#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. TOP=$(cd $(dirname "$0")/.. && pwd) export TOP_DIR=$TOP # we don't actually care about the HOST_IP HOST_IP="don't care" # Import common functions source $TOP/functions source $TOP/stackrc source $TOP/lib/tls for i in $TOP/lib/*; do if [[ -f $i ]]; then source $i fi done ALL_LIBS="python-novaclient oslo.config pbr oslo.context" ALL_LIBS+=" python-keystoneclient taskflow oslo.middleware pycadf" ALL_LIBS+=" python-glanceclient python-ironicclient tempest-lib" ALL_LIBS+=" oslo.messaging oslo.log cliff python-heatclient stevedore" ALL_LIBS+=" python-cinderclient glance_store oslo.concurrency oslo.db" ALL_LIBS+=" oslo.versionedobjects oslo.vmware keystonemiddleware" ALL_LIBS+=" oslo.serialization python-saharaclient django_openstack_auth" ALL_LIBS+=" python-openstackclient oslo.rootwrap oslo.i18n" ALL_LIBS+=" python-ceilometerclient oslo.utils python-swiftclient" ALL_LIBS+=" python-neutronclient tooz ceilometermiddleware oslo.policy" ALL_LIBS+=" debtcollector os-brick" # Generate the above list with # echo ${!GITREPO[@]} function check_exists { local thing=$1 local hash=$2 local key=$3 if [[ ! -z "$VERBOSE" ]]; then echo "Checking for $hash[$key]" fi if [[ -z $thing ]]; then echo "$hash[$key] does not exit!" exit 1 else if [[ ! -z "$VERBOSE" ]]; then echo "$hash[$key] => $thing" fi fi } function test_all_libs_upto_date { # this is all the magics local found_libs=${!GITREPO[@]} declare -A all_libs for lib in $ALL_LIBS; do all_libs[$lib]=1 done for lib in $found_libs; do if [[ -z ${all_libs[$lib]} ]]; then echo "Library '$lib' not listed in unit tests, please add to ALL_LIBS" exit 1 fi done echo "test_all_libs_upto_date PASSED" } function test_libs_exist { local lib="" for lib in $ALL_LIBS; do check_exists "${GITREPO[$lib]}" "GITREPO" "$lib" check_exists "${GITBRANCH[$lib]}" "GITBRANCH" "$lib" check_exists "${GITDIR[$lib]}" "GITDIR" "$lib" done echo "test_libs_exist PASSED" } function test_branch_master { for lib in $ALL_LIBS; do if [[ ${GITBRANCH[$lib]} != "master" ]]; then echo "GITBRANCH for $lib not master (${GITBRANCH[$lib]})" exit 1 fi done echo "test_branch_master PASSED" } set -o errexit test_libs_exist test_branch_master test_all_libs_upto_date