#!/usr/bin/env bash # ``stack.sh`` is an opinionated OpenStack developer installation. It # installs and configures various combinations of **Glance**, **Horizon**, # **Keystone**, **Melange**, **Nova**, **Quantum** and **Swift** # This script allows you to specify configuration options of what git # repositories to use, enabled services, network configuration and various # passwords. If you are crafty you can run the script on multiple nodes using # shared settings for common resources (mysql, rabbitmq) and build a multi-node # developer install. # To keep this script simple we assume you are running on an **Ubuntu 11.10 # Oneiric** or **Ubuntu 12.04 Precise** machine. It should work in a VM or # physical server. Additionally we put the list of ``apt`` and ``pip`` # dependencies and other configuration files in this repo. So start by # grabbing this script and the dependencies. # Learn more and get the most recent version at http://devstack.org # Keep track of the devstack directory TOP_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd) # Import common functions source $TOP_DIR/functions # Determine what system we are running on. This provides ``os_VENDOR``, # ``os_RELEASE``, ``os_UPDATE``, ``os_PACKAGE``, ``os_CODENAME`` GetOSVersion # Translate the OS version values into common nomenclature if [[ "$os_VENDOR" =~ (Ubuntu) ]]; then # 'Everyone' refers to Ubuntu releases by the code name adjective DISTRO=$os_CODENAME elif [[ "$os_VENDOR" =~ (Fedora) ]]; then # For Fedora, just use 'f' and the release DISTRO="f$os_RELEASE" else # Catch-all for now is Vendor + Release + Update DISTRO="$os_VENDOR-$os_RELEASE.$os_UPDATE" fi # Settings # ======== # ``stack.sh`` is customizable through setting environment variables. If you # want to override a setting you can set and export it:: # # export MYSQL_PASSWORD=anothersecret # ./stack.sh # # You can also pass options on a single line ``MYSQL_PASSWORD=simple ./stack.sh`` # # Additionally, you can put any local variables into a ``localrc`` file:: # # MYSQL_PASSWORD=anothersecret # MYSQL_USER=hellaroot # # We try to have sensible defaults, so you should be able to run ``./stack.sh`` # in most cases. # # DevStack distributes ``stackrc`` which contains locations for the OpenStack # repositories and branches to configure. ``stackrc`` sources ``localrc`` to # allow you to safely override those settings without being overwritten # when updating DevStack. # HTTP and HTTPS proxy servers are supported via the usual environment variables # ``http_proxy`` and ``https_proxy``. They can be set in ``localrc`` if necessary # or on the command line:: # # http_proxy=http://proxy.example.com:3128/ ./stack.sh if [[ ! -r $TOP_DIR/stackrc ]]; then echo "ERROR: missing $TOP_DIR/stackrc - did you grab more than just stack.sh?" exit 1 fi source $TOP_DIR/stackrc # Destination path for installation ``DEST`` DEST=${DEST:-/opt/stack} # Sanity Check # ============ # Warn users who aren't on an explicitly supported distro, but allow them to # override check and attempt installation with ``FORCE=yes ./stack`` if [[ ! ${DISTRO} =~ (oneiric|precise|quantal|f16) ]]; then echo "WARNING: this script has been tested on oneiric, precise and f16" if [[ "$FORCE" != "yes" ]]; then echo "If you wish to run this script anyway run with FORCE=yes" exit 1 fi fi if [ "${DISTRO}" = "oneiric" ] && is_service_enabled qpid ; then # Qpid was introduced in precise echo "You must use Ubuntu Precise or newer for Qpid support." exit 1 fi # Set the paths of certain binaries if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then NOVA_ROOTWRAP=/usr/local/bin/nova-rootwrap else NOVA_ROOTWRAP=/usr/bin/nova-rootwrap fi # stack.sh keeps the list of ``apt`` and ``pip`` dependencies in external # files, along with config templates and other useful files. You can find these # in the ``files`` directory (next to this script). We will reference this # directory using the ``FILES`` variable in this script. FILES=$TOP_DIR/files if [ ! -d $FILES ]; then echo "ERROR: missing devstack/files - did you grab more than just stack.sh?" exit 1 fi # Check to see if we are already running DevStack if type -p screen >/dev/null && screen -ls | egrep -q "[0-9].stack"; then echo "You are already running a stack.sh session." echo "To rejoin this session type 'screen -x stack'." echo "To destroy this session, kill the running screen." exit 1 fi # OpenStack is designed to be run as a regular user (Horizon will fail to run # as root, since apache refused to startup serve content from root user). If # ``stack.sh`` is run as **root**, it automatically creates a **stack** user with # sudo privileges and runs as that user. if [[ $EUID -eq 0 ]]; then ROOTSLEEP=${ROOTSLEEP:-10} echo "You are running this script as root." echo "In $ROOTSLEEP seconds, we will create a user 'stack' and run as that user" sleep $ROOTSLEEP # since this script runs as a normal user, we need to give that user # ability to run sudo if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then dpkg -l sudo || apt_get update && install_package sudo STACK_GROUP=sudo else rpm -qa | grep sudo || install_package sudo STACK_GROUP=wheel fi if ! getent passwd stack >/dev/null; then echo "Creating a user called stack" useradd -U -G $STACK_GROUP -s /bin/bash -d $DEST -m stack fi echo "Giving stack user passwordless sudo priviledges" # some uec images sudoers does not have a '#includedir'. add one. grep -q "^#includedir.*/etc/sudoers.d" /etc/sudoers || echo "#includedir /etc/sudoers.d" >> /etc/sudoers ( umask 226 && echo "stack ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" \ > /etc/sudoers.d/50_stack_sh ) echo "Copying files to stack user" STACK_DIR="$DEST/${PWD##*/}" cp -r -f -T "$PWD" "$STACK_DIR" chown -R stack "$STACK_DIR" if [[ "$SHELL_AFTER_RUN" != "no" ]]; then exec su -c "set -e; cd $STACK_DIR; bash stack.sh; bash" stack else exec su -c "set -e; cd $STACK_DIR; bash stack.sh" stack fi exit 1 else # We're not root, make sure sudo is available if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then CHECK_SUDO_CMD="dpkg -l sudo" else CHECK_SUDO_CMD="rpm -q sudo" fi $CHECK_SUDO_CMD || die "Sudo is required. Re-run stack.sh as root ONE TIME ONLY to set up sudo." # UEC images /etc/sudoers does not have a '#includedir'. add one. sudo grep -q "^#includedir.*/etc/sudoers.d" /etc/sudoers || echo "#includedir /etc/sudoers.d" | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers # Set up devstack sudoers TEMPFILE=`mktemp` echo "`whoami` ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:ALL" >$TEMPFILE chmod 0440 $TEMPFILE sudo chown root:root $TEMPFILE sudo mv $TEMPFILE /etc/sudoers.d/50_stack_sh # Set up the rootwrap sudoers TEMPFILE=`mktemp` echo "$USER ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: $NOVA_ROOTWRAP" >$TEMPFILE chmod 0440 $TEMPFILE sudo chown root:root $TEMPFILE sudo mv $TEMPFILE /etc/sudoers.d/nova-rootwrap # Remove old file sudo rm -f /etc/sudoers.d/stack_sh_nova fi # Set True to configure ``stack.sh`` to run cleanly without Internet access. # ``stack.sh`` must have been previously run with Internet access to install # prerequisites and initialize ``$DEST``. OFFLINE=`trueorfalse False $OFFLINE` # Set the destination directories for openstack projects NOVA_DIR=$DEST/nova HORIZON_DIR=$DEST/horizon GLANCE_DIR=$DEST/glance GLANCECLIENT_DIR=$DEST/python-glanceclient KEYSTONE_DIR=$DEST/keystone NOVACLIENT_DIR=$DEST/python-novaclient KEYSTONECLIENT_DIR=$DEST/python-keystoneclient OPENSTACKCLIENT_DIR=$DEST/python-openstackclient NOVNC_DIR=$DEST/noVNC SWIFT_DIR=$DEST/swift SWIFT3_DIR=$DEST/swift3 QUANTUM_DIR=$DEST/quantum QUANTUM_CLIENT_DIR=$DEST/python-quantumclient MELANGE_DIR=$DEST/melange MELANGECLIENT_DIR=$DEST/python-melangeclient # Default Quantum Plugin Q_PLUGIN=${Q_PLUGIN:-openvswitch} # Default Quantum Port Q_PORT=${Q_PORT:-9696} # Default Quantum Host Q_HOST=${Q_HOST:-localhost} # Default Melange Port M_PORT=${M_PORT:-9898} # Default Melange Host M_HOST=${M_HOST:-localhost} # Melange MAC Address Range M_MAC_RANGE=${M_MAC_RANGE:-FE-EE-DD-00-00-00/24} # Name of the lvm volume group to use/create for iscsi volumes VOLUME_GROUP=${VOLUME_GROUP:-nova-volumes} VOLUME_NAME_PREFIX=${VOLUME_NAME_PREFIX:-volume-} INSTANCE_NAME_PREFIX=${INSTANCE_NAME_PREFIX:-instance-} # Nova hypervisor configuration. We default to libvirt with **kvm** but will # drop back to **qemu** if we are unable to load the kvm module. ``stack.sh`` can # also install an **LXC** based system. VIRT_DRIVER=${VIRT_DRIVER:-libvirt} LIBVIRT_TYPE=${LIBVIRT_TYPE:-kvm} # Nova supports pluggable schedulers. ``FilterScheduler`` should work in most # cases. SCHEDULER=${SCHEDULER:-nova.scheduler.filter_scheduler.FilterScheduler} HOST_IP_IFACE=${HOST_IP_IFACE:-eth0} # Use the eth0 IP unless an explicit is set by ``HOST_IP`` environment variable if [ -z "$HOST_IP" -o "$HOST_IP" == "dhcp" ]; then HOST_IP=`LC_ALL=C /sbin/ifconfig ${HOST_IP_IFACE} | grep -m 1 'inet addr:'| cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$HOST_IP" = "" ]; then echo "Could not determine host ip address." echo "Either localrc specified dhcp on ${HOST_IP_IFACE} or defaulted to eth0" exit 1 fi fi # Allow the use of an alternate hostname (such as localhost/ for service endpoints. SERVICE_HOST=${SERVICE_HOST:-$HOST_IP} # Configure services to use syslog instead of writing to individual log files SYSLOG=`trueorfalse False $SYSLOG` SYSLOG_HOST=${SYSLOG_HOST:-$HOST_IP} SYSLOG_PORT=${SYSLOG_PORT:-516} # Service startup timeout SERVICE_TIMEOUT=${SERVICE_TIMEOUT:-60} # Generic helper to configure passwords function read_password { set +o xtrace var=$1; msg=$2 pw=${!var} localrc=$TOP_DIR/localrc # If the password is not defined yet, proceed to prompt user for a password. if [ ! $pw ]; then # If there is no localrc file, create one if [ ! -e $localrc ]; then touch $localrc fi # Presumably if we got this far it can only be that our localrc is missing # the required password. Prompt user for a password and write to localrc. echo '' echo '################################################################################' echo $msg echo '################################################################################' echo "This value will be written to your localrc file so you don't have to enter it " echo "again. Use only alphanumeric characters." echo "If you leave this blank, a random default value will be used." pw=" " while true; do echo "Enter a password now:" read -e $var pw=${!var} [[ "$pw" = "`echo $pw | tr -cd [:alnum:]`" ]] && break echo "Invalid chars in password. Try again:" done if [ ! $pw ]; then pw=`openssl rand -hex 10` fi eval "$var=$pw" echo "$var=$pw" >> $localrc fi set -o xtrace } # Nova Network Configuration # -------------------------- # FIXME: more documentation about why these are important options. Also # we should make sure we use the same variable names as the option names. if [ "$VIRT_DRIVER" = 'xenserver' ]; then PUBLIC_INTERFACE_DEFAULT=eth3 # allow build_domU.sh to specify the flat network bridge via kernel args FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE_DEFAULT=$(grep -o 'flat_network_bridge=[[:alnum:]]*' /proc/cmdline | cut -d= -f 2 | sort -u) GUEST_INTERFACE_DEFAULT=eth1 else PUBLIC_INTERFACE_DEFAULT=br100 FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE_DEFAULT=br100 GUEST_INTERFACE_DEFAULT=eth0 fi PUBLIC_INTERFACE=${PUBLIC_INTERFACE:-$PUBLIC_INTERFACE_DEFAULT} PUBLIC_INTERFACE=${PUBLIC_INTERFACE:-br100} FIXED_RANGE=${FIXED_RANGE:-} FIXED_NETWORK_SIZE=${FIXED_NETWORK_SIZE:-256} FLOATING_RANGE=${FLOATING_RANGE:-} NET_MAN=${NET_MAN:-FlatDHCPManager} EC2_DMZ_HOST=${EC2_DMZ_HOST:-$SERVICE_HOST} FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE=${FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE:-$FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE_DEFAULT} VLAN_INTERFACE=${VLAN_INTERFACE:-$GUEST_INTERFACE_DEFAULT} # Test floating pool and range are used for testing. They are defined # here until the admin APIs can replace nova-manage TEST_FLOATING_POOL=${TEST_FLOATING_POOL:-test} TEST_FLOATING_RANGE=${TEST_FLOATING_RANGE:-} # **MULTI_HOST** is a mode where each compute node runs its own network node. This # allows network operations and routing for a VM to occur on the server that is # running the VM - removing a SPOF and bandwidth bottleneck. MULTI_HOST=`trueorfalse False $MULTI_HOST` # If you are using FlatDHCP on multiple hosts, set the ``FLAT_INTERFACE`` # variable but make sure that the interface doesn't already have an # ip or you risk breaking things. # # **DHCP Warning**: If your flat interface device uses DHCP, there will be a # hiccup while the network is moved from the flat interface to the flat network # bridge. This will happen when you launch your first instance. Upon launch # you will lose all connectivity to the node, and the vm launch will probably # fail. # # If you are running on a single node and don't need to access the VMs from # devices other than that node, you can set the flat interface to the same # value as ``FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE``. This will stop the network hiccup from # occurring. FLAT_INTERFACE=${FLAT_INTERFACE:-$GUEST_INTERFACE_DEFAULT} ## FIXME(ja): should/can we check that FLAT_INTERFACE is sane? # Using Quantum networking: # # Make sure that quantum is enabled in ENABLED_SERVICES. If it is the network # manager will be set to the QuantumManager. If you want to run Quantum on # this host, make sure that q-svc is also in ENABLED_SERVICES. # # If you're planning to use the Quantum openvswitch plugin, set Q_PLUGIN to # "openvswitch" and make sure the q-agt service is enabled in # ENABLED_SERVICES. # # With Quantum networking the NET_MAN variable is ignored. # Using Melange IPAM: # # Make sure that quantum and melange are enabled in ENABLED_SERVICES. # If they are then the melange IPAM lib will be set in the QuantumManager. # Adding m-svc to ENABLED_SERVICES will start the melange service on this # host. # MySQL & (RabbitMQ or Qpid) # -------------------------- # We configure Nova, Horizon, Glance and Keystone to use MySQL as their # database server. While they share a single server, each has their own # database and tables. # By default this script will install and configure MySQL. If you want to # use an existing server, you can pass in the user/password/host parameters. # You will need to send the same ``MYSQL_PASSWORD`` to every host if you are doing # a multi-node DevStack installation. MYSQL_HOST=${MYSQL_HOST:-localhost} MYSQL_USER=${MYSQL_USER:-root} read_password MYSQL_PASSWORD "ENTER A PASSWORD TO USE FOR MYSQL." # NOTE: Don't specify /db in this string so we can use it for multiple services BASE_SQL_CONN=${BASE_SQL_CONN:-mysql://$MYSQL_USER:$MYSQL_PASSWORD@$MYSQL_HOST} # Rabbit connection info if is_service_enabled rabbit; then RABBIT_HOST=${RABBIT_HOST:-localhost} read_password RABBIT_PASSWORD "ENTER A PASSWORD TO USE FOR RABBIT." fi # Glance connection info. Note the port must be specified. GLANCE_HOSTPORT=${GLANCE_HOSTPORT:-$SERVICE_HOST:9292} # SWIFT # ----- # TODO: implement glance support # TODO: add logging to different location. # By default the location of swift drives and objects is located inside # the swift source directory. SWIFT_DATA_DIR variable allow you to redefine # this. SWIFT_DATA_DIR=${SWIFT_DATA_DIR:-${DEST}/data/swift} # We are going to have the configuration files inside the source # directory, change SWIFT_CONFIG_DIR if you want to adjust that. SWIFT_CONFIG_DIR=${SWIFT_CONFIG_DIR:-/etc/swift} # devstack will create a loop-back disk formatted as XFS to store the # swift data. By default the disk size is 1 gigabyte. The variable # SWIFT_LOOPBACK_DISK_SIZE specified in bytes allow you to change # that. SWIFT_LOOPBACK_DISK_SIZE=${SWIFT_LOOPBACK_DISK_SIZE:-1000000} # The ring uses a configurable number of bits from a path’s MD5 hash as # a partition index that designates a device. The number of bits kept # from the hash is known as the partition power, and 2 to the partition # power indicates the partition count. Partitioning the full MD5 hash # ring allows other parts of the cluster to work in batches of items at # once which ends up either more efficient or at least less complex than # working with each item separately or the entire cluster all at once. # By default we define 9 for the partition count (which mean 512). SWIFT_PARTITION_POWER_SIZE=${SWIFT_PARTITION_POWER_SIZE:-9} # This variable allows you to configure how many replicas you want to be # configured for your Swift cluster. By default the three replicas would need a # bit of IO and Memory on a VM you may want to lower that to 1 if you want to do # only some quick testing. SWIFT_REPLICAS=${SWIFT_REPLICAS:-3} if is_service_enabled swift; then # If we are using swift, we can default the s3 port to swift instead # of nova-objectstore S3_SERVICE_PORT=${S3_SERVICE_PORT:-8080} # We only ask for Swift Hash if we have enabled swift service. # SWIFT_HASH is a random unique string for a swift cluster that # can never change. read_password SWIFT_HASH "ENTER A RANDOM SWIFT HASH." fi # Set default port for nova-objectstore S3_SERVICE_PORT=${S3_SERVICE_PORT:-3333} # Keystone # -------- # Service Token - Openstack components need to have an admin token # to validate user tokens. read_password SERVICE_TOKEN "ENTER A SERVICE_TOKEN TO USE FOR THE SERVICE ADMIN TOKEN." # Services authenticate to Identity with servicename/SERVICE_PASSWORD read_password SERVICE_PASSWORD "ENTER A SERVICE_PASSWORD TO USE FOR THE SERVICE AUTHENTICATION." # Horizon currently truncates usernames and passwords at 20 characters read_password ADMIN_PASSWORD "ENTER A PASSWORD TO USE FOR HORIZON AND KEYSTONE (20 CHARS OR LESS)." # Set the tenant for service accounts in Keystone SERVICE_TENANT_NAME=${SERVICE_TENANT_NAME:-service} # Set Keystone interface configuration KEYSTONE_API_PORT=${KEYSTONE_API_PORT:-5000} KEYSTONE_AUTH_HOST=${KEYSTONE_AUTH_HOST:-$SERVICE_HOST} KEYSTONE_AUTH_PORT=${KEYSTONE_AUTH_PORT:-35357} KEYSTONE_AUTH_PROTOCOL=${KEYSTONE_AUTH_PROTOCOL:-http} KEYSTONE_SERVICE_HOST=${KEYSTONE_SERVICE_HOST:-$SERVICE_HOST} KEYSTONE_SERVICE_PORT=${KEYSTONE_SERVICE_PORT:-5000} KEYSTONE_SERVICE_PROTOCOL=${KEYSTONE_SERVICE_PROTOCOL:-http} # Horizon # ------- # Allow overriding the default Apache user and group, default both to # current user. APACHE_USER=${APACHE_USER:-$USER} APACHE_GROUP=${APACHE_GROUP:-$APACHE_USER} # Log files # --------- # Set up logging for stack.sh # Set LOGFILE to turn on logging # We append '.xxxxxxxx' to the given name to maintain history # where xxxxxxxx is a representation of the date the file was created if [[ -n "$LOGFILE" || -n "$SCREEN_LOGDIR" ]]; then LOGDAYS=${LOGDAYS:-7} TIMESTAMP_FORMAT=${TIMESTAMP_FORMAT:-"%F-%H%M%S"} CURRENT_LOG_TIME=$(date "+$TIMESTAMP_FORMAT") fi if [[ -n "$LOGFILE" ]]; then # First clean up old log files. Use the user-specified LOGFILE # as the template to search for, appending '.*' to match the date # we added on earlier runs. LOGDIR=$(dirname "$LOGFILE") LOGNAME=$(basename "$LOGFILE") mkdir -p $LOGDIR find $LOGDIR -maxdepth 1 -name $LOGNAME.\* -mtime +$LOGDAYS -exec rm {} \; LOGFILE=$LOGFILE.${CURRENT_LOG_TIME} # Redirect stdout/stderr to tee to write the log file exec 1> >( tee "${LOGFILE}" ) 2>&1 echo "stack.sh log $LOGFILE" # Specified logfile name always links to the most recent log ln -sf $LOGFILE $LOGDIR/$LOGNAME fi # Set up logging of screen windows # Set SCREEN_LOGDIR to turn on logging of screen windows to the # directory specified in SCREEN_LOGDIR, we will log to the the file # screen-$SERVICE_NAME-$TIMESTAMP.log in that dir and have a link # screen-$SERVICE_NAME.log to the latest log file. # Logs are kept for as long specified in LOGDAYS. if [[ -n "$SCREEN_LOGDIR" ]]; then # We make sure the directory is created. if [[ -d "$SCREEN_LOGDIR" ]]; then # We cleanup the old logs find $SCREEN_LOGDIR -maxdepth 1 -name screen-\*.log -mtime +$LOGDAYS -exec rm {} \; else mkdir -p $SCREEN_LOGDIR fi fi # So that errors don't compound we exit on any errors so you see only the # first error that occurred. trap failed ERR failed() { local r=$? set +o xtrace [ -n "$LOGFILE" ] && echo "${0##*/} failed: full log in $LOGFILE" exit $r } # Print the commands being run so that we can see the command that triggers # an error. It is also useful for following along as the install occurs. set -o xtrace # create the destination directory and ensure it is writable by the user sudo mkdir -p $DEST if [ ! -w $DEST ]; then sudo chown `whoami` $DEST fi # Install Packages # ================ # # Openstack uses a fair number of other projects. # get_packages() collects a list of package names of any type from the # prerequisite files in ``files/{apts|pips}``. The list is intended # to be passed to a package installer such as apt or pip. # # Only packages required for the services in ENABLED_SERVICES will be # included. Two bits of metadata are recognized in the prerequisite files: # - ``# NOPRIME`` defers installation to be performed later in stack.sh # - ``# dist:DISTRO`` or ``dist:DISTRO1,DISTRO2`` limits the selection # of the package to the distros listed. The distro names are case insensitive. # # get_packages dir function get_packages() { local package_dir=$1 local file_to_parse local service if [[ -z "$package_dir" ]]; then echo "No package directory supplied" return 1 fi for service in general ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }; do # Allow individual services to specify dependencies if [[ -e ${package_dir}/${service} ]]; then file_to_parse="${file_to_parse} $service" fi # NOTE(sdague) n-api needs glance for now because that's where # glance client is if [[ $service == n-api ]]; then if [[ ! $file_to_parse =~ nova ]]; then file_to_parse="${file_to_parse} nova" fi if [[ ! $file_to_parse =~ glance ]]; then file_to_parse="${file_to_parse} glance" fi elif [[ $service == n-* ]]; then if [[ ! $file_to_parse =~ nova ]]; then file_to_parse="${file_to_parse} nova" fi elif [[ $service == g-* ]]; then if [[ ! $file_to_parse =~ glance ]]; then file_to_parse="${file_to_parse} glance" fi elif [[ $service == key* ]]; then if [[ ! $file_to_parse =~ keystone ]]; then file_to_parse="${file_to_parse} keystone" fi fi done for file in ${file_to_parse}; do local fname=${package_dir}/${file} local OIFS line package distros distro [[ -e $fname ]] || continue OIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for line in $(<${fname}); do if [[ $line =~ "NOPRIME" ]]; then continue fi if [[ $line =~ (.*)#.*dist:([^ ]*) ]]; then # We are using BASH regexp matching feature. package=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} distros=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} for distro in ${distros//,/ }; do #In bash ${VAR,,} will lowecase VAR [[ ${distro,,} == ${DISTRO,,} ]] && echo $package done continue fi echo ${line%#*} done IFS=$OIFS done } # install package requirements if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then apt_get update install_package $(get_packages $FILES/apts) else install_package $(get_packages $FILES/rpms) fi # install python requirements pip_install $(get_packages $FILES/pips | sort -u) # compute service git_clone $NOVA_REPO $NOVA_DIR $NOVA_BRANCH # python client library to nova that horizon (and others) use git_clone $KEYSTONECLIENT_REPO $KEYSTONECLIENT_DIR $KEYSTONECLIENT_BRANCH git_clone $NOVACLIENT_REPO $NOVACLIENT_DIR $NOVACLIENT_BRANCH git_clone $OPENSTACKCLIENT_REPO $OPENSTACKCLIENT_DIR $OPENSTACKCLIENT_BRANCH git_clone $GLANCECLIENT_REPO $GLANCECLIENT_DIR $GLANCECLIENT_BRANCH # glance, swift middleware and nova api needs keystone middleware if is_service_enabled key g-api n-api swift; then # unified auth system (manages accounts/tokens) git_clone $KEYSTONE_REPO $KEYSTONE_DIR $KEYSTONE_BRANCH fi if is_service_enabled swift; then # storage service git_clone $SWIFT_REPO $SWIFT_DIR $SWIFT_BRANCH git_clone $SWIFT3_REPO $SWIFT3_DIR $SWIFT3_BRANCH fi if is_service_enabled g-api n-api; then # image catalog service git_clone $GLANCE_REPO $GLANCE_DIR $GLANCE_BRANCH fi if is_service_enabled n-novnc; then # a websockets/html5 or flash powered VNC console for vm instances git_clone $NOVNC_REPO $NOVNC_DIR $NOVNC_BRANCH fi if is_service_enabled horizon; then # django powered web control panel for openstack git_clone $HORIZON_REPO $HORIZON_DIR $HORIZON_BRANCH $HORIZON_TAG fi if is_service_enabled quantum; then git_clone $QUANTUM_CLIENT_REPO $QUANTUM_CLIENT_DIR $QUANTUM_CLIENT_BRANCH fi if is_service_enabled q-svc; then # quantum git_clone $QUANTUM_REPO $QUANTUM_DIR $QUANTUM_BRANCH fi if is_service_enabled m-svc; then # melange git_clone $MELANGE_REPO $MELANGE_DIR $MELANGE_BRANCH fi if is_service_enabled melange; then git_clone $MELANGECLIENT_REPO $MELANGECLIENT_DIR $MELANGECLIENT_BRANCH fi # Initialization # ============== # setup our checkouts so they are installed into python path # allowing ``import nova`` or ``import glance.client`` cd $KEYSTONECLIENT_DIR; sudo python setup.py develop cd $NOVACLIENT_DIR; sudo python setup.py develop cd $OPENSTACKCLIENT_DIR; sudo python setup.py develop if is_service_enabled key g-api n-api swift; then cd $KEYSTONE_DIR; sudo python setup.py develop fi if is_service_enabled swift; then cd $SWIFT_DIR; sudo python setup.py develop cd $SWIFT3_DIR; sudo python setup.py develop fi if is_service_enabled g-api n-api; then cd $GLANCE_DIR; sudo python setup.py develop fi cd $NOVA_DIR; sudo python setup.py develop if is_service_enabled horizon; then cd $HORIZON_DIR; sudo python setup.py develop fi if is_service_enabled quantum; then cd $QUANTUM_CLIENT_DIR; sudo python setup.py develop fi if is_service_enabled q-svc; then cd $QUANTUM_DIR; sudo python setup.py develop fi if is_service_enabled m-svc; then cd $MELANGE_DIR; sudo python setup.py develop fi if is_service_enabled melange; then cd $MELANGECLIENT_DIR; sudo python setup.py develop fi # Do this _after_ glance is installed to override the old binary cd $GLANCECLIENT_DIR; sudo python setup.py develop # Syslog # ------ if [[ $SYSLOG != "False" ]]; then install_package rsyslog-relp if [[ "$SYSLOG_HOST" = "$HOST_IP" ]]; then # Configure the master host to receive cat </tmp/90-stack-m.conf \$ModLoad imrelp \$InputRELPServerRun $SYSLOG_PORT EOF sudo mv /tmp/90-stack-m.conf /etc/rsyslog.d else # Set rsyslog to send to remote host cat </tmp/90-stack-s.conf *.* :omrelp:$SYSLOG_HOST:$SYSLOG_PORT EOF sudo mv /tmp/90-stack-s.conf /etc/rsyslog.d fi restart_service rsyslog fi # Rabbit or Qpid # -------------- if is_service_enabled rabbit; then # Install and start rabbitmq-server # the temp file is necessary due to LP: #878600 tfile=$(mktemp) install_package rabbitmq-server > "$tfile" 2>&1 cat "$tfile" rm -f "$tfile" if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "rpm" ]]; then # RPM doesn't start the service restart_service rabbitmq-server fi # change the rabbit password since the default is "guest" sudo rabbitmqctl change_password guest $RABBIT_PASSWORD elif is_service_enabled qpid; then if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "rpm" ]]; then install_package qpid-cpp-server restart_service qpidd else install_package qpidd fi fi # Mysql # ----- if is_service_enabled mysql; then if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then # Seed configuration with mysql password so that apt-get install doesn't # prompt us for a password upon install. cat <$HOME/.my.cnf [client] user=$MYSQL_USER password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD host=$MYSQL_HOST EOF chmod 0600 $HOME/.my.cnf fi # Install and start mysql-server install_package mysql-server if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "rpm" ]]; then # RPM doesn't start the service start_service mysqld # Set the root password - only works the first time sudo mysqladmin -u root password $MYSQL_PASSWORD || true fi # Update the DB to give user ‘$MYSQL_USER’@’%’ full control of the all databases: sudo mysql -uroot -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -h127.0.0.1 -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '$MYSQL_USER'@'%' identified by '$MYSQL_PASSWORD';" # Update ``my.cnf`` for some local needs and restart the mysql service if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then MY_CONF=/etc/mysql/my.cnf MYSQL=mysql else MY_CONF=/etc/my.cnf MYSQL=mysqld fi # Change ‘bind-address’ from localhost ( to any ( sudo sed -i '/^bind-address/s/' $MY_CONF # Set default db type to InnoDB if grep -q "default-storage-engine" $MY_CONF; then # Change it sudo bash -c "source $TOP_DIR/functions; iniset $MY_CONF mysqld default-storage-engine InnoDB" else # Add it sudo sed -i -e "/^\[mysqld\]/ a \ default-storage-engine = InnoDB" $MY_CONF fi restart_service $MYSQL fi if [ -z "$SCREEN_HARDSTATUS" ]; then SCREEN_HARDSTATUS='%{= .} %-Lw%{= .}%> %n%f %t*%{= .}%+Lw%< %-=%{g}(%{d}%H/%l%{g})' fi # Our screenrc file builder function screen_rc { SCREENRC=$TOP_DIR/stack-screenrc if [[ ! -e $SCREENRC ]]; then # Name the screen session echo "sessionname stack" > $SCREENRC # Set a reasonable statusbar echo "hardstatus alwayslastline '$SCREEN_HARDSTATUS'" >> $SCREENRC echo "screen -t stack bash" >> $SCREENRC fi # If this service doesn't already exist in the screenrc file if ! grep $1 $SCREENRC 2>&1 > /dev/null; then NL=`echo -ne '\015'` echo "screen -t $1 bash" >> $SCREENRC echo "stuff \"$2$NL\"" >> $SCREENRC fi } # Our screen helper to launch a service in a hidden named screen function screen_it { NL=`echo -ne '\015'` if is_service_enabled $1; then # Append the service to the screen rc file screen_rc "$1" "$2" screen -S stack -X screen -t $1 # sleep to allow bash to be ready to be send the command - we are # creating a new window in screen and then sends characters, so if # bash isn't running by the time we send the command, nothing happens sleep 1.5 if [[ -n ${SCREEN_LOGDIR} ]]; then screen -S stack -p $1 -X logfile ${SCREEN_LOGDIR}/screen-${1}.${CURRENT_LOG_TIME}.log screen -S stack -p $1 -X log on ln -sf ${SCREEN_LOGDIR}/screen-${1}.${CURRENT_LOG_TIME}.log ${SCREEN_LOGDIR}/screen-${1}.log fi screen -S stack -p $1 -X stuff "$2$NL" fi } # create a new named screen to run processes in screen -d -m -S stack -t stack -s /bin/bash sleep 1 # set a reasonable statusbar screen -r stack -X hardstatus alwayslastline "$SCREEN_HARDSTATUS" # Horizon # ------- # Setup the django horizon application to serve via apache/wsgi if is_service_enabled horizon; then # Remove stale session database. rm -f $HORIZON_DIR/openstack_dashboard/local/dashboard_openstack.sqlite3 # ``local_settings.py`` is used to override horizon default settings. local_settings=$HORIZON_DIR/openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py cp $FILES/horizon_settings.py $local_settings # Initialize the horizon database (it stores sessions and notices shown to # users). The user system is external (keystone). cd $HORIZON_DIR python manage.py syncdb cd $TOP_DIR # create an empty directory that apache uses as docroot sudo mkdir -p $HORIZON_DIR/.blackhole if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then # Install apache2, which is NOPRIME'd APACHE_NAME=apache2 APACHE_CONF=sites-available/horizon install_package apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi # Clean up the old config name sudo rm -f /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default # Be a good citizen and use the distro tools here sudo touch /etc/$APACHE_NAME/$APACHE_CONF sudo a2ensite horizon else # Install httpd, which is NOPRIME'd APACHE_NAME=httpd APACHE_CONF=conf.d/horizon.conf sudo rm -f /etc/httpd/conf.d/000-* install_package httpd mod_wsgi sudo sed '/^Listen/s/^.*$/Listen' -i /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf fi ## Configure apache to run horizon sudo sh -c "sed -e \" s,%USER%,$APACHE_USER,g; s,%GROUP%,$APACHE_GROUP,g; s,%HORIZON_DIR%,$HORIZON_DIR,g; s,%APACHE_NAME%,$APACHE_NAME,g; s,%DEST%,$DEST,g; \" $FILES/apache-horizon.template >/etc/$APACHE_NAME/$APACHE_CONF" restart_service $APACHE_NAME fi # Glance # ------ if is_service_enabled g-reg; then GLANCE_CONF_DIR=/etc/glance if [[ ! -d $GLANCE_CONF_DIR ]]; then sudo mkdir -p $GLANCE_CONF_DIR fi sudo chown `whoami` $GLANCE_CONF_DIR GLANCE_IMAGE_DIR=$DEST/glance/images # Delete existing images rm -rf $GLANCE_IMAGE_DIR # Use local glance directories mkdir -p $GLANCE_IMAGE_DIR # (re)create glance database mysql -u$MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -e 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS glance;' mysql -u$MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -e 'CREATE DATABASE glance CHARACTER SET utf8;' # Copy over our glance configurations and update them GLANCE_REGISTRY_CONF=$GLANCE_CONF_DIR/glance-registry.conf cp $GLANCE_DIR/etc/glance-registry.conf $GLANCE_REGISTRY_CONF iniset $GLANCE_REGISTRY_CONF DEFAULT debug True inicomment $GLANCE_REGISTRY_CONF DEFAULT log_file iniset $GLANCE_REGISTRY_CONF DEFAULT sql_connection $BASE_SQL_CONN/glance?charset=utf8 iniset $GLANCE_REGISTRY_CONF DEFAULT use_syslog $SYSLOG iniset $GLANCE_REGISTRY_CONF paste_deploy flavor keystone GLANCE_REGISTRY_PASTE_INI=$GLANCE_CONF_DIR/glance-registry-paste.ini cp $GLANCE_DIR/etc/glance-registry-paste.ini $GLANCE_REGISTRY_PASTE_INI iniset $GLANCE_REGISTRY_PASTE_INI filter:authtoken auth_host $KEYSTONE_AUTH_HOST iniset $GLANCE_REGISTRY_PASTE_INI filter:authtoken auth_port $KEYSTONE_AUTH_PORT iniset $GLANCE_REGISTRY_PASTE_INI filter:authtoken auth_protocol $KEYSTONE_AUTH_PROTOCOL iniset $GLANCE_REGISTRY_PASTE_INI filter:authtoken auth_uri $KEYSTONE_SERVICE_PROTOCOL://$KEYSTONE_SERVICE_HOST:$KEYSTONE_SERVICE_PORT/ iniset $GLANCE_REGISTRY_PASTE_INI filter:authtoken admin_tenant_name $SERVICE_TENANT_NAME iniset $GLANCE_REGISTRY_PASTE_INI filter:authtoken admin_user glance iniset $GLANCE_REGISTRY_PASTE_INI filter:authtoken admin_password $SERVICE_PASSWORD GLANCE_API_CONF=$GLANCE_CONF_DIR/glance-api.conf cp $GLANCE_DIR/etc/glance-api.conf $GLANCE_API_CONF iniset $GLANCE_API_CONF DEFAULT debug True inicomment $GLANCE_API_CONF DEFAULT log_file iniset $GLANCE_API_CONF DEFAULT use_syslog $SYSLOG iniset $GLANCE_API_CONF DEFAULT filesystem_store_datadir $GLANCE_IMAGE_DIR/ iniset $GLANCE_API_CONF paste_deploy flavor keystone # Store the images in swift if enabled. if is_service_enabled swift; then iniset $GLANCE_API_CONF DEFAULT default_store swift iniset $GLANCE_API_CONF DEFAULT swift_store_auth_address $KEYSTONE_SERVICE_PROTOCOL://$KEYSTONE_SERVICE_HOST:$KEYSTONE_SERVICE_PORT/v2.0/ iniset $GLANCE_API_CONF DEFAULT swift_store_user $SERVICE_TENANT_NAME:glance iniset $GLANCE_API_CONF DEFAULT swift_store_key $SERVICE_PASSWORD iniset $GLANCE_API_CONF DEFAULT swift_store_create_container_on_put True fi GLANCE_API_PASTE_INI=$GLANCE_CONF_DIR/glance-api-paste.ini cp $GLANCE_DIR/etc/glance-api-paste.ini $GLANCE_API_PASTE_INI iniset $GLANCE_API_PASTE_INI filter:authtoken auth_host $KEYSTONE_AUTH_HOST iniset $GLANCE_API_PASTE_INI filter:authtoken auth_port $KEYSTONE_AUTH_PORT iniset $GLANCE_API_PASTE_INI filter:authtoken auth_protocol $KEYSTONE_AUTH_PROTOCOL iniset $GLANCE_API_PASTE_INI filter:authtoken auth_uri $KEYSTONE_SERVICE_PROTOCOL://$KEYSTONE_SERVICE_HOST:$KEYSTONE_SERVICE_PORT/ iniset $GLANCE_API_PASTE_INI filter:authtoken admin_tenant_name $SERVICE_TENANT_NAME iniset $GLANCE_API_PASTE_INI filter:authtoken admin_user glance iniset $GLANCE_API_PASTE_INI filter:authtoken admin_password $SERVICE_PASSWORD GLANCE_POLICY_JSON=$GLANCE_CONF_DIR/policy.json cp $GLANCE_DIR/etc/policy.json $GLANCE_POLICY_JSON fi # Quantum # ------- if is_service_enabled quantum; then # Put config files in /etc/quantum for everyone to find QUANTUM_CONF_DIR=/etc/quantum if [[ ! -d $QUANTUM_CONF_DIR ]]; then sudo mkdir -p $QUANTUM_CONF_DIR fi sudo chown `whoami` $QUANTUM_CONF_DIR # Set default values when using Linux Bridge plugin if [[ "$Q_PLUGIN" = "linuxbridge" ]]; then # set the config file QUANTUM_LB_CONF_DIR=$QUANTUM_CONF_DIR/plugins/linuxbridge mkdir -p $QUANTUM_LB_CONF_DIR QUANTUM_LB_CONFIG_FILE=$QUANTUM_LB_CONF_DIR/linuxbridge_conf.ini # must remove this file from existing location, otherwise Quantum will prefer it if [[ -e $QUANTUM_DIR/etc/quantum/plugins/linuxbridge/linuxbridge_conf.ini ]]; then sudo mv $QUANTUM_DIR/etc/quantum/plugins/linuxbridge/linuxbridge_conf.ini $QUANTUM_LB_CONFIG_FILE fi #set the default network interface QUANTUM_LB_PRIVATE_INTERFACE=${QUANTUM_LB_PRIVATE_INTERFACE:-$GUEST_INTERFACE_DEFAULT} fi fi # Quantum service if is_service_enabled q-svc; then QUANTUM_PLUGIN_INI_FILE=$QUANTUM_CONF_DIR/plugins.ini # must remove this file from existing location, otherwise Quantum will prefer it if [[ -e $QUANTUM_DIR/etc/plugins.ini ]]; then sudo mv $QUANTUM_DIR/etc/plugins.ini $QUANTUM_PLUGIN_INI_FILE fi if [[ "$Q_PLUGIN" = "openvswitch" ]]; then # Install deps # FIXME add to files/apts/quantum, but don't install if not needed! if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then kernel_version=`cat /proc/version | cut -d " " -f3` install_package openvswitch-switch openvswitch-datapath-dkms linux-headers-$kernel_version else ### FIXME(dtroyer): Find RPMs for OpenVSwitch echo "OpenVSwitch packages need to be located" fi QUANTUM_OVS_CONF_DIR=$QUANTUM_CONF_DIR/plugins/openvswitch QUANTUM_OVS_CONFIG_FILE=$QUANTUM_OVS_CONF_DIR/ovs_quantum_plugin.ini # Create database for the plugin/agent if is_service_enabled mysql; then mysql -u$MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -e 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ovs_quantum;' mysql -u$MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -e 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ovs_quantum CHARACTER SET utf8;' else echo "mysql must be enabled in order to use the $Q_PLUGIN Quantum plugin." exit 1 fi # Make sure we're using the openvswitch plugin sudo sed -i -e "s/^provider =.*$/provider = quantum.plugins.openvswitch.ovs_quantum_plugin.OVSQuantumPlugin/g" $QUANTUM_PLUGIN_INI_FILE elif [[ "$Q_PLUGIN" = "linuxbridge" ]]; then # Install deps # FIXME add to files/apts/quantum, but don't install if not needed! install_package python-configobj # Create database for the plugin/agent if is_service_enabled mysql; then mysql -u$MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -e 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS quantum_linux_bridge;' mysql -u$MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -e 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS quantum_linux_bridge;' if grep -Fxq "user = " $QUANTUM_LB_CONFIG_FILE then sudo sed -i -e "s/^connection = sqlite$/#connection = sqlite/g" $QUANTUM_LB_CONFIG_FILE sudo sed -i -e "s/^#connection = mysql$/connection = mysql/g" $QUANTUM_LB_CONFIG_FILE sudo sed -i -e "s/^user = .*$/user = $MYSQL_USER/g" $QUANTUM_LB_CONFIG_FILE sudo sed -i -e "s/^pass = .*$/pass = $MYSQL_PASSWORD/g" $QUANTUM_LB_CONFIG_FILE sudo sed -i -e "s/^host = .*$/host = $MYSQL_HOST/g" $QUANTUM_LB_CONFIG_FILE else sudo sed -i -e "s/^sql_connection =.*$/sql_connection = mysql:\/\/$MYSQL_USER:$MYSQL_PASSWORD@$MYSQL_HOST\/quantum_linux_bridge?charset=utf8/g" $QUANTUM_LB_CONFIG_FILE fi else echo "mysql must be enabled in order to use the $Q_PLUGIN Quantum plugin." exit 1 fi # Make sure we're using the linuxbridge plugin sudo sed -i -e "s/^provider =.*$/provider = quantum.plugins.linuxbridge.LinuxBridgePlugin.LinuxBridgePlugin/g" $QUANTUM_PLUGIN_INI_FILE fi if [[ -e $QUANTUM_DIR/etc/quantum.conf ]]; then sudo mv $QUANTUM_DIR/etc/quantum.conf $QUANTUM_CONF_DIR/quantum.conf fi screen_it q-svc "cd $QUANTUM_DIR && PYTHONPATH=.:$QUANTUM_CLIENT_DIR:$PYTHONPATH python $QUANTUM_DIR/bin/quantum-server $QUANTUM_CONF_DIR/quantum.conf" fi # Quantum agent (for compute nodes) if is_service_enabled q-agt; then if [[ "$Q_PLUGIN" = "openvswitch" ]]; then # Set up integration bridge OVS_BRIDGE=${OVS_BRIDGE:-br-int} sudo ovs-vsctl --no-wait -- --if-exists del-br $OVS_BRIDGE sudo ovs-vsctl --no-wait add-br $OVS_BRIDGE sudo ovs-vsctl --no-wait br-set-external-id $OVS_BRIDGE bridge-id br-int # Start up the quantum <-> openvswitch agent QUANTUM_OVS_CONF_DIR=$QUANTUM_CONF_DIR/plugins/openvswitch mkdir -p $QUANTUM_OVS_CONF_DIR QUANTUM_OVS_CONFIG_FILE=$QUANTUM_OVS_CONF_DIR/ovs_quantum_plugin.ini if [[ -e $QUANTUM_DIR/etc/quantum/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_quantum_plugin.ini ]]; then sudo mv $QUANTUM_DIR/etc/quantum/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_quantum_plugin.ini $QUANTUM_OVS_CONFIG_FILE fi sudo sed -i -e "s/^sql_connection =.*$/sql_connection = mysql:\/\/$MYSQL_USER:$MYSQL_PASSWORD@$MYSQL_HOST\/ovs_quantum?charset=utf8/g" $QUANTUM_OVS_CONFIG_FILE screen_it q-agt "sleep 4; sudo python $QUANTUM_DIR/quantum/plugins/openvswitch/agent/ovs_quantum_agent.py $QUANTUM_OVS_CONFIG_FILE -v" elif [[ "$Q_PLUGIN" = "linuxbridge" ]]; then # Start up the quantum <-> linuxbridge agent install_package bridge-utils sudo sed -i -e "s/^physical_interface = .*$/physical_interface = $QUANTUM_LB_PRIVATE_INTERFACE/g" $QUANTUM_LB_CONFIG_FILE if grep -Fxq "user = " $QUANTUM_LB_CONFIG_FILE then sudo sed -i -e "s/^connection = sqlite$/#connection = sqlite/g" $QUANTUM_LB_CONFIG_FILE sudo sed -i -e "s/^#connection = mysql$/connection = mysql/g" $QUANTUM_LB_CONFIG_FILE sudo sed -i -e "s/^user = .*$/user = $MYSQL_USER/g" $QUANTUM_LB_CONFIG_FILE sudo sed -i -e "s/^pass = .*$/pass = $MYSQL_PASSWORD/g" $QUANTUM_LB_CONFIG_FILE sudo sed -i -e "s/^host = .*$/host = $MYSQL_HOST/g" $QUANTUM_LB_CONFIG_FILE else sudo sed -i -e "s/^sql_connection =.*$/sql_connection = mysql:\/\/$MYSQL_USER:$MYSQL_PASSWORD@$MYSQL_HOST\/quantum_linux_bridge?charset=utf8/g" $QUANTUM_LB_CONFIG_FILE fi screen_it q-agt "sleep 4; sudo python $QUANTUM_DIR/quantum/plugins/linuxbridge/agent/linuxbridge_quantum_agent.py $QUANTUM_LB_CONFIG_FILE -v" fi fi # Melange service if is_service_enabled m-svc; then if is_service_enabled mysql; then mysql -u$MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -e 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS melange;' mysql -u$MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -e 'CREATE DATABASE melange CHARACTER SET utf8;' else echo "mysql must be enabled in order to use the $Q_PLUGIN Quantum plugin." exit 1 fi MELANGE_CONFIG_FILE=$MELANGE_DIR/etc/melange/melange.conf cp $MELANGE_CONFIG_FILE.sample $MELANGE_CONFIG_FILE sed -i -e "s/^sql_connection =.*$/sql_connection = mysql:\/\/$MYSQL_USER:$MYSQL_PASSWORD@$MYSQL_HOST\/melange?charset=utf8/g" $MELANGE_CONFIG_FILE cd $MELANGE_DIR && PYTHONPATH=.:$PYTHONPATH python $MELANGE_DIR/bin/melange-manage --config-file=$MELANGE_CONFIG_FILE db_sync screen_it m-svc "cd $MELANGE_DIR && PYTHONPATH=.:$PYTHONPATH python $MELANGE_DIR/bin/melange-server --config-file=$MELANGE_CONFIG_FILE" echo "Waiting for melange to start..." if ! timeout $SERVICE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! http_proxy= wget -q -O-; do sleep 1; done"; then echo "melange-server did not start" exit 1 fi melange mac_address_range create cidr=$M_MAC_RANGE fi # Nova # ---- # Put config files in /etc/nova for everyone to find NOVA_CONF_DIR=/etc/nova if [[ ! -d $NOVA_CONF_DIR ]]; then sudo mkdir -p $NOVA_CONF_DIR fi sudo chown `whoami` $NOVA_CONF_DIR cp -p $NOVA_DIR/etc/nova/policy.json $NOVA_CONF_DIR if is_service_enabled n-api; then # Use the sample http middleware configuration supplied in the # Nova sources. This paste config adds the configuration required # for Nova to validate Keystone tokens. # Allow rate limiting to be turned off for testing, like for Tempest # NOTE: Set API_RATE_LIMIT="False" to turn OFF rate limiting API_RATE_LIMIT=${API_RATE_LIMIT:-"True"} # Remove legacy paste config if present rm -f $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-api-paste.ini # Get the sample configuration file in place cp $NOVA_DIR/etc/nova/api-paste.ini $NOVA_CONF_DIR # Rewrite the authtoken configration for our Keystone service. # This is a bit defensive to allow the sample file some varaince. sed -e " /^admin_token/i admin_tenant_name = $SERVICE_TENANT_NAME /admin_tenant_name/s/^.*$/admin_tenant_name = $SERVICE_TENANT_NAME/; /admin_user/s/^.*$/admin_user = nova/; /admin_password/s/^.*$/admin_password = $SERVICE_PASSWORD/; s,%SERVICE_TENANT_NAME%,$SERVICE_TENANT_NAME,g; s,%SERVICE_TOKEN%,$SERVICE_TOKEN,g; " -i $NOVA_CONF_DIR/api-paste.ini fi # Helper to clean iptables rules function clean_iptables() { # Delete rules sudo iptables -S -v | sed "s/-c [0-9]* [0-9]* //g" | grep "nova" | grep "\-A" | sed "s/-A/-D/g" | awk '{print "sudo iptables",$0}' | bash # Delete nat rules sudo iptables -S -v -t nat | sed "s/-c [0-9]* [0-9]* //g" | grep "nova" | grep "\-A" | sed "s/-A/-D/g" | awk '{print "sudo iptables -t nat",$0}' | bash # Delete chains sudo iptables -S -v | sed "s/-c [0-9]* [0-9]* //g" | grep "nova" | grep "\-N" | sed "s/-N/-X/g" | awk '{print "sudo iptables",$0}' | bash # Delete nat chains sudo iptables -S -v -t nat | sed "s/-c [0-9]* [0-9]* //g" | grep "nova" | grep "\-N" | sed "s/-N/-X/g" | awk '{print "sudo iptables -t nat",$0}' | bash } if is_service_enabled n-cpu; then # Virtualization Configuration # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then LIBVIRT_PKG_NAME=libvirt-bin else LIBVIRT_PKG_NAME=libvirt fi install_package $LIBVIRT_PKG_NAME # Force IP forwarding on, just on case sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 # attempt to load modules: network block device - used to manage qcow images sudo modprobe nbd || true # Check for kvm (hardware based virtualization). If unable to initialize # kvm, we drop back to the slower emulation mode (qemu). Note: many systems # come with hardware virtualization disabled in BIOS. if [[ "$LIBVIRT_TYPE" == "kvm" ]]; then sudo modprobe kvm || true if [ ! -e /dev/kvm ]; then echo "WARNING: Switching to QEMU" LIBVIRT_TYPE=qemu fi fi # Install and configure **LXC** if specified. LXC is another approach to # splitting a system into many smaller parts. LXC uses cgroups and chroot # to simulate multiple systems. if [[ "$LIBVIRT_TYPE" == "lxc" ]]; then if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then if [[ "$DISTRO" > natty ]]; then install_package cgroup-lite else cgline="none /cgroup cgroup cpuacct,memory,devices,cpu,freezer,blkio 0 0" sudo mkdir -p /cgroup if ! grep -q cgroup /etc/fstab; then echo "$cgline" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab fi if ! mount -n | grep -q cgroup; then sudo mount /cgroup fi fi else ### FIXME(dtroyer): figure this out echo "RPM-based cgroup not implemented yet" yum_install libcgroup-tools fi fi if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then LIBVIRT_DAEMON=libvirt-bin else # http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/SSHPolicyKitSetup if ! grep ^libvirtd: /etc/group >/dev/null; then sudo groupadd libvirtd fi sudo bash -c 'cat </etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/50-libvirt-remote-access.pkla [libvirt Management Access] Identity=unix-group:libvirtd Action=org.libvirt.unix.manage ResultAny=yes ResultInactive=yes ResultActive=yes EOF' LIBVIRT_DAEMON=libvirtd fi # The user that nova runs as needs to be member of libvirtd group otherwise # nova-compute will be unable to use libvirt. sudo usermod -a -G libvirtd `whoami` # libvirt detects various settings on startup, as we potentially changed # the system configuration (modules, filesystems), we need to restart # libvirt to detect those changes. restart_service $LIBVIRT_DAEMON # Instance Storage # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Nova stores each instance in its own directory. mkdir -p $NOVA_DIR/instances # You can specify a different disk to be mounted and used for backing the # virtual machines. If there is a partition labeled nova-instances we # mount it (ext filesystems can be labeled via e2label). if [ -L /dev/disk/by-label/nova-instances ]; then if ! mount -n | grep -q $NOVA_DIR/instances; then sudo mount -L nova-instances $NOVA_DIR/instances sudo chown -R `whoami` $NOVA_DIR/instances fi fi # Clean iptables from previous runs clean_iptables # Destroy old instances instances=`sudo virsh list --all | grep $INSTANCE_NAME_PREFIX | sed "s/.*\($INSTANCE_NAME_PREFIX[0-9a-fA-F]*\).*/\1/g"` if [ ! "$instances" = "" ]; then echo $instances | xargs -n1 sudo virsh destroy || true echo $instances | xargs -n1 sudo virsh undefine || true fi # Logout and delete iscsi sessions sudo iscsiadm --mode node | grep $VOLUME_NAME_PREFIX | cut -d " " -f2 | xargs sudo iscsiadm --mode node --logout || true sudo iscsiadm --mode node | grep $VOLUME_NAME_PREFIX | cut -d " " -f2 | sudo iscsiadm --mode node --op delete || true # Clean out the instances directory. sudo rm -rf $NOVA_DIR/instances/* fi if is_service_enabled n-net; then # Delete traces of nova networks from prior runs sudo killall dnsmasq || true clean_iptables rm -rf $NOVA_DIR/networks mkdir -p $NOVA_DIR/networks # Force IP forwarding on, just on case sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 fi # Storage Service if is_service_enabled swift; then # Install memcached for swift. install_package memcached # We first do a bit of setup by creating the directories and # changing the permissions so we can run it as our user. USER_GROUP=$(id -g) sudo mkdir -p ${SWIFT_DATA_DIR}/drives sudo chown -R $USER:${USER_GROUP} ${SWIFT_DATA_DIR} # We then create a loopback disk and format it to XFS. if [[ -e ${SWIFT_DATA_DIR}/drives/images/swift.img ]]; then if egrep -q ${SWIFT_DATA_DIR}/drives/sdb1 /proc/mounts; then sudo umount ${SWIFT_DATA_DIR}/drives/sdb1 fi else mkdir -p ${SWIFT_DATA_DIR}/drives/images sudo touch ${SWIFT_DATA_DIR}/drives/images/swift.img sudo chown $USER: ${SWIFT_DATA_DIR}/drives/images/swift.img dd if=/dev/zero of=${SWIFT_DATA_DIR}/drives/images/swift.img \ bs=1024 count=0 seek=${SWIFT_LOOPBACK_DISK_SIZE} fi # Make a fresh XFS filesystem mkfs.xfs -f -i size=1024 ${SWIFT_DATA_DIR}/drives/images/swift.img # After the drive being created we mount the disk with a few mount # options to make it most efficient as possible for swift. mkdir -p ${SWIFT_DATA_DIR}/drives/sdb1 if ! egrep -q ${SWIFT_DATA_DIR}/drives/sdb1 /proc/mounts; then sudo mount -t xfs -o loop,noatime,nodiratime,nobarrier,logbufs=8 \ ${SWIFT_DATA_DIR}/drives/images/swift.img ${SWIFT_DATA_DIR}/drives/sdb1 fi # We then create link to that mounted location so swift would know # where to go. for x in $(seq ${SWIFT_REPLICAS}); do sudo ln -sf ${SWIFT_DATA_DIR}/drives/sdb1/$x ${SWIFT_DATA_DIR}/$x; done # We now have to emulate a few different servers into one we # create all the directories needed for swift for x in $(seq ${SWIFT_REPLICAS}); do drive=${SWIFT_DATA_DIR}/drives/sdb1/${x} node=${SWIFT_DATA_DIR}/${x}/node node_device=${node}/sdb1 [[ -d $node ]] && continue [[ -d $drive ]] && continue sudo install -o ${USER} -g $USER_GROUP -d $drive sudo install -o ${USER} -g $USER_GROUP -d $node_device sudo chown -R $USER: ${node} done sudo mkdir -p ${SWIFT_CONFIG_DIR}/{object,container,account}-server /var/run/swift sudo chown -R $USER: ${SWIFT_CONFIG_DIR} /var/run/swift if [[ "$SWIFT_CONFIG_DIR" != "/etc/swift" ]]; then # Some swift tools are hard-coded to use /etc/swift and are apparenty not going to be fixed. # Create a symlink if the config dir is moved sudo ln -sf ${SWIFT_CONFIG_DIR} /etc/swift fi # Swift use rsync to syncronize between all the different # partitions (which make more sense when you have a multi-node # setup) we configure it with our version of rsync. sed -e " s/%GROUP%/${USER_GROUP}/; s/%USER%/$USER/; s,%SWIFT_DATA_DIR%,$SWIFT_DATA_DIR,; " $FILES/swift/rsyncd.conf | sudo tee /etc/rsyncd.conf if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then sudo sed -i '/^RSYNC_ENABLE=false/ { s/false/true/ }' /etc/default/rsync else sudo sed -i '/disable *= *yes/ { s/yes/no/ }' /etc/xinetd.d/rsync fi # By default Swift will be installed with the tempauth middleware # which has some default username and password if you have # configured keystone it will checkout the directory. if is_service_enabled key; then swift_auth_server="s3token authtoken keystone" else swift_auth_server=tempauth fi # We do the install of the proxy-server and swift configuration # replacing a few directives to match our configuration. sed -e " s,%SWIFT_CONFIG_DIR%,${SWIFT_CONFIG_DIR},g; s,%USER%,$USER,g; s,%SERVICE_TENANT_NAME%,$SERVICE_TENANT_NAME,g; s,%SERVICE_USERNAME%,swift,g; s,%SERVICE_PASSWORD%,$SERVICE_PASSWORD,g; s,%KEYSTONE_SERVICE_PROTOCOL%,$KEYSTONE_SERVICE_PROTOCOL,g; s,%SERVICE_TOKEN%,${SERVICE_TOKEN},g; s,%KEYSTONE_API_PORT%,${KEYSTONE_API_PORT},g; s,%KEYSTONE_AUTH_HOST%,${KEYSTONE_AUTH_HOST},g; s,%KEYSTONE_AUTH_PORT%,${KEYSTONE_AUTH_PORT},g; s,%KEYSTONE_AUTH_PROTOCOL%,${KEYSTONE_AUTH_PROTOCOL},g; s/%AUTH_SERVER%/${swift_auth_server}/g; " $FILES/swift/proxy-server.conf | \ sudo tee ${SWIFT_CONFIG_DIR}/proxy-server.conf sed -e "s/%SWIFT_HASH%/$SWIFT_HASH/" $FILES/swift/swift.conf > ${SWIFT_CONFIG_DIR}/swift.conf # We need to generate a object/account/proxy configuration # emulating 4 nodes on different ports we have a little function # that help us doing that. function generate_swift_configuration() { local server_type=$1 local bind_port=$2 local log_facility=$3 local node_number for node_number in $(seq ${SWIFT_REPLICAS}); do node_path=${SWIFT_DATA_DIR}/${node_number} sed -e " s,%SWIFT_CONFIG_DIR%,${SWIFT_CONFIG_DIR},; s,%USER%,$USER,; s,%NODE_PATH%,${node_path},; s,%BIND_PORT%,${bind_port},; s,%LOG_FACILITY%,${log_facility}, " $FILES/swift/${server_type}-server.conf > ${SWIFT_CONFIG_DIR}/${server_type}-server/${node_number}.conf bind_port=$(( ${bind_port} + 10 )) log_facility=$(( ${log_facility} + 1 )) done } generate_swift_configuration object 6010 2 generate_swift_configuration container 6011 2 generate_swift_configuration account 6012 2 # We have some specific configuration for swift for rsyslog. See # the file /etc/rsyslog.d/10-swift.conf for more info. swift_log_dir=${SWIFT_DATA_DIR}/logs rm -rf ${swift_log_dir} mkdir -p ${swift_log_dir}/hourly sudo chown -R $USER:adm ${swift_log_dir} sed "s,%SWIFT_LOGDIR%,${swift_log_dir}," $FILES/swift/rsyslog.conf | sudo \ tee /etc/rsyslog.d/10-swift.conf restart_service rsyslog # This is where we create three different rings for swift with # different object servers binding on different ports. pushd ${SWIFT_CONFIG_DIR} >/dev/null && { rm -f *.builder *.ring.gz backups/*.builder backups/*.ring.gz port_number=6010 swift-ring-builder object.builder create ${SWIFT_PARTITION_POWER_SIZE} ${SWIFT_REPLICAS} 1 for x in $(seq ${SWIFT_REPLICAS}); do swift-ring-builder object.builder add z${x}-${port_number}/sdb1 1 port_number=$[port_number + 10] done swift-ring-builder object.builder rebalance port_number=6011 swift-ring-builder container.builder create ${SWIFT_PARTITION_POWER_SIZE} ${SWIFT_REPLICAS} 1 for x in $(seq ${SWIFT_REPLICAS}); do swift-ring-builder container.builder add z${x}-${port_number}/sdb1 1 port_number=$[port_number + 10] done swift-ring-builder container.builder rebalance port_number=6012 swift-ring-builder account.builder create ${SWIFT_PARTITION_POWER_SIZE} ${SWIFT_REPLICAS} 1 for x in $(seq ${SWIFT_REPLICAS}); do swift-ring-builder account.builder add z${x}-${port_number}/sdb1 1 port_number=$[port_number + 10] done swift-ring-builder account.builder rebalance } && popd >/dev/null # We then can start rsync. if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then sudo /etc/init.d/rsync restart || : else sudo systemctl start xinetd.service fi # First spawn all the swift services then kill the # proxy service so we can run it in foreground in screen. # ``swift-init ... {stop|restart}`` exits with '1' if no servers are running, # ignore it just in case swift-init all restart || true swift-init proxy stop || true unset s swift_hash swift_auth_server fi # Volume Service # -------------- if is_service_enabled n-vol; then # # Configure a default volume group called 'nova-volumes' for the nova-volume # service if it does not yet exist. If you don't wish to use a file backed # volume group, create your own volume group called 'nova-volumes' before # invoking stack.sh. # # By default, the backing file is 2G in size, and is stored in /opt/stack. if ! sudo vgs $VOLUME_GROUP; then VOLUME_BACKING_FILE=${VOLUME_BACKING_FILE:-$DEST/nova-volumes-backing-file} VOLUME_BACKING_FILE_SIZE=${VOLUME_BACKING_FILE_SIZE:-2052M} # Only create if the file doesn't already exists [[ -f $VOLUME_BACKING_FILE ]] || truncate -s $VOLUME_BACKING_FILE_SIZE $VOLUME_BACKING_FILE DEV=`sudo losetup -f --show $VOLUME_BACKING_FILE` # Only create if the loopback device doesn't contain $VOLUME_GROUP if ! sudo vgs $VOLUME_GROUP; then sudo vgcreate $VOLUME_GROUP $DEV; fi fi if sudo vgs $VOLUME_GROUP; then # Remove nova iscsi targets sudo tgtadm --op show --mode target | grep $VOLUME_NAME_PREFIX | grep Target | cut -f3 -d ' ' | sudo xargs -n1 tgt-admin --delete || true # Clean out existing volumes for lv in `sudo lvs --noheadings -o lv_name $VOLUME_GROUP`; do # VOLUME_NAME_PREFIX prefixes the LVs we want if [[ "${lv#$VOLUME_NAME_PREFIX}" != "$lv" ]]; then sudo lvremove -f $VOLUME_GROUP/$lv fi done fi if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then # tgt in oneiric doesn't restart properly if tgtd isn't running # do it in two steps sudo stop tgt || true sudo start tgt else # bypass redirection to systemctl during restart sudo /sbin/service --skip-redirect tgtd restart fi fi NOVA_CONF=nova.conf function add_nova_opt { echo "$1" >> $NOVA_CONF_DIR/$NOVA_CONF } # remove legacy nova.conf rm -f $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova.conf # (re)create nova.conf rm -f $NOVA_CONF_DIR/$NOVA_CONF add_nova_opt "[DEFAULT]" add_nova_opt "verbose=True" add_nova_opt "auth_strategy=keystone" add_nova_opt "allow_resize_to_same_host=True" add_nova_opt "root_helper=sudo $NOVA_ROOTWRAP" add_nova_opt "compute_scheduler_driver=$SCHEDULER" add_nova_opt "dhcpbridge_flagfile=$NOVA_CONF_DIR/$NOVA_CONF" add_nova_opt "fixed_range=$FIXED_RANGE" add_nova_opt "s3_host=$SERVICE_HOST" add_nova_opt "s3_port=$S3_SERVICE_PORT" if is_service_enabled quantum; then add_nova_opt "network_manager=nova.network.quantum.manager.QuantumManager" add_nova_opt "quantum_connection_host=$Q_HOST" add_nova_opt "quantum_connection_port=$Q_PORT" if is_service_enabled melange; then add_nova_opt "quantum_ipam_lib=nova.network.quantum.melange_ipam_lib" add_nova_opt "use_melange_mac_generation=True" add_nova_opt "melange_host=$M_HOST" add_nova_opt "melange_port=$M_PORT" fi if is_service_enabled q-svc && [[ "$Q_PLUGIN" = "openvswitch" ]]; then add_nova_opt "libvirt_vif_type=ethernet" add_nova_opt "libvirt_vif_driver=nova.virt.libvirt.vif.LibvirtOpenVswitchDriver" add_nova_opt "linuxnet_interface_driver=nova.network.linux_net.LinuxOVSInterfaceDriver" add_nova_opt "quantum_use_dhcp=True" elif is_service_enabled q-svc && [[ "$Q_PLUGIN" = "linuxbridge" ]]; then add_nova_opt "libvirt_vif_type=ethernet" add_nova_opt "libvirt_vif_driver=nova.virt.libvirt.vif.QuantumLinuxBridgeVIFDriver" add_nova_opt "linuxnet_interface_driver=nova.network.linux_net.QuantumLinuxBridgeInterfaceDriver" add_nova_opt "quantum_use_dhcp=True" fi else add_nova_opt "network_manager=nova.network.manager.$NET_MAN" fi if is_service_enabled n-vol; then add_nova_opt "volume_group=$VOLUME_GROUP" add_nova_opt "volume_name_template=${VOLUME_NAME_PREFIX}%s" # oneiric no longer supports ietadm add_nova_opt "iscsi_helper=tgtadm" fi add_nova_opt "osapi_compute_extension=nova.api.openstack.compute.contrib.standard_extensions" add_nova_opt "my_ip=$HOST_IP" add_nova_opt "public_interface=$PUBLIC_INTERFACE" add_nova_opt "vlan_interface=$VLAN_INTERFACE" add_nova_opt "flat_network_bridge=$FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE" if [ -n "$FLAT_INTERFACE" ]; then add_nova_opt "flat_interface=$FLAT_INTERFACE" fi add_nova_opt "sql_connection=$BASE_SQL_CONN/nova?charset=utf8" add_nova_opt "libvirt_type=$LIBVIRT_TYPE" add_nova_opt "instance_name_template=${INSTANCE_NAME_PREFIX}%08x" # All nova-compute workers need to know the vnc configuration options # These settings don't hurt anything if n-xvnc and n-novnc are disabled if is_service_enabled n-cpu; then NOVNCPROXY_URL=${NOVNCPROXY_URL:-"http://$SERVICE_HOST:6080/vnc_auto.html"} add_nova_opt "novncproxy_base_url=$NOVNCPROXY_URL" XVPVNCPROXY_URL=${XVPVNCPROXY_URL:-"http://$SERVICE_HOST:6081/console"} add_nova_opt "xvpvncproxy_base_url=$XVPVNCPROXY_URL" fi if [ "$VIRT_DRIVER" = 'xenserver' ]; then VNCSERVER_PROXYCLIENT_ADDRESS=${VNCSERVER_PROXYCLIENT_ADDRESS=} else VNCSERVER_PROXYCLIENT_ADDRESS=${VNCSERVER_PROXYCLIENT_ADDRESS=} fi # Address on which instance vncservers will listen on compute hosts. # For multi-host, this should be the management ip of the compute host. VNCSERVER_LISTEN=${VNCSERVER_LISTEN=} add_nova_opt "vncserver_listen=$VNCSERVER_LISTEN" add_nova_opt "vncserver_proxyclient_address=$VNCSERVER_PROXYCLIENT_ADDRESS" add_nova_opt "api_paste_config=$NOVA_CONF_DIR/api-paste.ini" add_nova_opt "image_service=nova.image.glance.GlanceImageService" add_nova_opt "ec2_dmz_host=$EC2_DMZ_HOST" if is_service_enabled qpid ; then add_nova_opt "rpc_backend=nova.rpc.impl_qpid" elif [ -n "$RABBIT_HOST" ] && [ -n "$RABBIT_PASSWORD" ]; then add_nova_opt "rabbit_host=$RABBIT_HOST" add_nova_opt "rabbit_password=$RABBIT_PASSWORD" fi add_nova_opt "glance_api_servers=$GLANCE_HOSTPORT" add_nova_opt "force_dhcp_release=True" if [ -n "$INSTANCES_PATH" ]; then add_nova_opt "instances_path=$INSTANCES_PATH" fi if [ "$MULTI_HOST" != "False" ]; then add_nova_opt "multi_host=True" add_nova_opt "send_arp_for_ha=True" fi if [ "$SYSLOG" != "False" ]; then add_nova_opt "use_syslog=True" fi if [ "$API_RATE_LIMIT" != "True" ]; then add_nova_opt "api_rate_limit=False" fi # Provide some transition from EXTRA_FLAGS to EXTRA_OPTS if [[ -z "$EXTRA_OPTS" && -n "$EXTRA_FLAGS" ]]; then EXTRA_OPTS=$EXTRA_FLAGS fi # You can define extra nova conf flags by defining the array EXTRA_OPTS, # For Example: EXTRA_OPTS=(foo=true bar=2) for I in "${EXTRA_OPTS[@]}"; do # Attempt to convert flags to options add_nova_opt ${I//-} done # XenServer # --------- if [ "$VIRT_DRIVER" = 'xenserver' ]; then read_password XENAPI_PASSWORD "ENTER A PASSWORD TO USE FOR XEN." add_nova_opt "connection_type=xenapi" XENAPI_CONNECTION_URL=${XENAPI_CONNECTION_URL:-""} add_nova_opt "xenapi_connection_url=$XENAPI_CONNECTION_URL" add_nova_opt "xenapi_connection_username=root" add_nova_opt "xenapi_connection_password=$XENAPI_PASSWORD" add_nova_opt "flat_injected=False" # Need to avoid crash due to new firewall support XEN_FIREWALL_DRIVER=${XEN_FIREWALL_DRIVER:-"nova.virt.firewall.IptablesFirewallDriver"} add_nova_opt "firewall_driver=$XEN_FIREWALL_DRIVER" else add_nova_opt "connection_type=libvirt" LIBVIRT_FIREWALL_DRIVER=${LIBVIRT_FIREWALL_DRIVER:-"nova.virt.libvirt.firewall.IptablesFirewallDriver"} add_nova_opt "firewall_driver=$LIBVIRT_FIREWALL_DRIVER" fi # Nova Database # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # All nova components talk to a central database. We will need to do this step # only once for an entire cluster. if is_service_enabled mysql && is_service_enabled nova; then # (re)create nova database mysql -u$MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -e 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS nova;' mysql -u$MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -e 'CREATE DATABASE nova;' # (re)create nova database $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-manage db sync fi # Launch Services # =============== # nova api crashes if we start it with a regular screen command, # so send the start command by forcing text into the window. # Only run the services specified in ``ENABLED_SERVICES`` # launch the glance registry service if is_service_enabled g-reg; then screen_it g-reg "cd $GLANCE_DIR; bin/glance-registry --config-file=$GLANCE_CONF_DIR/glance-registry.conf" fi # launch the glance api and wait for it to answer before continuing if is_service_enabled g-api; then screen_it g-api "cd $GLANCE_DIR; bin/glance-api --config-file=$GLANCE_CONF_DIR/glance-api.conf" echo "Waiting for g-api ($GLANCE_HOSTPORT) to start..." if ! timeout $SERVICE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! http_proxy= wget -q -O- http://$GLANCE_HOSTPORT; do sleep 1; done"; then echo "g-api did not start" exit 1 fi fi if is_service_enabled key; then # (re)create keystone database mysql -u$MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -e 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS keystone;' mysql -u$MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -e 'CREATE DATABASE keystone CHARACTER SET utf8;' KEYSTONE_CONF_DIR=${KEYSTONE_CONF_DIR:-/etc/keystone} KEYSTONE_CONF=$KEYSTONE_CONF_DIR/keystone.conf KEYSTONE_CATALOG=$KEYSTONE_CONF_DIR/default_catalog.templates if [[ ! -d $KEYSTONE_CONF_DIR ]]; then sudo mkdir -p $KEYSTONE_CONF_DIR sudo chown `whoami` $KEYSTONE_CONF_DIR fi if [[ "$KEYSTONE_CONF_DIR" != "$KEYSTONE_DIR/etc" ]]; then cp -p $KEYSTONE_DIR/etc/keystone.conf.sample $KEYSTONE_CONF cp -p $KEYSTONE_DIR/etc/policy.json $KEYSTONE_CONF_DIR fi cp -p $FILES/default_catalog.templates $KEYSTONE_CATALOG # Rewrite stock keystone.conf: iniset $KEYSTONE_CONF DEFAULT admin_token "$SERVICE_TOKEN" iniset $KEYSTONE_CONF sql connection "$BASE_SQL_CONN/keystone?charset=utf8" iniset $KEYSTONE_CONF ec2 driver "keystone.contrib.ec2.backends.sql.Ec2" # Configure keystone.conf to use templates iniset $KEYSTONE_CONF catalog driver "keystone.catalog.backends.templated.TemplatedCatalog" iniset $KEYSTONE_CONF catalog template_file "$KEYSTONE_CATALOG" sed -e " /^pipeline.*ec2_extension crud_/s|ec2_extension crud_extension|ec2_extension s3_extension crud_extension|; " -i $KEYSTONE_CONF # Append the S3 bits iniset $KEYSTONE_CONF filter:s3_extension paste.filter_factory "keystone.contrib.s3:S3Extension.factory" # Add swift endpoints to service catalog if swift is enabled if is_service_enabled swift; then echo "catalog.RegionOne.object_store.publicURL = http://%SERVICE_HOST%:8080/v1/AUTH_\$(tenant_id)s" >> $KEYSTONE_CATALOG echo "catalog.RegionOne.object_store.adminURL = http://%SERVICE_HOST%:8080/" >> $KEYSTONE_CATALOG echo "catalog.RegionOne.object_store.internalURL = http://%SERVICE_HOST%:8080/v1/AUTH_\$(tenant_id)s" >> $KEYSTONE_CATALOG echo "catalog.RegionOne.object_store.name = Swift Service" >> $KEYSTONE_CATALOG fi # Add quantum endpoints to service catalog if quantum is enabled if is_service_enabled quantum; then echo "catalog.RegionOne.network.publicURL = http://%SERVICE_HOST%:9696/" >> $KEYSTONE_CATALOG echo "catalog.RegionOne.network.adminURL = http://%SERVICE_HOST%:9696/" >> $KEYSTONE_CATALOG echo "catalog.RegionOne.network.internalURL = http://%SERVICE_HOST%:9696/" >> $KEYSTONE_CATALOG echo "catalog.RegionOne.network.name = Quantum Service" >> $KEYSTONE_CATALOG fi sudo sed -e " s,%SERVICE_HOST%,$SERVICE_HOST,g; s,%S3_SERVICE_PORT%,$S3_SERVICE_PORT,g; " -i $KEYSTONE_CATALOG # Set up logging LOGGING_ROOT="devel" if [ "$SYSLOG" != "False" ]; then LOGGING_ROOT="$LOGGING_ROOT,production" fi KEYSTONE_LOG_CONFIG="--log-config $KEYSTONE_CONF_DIR/logging.conf" cp $KEYSTONE_DIR/etc/logging.conf.sample $KEYSTONE_CONF_DIR/logging.conf iniset $KEYSTONE_CONF_DIR/logging.conf logger_root level "DEBUG" iniset $KEYSTONE_CONF_DIR/logging.conf logger_root handlers "devel,production" # initialize keystone database $KEYSTONE_DIR/bin/keystone-manage db_sync # launch keystone and wait for it to answer before continuing screen_it key "cd $KEYSTONE_DIR && $KEYSTONE_DIR/bin/keystone-all --config-file $KEYSTONE_CONF $KEYSTONE_LOG_CONFIG -d --debug" echo "Waiting for keystone to start..." if ! timeout $SERVICE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! http_proxy= wget -O- $KEYSTONE_AUTH_PROTOCOL://$SERVICE_HOST:$KEYSTONE_API_PORT/v2.0/ 2>&1 | grep -q '200 OK'; do sleep 1; done"; then echo "keystone did not start" exit 1 fi # keystone_data.sh creates services, admin and demo users, and roles. SERVICE_ENDPOINT=$KEYSTONE_AUTH_PROTOCOL://$KEYSTONE_AUTH_HOST:$KEYSTONE_AUTH_PORT/v2.0 ADMIN_PASSWORD=$ADMIN_PASSWORD SERVICE_TENANT_NAME=$SERVICE_TENANT_NAME SERVICE_PASSWORD=$SERVICE_PASSWORD SERVICE_TOKEN=$SERVICE_TOKEN SERVICE_ENDPOINT=$SERVICE_ENDPOINT DEVSTACK_DIR=$TOP_DIR ENABLED_SERVICES=$ENABLED_SERVICES \ bash $FILES/keystone_data.sh # create an access key and secret key for nova ec2 register image if is_service_enabled swift && is_service_enabled nova; then CREDS=$(keystone --os_auth_url=$SERVICE_ENDPOINT --os_username=nova --os_password=$SERVICE_PASSWORD --os_tenant_name=$SERVICE_TENANT_NAME ec2-credentials-create) ACCESS_KEY=$(echo "$CREDS" | awk '/ access / { print $4 }') SECRET_KEY=$(echo "$CREDS" | awk '/ secret / { print $4 }') add_nova_opt "s3_access_key=$ACCESS_KEY" add_nova_opt "s3_secret_key=$SECRET_KEY" add_nova_opt "s3_affix_tenant=True" fi fi # launch the nova-api and wait for it to answer before continuing if is_service_enabled n-api; then screen_it n-api "cd $NOVA_DIR && $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-api" echo "Waiting for nova-api to start..." if ! timeout $SERVICE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! http_proxy= wget -q -O-; do sleep 1; done"; then echo "nova-api did not start" exit 1 fi fi # If we're using Quantum (i.e. q-svc is enabled), network creation has to # happen after we've started the Quantum service. if is_service_enabled mysql && is_service_enabled nova; then # create a small network $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-manage network create private $FIXED_RANGE 1 $FIXED_NETWORK_SIZE $NETWORK_CREATE_ARGS # create some floating ips $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-manage floating create $FLOATING_RANGE # create a second pool $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-manage floating create --ip_range=$TEST_FLOATING_RANGE --pool=$TEST_FLOATING_POOL fi # Launching nova-compute should be as simple as running ``nova-compute`` but # have to do a little more than that in our script. Since we add the group # ``libvirtd`` to our user in this script, when nova-compute is run it is # within the context of our original shell (so our groups won't be updated). # Use 'sg' to execute nova-compute as a member of the libvirtd group. # We don't check for is_service_enable as screen_it does it for us screen_it n-cpu "cd $NOVA_DIR && sg libvirtd $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-compute" screen_it n-crt "cd $NOVA_DIR && $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-cert" screen_it n-vol "cd $NOVA_DIR && $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-volume" screen_it n-net "cd $NOVA_DIR && $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-network" screen_it n-sch "cd $NOVA_DIR && $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-scheduler" screen_it n-novnc "cd $NOVNC_DIR && ./utils/nova-novncproxy --config-file $NOVA_CONF_DIR/$NOVA_CONF --web ." screen_it n-xvnc "cd $NOVA_DIR && ./bin/nova-xvpvncproxy --config-file $NOVA_CONF_DIR/$NOVA_CONF" screen_it n-cauth "cd $NOVA_DIR && ./bin/nova-consoleauth" screen_it horizon "cd $HORIZON_DIR && sudo tail -f /var/log/$APACHE_NAME/horizon_error.log" screen_it swift "cd $SWIFT_DIR && $SWIFT_DIR/bin/swift-proxy-server ${SWIFT_CONFIG_DIR}/proxy-server.conf -v" # Starting the nova-objectstore only if swift service is not enabled. # Swift will act as s3 objectstore. is_service_enabled swift || \ screen_it n-obj "cd $NOVA_DIR && $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-objectstore" # Install Images # ============== # Upload an image to glance. # # The default image is a small ***TTY*** testing image, which lets you login # the username/password of root/password. # # TTY also uses ``cloud-init``, supporting login via keypair and sending scripts as # userdata. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CloudInit for more on cloud-init # # Override ``IMAGE_URLS`` with a comma-separated list of uec images. # # * **natty**: http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/natty/current/natty-server-cloudimg-amd64.tar.gz # * **oneiric**: http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/oneiric/current/oneiric-server-cloudimg-amd64.tar.gz if is_service_enabled g-reg; then # Create a directory for the downloaded image tarballs. mkdir -p $FILES/images ADMIN_USER=admin ADMIN_TENANT=admin TOKEN=`curl -s -d "{\"auth\":{\"passwordCredentials\": {\"username\": \"$ADMIN_USER\", \"password\": \"$ADMIN_PASSWORD\"}, \"tenantName\": \"$ADMIN_TENANT\"}}" -H "Content-type: application/json" http://$HOST_IP:5000/v2.0/tokens | python -c "import sys; import json; tok = json.loads(sys.stdin.read()); print tok['access']['token']['id'];"` # Option to upload legacy ami-tty, which works with xenserver if [[ -n "$UPLOAD_LEGACY_TTY" ]]; then IMAGE_URLS="${IMAGE_URLS:+${IMAGE_URLS},}http://images.ansolabs.com/tty.tgz" fi for image_url in ${IMAGE_URLS//,/ }; do # Downloads the image (uec ami+aki style), then extracts it. IMAGE_FNAME=`basename "$image_url"` if [ ! -f $FILES/$IMAGE_FNAME ]; then wget -c $image_url -O $FILES/$IMAGE_FNAME fi KERNEL="" RAMDISK="" DISK_FORMAT="" CONTAINER_FORMAT="" case "$IMAGE_FNAME" in *.tar.gz|*.tgz) # Extract ami and aki files [ "${IMAGE_FNAME%.tar.gz}" != "$IMAGE_FNAME" ] && IMAGE_NAME="${IMAGE_FNAME%.tar.gz}" || IMAGE_NAME="${IMAGE_FNAME%.tgz}" xdir="$FILES/images/$IMAGE_NAME" rm -Rf "$xdir"; mkdir "$xdir" tar -zxf $FILES/$IMAGE_FNAME -C "$xdir" KERNEL=$(for f in "$xdir/"*-vmlinuz* "$xdir/"aki-*/image; do [ -f "$f" ] && echo "$f" && break; done; true) RAMDISK=$(for f in "$xdir/"*-initrd* "$xdir/"ari-*/image; do [ -f "$f" ] && echo "$f" && break; done; true) IMAGE=$(for f in "$xdir/"*.img "$xdir/"ami-*/image; do [ -f "$f" ] && echo "$f" && break; done; true) if [[ -z "$IMAGE_NAME" ]]; then IMAGE_NAME=$(basename "$IMAGE" ".img") fi ;; *.img) IMAGE="$FILES/$IMAGE_FNAME"; IMAGE_NAME=$(basename "$IMAGE" ".img") DISK_FORMAT=raw CONTAINER_FORMAT=bare ;; *.img.gz) IMAGE="$FILES/${IMAGE_FNAME}" IMAGE_NAME=$(basename "$IMAGE" ".img.gz") DISK_FORMAT=raw CONTAINER_FORMAT=bare ;; *.qcow2) IMAGE="$FILES/${IMAGE_FNAME}" IMAGE_NAME=$(basename "$IMAGE" ".qcow2") DISK_FORMAT=qcow2 CONTAINER_FORMAT=bare ;; *) echo "Do not know what to do with $IMAGE_FNAME"; false;; esac if [ "$CONTAINER_FORMAT" = "bare" ]; then glance --os-auth-token $TOKEN --os-image-url http://$GLANCE_HOSTPORT image-create --name "$IMAGE_NAME" --public --container-format=$CONTAINER_FORMAT --disk-format $DISK_FORMAT < <(zcat --force "${IMAGE}") else # Use glance client to add the kernel the root filesystem. # We parse the results of the first upload to get the glance ID of the # kernel for use when uploading the root filesystem. KERNEL_ID=""; RAMDISK_ID=""; if [ -n "$KERNEL" ]; then KERNEL_ID=$(glance --os-auth-token $TOKEN --os-image-url http://$GLANCE_HOSTPORT image-create --name "$IMAGE_NAME-kernel" --public --container-format aki --disk-format aki < "$KERNEL" | grep ' id ' | get_field 2) fi if [ -n "$RAMDISK" ]; then RAMDISK_ID=$(glance --os-auth-token $TOKEN --os-image-url http://$GLANCE_HOSTPORT image-create --name "$IMAGE_NAME-ramdisk" --public --container-format ari --disk-format ari < "$RAMDISK" | grep ' id ' | get_field 2) fi glance --os-auth-token $TOKEN --os-image-url http://$GLANCE_HOSTPORT image-create --name "${IMAGE_NAME%.img}" --public --container-format ami --disk-format ami ${KERNEL_ID:+--property kernel_id=$KERNEL_ID} ${RAMDISK_ID:+--property ramdisk_id=$RAMDISK_ID} < "${IMAGE}" fi done fi # Run local script # ================ # Run ``local.sh`` if it exists to perform user-managed tasks if [[ -x $TOP_DIR/local.sh ]]; then echo "Running user script $TOP_DIR/local.sh" $TOP_DIR/local.sh fi # Fin # === set +o xtrace # Using the cloud # =============== echo "" echo "" echo "" # If you installed Horizon on this server you should be able # to access the site using your browser. if is_service_enabled horizon; then echo "Horizon is now available at http://$SERVICE_HOST/" fi # If Keystone is present you can point ``nova`` cli to this server if is_service_enabled key; then echo "Keystone is serving at $KEYSTONE_AUTH_PROTOCOL://$SERVICE_HOST:$KEYSTONE_API_PORT/v2.0/" echo "Examples on using novaclient command line is in exercise.sh" echo "The default users are: admin and demo" echo "The password: $ADMIN_PASSWORD" fi # Echo HOST_IP - useful for build_uec.sh, which uses dhcp to give the instance an address echo "This is your host ip: $HOST_IP" # Warn that ``EXTRA_FLAGS`` needs to be converted to ``EXTRA_OPTS`` if [[ -n "$EXTRA_FLAGS" ]]; then echo "WARNING: EXTRA_FLAGS is defined and may need to be converted to EXTRA_OPTS" fi # Indicate how long this took to run (bash maintained variable 'SECONDS') echo "stack.sh completed in $SECONDS seconds."