From c411fcfc9224894db55d82b8ce4fa4a2b68de89d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Attila Fazekas <>
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 16:48:14 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Allow installing tempest only with keystone

Modify the lib/tempest to not fail
 if no nova or glance available.

* This allows performance test of keystone and neutron with
  tempest (or tempest stress runner) without having system
  noise from another components.
* Depending on not required components for tempest is bad practice,
  tempest service decorators expected to allow tempest,
  to run in more minimal system out-of-the-box.

Change-Id: Ifc40b1eb5c4b79d96a5fae919b88afecca642ca0
 lib/tempest | 192 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 file changed, 99 insertions(+), 93 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/tempest b/lib/tempest
index 66f1a788f1..3996cd1a62 100644
--- a/lib/tempest
+++ b/lib/tempest
@@ -110,34 +110,36 @@ function configure_tempest {
     # ... Also ensure we only take active images, so we don't get snapshots in process
     declare -a images
-    while read -r IMAGE_NAME IMAGE_UUID; do
-        if [ "$IMAGE_NAME" = "$DEFAULT_IMAGE_NAME" ]; then
-            image_uuid="$IMAGE_UUID"
-            image_uuid_alt="$IMAGE_UUID"
-        fi
-        images+=($IMAGE_UUID)
-    # TODO(stevemar): update this command to use openstackclient's `openstack image list`
-    # when it supports listing by status.
-    done < <(glance image-list --status=active | awk -F'|' '!/^(+--)|ID|aki|ari/ { print $3,$2 }')
+    if is_service_enabled glance; then
+        while read -r IMAGE_NAME IMAGE_UUID; do
+            if [ "$IMAGE_NAME" = "$DEFAULT_IMAGE_NAME" ]; then
+                image_uuid="$IMAGE_UUID"
+                image_uuid_alt="$IMAGE_UUID"
+            fi
+            images+=($IMAGE_UUID)
+        # TODO(stevemar): update this command to use openstackclient's `openstack image list`
+        # when it supports listing by status.
+        done < <(glance image-list --status=active | awk -F'|' '!/^(+--)|ID|aki|ari/ { print $3,$2 }')
-    case "${#images[*]}" in
-        0)
-            echo "Found no valid images to use!"
-            exit 1
-            ;;
-        1)
-            if [ -z "$image_uuid" ]; then
-                image_uuid=${images[0]}
-                image_uuid_alt=${images[0]}
-            fi
-            ;;
-        *)
-            if [ -z "$image_uuid" ]; then
-                image_uuid=${images[0]}
-                image_uuid_alt=${images[1]}
-            fi
-            ;;
-    esac
+        case "${#images[*]}" in
+            0)
+                echo "Found no valid images to use!"
+                exit 1
+                ;;
+            1)
+                if [ -z "$image_uuid" ]; then
+                    image_uuid=${images[0]}
+                    image_uuid_alt=${images[0]}
+                fi
+                ;;
+            *)
+                if [ -z "$image_uuid" ]; then
+                    image_uuid=${images[0]}
+                    image_uuid_alt=${images[1]}
+                fi
+                ;;
+        esac
+    fi
     # Create tempest.conf from tempest.conf.sample
     # copy every time, because the image UUIDS are going to change
@@ -161,63 +163,65 @@ function configure_tempest {
     ADMIN_TENANT_ID=$(openstack project list | awk "/ admin / { print \$2 }")
-    # If the ``DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE`` not declared, use the new behavior
-    # Tempest creates instane types for himself
-    if  [[ -z "$DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE" ]]; then
-        available_flavors=$(nova flavor-list)
-        if [[ ! ( $available_flavors =~ 'm1.nano' ) ]]; then
-            if is_arch "ppc64"; then
-                # qemu needs at least 128MB of memory to boot on ppc64
-                nova flavor-create m1.nano 42 128 0 1
-            else
-                nova flavor-create m1.nano 42 64 0 1
+    if is_service_enabled nova; then
+        # If the ``DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE`` not declared, use the new behavior
+        # Tempest creates instane types for himself
+        if  [[ -z "$DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE" ]]; then
+            available_flavors=$(nova flavor-list)
+            if [[ ! ( $available_flavors =~ 'm1.nano' ) ]]; then
+                if is_arch "ppc64"; then
+                    # qemu needs at least 128MB of memory to boot on ppc64
+                    nova flavor-create m1.nano 42 128 0 1
+                else
+                    nova flavor-create m1.nano 42 64 0 1
+                fi
-        fi
-        flavor_ref=42
-        boto_instance_type=m1.nano
-        if [[ ! ( $available_flavors =~ 'm1.micro' ) ]]; then
-            if is_arch "ppc64"; then
-                nova flavor-create m1.micro 84 256 0 1
-            else
-                nova flavor-create m1.micro 84 128 0 1
+            flavor_ref=42
+            boto_instance_type=m1.nano
+            if [[ ! ( $available_flavors =~ 'm1.micro' ) ]]; then
+                if is_arch "ppc64"; then
+                    nova flavor-create m1.micro 84 256 0 1
+                else
+                    nova flavor-create m1.micro 84 128 0 1
+                fi
-        fi
-        flavor_ref_alt=84
-    else
-        # Check Nova for existing flavors and, if set, look for the
-        # ``DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE`` and use that.
-        boto_instance_type=$DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE
-        flavor_lines=`nova flavor-list`
-        IFS=$'\r\n'
-        flavors=""
-        for line in $flavor_lines; do
-            f=$(echo $line | awk "/ $DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE / { print \$2 }")
-            flavors="$flavors $f"
-        done
+            flavor_ref_alt=84
+        else
+            # Check Nova for existing flavors and, if set, look for the
+            # ``DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE`` and use that.
+            boto_instance_type=$DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE
+            flavor_lines=`nova flavor-list`
+            IFS=$'\r\n'
+            flavors=""
+            for line in $flavor_lines; do
+                f=$(echo $line | awk "/ $DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE / { print \$2 }")
+                flavors="$flavors $f"
+            done
-        for line in $flavor_lines; do
-            flavors="$flavors `echo $line | grep -v "^\(|\s*ID\|+--\)" | cut -d' ' -f2`"
-        done
+            for line in $flavor_lines; do
+                flavors="$flavors `echo $line | grep -v "^\(|\s*ID\|+--\)" | cut -d' ' -f2`"
+            done
-        IFS=" "
-        flavors=($flavors)
-        num_flavors=${#flavors[*]}
-        echo "Found $num_flavors flavors"
-        if [[ $num_flavors -eq 0 ]]; then
-            echo "Found no valid flavors to use!"
-            exit 1
-        fi
-        flavor_ref=${flavors[0]}
-        flavor_ref_alt=$flavor_ref
-        # ensure flavor_ref and flavor_ref_alt have different values
-        # some resize instance in tempest tests depends on this.
-        for f in ${flavors[@]:1}; do
-            if [[ $f -ne $flavor_ref ]]; then
-                flavor_ref_alt=$f
-                break
+            IFS=" "
+            flavors=($flavors)
+            num_flavors=${#flavors[*]}
+            echo "Found $num_flavors flavors"
+            if [[ $num_flavors -eq 0 ]]; then
+                echo "Found no valid flavors to use!"
+                exit 1
-        done
+            flavor_ref=${flavors[0]}
+            flavor_ref_alt=$flavor_ref
+            # ensure flavor_ref and flavor_ref_alt have different values
+            # some resize instance in tempest tests depends on this.
+            for f in ${flavors[@]:1}; do
+                if [[ $f -ne $flavor_ref ]]; then
+                    flavor_ref_alt=$f
+                    break
+                fi
+            done
+        fi
     if [ "$Q_USE_NAMESPACE" != "False" ]; then
@@ -460,20 +464,22 @@ function init_tempest {
     local kernel="$image_dir/${base_image_name}-vmlinuz"
     local ramdisk="$image_dir/${base_image_name}-initrd"
     local disk_image="$image_dir/${base_image_name}-blank.img"
-    # if the cirros uec downloaded and the system is uec capable
-    if [ -f "$kernel" -a -f "$ramdisk" -a -f "$disk_image" -a  "$VIRT_DRIVER" != "openvz" \
-        -a \( "$LIBVIRT_TYPE" != "lxc" -o "$VIRT_DRIVER" != "libvirt" \) ]; then
-        echo "Prepare aki/ari/ami Images"
-        mkdir -p $BOTO_MATERIALS_PATH
-        ( #new namespace
-            # tenant:demo ; user: demo
-            source $TOP_DIR/accrc/demo/demo
-            euca-bundle-image -r ${CIRROS_ARCH} -i "$kernel" --kernel true -d "$BOTO_MATERIALS_PATH"
-            euca-bundle-image -r ${CIRROS_ARCH} -i "$ramdisk" --ramdisk true -d "$BOTO_MATERIALS_PATH"
-            euca-bundle-image -r ${CIRROS_ARCH} -i "$disk_image" -d "$BOTO_MATERIALS_PATH"
-        ) 2>&1 </dev/null | cat
-    else
-        echo "Boto materials are not prepared"
+    if is_service_enabled nova; then
+        # if the cirros uec downloaded and the system is uec capable
+        if [ -f "$kernel" -a -f "$ramdisk" -a -f "$disk_image" -a  "$VIRT_DRIVER" != "openvz" \
+            -a \( "$LIBVIRT_TYPE" != "lxc" -o "$VIRT_DRIVER" != "libvirt" \) ]; then
+            echo "Prepare aki/ari/ami Images"
+            mkdir -p $BOTO_MATERIALS_PATH
+            ( #new namespace
+                # tenant:demo ; user: demo
+                source $TOP_DIR/accrc/demo/demo
+                euca-bundle-image -r ${CIRROS_ARCH} -i "$kernel" --kernel true -d "$BOTO_MATERIALS_PATH"
+                euca-bundle-image -r ${CIRROS_ARCH} -i "$ramdisk" --ramdisk true -d "$BOTO_MATERIALS_PATH"
+                euca-bundle-image -r ${CIRROS_ARCH} -i "$disk_image" -d "$BOTO_MATERIALS_PATH"
+            ) 2>&1 </dev/null | cat
+        else
+            echo "Boto materials are not prepared"
+        fi