ <extras.d/>`__
 * `extras.d/ <extras.d/>`__
 * `extras.d/ <extras.d/>`__
 * `extras.d/ <extras.d/>`__
diff --git a/doc/source/plugin-registry.rst b/doc/source/plugin-registry.rst
index c68d926822..7682defbed 100644
--- a/doc/source/plugin-registry.rst
+++ b/doc/source/plugin-registry.rst
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ The following are plugins that exist for official OpenStack projects.
 |gnocchi           |git://    | metric             |
+|ironic            |git://     | baremetal          |
 |magnum            |git://     |                    |
 |manila            |git://     | file shares        |
diff --git a/extras.d/ b/extras.d/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ee6a94758..0000000000
--- a/extras.d/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# - Devstack extras script to install ironic
-# NOTE(jroll) this is used for the transition to a devstack plugin in
-# the ironic tree.
-if [[ "$IRONIC_USING_PLUGIN" == "True" ]] ; then
-    return 0
-if is_service_enabled ir-api ir-cond; then
-    if [[ "$1" == "source" ]]; then
-        # Initial source
-        source $TOP_DIR/lib/ironic
-    elif [[ "$1" == "stack" && "$2" == "install" ]]; then
-        echo_summary "Installing Ironic"
-        install_ironic
-        install_ironicclient
-        cleanup_ironic
-    elif [[ "$1" == "stack" && "$2" == "post-config" ]]; then
-        echo_summary "Configuring Ironic"
-        configure_ironic
-        if is_service_enabled key; then
-            create_ironic_accounts
-        fi
-    elif [[ "$1" == "stack" && "$2" == "extra" ]]; then
-        # Initialize ironic
-        init_ironic
-        # Start the ironic API and ironic taskmgr components
-        echo_summary "Starting Ironic"
-        start_ironic
-        if [[ "$IRONIC_BAREMETAL_BASIC_OPS" = "True" ]]; then
-            prepare_baremetal_basic_ops
-        fi
-    fi
-    if [[ "$1" == "unstack" ]]; then
-        stop_ironic
-        if [[ "$IRONIC_BAREMETAL_BASIC_OPS" = "True" ]]; then
-            cleanup_baremetal_basic_ops
-        fi
-    fi
-    if [[ "$1" == "clean" ]]; then
-        cleanup_ironic
-    fi
diff --git a/files/apache-ironic.template b/files/apache-ironic.template
deleted file mode 100644
index 88641946f6..0000000000
--- a/files/apache-ironic.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-<VirtualHost *:%PUBLICPORT%>
-    DocumentRoot "%HTTPROOT%"
-    <Directory "%HTTPROOT%">
-        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
-        AllowOverride None
-        Order allow,deny
-        Allow from all
-        Require all granted
-    </Directory>
diff --git a/files/debs/ironic b/files/debs/ironic
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d5a6aa6b7..0000000000
--- a/files/debs/ironic
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/files/rpms/ironic b/files/rpms/ironic
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bf8bb370e..0000000000
--- a/files/rpms/ironic
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/functions-common b/functions-common
index 1b01eefaf9..c3eef469d3 100644
--- a/functions-common
+++ b/functions-common
@@ -954,6 +954,15 @@ function get_endpoint_url {
             -c URL -f value)
+# check if we are using ironic with hardware
+# TODO(jroll) this is a kludge left behind when ripping ironic code
+# out of tree, as it is used by nova and neutron.
+# figure out a way to refactor nova/neutron code to eliminate this
+function is_ironic_hardware {
+    is_service_enabled ironic && [[ -n "${IRONIC_DEPLOY_DRIVER##*_ssh}" ]] && return 0
+    return 1
 # Package Functions
 # =================
@@ -1764,7 +1773,7 @@ function run_phase {
             # white listed elements in tree. We want these to move out
             # over time as well, but they are in tree, so we need to
             # manage that.
-            local exceptions=""
+            local exceptions=""
             local extra
             extra=$(basename $extra_plugin_file_name)
             if [[ ! ( $exceptions =~ "$extra" ) ]]; then
@@ -1952,7 +1961,6 @@ function is_service_enabled {
         [[ ${service} == n-cpu-* && ${ENABLED_SERVICES} =~ "n-cpu" ]] && enabled=0
         [[ ${service} == "nova" && ${ENABLED_SERVICES} =~ "n-" ]] && enabled=0
         [[ ${service} == "glance" && ${ENABLED_SERVICES} =~ "g-" ]] && enabled=0
-        [[ ${service} == "ironic" && ${ENABLED_SERVICES} =~ "ir-" ]] && enabled=0
         [[ ${service} == "neutron" && ${ENABLED_SERVICES} =~ "q-" ]] && enabled=0
         [[ ${service} == "trove" && ${ENABLED_SERVICES} =~ "tr-" ]] && enabled=0
         [[ ${service} == "swift" && ${ENABLED_SERVICES} =~ "s-" ]] && enabled=0
diff --git a/lib/ironic b/lib/ironic
deleted file mode 100644
index dd4f8bf65f..0000000000
--- a/lib/ironic
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,874 +0,0 @@
-# lib/ironic
-# Functions to control the configuration and operation of the **Ironic** service
-# Dependencies:
-# - ``functions`` file
-# - ``DEST``, ``DATA_DIR``, ``STACK_USER`` must be defined
-# - ``SERVICE_{TENANT_NAME|PASSWORD}`` must be defined
-# - ``KEYSTONE_TOKEN_FORMAT`` must be defined
-# ```` calls the entry points in this order:
-# - install_ironic
-# - install_ironicclient
-# - init_ironic
-# - start_ironic
-# - stop_ironic
-# - cleanup_ironic
-# Save trace and pipefail settings
-_XTRACE_IRONIC=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
-_PIPEFAIL_IRONIC=$(set +o | grep pipefail)
-set +o xtrace
-set +o pipefail
-# NOTE(jroll) this is used for the transition to a devstack plugin in
-# the ironic tree.
-if [[ "$IRONIC_USING_PLUGIN" == "True" ]] ; then
-    return 0
-# Defaults
-# --------
-# Set up default directories
-# Deploy callback timeout can be changed from its default (1800), if required.
-# Deploy to hardware platform
-# The file is composed of multiple lines, each line includes four field
-# separated by white space: IPMI address, MAC address, IPMI username
-# and IPMI password.
-# 00:1e:67:57:50:4c root otc123
-# Set up defaults for functional / integration testing
-# By default, baremetal VMs will console output to file.
-# Use DIB to create deploy ramdisk and kernel.
-# If not use DIB, these files are used as deploy ramdisk/kernel.
-# (The value must be an absolute path)
-# Which deploy driver to use - valid choices right now
-# are ``pxe_ssh``, ``pxe_ipmitool``, ``agent_ssh`` and ``agent_ipmitool``.
-# TODO(agordeev): replace 'ubuntu' with host distro name getting
-# Support entry points installation of console scripts
-# Ironic connection info.  Note the port must be specified.
-# Enable iPXE
-# NOTE(lucasagomes): This flag is used to differentiate the nodes that
-# uses IPA as their deploy ramdisk from nodes that uses the agent_* drivers
-# (which also uses IPA but depends on Swift Temp URLs to work). At present,
-# all drivers that uses the iSCSI approach for their deployment supports
-# using both, IPA or bash ramdisks for the deployment. In the future we
-# want to remove the support for the bash ramdisk in favor of IPA, once
-# we get there this flag can be removed, and all conditionals that uses
-# it should just run by default.
-# get_pxe_boot_file() - Get the PXE/iPXE boot file path
-function get_pxe_boot_file {
-    local relpath=syslinux/pxelinux.0
-    if [[ "$IRONIC_IPXE_ENABLED" == "True" ]] ; then
-        relpath=ipxe/undionly.kpxe
-    fi
-    local pxe_boot_file
-    if is_ubuntu; then
-        pxe_boot_file=/usr/lib/$relpath
-    elif is_fedora || is_suse; then
-        pxe_boot_file=/usr/share/$relpath
-    fi
-    echo $pxe_boot_file
-# PXE boot image
-# Functions
-# ---------
-# Test if any Ironic services are enabled
-# is_ironic_enabled
-function is_ironic_enabled {
-    [[ ,${ENABLED_SERVICES} =~ ,"ir-" ]] && return 0
-    return 1
-function is_ironic_hardware {
-    is_ironic_enabled && [[ -n "${IRONIC_DEPLOY_DRIVER##*_ssh}" ]] && return 0
-    return 1
-function is_deployed_by_agent {
-    [[ -z "${IRONIC_DEPLOY_DRIVER%%agent*}" ]] && return 0
-    return 1
-function is_deployed_with_ipa_ramdisk {
-    is_deployed_by_agent || [[ "$IRONIC_DEPLOY_DRIVER_ISCSI_WITH_IPA" == "True" ]] && return 0
-    return 1
-# install_ironic() - Collect source and prepare
-function install_ironic {
-    # make sure all needed service were enabled
-    local req_services="key"
-    if [[ "$VIRT_DRIVER" == "ironic" ]]; then
-        req_services+=" nova glance neutron"
-    fi
-    for srv in $req_services; do
-        if ! is_service_enabled "$srv"; then
-            die $LINENO "$srv should be enabled for Ironic."
-        fi
-    done
-    if use_library_from_git "ironic-lib"; then
-        git_clone_by_name "ironic-lib"
-        setup_dev_lib "ironic-lib"
-    fi
-    setup_develop $IRONIC_DIR
-    if [[ "$IRONIC_IPXE_ENABLED" == "True" ]] ; then
-        install_apache_wsgi
-    fi
-# install_ironicclient() - Collect sources and prepare
-function install_ironicclient {
-    if use_library_from_git "python-ironicclient"; then
-        git_clone_by_name "python-ironicclient"
-        setup_dev_lib "python-ironicclient"
-        sudo install -D -m 0644 -o $STACK_USER {${GITDIR["python-ironicclient"]}/tools/,/etc/bash_completion.d/}ironic.bash_completion
-    else
-        # nothing actually "requires" ironicclient, so force instally from pypi
-        pip_install_gr python-ironicclient
-    fi
-# _cleanup_ironic_apache_wsgi() - Remove wsgi files, disable and remove apache vhost file
-function _cleanup_ironic_apache_wsgi {
-    sudo rm -rf $IRONIC_HTTP_DIR
-    disable_apache_site ironic
-    sudo rm -f $(apache_site_config_for ironic)
-    restart_apache_server
-# _config_ironic_apache_wsgi() - Set WSGI config files of Ironic
-function _config_ironic_apache_wsgi {
-    local ironic_apache_conf
-    ironic_apache_conf=$(apache_site_config_for ironic)
-    sudo cp $FILES/apache-ironic.template $ironic_apache_conf
-    sudo sed -e "
-    " -i $ironic_apache_conf
-    enable_apache_site ironic
-# cleanup_ironic() - Remove residual data files, anything left over from previous
-# runs that would need to clean up.
-function cleanup_ironic {
-# configure_ironic_dirs() - Create all directories required by Ironic and
-# associated services.
-function configure_ironic_dirs {
-    if [[ "$IRONIC_IPXE_ENABLED" == "True" ]] ; then
-        sudo install -d -o $STACK_USER -g $LIBVIRT_GROUP $IRONIC_HTTP_DIR
-    fi
-    if [ ! -f $IRONIC_PXE_BOOT_IMAGE ]; then
-        die $LINENO "PXE boot file $IRONIC_PXE_BOOT_IMAGE not found."
-    fi
-    # Copy PXE binary
-    if [[ "$IRONIC_IPXE_ENABLED" == "True" ]] ; then
-    else
-        # Syslinux >= 5.00 pxelinux.0 binary is not "stand-alone" anymore,
-        # it depends on some c32 modules to work correctly.
-        # More info:
-        cp -aR $(dirname $IRONIC_PXE_BOOT_IMAGE)/*.{c32,0} $IRONIC_TFTPBOOT_DIR
-    fi
-# configure_ironic() - Set config files, create data dirs, etc
-function configure_ironic {
-    configure_ironic_dirs
-    # Copy over ironic configuration file and configure common parameters.
-    cp $IRONIC_DIR/etc/ironic/ironic.conf.sample $IRONIC_CONF_FILE
-    iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE DEFAULT debug True
-    inicomment $IRONIC_CONF_FILE DEFAULT log_file
-    iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE database connection `database_connection_url ironic`
-    iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE DEFAULT use_syslog $SYSLOG
-    # Configure Ironic conductor, if it was enabled.
-    if is_service_enabled ir-cond; then
-        configure_ironic_conductor
-    fi
-    # Configure Ironic API, if it was enabled.
-    if is_service_enabled ir-api; then
-        configure_ironic_api
-    fi
-    # Format logging
-    if [ "$LOG_COLOR" == "True" ] && [ "$SYSLOG" == "False" ]; then
-        setup_colorized_logging $IRONIC_CONF_FILE DEFAULT tenant user
-    fi
-    if [[ "$IRONIC_IPXE_ENABLED" == "True" ]]; then
-        _config_ironic_apache_wsgi
-    fi
-# configure_ironic_api() - Is used by configure_ironic(). Performs
-# API specific configuration.
-function configure_ironic_api {
-    iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE DEFAULT auth_strategy keystone
-    iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE oslo_policy policy_file $IRONIC_POLICY_JSON
-    # TODO(Yuki Nishiwaki): This is a temporary work-around until Ironic is fixed(bug#1422632).
-    # These codes need to be changed to use the function of configure_auth_token_middleware
-    # after Ironic conforms to the new auth plugin.
-    iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE keystone_authtoken identity_uri $KEYSTONE_AUTH_URI
-    iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE keystone_authtoken auth_uri $KEYSTONE_SERVICE_URI/v2.0
-    iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE keystone_authtoken admin_user ironic
-    iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE keystone_authtoken admin_password $SERVICE_PASSWORD
-    iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE keystone_authtoken admin_tenant_name $SERVICE_TENANT_NAME
-    iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE keystone_authtoken cafile $SSL_BUNDLE_FILE
-    iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE keystone_authtoken signing_dir $IRONIC_AUTH_CACHE_DIR/api
-    iniset_rpc_backend ironic $IRONIC_CONF_FILE
-    cp -p $IRONIC_DIR/etc/ironic/policy.json $IRONIC_POLICY_JSON
-# configure_ironic_conductor() - Is used by configure_ironic().
-# Sets conductor specific settings.
-function configure_ironic_conductor {
-    cp $IRONIC_DIR/etc/ironic/rootwrap.conf $IRONIC_ROOTWRAP_CONF
-    cp -r $IRONIC_DIR/etc/ironic/rootwrap.d $IRONIC_CONF_DIR
-    local ironic_rootwrap
-    ironic_rootwrap=$(get_rootwrap_location ironic)
-    local rootwrap_isudoer_cmd="$ironic_rootwrap $IRONIC_CONF_DIR/rootwrap.conf *"
-    # Set up the rootwrap sudoers for ironic
-    local tempfile
-    tempfile=`mktemp`
-    echo "$STACK_USER ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: $rootwrap_isudoer_cmd" >$tempfile
-    chmod 0440 $tempfile
-    sudo chown root:root $tempfile
-    sudo mv $tempfile /etc/sudoers.d/ironic-rootwrap
-    if [[ -n "$IRONIC_CALLBACK_TIMEOUT" ]]; then
-        iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE conductor deploy_callback_timeout $IRONIC_CALLBACK_TIMEOUT
-    fi
-    iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE pxe tftp_server $IRONIC_TFTPSERVER_IP
-    iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE pxe tftp_root $IRONIC_TFTPBOOT_DIR
-    iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE pxe tftp_master_path $IRONIC_TFTPBOOT_DIR/master_images
-    local pxe_params=""
-    if [[ "$IRONIC_VM_LOG_CONSOLE" == "True" ]] ; then
-        pxe_params+="nofb nomodeset vga=normal console=ttyS0"
-        if is_deployed_with_ipa_ramdisk; then
-            pxe_params+=" systemd.journald.forward_to_console=yes"
-        fi
-    fi
-    # When booting with less than 1GB, we need to switch from default tmpfs
-    # to ramfs for ramdisks to decompress successfully.
-    if (is_ironic_hardware && [[ "$IRONIC_HW_NODE_RAM" -lt 1024 ]]) ||
-        (! is_ironic_hardware && [[ "$IRONIC_VM_SPECS_RAM" -lt 1024 ]]); then
-        pxe_params+=" rootfstype=ramfs"
-    fi
-    if [[ -n "$pxe_params" ]]; then
-        iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE pxe pxe_append_params "$pxe_params"
-    fi
-    # Set these options for scenarios in which the agent fetches the image
-    # directly from glance, and don't set them where the image is pushed
-    # over iSCSI.
-    if is_deployed_by_agent; then
-        if [[ "$SWIFT_ENABLE_TEMPURLS" == "True" ]] ; then
-            iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE glance swift_temp_url_key $SWIFT_TEMPURL_KEY
-        else
-            die $LINENO "SWIFT_ENABLE_TEMPURLS must be True to use agent_ssh driver in Ironic."
-        fi
-        iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE glance swift_endpoint_url http://${HOST_IP}:${SWIFT_DEFAULT_BIND_PORT:-8080}
-        iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE glance swift_api_version v1
-        local tenant_id
-        tenant_id=$(get_or_create_project $SERVICE_TENANT_NAME default)
-        iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE glance swift_account AUTH_${tenant_id}
-        iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE glance swift_container glance
-        iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE glance swift_temp_url_duration 3600
-        iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE agent heartbeat_timeout 30
-    fi
-    # FIXME: this really needs to be tested in the gate.
-    # For now, any test using the agent ramdisk should skip cleaning
-    # because it is too slow to run in the gate.
-    iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE agent agent_erase_devices_priority 0
-    if [[ "$IRONIC_IPXE_ENABLED" == "True" ]] ; then
-        local pxebin
-        pxebin=`basename $IRONIC_PXE_BOOT_IMAGE`
-        iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE pxe ipxe_enabled True
-        iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE pxe pxe_config_template '\$pybasedir/drivers/modules/ipxe_config.template'
-        iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE pxe pxe_bootfile_name $pxebin
-        iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE pxe http_root $IRONIC_HTTP_DIR
-        iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE pxe http_url "http://$IRONIC_HTTP_SERVER:$IRONIC_HTTP_PORT"
-    fi
-# create_ironic_cache_dir() - Part of the init_ironic() process
-function create_ironic_cache_dir {
-    # Create cache dir
-    sudo mkdir -p $IRONIC_AUTH_CACHE_DIR/api
-    sudo chown $STACK_USER $IRONIC_AUTH_CACHE_DIR/api
-    rm -f $IRONIC_AUTH_CACHE_DIR/api/*
-    sudo mkdir -p $IRONIC_AUTH_CACHE_DIR/registry
-    sudo chown $STACK_USER $IRONIC_AUTH_CACHE_DIR/registry
-    rm -f $IRONIC_AUTH_CACHE_DIR/registry/*
-# create_ironic_accounts() - Set up common required ironic accounts
-# Tenant               User       Roles
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# service              ironic     admin        # if enabled
-function create_ironic_accounts {
-    # Ironic
-    if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "ir-api" ]]; then
-        # Get ironic user if exists
-        # NOTE(Shrews): This user MUST have admin level privileges!
-        create_service_user "ironic" "admin"
-        if [[ "$KEYSTONE_CATALOG_BACKEND" = 'sql' ]]; then
-            get_or_create_service "ironic" "baremetal" "Ironic baremetal provisioning service"
-            get_or_create_endpoint "baremetal" \
-                "$REGION_NAME" \
-        fi
-    fi
-# init_ironic() - Initialize databases, etc.
-function init_ironic {
-    # Save private network as cleaning network
-    local cleaning_network_uuid
-    cleaning_network_uuid=$(neutron net-list | grep private | get_field 1)
-    iniset $IRONIC_CONF_FILE neutron cleaning_network_uuid ${cleaning_network_uuid}
-    # (Re)create  ironic database
-    recreate_database ironic
-    # Migrate ironic database
-    $IRONIC_BIN_DIR/ironic-dbsync --config-file=$IRONIC_CONF_FILE
-    create_ironic_cache_dir
-# _ironic_bm_vm_names() - Generates list of names for baremetal VMs.
-function _ironic_bm_vm_names {
-    local idx
-    local num_vms
-    num_vms=$(($IRONIC_VM_COUNT - 1))
-    for idx in $(seq 0 $num_vms); do
-        echo "baremetal${IRONIC_VM_NETWORK_BRIDGE}_${idx}"
-    done
-# start_ironic() - Start running processes, including screen
-function start_ironic {
-    # Start Ironic API server, if enabled.
-    if is_service_enabled ir-api; then
-        start_ironic_api
-    fi
-    # Start Ironic conductor, if enabled.
-    if is_service_enabled ir-cond; then
-        start_ironic_conductor
-    fi
-    # Start Apache if iPXE is enabled
-    if [[ "$IRONIC_IPXE_ENABLED" == "True" ]] ; then
-        restart_apache_server
-    fi
-# start_ironic_api() - Used by start_ironic().
-# Starts Ironic API server.
-function start_ironic_api {
-    run_process ir-api "$IRONIC_BIN_DIR/ironic-api --config-file=$IRONIC_CONF_FILE"
-    echo "Waiting for ir-api ($IRONIC_HOSTPORT) to start..."
-    if ! timeout $SERVICE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! wget --no-proxy -q -O- $IRONIC_SERVICE_PROTOCOL://$IRONIC_HOSTPORT; do sleep 1; done"; then
-        die $LINENO "ir-api did not start"
-    fi
-# start_ironic_conductor() - Used by start_ironic().
-# Starts Ironic conductor.
-function start_ironic_conductor {
-    run_process ir-cond "$IRONIC_BIN_DIR/ironic-conductor --config-file=$IRONIC_CONF_FILE"
-    # TODO(romcheg): Find a way to check whether the conductor has started.
-# stop_ironic() - Stop running processes
-function stop_ironic {
-    stop_process ir-api
-    stop_process ir-cond
-    # Cleanup the WSGI files
-    if [[ "$IRONIC_IPXE_ENABLED" == "True" ]] ; then
-        _cleanup_ironic_apache_wsgi
-    fi
-function create_ovs_taps {
-    local ironic_net_id
-    ironic_net_id=$(neutron net-list | grep private | get_field 1)
-    # Work around: No netns exists on host until a Neutron port is created.  We
-    # need to create one in Neutron to know what netns to tap into prior to the
-    # first node booting.
-    local port_id
-    port_id=$(neutron port-create private | grep " id " | get_field 2)
-    # intentional sleep to make sure the tag has been set to port
-    sleep 10
-    local tapdev
-    tapdev=$(sudo ip netns exec qdhcp-${ironic_net_id} ip link list | grep " tap" | cut -d':' -f2 | cut -d'@' -f1 | cut -b2-)
-    local tag_id
-    tag_id=$(sudo ovs-vsctl show |grep ${tapdev} -A1 -m1 | grep tag | cut -d':' -f2 | cut -b2-)
-    # make sure veth pair is not existing, otherwise delete its links
-    sudo ip link show ovs-tap1 && sudo ip link delete ovs-tap1
-    sudo ip link show brbm-tap1 && sudo ip link delete brbm-tap1
-    # create veth pair for future interconnection between br-int and brbm
-    sudo ip link add brbm-tap1 type veth peer name ovs-tap1
-    sudo ip link set dev brbm-tap1 up
-    sudo ip link set dev ovs-tap1 up
-    sudo ovs-vsctl -- --if-exists del-port ovs-tap1 -- add-port br-int ovs-tap1 tag=$tag_id
-    sudo ovs-vsctl -- --if-exists del-port brbm-tap1 -- add-port $IRONIC_VM_NETWORK_BRIDGE brbm-tap1
-    # Remove the port needed only for workaround.
-    neutron port-delete $port_id
-    # Finally, share the fixed tenant network across all tenants.  This allows the host
-    # to serve TFTP to a single network namespace via the tap device created above.
-    neutron net-update $ironic_net_id --shared true
-function create_bridge_and_vms {
-    # Call libvirt setup scripts in a new shell to ensure any new group membership
-    sudo su $STACK_USER -c "$IRONIC_SCRIPTS_DIR/setup-network"
-    if [[ "$IRONIC_VM_LOG_CONSOLE" == "True" ]] ; then
-        local log_arg="$IRONIC_VM_LOG_DIR"
-    else
-        local log_arg=""
-    fi
-    local vm_name
-    for vm_name in $(_ironic_bm_vm_names); do
-        sudo su $STACK_USER -c "$IRONIC_SCRIPTS_DIR/create-node $vm_name \
-            $log_arg" >> $IRONIC_VM_MACS_CSV_FILE
-    done
-    create_ovs_taps
-function wait_for_nova_resources {
-    # After nodes have been enrolled, we need to wait for both ironic and
-    # nova's periodic tasks to populate the resource tracker with available
-    # nodes and resources. Wait up to 2 minutes for a given resource before
-    # timing out.
-    local resource=$1
-    local expected_count=$2
-    local i
-    echo_summary "Waiting 2 minutes for Nova resource tracker to pick up $resource >= $expected_count"
-    for i in $(seq 1 120); do
-        if [ $(nova hypervisor-stats | grep " $resource " | get_field 2) -ge $expected_count ]; then
-            return 0
-        fi
-        sleep 1
-    done
-    die $LINENO "Timed out waiting for Nova hypervisor-stats $resource >= $expected_count"
-function enroll_nodes {
-    local chassis_id
-    chassis_id=$(ironic chassis-create -d "ironic test chassis" | grep " uuid " | get_field 2)
-    if ! is_ironic_hardware; then
-        local ironic_node_cpu=$IRONIC_VM_SPECS_CPU
-        local ironic_node_ram=$IRONIC_VM_SPECS_RAM
-        local ironic_node_disk=$IRONIC_VM_SPECS_DISK
-        local ironic_ephemeral_disk=$IRONIC_VM_EPHEMERAL_DISK
-        local ironic_hwinfo_file=$IRONIC_VM_MACS_CSV_FILE
-        local node_options="\
-            -i deploy_kernel=$IRONIC_DEPLOY_KERNEL_ID \
-            -i deploy_ramdisk=$IRONIC_DEPLOY_RAMDISK_ID \
-            -i ssh_virt_type=$IRONIC_SSH_VIRT_TYPE \
-            -i ssh_address=$IRONIC_VM_SSH_ADDRESS \
-            -i ssh_port=$IRONIC_VM_SSH_PORT \
-            -i ssh_username=$IRONIC_SSH_USERNAME \
-            -i ssh_key_filename=$IRONIC_KEY_FILE"
-    else
-        local ironic_node_cpu=$IRONIC_HW_NODE_CPU
-        local ironic_node_ram=$IRONIC_HW_NODE_RAM
-        local ironic_node_disk=$IRONIC_HW_NODE_DISK
-        local ironic_ephemeral_disk=$IRONIC_HW_EPHEMERAL_DISK
-        if [[ -z "${IRONIC_DEPLOY_DRIVER##*_ipmitool}" ]]; then
-            local ironic_hwinfo_file=$IRONIC_IPMIINFO_FILE
-        fi
-    fi
-    local total_nodes=0
-    local total_cpus=0
-    while read hardware_info; do
-        if ! is_ironic_hardware; then
-            local mac_address=$hardware_info
-        elif [[ -z "${IRONIC_DEPLOY_DRIVER##*_ipmitool}" ]]; then
-            local ipmi_address
-            ipmi_address=$(echo $hardware_info |awk  '{print $1}')
-            local mac_address
-            mac_address=$(echo $hardware_info |awk '{print $2}')
-            local ironic_ipmi_username
-            ironic_ipmi_username=$(echo $hardware_info |awk '{print $3}')
-            local ironic_ipmi_passwd
-            ironic_ipmi_passwd=$(echo $hardware_info |awk '{print $4}')
-            # Currently we require all hardware platform have same CPU/RAM/DISK info
-            # in future, this can be enhanced to support different type, and then
-            # we create the bare metal flavor with minimum value
-            local node_options="-i ipmi_address=$ipmi_address -i ipmi_password=$ironic_ipmi_passwd\
-                -i ipmi_username=$ironic_ipmi_username"
-            node_options+=" -i deploy_kernel=$IRONIC_DEPLOY_KERNEL_ID"
-            node_options+=" -i deploy_ramdisk=$IRONIC_DEPLOY_RAMDISK_ID"
-        fi
-        # First node created will be used for testing in ironic w/o glance
-        # scenario, so we need to know its UUID.
-        local standalone_node_uuid=""
-        if [ $total_nodes -eq 0 ]; then
-            standalone_node_uuid="--uuid $IRONIC_NODE_UUID"
-        fi
-        local node_id
-        node_id=$(ironic node-create $standalone_node_uuid\
-            --chassis_uuid $chassis_id \
-            --driver $IRONIC_DEPLOY_DRIVER \
-            --name node-$total_nodes \
-            -p cpus=$ironic_node_cpu\
-            -p memory_mb=$ironic_node_ram\
-            -p local_gb=$ironic_node_disk\
-            -p cpu_arch=x86_64 \
-            $node_options \
-            | grep " uuid " | get_field 2)
-        ironic port-create --address $mac_address --node $node_id
-        total_nodes=$((total_nodes+1))
-        total_cpus=$((total_cpus+$ironic_node_cpu))
-    done < $ironic_hwinfo_file
-    local adjusted_disk
-    adjusted_disk=$(($ironic_node_disk - $ironic_ephemeral_disk))
-    nova flavor-create --ephemeral $ironic_ephemeral_disk baremetal auto $ironic_node_ram $adjusted_disk $ironic_node_cpu
-    nova flavor-key baremetal set "cpu_arch"="x86_64"
-    if [ "$VIRT_DRIVER" == "ironic" ]; then
-        wait_for_nova_resources "count" $total_nodes
-        wait_for_nova_resources "vcpus" $total_cpus
-    fi
-function configure_iptables {
-    # enable tftp natting for allowing connections to HOST_IP's tftp server
-    sudo modprobe nf_conntrack_tftp
-    sudo modprobe nf_nat_tftp
-    # explicitly allow DHCP - packets are occasionally being dropped here
-    sudo iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 67:68 --sport 67:68 -j ACCEPT || true
-    # nodes boot from TFTP and callback to the API server listening on $HOST_IP
-    sudo iptables -I INPUT -d $HOST_IP -p udp --dport 69 -j ACCEPT || true
-    sudo iptables -I INPUT -d $HOST_IP -p tcp --dport $IRONIC_SERVICE_PORT -j ACCEPT || true
-    if is_deployed_by_agent; then
-        # agent ramdisk gets instance image from swift
-        sudo iptables -I INPUT -d $HOST_IP -p tcp --dport ${SWIFT_DEFAULT_BIND_PORT:-8080} -j ACCEPT || true
-    fi
-    if [[ "$IRONIC_IPXE_ENABLED" == "True" ]] ; then
-        sudo iptables -I INPUT -d $HOST_IP -p tcp --dport $IRONIC_HTTP_PORT -j ACCEPT || true
-    fi
-function configure_tftpd {
-    # stop tftpd and setup serving via xinetd
-    stop_service tftpd-hpa || true
-    [ -f /etc/init/tftpd-hpa.conf ] && echo "manual" | sudo tee /etc/init/tftpd-hpa.override
-    sudo cp $IRONIC_TEMPLATES_DIR/tftpd-xinetd.template /etc/xinetd.d/tftp
-    sudo sed -e "s|%TFTPBOOT_DIR%|$IRONIC_TFTPBOOT_DIR|g" -i /etc/xinetd.d/tftp
-    # setup tftp file mapping to satisfy requests at the root (booting) and
-    # /tftpboot/ sub-dir (as per deploy-ironic elements)
-    echo "r ^([^/]) $IRONIC_TFTPBOOT_DIR/\1" >$IRONIC_TFTPBOOT_DIR/map-file
-    echo "r ^(/tftpboot/) $IRONIC_TFTPBOOT_DIR/\2" >>$IRONIC_TFTPBOOT_DIR/map-file
-    chmod -R 0755 $IRONIC_TFTPBOOT_DIR
-    restart_service xinetd
-function configure_ironic_ssh_keypair {
-    if [[ ! -d $HOME/.ssh ]]; then
-        mkdir -p $HOME/.ssh
-        chmod 700 $HOME/.ssh
-    fi
-    if [[ ! -e $IRONIC_KEY_FILE ]]; then
-        if [[ ! -d $(dirname $IRONIC_KEY_FILE) ]]; then
-            mkdir -p $(dirname $IRONIC_KEY_FILE)
-        fi
-        echo -e 'n\n' | ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -P '' -f $IRONIC_KEY_FILE
-    fi
-    cat $ | tee -a $IRONIC_AUTHORIZED_KEYS_FILE
-function ironic_ssh_check {
-    local key_file=$1
-    local floating_ip=$2
-    local port=$3
-    local default_instance_user=$4
-    local active_timeout=$5
-    if ! timeout $active_timeout sh -c "while ! ssh -p $port -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $key_file ${default_instance_user}@$floating_ip echo success; do sleep 1; done"; then
-        die $LINENO "server didn't become ssh-able!"
-    fi
-function configure_ironic_auxiliary {
-    configure_ironic_ssh_keypair
-function build_ipa_coreos_ramdisk {
-    echo "Building ironic-python-agent deploy ramdisk"
-    local kernel_path=$1
-    local ramdisk_path=$2
-    imagebuild/coreos/
-    cp imagebuild/coreos/UPLOAD/coreos_production_pxe_image-oem.cpio.gz $ramdisk_path
-    cp imagebuild/coreos/UPLOAD/coreos_production_pxe.vmlinuz $kernel_path
-    sudo rm -rf UPLOAD
-    cd -
-# build deploy kernel+ramdisk, then upload them to glance
-function upload_baremetal_ironic_deploy {
-    echo_summary "Creating and uploading baremetal images for ironic"
-    # install diskimage-builder
-    if [[ $(type -P ramdisk-image-create) == "" ]]; then
-        pip_install_gr "diskimage-builder"
-    fi
-    if [ -z "$IRONIC_DEPLOY_KERNEL" -o -z "$IRONIC_DEPLOY_RAMDISK" ]; then
-        local IRONIC_DEPLOY_KERNEL_PATH=$TOP_DIR/files/ir-deploy-$IRONIC_DEPLOY_DRIVER.kernel
-        local IRONIC_DEPLOY_RAMDISK_PATH=$TOP_DIR/files/ir-deploy-$IRONIC_DEPLOY_DRIVER.initramfs
-    else
-    fi
-        # files don't exist, need to build them
-        if [ "$IRONIC_BUILD_DEPLOY_RAMDISK" = "True" ]; then
-            # we can build them only if we're not offline
-            if [ "$OFFLINE" != "True" ]; then
-                if is_deployed_with_ipa_ramdisk; then
-                    build_ipa_coreos_ramdisk $IRONIC_DEPLOY_KERNEL_PATH $IRONIC_DEPLOY_RAMDISK_PATH
-                else
-                    ramdisk-image-create $IRONIC_DEPLOY_FLAVOR \
-                        -o $TOP_DIR/files/ir-deploy-$IRONIC_DEPLOY_DRIVER
-                fi
-            else
-                die $LINENO "Deploy kernel+ramdisk files don't exist and cannot be build in OFFLINE mode"
-            fi
-        else
-            if is_deployed_with_ipa_ramdisk; then
-                # download the agent image tarball
-            else
-                die $LINENO "Deploy kernel+ramdisk files don't exist and their building was disabled explicitly by IRONIC_BUILD_DEPLOY_RAMDISK"
-            fi
-        fi
-    fi
-    local token
-    token=$(openstack token issue -c id -f value)
-    die_if_not_set $LINENO token "Keystone fail to get token"
-    # load them into glance
-    IRONIC_DEPLOY_KERNEL_ID=$(openstack \
-        --os-token $token \
-        image create \
-        $(basename $IRONIC_DEPLOY_KERNEL_PATH) \
-        --public --disk-format=aki \
-        --container-format=aki \
-        < $IRONIC_DEPLOY_KERNEL_PATH  | grep ' id ' | get_field 2)
-    IRONIC_DEPLOY_RAMDISK_ID=$(openstack \
-        --os-token $token \
-        image create \
-        $(basename $IRONIC_DEPLOY_RAMDISK_PATH) \
-        --public --disk-format=ari \
-        --container-format=ari \
-        < $IRONIC_DEPLOY_RAMDISK_PATH  | grep ' id ' | get_field 2)
-function prepare_baremetal_basic_ops {
-    if ! is_ironic_hardware; then
-        configure_ironic_auxiliary
-    fi
-    upload_baremetal_ironic_deploy
-    if ! is_ironic_hardware; then
-        create_bridge_and_vms
-    fi
-    enroll_nodes
-    configure_tftpd
-    configure_iptables
-function cleanup_baremetal_basic_ops {
-    if [ -f $IRONIC_KEY_FILE ]; then
-        local key
-        key=$(cat $
-        # remove public key from authorized_keys
-        grep -v "$key" $IRONIC_AUTHORIZED_KEYS_FILE > temp && mv temp $IRONIC_AUTHORIZED_KEYS_FILE
-        chmod 0600 $IRONIC_AUTHORIZED_KEYS_FILE
-    fi
-    local vm_name
-    for vm_name in $(_ironic_bm_vm_names); do
-        sudo su $STACK_USER -c "$IRONIC_SCRIPTS_DIR/cleanup-node $vm_name $IRONIC_VM_NETWORK_BRIDGE"
-    done
-    sudo rm -rf /etc/xinetd.d/tftp /etc/init/tftpd-hpa.override
-    restart_service xinetd
-    sudo iptables -D INPUT -d $HOST_IP -p udp --dport 69 -j ACCEPT || true
-    sudo iptables -D INPUT -d $HOST_IP -p tcp --dport $IRONIC_SERVICE_PORT -j ACCEPT || true
-    if is_deployed_by_agent; then
-        # agent ramdisk gets instance image from swift
-        sudo iptables -D INPUT -d $HOST_IP -p tcp --dport ${SWIFT_DEFAULT_BIND_PORT:-8080} -j ACCEPT || true
-    fi
-    sudo rmmod nf_conntrack_tftp || true
-    sudo rmmod nf_nat_tftp || true
-# Restore xtrace + pipefail
-# Tell emacs to use shell-script-mode
-## Local variables:
-## mode: shell-script
-## End:
diff --git a/stackrc b/stackrc
index f949ccbad9..8e6ea42a00 100644
--- a/stackrc
+++ b/stackrc
@@ -225,10 +225,6 @@ HEAT_BRANCH=${HEAT_BRANCH:-master}
-# baremetal provisioning service
 # unified auth system (manages accounts/tokens)
@@ -298,6 +294,8 @@ GITBRANCH["python-heatclient"]=${HEATCLIENT_BRANCH:-master}
 # ironic client
+# ironic plugin is out of tree, but nova uses it. set GITDIR here.
 # the base authentication plugins that clients use to authenticate
@@ -484,6 +482,8 @@ GITBRANCH["os-brick"]=${OS_BRICK_BRANCH:-master}
 # ironic common lib
+# this doesn't exist in a lib file, so set it here
diff --git a/tools/ironic/scripts/cleanup-node b/tools/ironic/scripts/cleanup-node
deleted file mode 100755
index c4e4e706f4..0000000000
--- a/tools/ironic/scripts/cleanup-node
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# **cleanup-nodes**
-# Cleans up baremetal poseur nodes and volumes created during ironic setup
-# Assumes calling user has proper libvirt group membership and access.
-set -exu
-virsh list | grep -q $NAME && virsh destroy $NAME
-virsh list --inactive | grep -q $NAME && virsh undefine $NAME
-if virsh pool-list | grep -q $LIBVIRT_STORAGE_POOL ; then
-  virsh vol-list $LIBVIRT_STORAGE_POOL | grep -q $VOL_NAME &&
-      virsh vol-delete $VOL_NAME --pool $LIBVIRT_STORAGE_POOL
diff --git a/tools/ironic/scripts/configure-vm b/tools/ironic/scripts/configure-vm
deleted file mode 100755
index 378fcb85ad..0000000000
--- a/tools/ironic/scripts/configure-vm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import argparse
-import os.path
-import libvirt
-templatedir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
-                           'templates')
-    <serial type='file'>
-      <source path='%(console_log)s'/>
-      <target port='0'/>
-      <alias name='serial0'/>
-    </serial>
-    <serial type='pty'>
-      <source path='/dev/pts/49'/>
-      <target port='1'/>
-      <alias name='serial1'/>
-    </serial>
-    <console type='file'>
-      <source path='%(console_log)s'/>
-      <target type='serial' port='0'/>
-      <alias name='serial0'/>
-    </console>
-def main():
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        description="Configure a kvm virtual machine for the seed image.")
-    parser.add_argument('--name', default='seed',
-                        help='the name to give the machine in libvirt.')
-    parser.add_argument('--image',
-                        help='Use a custom image file (must be qcow2).')
-    parser.add_argument('--engine', default='qemu',
-                        help='The virtualization engine to use')
-    parser.add_argument('--arch', default='i686',
-                        help='The architecture to use')
-    parser.add_argument('--memory', default='2097152',
-                        help="Maximum memory for the VM in KB.")
-    parser.add_argument('--cpus', default='1',
-                        help="CPU count for the VM.")
-    parser.add_argument('--bootdev', default='hd',
-                        help="What boot device to use (hd/network).")
-    parser.add_argument('--network', default="brbm",
-                        help='The libvirt network name to use')
-    parser.add_argument('--libvirt-nic-driver', default='e1000',
-                        help='The libvirt network driver to use')
-    parser.add_argument('--console-log',
-                        help='File to log console')
-    parser.add_argument('--emulator', default=None,
-                        help='Path to emulator bin for vm template')
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    with file(templatedir + '/vm.xml', 'rb') as f:
-        source_template =
-    params = {
-        'name':,
-        'imagefile': args.image,
-        'engine': args.engine,
-        'arch': args.arch,
-        'memory': args.memory,
-        'cpus': args.cpus,
-        'bootdev': args.bootdev,
-        'network':,
-        'nicdriver': args.libvirt_nic_driver,
-        'emulator': args.emulator,
-    }
-    if args.emulator:
-        params['emulator'] = args.emulator
-    else:
-        if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/kvm"):  # Debian
-            params['emulator'] = "/usr/bin/kvm"
-        elif os.path.exists("/usr/bin/qemu-kvm"):  # Redhat
-            params['emulator'] = "/usr/bin/qemu-kvm"
-    if args.console_log:
-        params['bios_serial'] = "<bios useserial='yes'/>"
-        params['console_log'] = CONSOLE_LOG % {'console_log': args.console_log}
-    else:
-        params['bios_serial'] = ''
-        params['console_log'] = ''
-    libvirt_template = source_template % params
-    conn ="qemu:///system")
-    a = conn.defineXML(libvirt_template)
-    print ("Created machine %s with UUID %s" % (, a.UUIDString()))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/tools/ironic/scripts/create-node b/tools/ironic/scripts/create-node
deleted file mode 100755
index b018acddc9..0000000000
--- a/tools/ironic/scripts/create-node
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# **create-nodes**
-# Creates baremetal poseur nodes for ironic testing purposes
-set -ex
-# Keep track of the DevStack directory
-TOP_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0")/.. && pwd)
-MEM=$(( 1024 * $3 ))
-# Extra G to allow fuzz for partition table : flavor size and registered size
-# need to be different to actual size.
-DISK=$(( $4 + 1))
-case $5 in
-    i386) ARCH='i686' ;;
-    amd64) ARCH='x86_64' ;;
-    *) echo "Unsupported arch $4!" ; exit 1 ;;
-if ! virsh pool-list --all | grep -q $LIBVIRT_STORAGE_POOL; then
-    virsh pool-define-as --name $LIBVIRT_STORAGE_POOL dir --target /var/lib/libvirt/images >&2
-    virsh pool-autostart $LIBVIRT_STORAGE_POOL >&2
-    virsh pool-start $LIBVIRT_STORAGE_POOL >&2
-pool_state=$(virsh pool-info $LIBVIRT_STORAGE_POOL | grep State | awk '{ print $2 }')
-if [ "$pool_state" != "running" ] ; then
-  [ ! -d /var/lib/libvirt/images ] && sudo mkdir /var/lib/libvirt/images
-  virsh pool-start $LIBVIRT_STORAGE_POOL >&2
-if [ -n "$LOGDIR" ] ; then
-  mkdir -p "$LOGDIR"
-if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then
-    PREALLOC="--prealloc-metadata"
-if [ -n "$LOGDIR" ] ; then
-  VM_LOGGING="--console-log $LOGDIR/${NAME}_console.log"
-if ! virsh list --all | grep -q $NAME; then
-  virsh vol-list --pool $LIBVIRT_STORAGE_POOL | grep -q $VOL_NAME &&
-      virsh vol-delete $VOL_NAME --pool $LIBVIRT_STORAGE_POOL >&2
-  virsh vol-create-as $LIBVIRT_STORAGE_POOL ${VOL_NAME} ${DISK}G --format qcow2 $PREALLOC >&2
-  volume_path=$(virsh vol-path --pool $LIBVIRT_STORAGE_POOL $VOL_NAME)
-  # Pre-touch the VM to set +C, as it can only be set on empty files.
-  sudo touch "$volume_path"
-  sudo chattr +C "$volume_path" || true
-  $TOP_DIR/scripts/configure-vm \
-    --bootdev network --name $NAME --image "$volume_path" \
-    --arch $ARCH --cpus $CPU --memory $MEM --libvirt-nic-driver $LIBVIRT_NIC_DRIVER \
-    --emulator $EMULATOR --network $BRIDGE $VM_LOGGING >&2
-# echo mac
-virsh dumpxml $NAME | grep "mac address" | head -1 | cut -d\' -f2
diff --git a/tools/ironic/scripts/setup-network b/tools/ironic/scripts/setup-network
deleted file mode 100755
index 83308ed416..0000000000
--- a/tools/ironic/scripts/setup-network
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# **setup-network**
-# Setups openvswitch libvirt network suitable for
-# running baremetal poseur nodes for ironic testing purposes
-set -exu
-# Keep track of the DevStack directory
-TOP_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0")/.. && pwd)
-# Only add bridge if missing
-(sudo ovs-vsctl list-br | grep ${BRIDGE_NAME}$) || sudo ovs-vsctl add-br ${BRIDGE_NAME}
-# Remove bridge before replacing it.
-(virsh net-list | grep "${BRIDGE_NAME} ") && virsh net-destroy ${BRIDGE_NAME}
-(virsh net-list --inactive  | grep "${BRIDGE_NAME} ") && virsh net-undefine ${BRIDGE_NAME}
-virsh net-define <(sed s/brbm/$BRIDGE_NAME/ $TOP_DIR/templates/brbm.xml)
-virsh net-autostart ${BRIDGE_NAME}
-virsh net-start ${BRIDGE_NAME}
diff --git a/tools/ironic/templates/brbm.xml b/tools/ironic/templates/brbm.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0769d3f1d0..0000000000
--- a/tools/ironic/templates/brbm.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-  <name>brbm</name>
-  <forward mode='bridge'/>
-  <bridge name='brbm'/>
-  <virtualport type='openvswitch'/>
diff --git a/tools/ironic/templates/tftpd-xinetd.template b/tools/ironic/templates/tftpd-xinetd.template
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f3d03f3bb..0000000000
--- a/tools/ironic/templates/tftpd-xinetd.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-service tftp
-  protocol        = udp
-  port            = 69
-  socket_type     = dgram
-  wait            = yes
-  user            = root
-  server          = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd
-  server_args     = -v -v -v -v -v --map-file %TFTPBOOT_DIR%/map-file %TFTPBOOT_DIR%
-  disable         = no
-  # This is a workaround for Fedora, where TFTP will listen only on
-  # IPv6 endpoint, if IPv4 flag is not used.
-  flags           = IPv4
diff --git a/tools/ironic/templates/vm.xml b/tools/ironic/templates/vm.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ae7d685256..0000000000
--- a/tools/ironic/templates/vm.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-<domain type='%(engine)s'>
-  <name>%(name)s</name>
-  <memory unit='KiB'>%(memory)s</memory>
-  <vcpu>%(cpus)s</vcpu>
-  <os>
-    <type arch='%(arch)s' machine='pc-1.0'>hvm</type>
-    <boot dev='%(bootdev)s'/>
-    <bootmenu enable='no'/>
-    %(bios_serial)s
-  </os>
-  <features>
-    <acpi/>
-    <apic/>
-    <pae/>
-  </features>
-  <clock offset='utc'/>
-  <on_poweroff>destroy</on_poweroff>
-  <on_reboot>restart</on_reboot>
-  <on_crash>restart</on_crash>
-  <devices>
-    <emulator>%(emulator)s</emulator>
-    <disk type='file' device='disk'>
-      <driver name='qemu' type='qcow2' cache='writeback'/>
-      <source file='%(imagefile)s'/>
-      <target dev='vda' bus='virtio'/>
-      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x0'/>
-    </disk>
-    <controller type='ide' index='0'>
-      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x1'/>
-    </controller>
-    <interface type='network'>
-      <source network='%(network)s'/>
-      <virtualport type='openvswitch'/>
-      <model type='%(nicdriver)s'/>
-      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x04' function='0x0'/>
-    </interface>
-    <input type='mouse' bus='ps2'/>
-    <graphics type='vnc' port='-1' autoport='yes'/>
-    <video>
-      <model type='cirrus' vram='9216' heads='1'/>
-      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02' function='0x0'/>
-    </video>
-    %(console_log)s
-    <memballoon model='virtio'>
-      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x07' function='0x0'/>
-    </memballoon>
-  </devices>