From 901419d27ba7c0770fcdc65b32b098003dbc98e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Baodong (Robert) Li" <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 08:39:26 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] add support in devstack to run it with cisco plugin

implements blueprint cisco-plugin-support

Change-Id: Ib4716c9ef6daa059d5210631d927253bf2ba6a64
 lib/quantum_plugins/cisco | 327 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 327 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 lib/quantum_plugins/cisco

diff --git a/lib/quantum_plugins/cisco b/lib/quantum_plugins/cisco
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92b91e4526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/quantum_plugins/cisco
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+# Quantum Cisco plugin
+# ---------------------------
+# Save trace setting
+MY_XTRACE=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
+set +o xtrace
+# Scecify the VSM parameters
+# Specify the VSM username
+# Specify the VSM passward for above username
+# Specify the uVEM integration bridge name
+# Specify if tunneling is enabled
+# Specify the VXLAN range
+# Specify the VLAN range
+# Specify ncclient package information
+# This routine put a prefix on an existing function name
+function _prefix_function() {
+    declare -F $1 > /dev/null || die "$1 doesn't exist"
+    eval "$(echo "${2}_${1}()"; declare -f ${1} | tail -n +2)"
+function _has_ovs_subplugin() {
+    local subplugin
+    for subplugin in ${Q_CISCO_PLUGIN_SUBPLUGINS[@]}; do
+        if [[ "$subplugin" == "openvswitch" ]]; then
+            return 0
+        fi
+    done
+    return 1
+function _has_nexus_subplugin() {
+    local subplugin
+    for subplugin in ${Q_CISCO_PLUGIN_SUBPLUGINS[@]}; do
+        if [[ "$subplugin" == "nexus" ]]; then
+            return 0
+        fi
+    done
+    return 1
+function _has_n1kv_subplugin() {
+    local subplugin
+    for subplugin in ${Q_CISCO_PLUGIN_SUBPLUGINS[@]}; do
+        if [[ "$subplugin" == "n1kv" ]]; then
+            return 0
+        fi
+    done
+    return 1
+# This routine populates the cisco config file with the information for
+# a particular nexus switch
+function _config_switch() {
+    local cisco_cfg_file=$1
+    local switch_ip=$2
+    local username=$3
+    local password=$4
+    local ssh_port=$5
+    shift 5
+    local section="NEXUS_SWITCH:$switch_ip"
+    iniset $cisco_cfg_file $section username $username
+    iniset $cisco_cfg_file $section password $password
+    iniset $cisco_cfg_file $section ssh_port $ssh_port
+    while [[ ${#@} != 0 ]]; do
+        iniset  $cisco_cfg_file $section $1 $2
+        shift 2
+    done
+# Prefix openvswitch plugin routines with "ovs" in order to differentiate from
+# cisco plugin routines. This means, ovs plugin routines will coexist with cisco
+# plugin routines in this script.
+source $TOP_DIR/lib/quantum_plugins/openvswitch
+_prefix_function quantum_plugin_create_nova_conf ovs
+_prefix_function quantum_plugin_install_agent_packages ovs
+_prefix_function quantum_plugin_configure_common ovs
+_prefix_function quantum_plugin_configure_debug_command ovs
+_prefix_function quantum_plugin_configure_dhcp_agent ovs
+_prefix_function quantum_plugin_configure_l3_agent ovs
+_prefix_function quantum_plugin_configure_plugin_agent ovs
+_prefix_function quantum_plugin_configure_service ovs
+_prefix_function quantum_plugin_setup_interface_driver ovs
+_prefix_function has_quantum_plugin_security_group ovs
+# Check the version of the installed ncclient package
+function check_ncclient_version() {
+python << EOF
+version = '$NCCLIENT_VERSION'
+import sys
+    import pkg_resources
+    import ncclient
+    module_version = pkg_resources.get_distribution('ncclient').version
+    if version != module_version:
+        sys.exit(1)
+    sys.exit(1)
+# Install the ncclient package
+function install_ncclient() {
+    (cd $NCCLIENT_DIR; sudo python install)
+# Check if the required version of ncclient has been installed
+function is_ncclient_installed() {
+    # Check if the Cisco ncclient repository exists
+    if [[ -d $NCCLIENT_DIR ]]; then
+        remotes=$(cd $NCCLIENT_DIR; git remote -v | grep fetch | awk '{ print $2}')
+        for remote in $remotes; do
+            if [[ $remote == $NCCLIENT_REPO ]]; then
+                break;
+            fi
+        done
+        if [[ $remote != $NCCLIENT_REPO ]]; then
+            return 1
+        fi
+    else
+        return 1
+    fi
+    # Check if the ncclient is installed with the right version
+    if ! check_ncclient_version; then
+        return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+function has_quantum_plugin_security_group() {
+    if _has_ovs_subplugin; then
+        ovs_has_quantum_plugin_security_group
+    else
+        return 1
+    fi
+function is_quantum_ovs_base_plugin() {
+    # Cisco uses OVS if openvswitch subplugin is deployed
+    _has_ovs_subplugin
+    return
+# populate required nova configuration parameters
+function quantum_plugin_create_nova_conf() {
+    if _has_ovs_subplugin; then
+        ovs_quantum_plugin_create_nova_conf
+    else
+        _quantum_ovs_base_configure_nova_vif_driver
+    fi
+function quantum_plugin_install_agent_packages() {
+    # Cisco plugin uses openvswitch to operate in one of its configurations
+    ovs_quantum_plugin_install_agent_packages
+# Configure common parameters
+function quantum_plugin_configure_common() {
+    # setup default subplugins
+    if [ ! -v Q_CISCO_PLUGIN_SUBPLUGINS ]; then
+        declare -ga Q_CISCO_PLUGIN_SUBPLUGINS
+        Q_CISCO_PLUGIN_SUBPLUGINS=(openvswitch nexus)
+    fi
+    if _has_ovs_subplugin; then
+        ovs_quantum_plugin_configure_common
+        Q_PLUGIN_EXTRA_CONF_PATH=etc/quantum/plugins/cisco
+        Q_PLUGIN_EXTRA_CONF_FILES=(cisco_plugins.ini)
+    else
+        Q_PLUGIN_CONF_PATH=etc/quantum/plugins/cisco
+        Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILENAME=cisco_plugins.ini
+    fi
+    Q_DB_NAME=cisco_quantum
+function quantum_plugin_configure_debug_command() {
+    if _has_ovs_subplugin; then
+        ovs_quantum_plugin_configure_debug_command
+    fi
+function quantum_plugin_configure_dhcp_agent() {
+    iniset $Q_DHCP_CONF_FILE DEFAULT dhcp_agent_manager quantum.agent.dhcp_agent.DhcpAgentWithStateReport
+function quantum_plugin_configure_l3_agent() {
+    if _has_ovs_subplugin; then
+        ovs_quantum_plugin_configure_l3_agent
+    fi
+function _configure_nexus_subplugin() {
+    local cisco_cfg_file=$1
+    # Install a known compatible ncclient from the Cisco repository if necessary
+    if ! is_ncclient_installed; then
+        # Preserve the two global variables
+        local offline=$OFFLINE
+        local reclone=$RECLONE
+        # Change their values to allow installation
+        OFFLINE=False
+        RECLONE=yes
+        install_ncclient
+        # Restore their values
+        OFFLINE=$offline
+        RECLONE=$reclone
+    fi
+    # Setup default nexus switch information
+    if [ ! -v Q_CISCO_PLUGIN_SWITCH_INFO ]; then
+        declare -A Q_CISCO_PLUGIN_SWITCH_INFO
+        HOST_NAME=$(hostname)
+        Q_CISCO_PLUGIN_SWITCH_INFO=([]=stack:stack:22:${HOST_NAME}:1/10)
+    else
+        iniset $cisco_cfg_file CISCO nexus_driver
+    fi
+    # Setup the switch configurations
+    local nswitch
+    local sw_info
+    local segment
+    local sw_info_array
+    declare -i count=0
+    for nswitch in ${!Q_CISCO_PLUGIN_SWITCH_INFO[@]}; do
+        sw_info=${Q_CISCO_PLUGIN_SWITCH_INFO[$nswitch]}
+        sw_info_array=${sw_info//:/ }
+        sw_info_array=( $sw_info_array )
+        count=${#sw_info_array[@]}
+        if [[ $count < 5 || $(( ($count-3) % 2 )) != 0 ]]; then
+            die $LINENO "Incorrect switch configuration: ${Q_CISCO_PLUGIN_SWITCH_INFO[$nswitch]}"
+        fi
+        _config_switch $cisco_cfg_file $nswitch ${sw_info_array[@]}
+    done
+# Configure n1kv plugin
+function _configure_n1kv_subplugin() {
+    local cisco_cfg_file=$1
+    # populate the cisco plugin cfg file with the VSM information
+    echo "Configuring n1kv in $cisco_cfg_file-- $Q_CISCO_PLUGIN_VSM_IP $Q_CISCO_PLUGIN_VSM_USERNAME $Q_CISCO_PLUGIN_VSM_PASSWORD"
+    iniset $cisco_cfg_file N1KV:$Q_CISCO_PLUGIN_VSM_IP username $Q_CISCO_PLUGIN_VSM_USERNAME
+    iniset $cisco_cfg_file N1KV:$Q_CISCO_PLUGIN_VSM_IP password $Q_CISCO_PLUGIN_VSM_PASSWORD
+    iniset $cisco_cfg_file CISCO_N1K integration_bridge $Q_CISCO_PLUGIN_INTEGRATION_BRIDGE
+    iniset $cisco_cfg_file CISCO_N1K enable_tunneling $Q_CISCO_PLUGIN_ENABLE_TUNNELING
+    iniset $cisco_cfg_file CISCO_N1K vxlan_id_ranges $Q_CISCO_PLUGIN_VXLAN_ID_RANGES
+    iniset $cisco_cfg_file CISCO_N1K network_vlan_ranges $Q_CISCO_PLUGIN_VLAN_RANGES
+    # Setup the integration bridge by calling the ovs_base
+    _quantum_ovs_base_setup_bridge $OVS_BRIDGE
+function quantum_plugin_configure_plugin_agent() {
+    if _has_ovs_subplugin; then
+        ovs_quantum_plugin_configure_plugin_agent
+    fi
+function quantum_plugin_configure_service() {
+    local subplugin
+    local cisco_cfg_file
+    if _has_ovs_subplugin; then
+        ovs_quantum_plugin_configure_service
+        cisco_cfg_file=/${Q_PLUGIN_EXTRA_CONF_FILES[0]}
+    else
+        cisco_cfg_file=/$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE
+    fi
+    # Setup the [CISCO_PLUGINS] section
+    if [[ ${#Q_CISCO_PLUGIN_SUBPLUGINS[@]} > 2 ]]; then
+        die $LINENO "At most two subplugins are supported."
+    fi
+    if _has_ovs_subplugin && _has_n1kv_subplugin; then
+        die $LINENO "OVS subplugin and n1kv subplugin cannot coexist"
+    fi
+    # Setup the subplugins
+    inicomment $cisco_cfg_file CISCO_PLUGINS nexus_plugin
+    inicomment $cisco_cfg_file CISCO_PLUGINS vswitch_plugin
+    inicomment $cisco_cfg_file CISCO_TEST host
+    for subplugin in ${Q_CISCO_PLUGIN_SUBPLUGINS[@]}; do
+        case $subplugin in
+            nexus) iniset $cisco_cfg_file CISCO_PLUGINS nexus_plugin;;
+            openvswitch) iniset $cisco_cfg_file CISCO_PLUGINS vswitch_plugin quantum.plugins.openvswitch.ovs_quantum_plugin.OVSQuantumPluginV2;;
+            n1kv) iniset $cisco_cfg_file CISCO_PLUGINS vswitch_plugin;;
+            *) die $LINENO "Unsupported cisco subplugin: $subplugin";;
+        esac
+    done
+    if _has_nexus_subplugin; then
+        _configure_nexus_subplugin $cisco_cfg_file
+    fi
+    if _has_n1kv_subplugin; then
+        _configure_n1kv_subplugin $cisco_cfg_file
+    fi
+function quantum_plugin_setup_interface_driver() {
+    local conf_file=$1
+    iniset $conf_file DEFAULT interface_driver quantum.agent.linux.interface.OVSInterfaceDriver
+# Restore xtrace