DevStack - an OpenStack Community Production ============================================ .. image:: assets/images/logo-blue.png .. toctree:: :glob: :maxdepth: 1 overview configuration plugins faq changes hacking Quick Start ----------- #. Select a Linux Distribution Only Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty), Fedora 20 and CentOS/RHEL 7 are documented here. OpenStack also runs and is packaged on other flavors of Linux such as OpenSUSE and Debian. #. Install Selected OS In order to correctly install all the dependencies, we assume a specific minimal version of the supported distributions to make it as easy as possible. We recommend using a minimal install of Ubuntu or Fedora server in a VM if this is your first time. #. Download DevStack :: git clone The ``devstack`` repo contains a script that installs OpenStack and templates for configuration files #. Configure We recommend at least a :doc:`minimal configuration <configuration>` be set up. #. Start the install :: cd devstack; ./ It takes a few minutes, we recommend `reading the script <>`__ while it is building. Guides ====== Walk through various setups used by stackers .. toctree:: :glob: :maxdepth: 1 guides/single-vm guides/single-machine guides/multinode-lab guides/neutron guides/devstack-with-nested-kvm guides/nova guides/devstack-with-lbaas-v2 All-In-One Single VM -------------------- Run :doc:`OpenStack in a VM <guides/single-vm>`. The VMs launched in your cloud will be slow as they are running in QEMU (emulation), but it is useful if you don't have spare hardware laying around. :doc:`[Read] <guides/single-vm>` All-In-One Single Machine ------------------------- Run :doc:`OpenStack on dedicated hardware <guides/single-machine>` This can include a server-class machine or a laptop at home. :doc:`[Read] <guides/single-machine>` Multi-Node Lab -------------- Setup a :doc:`multi-node cluster <guides/multinode-lab>` with dedicated VLANs for VMs & Management. :doc:`[Read] <guides/multinode-lab>` DevStack with Neutron Networking -------------------------------- Building a DevStack cluster with :doc:`Neutron Networking <guides/neutron>`. This guide is meant for building lab environments with a dedicated control node and multiple compute nodes. DevStack with KVM-based Nested Virtualization --------------------------------------------- Procedure to setup :doc:`DevStack with KVM-based Nested Virtualization <guides/devstack-with-nested-kvm>`. With this setup, Nova instances will be more performant than with plain QEMU emulation. Nova and devstack -------------------------------- Guide to working with nova features :doc:`Nova and devstack <guides/nova>`. DevStack Documentation ====================== Overview -------- :doc:`An overview of DevStack goals and priorities <overview>` Configuration ------------- :doc:`Configuring and customizing the stack <configuration>` Plugins ------- :doc:`Extending DevStack with new features <plugins>` Recent Changes -------------- :doc:`An incomplete summary of recent changes <changes>` FAQ --- :doc:`The DevStack FAQ <faq>` Contributing ------------ :doc:`Pitching in to make DevStack a better place <hacking>` Code ==== *A look at the bits that make it all go* Scripts ------- * ` <>`__ - The main script * `functions <functions.html>`__ - DevStack-specific functions * `functions-common <functions-common.html>`__ - Functions shared with other projects * `lib/apache <lib/apache.html>`__ * `lib/ceilometer <lib/ceilometer.html>`__ * `lib/ceph <lib/ceph.html>`__ * `lib/cinder <lib/cinder.html>`__ * `lib/database <lib/database.html>`__ * `lib/dstat <lib/dstat.html>`__ * `lib/glance <lib/glance.html>`__ * `lib/heat <lib/heat.html>`__ * `lib/horizon <lib/horizon.html>`__ * `lib/infra <lib/infra.html>`__ * `lib/ironic <lib/ironic.html>`__ * `lib/keystone <lib/keystone.html>`__ * `lib/ldap <lib/ldap.html>`__ * `lib/neutron-legacy <lib/neutron-legacy.html>`__ * `lib/nova <lib/nova.html>`__ * `lib/oslo <lib/oslo.html>`__ * `lib/rpc\_backend <lib/rpc_backend.html>`__ * `lib/sahara <lib/sahara.html>`__ * `lib/swift <lib/swift.html>`__ * `lib/tempest <lib/tempest.html>`__ * `lib/tls <lib/tls.html>`__ * `lib/trove <lib/trove.html>`__ * `lib/zaqar <lib/zaqar.html>`__ * ` <>`__ * ` <>`__ * `run\ <>`__ * `extras.d/ <extras.d/>`__ * `extras.d/ <extras.d/>`__ * `extras.d/ <extras.d/>`__ * `extras.d/ <extras.d/>`__ * `extras.d/ <extras.d/>`__ * `extras.d/ <extras.d/>`__ * `extras.d/ <extras.d/>`__ * `inc/ini-config <inc/ini-config.html>`__ * `inc/meta-config <inc/meta-config.html>`__ * `inc/python <inc/python.html>`__ * `pkg/ <pkg/>`_ Configuration ------------- .. toctree:: :glob: :maxdepth: 1 local.conf stackrc openrc exerciserc eucarc Tools ----- * `tools/build\ <tools/>`__ * `tools/build\ <tools/>`__ * `tools/build\ <tools/>`__ * `tools/ <tools/>`__ * `tools/create\ <tools/>`__ * `tools/fixup\ <tools/>`__ * `tools/ <tools/>`__ * `tools/install\ <tools/>`__ * `tools/install\ <tools/>`__ * `tools/make\ <tools/>`__ * `tools/upload\ <tools/>`__ Samples ------- * ` <samples/>`__ Exercises --------- * ` <>`__ * `exercises/ <exercises/>`__ * `exercises/boot\_from\ <exercises/>`__ * `exercises/ <exercises/>`__ * `exercises/ <exercises/>`__ * `exercises/ <exercises/>`__ * `exercises/ <exercises/>`__ * `exercises/floating\ <exercises/>`__ * `exercises/ <exercises/>`__ * `exercises/ <exercises/>`__ * `exercises/ <exercises/>`__ * `exercises/sec\ <exercises/>`__ * `exercises/ <exercises/>`__ * `exercises/ <exercises/>`__ * `exercises/ <exercises/>`__ * `exercises/ <exercises/>`__