DevStack is a set of scripts and utilities to quickly deploy an OpenStack cloud. # Goals * To quickly build dev OpenStack environments in a clean Ubuntu or Fedora environment * To describe working configurations of OpenStack (which code branches work together? what do config files look like for those branches?) * To make it easier for developers to dive into OpenStack so that they can productively contribute without having to understand every part of the system at once * To make it easy to prototype cross-project features * To sanity-check OpenStack builds (used in gating commits to the primary repos) Read more at (built from the gh-pages branch) IMPORTANT: Be sure to carefully read `` and any other scripts you execute before you run them, as they install software and may alter your networking configuration. We strongly recommend that you run `` in a clean and disposable vm when you are first getting started. # Devstack on Xenserver If you would like to use Xenserver as the hypervisor, please refer to the instructions in `./tools/xen/`. # Versions The devstack master branch generally points to trunk versions of OpenStack components. For older, stable versions, look for branches named stable/[release] in the DevStack repo. For example, you can do the following to create a diablo OpenStack cloud: git checkout stable/diablo ./ You can also pick specific OpenStack project releases by setting the appropriate `*_BRANCH` variables in `localrc` (look in `stackrc` for the default set). Usually just before a release there will be milestone-proposed branches that need to be tested:: GLANCE_REPO= GLANCE_BRANCH=milestone-proposed # Start A Dev Cloud Installing in a dedicated disposable vm is safer than installing on your dev machine! To start a dev cloud: ./ When the script finishes executing, you should be able to access OpenStack endpoints, like so: * Horizon: http://myhost/ * Keystone: http://myhost:5000/v2.0/ We also provide an environment file that you can use to interact with your cloud via CLI: # source openrc file to load your environment with osapi and ec2 creds . openrc # list instances nova list If the EC2 API is your cup-o-tea, you can create credentials and use euca2ools: # source eucarc to generate EC2 credentials and set up the environment . eucarc # list instances using ec2 api euca-describe-instances # Customizing You can override environment variables used in `` by creating file name `localrc`. It is likely that you will need to do this to tweak your networking configuration should you need to access your cloud from a different host. # Database Backend Multiple database backends are available. The available databases are defined in the lib/databases directory. `mysql` is the default database, choose a different one by putting the following in `localrc`: disable_service mysql enable_service postgresql `mysql` is the default database. # RPC Backend Multiple RPC backends are available. Currently, this includes RabbitMQ (default), Qpid, and ZeroMQ. Your backend of choice may be selected via the `localrc`. Note that selecting more than one RPC backend will result in a failure. Example (ZeroMQ): ENABLED_SERVICES="$ENABLED_SERVICES,-rabbit,-qpid,zeromq" Example (Qpid): ENABLED_SERVICES="$ENABLED_SERVICES,-rabbit,-zeromq,qpid" # Swift Swift is enabled by default configured with only one replica to avoid being IO/memory intensive on a small vm. When running with only one replica the account, container and object services will run directly in screen. The others services like replicator, updaters or auditor runs in background. If you would like to disable Swift you can add this to your `localrc` : disable_service s-proxy s-object s-container s-account If you want a minimal Swift install with only Swift and Keystone you can have this instead in your `localrc`: disable_all_services enable_service key mysql s-proxy s-object s-container s-account If you only want to do some testing of a real normal swift cluster with multiple replicas you can do so by customizing the variable `SWIFT_REPLICAS` in your `localrc` (usually to 3). # Swift S3 If you are enabling `swift3` in `ENABLED_SERVICES` devstack will install the swift3 middleware emulation. Swift will be configured to act as a S3 endpoint for Keystone so effectively replacing the `nova-objectstore`. Only Swift proxy server is launched in the screen session all other services are started in background and managed by `swift-init` tool. # Quantum Basic Setup In order to enable Quantum a single node setup, you'll need the following settings in your `localrc` : disable_service n-net enable_service q-svc enable_service q-agt enable_service q-dhcp enable_service q-l3 enable_service q-meta enable_service quantum # Optional, to enable tempest configuration as part of devstack enable_service tempest Then run `` as normal. devstack supports adding specific Quantum configuration flags to both the Open vSwitch and LinuxBridge plugin configuration files. To make use of this feature, the following variables are defined and can be configured in your `localrc` file: Variable Name Plugin Config File Section Modified ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q_SRV_EXTRA_OPTS `OVS` (for Open Vswitch) or `LINUX_BRIDGE` (for LinuxBridge) Q_AGENT_EXTRA_AGENT_OPTS AGENT Q_AGENT_EXTRA_SRV_OPTS `OVS` (for Open Vswitch) or `LINUX_BRIDGE` (for LinuxBridge) An example of using the variables in your `localrc` is below: Q_AGENT_EXTRA_AGENT_OPTS=(tunnel_type=vxlan vxlan_udp_port=8472) Q_SRV_EXTRA_OPTS=(tenant_network_type=vxlan) # Tempest If tempest has been successfully configured, a basic set of smoke tests can be run as follows: $ cd /opt/stack/tempest $ nosetests tempest/tests/network/ # Multi-Node Setup A more interesting setup involves running multiple compute nodes, with Quantum networks connecting VMs on different compute nodes. You should run at least one "controller node", which should have a `stackrc` that includes at least: disable_service n-net enable_service q-svc enable_service q-agt enable_service q-dhcp enable_service q-l3 enable_service q-meta enable_service quantum You likely want to change your `localrc` to run a scheduler that will balance VMs across hosts: SCHEDULER=nova.scheduler.simple.SimpleScheduler You can then run many compute nodes, each of which should have a `stackrc` which includes the following, with the IP address of the above controller node: ENABLED_SERVICES=n-cpu,rabbit,g-api,quantum,q-agt SERVICE_HOST=[IP of controller node] MYSQL_HOST=$SERVICE_HOST RABBIT_HOST=$SERVICE_HOST Q_HOST=$SERVICE_HOST MATCHMAKER_REDIS_HOST=$SERVICE_HOST # Cells Cells is a new scaling option with a full spec at To setup a cells environment add the following to your `localrc`: enable_service n-cell enable_service n-api-meta MULTI_HOST=True # The following have not been tested with cells, they may or may not work. disable_service n-obj disable_service cinder disable_service c-sch disable_service c-api disable_service c-vol disable_service n-xvnc Be aware that there are some features currently missing in cells, one notable one being security groups.