#!/usr/bin/env bash # **boot_from_volume.sh** # This script demonstrates how to boot from a volume. It does the following: # * Create a 'builder' instance # * Attach a volume to the instance # * Format and install an os onto the volume # * Detach volume from builder, and then boot volume-backed instance echo "**************************************************" echo "Begin DevStack Exercise: $0" echo "**************************************************" # This script exits on an error so that errors don't compound and you see # only the first error that occured. set -o errexit # Print the commands being run so that we can see the command that triggers # an error. It is also useful for following allowing as the install occurs. set -o xtrace # Settings # ======== # Keep track of the current directory EXERCISE_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd) TOP_DIR=$(cd $EXERCISE_DIR/..; pwd) # Import common functions source $TOP_DIR/functions # Import configuration source $TOP_DIR/openrc # Import exercise configuration source $TOP_DIR/exerciserc # Boot this image, use first AMI image if unset DEFAULT_IMAGE_NAME=${DEFAULT_IMAGE_NAME:-ami} # Instance type DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE=${DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE:-m1.tiny} # Default floating IP pool name DEFAULT_FLOATING_POOL=${DEFAULT_FLOATING_POOL:-nova} # Grab the id of the image to launch IMAGE=`glance -f index | egrep $DEFAULT_IMAGE_NAME | head -1 | cut -d" " -f1` die_if_not_set IMAGE "Failure getting image" # Instance and volume names INSTANCE_NAME=${INSTANCE_NAME:-test_instance} VOL_INSTANCE_NAME=${VOL_INSTANCE_NAME:-test_vol_instance} VOL_NAME=${VOL_NAME:-test_volume} # Clean-up from previous runs nova delete $VOL_INSTANCE_NAME || true nova delete $INSTANCE_NAME || true # Wait till server is gone if ! timeout $ACTIVE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while nova show $INSTANCE_NAME; do sleep 1; done"; then echo "server didn't terminate!" exit 1 fi # Configure Security Groups SECGROUP=${SECGROUP:-test_secgroup} nova secgroup-delete $SECGROUP || true nova secgroup-create $SECGROUP "$SECGROUP description" nova secgroup-add-rule $SECGROUP icmp -1 -1 nova secgroup-add-rule $SECGROUP tcp 22 22 # Determinine instance type INSTANCE_TYPE=`nova flavor-list | grep $DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE | cut -d"|" -f2` if [[ -z "$INSTANCE_TYPE" ]]; then # grab the first flavor in the list to launch if default doesn't exist INSTANCE_TYPE=`nova flavor-list | head -n 4 | tail -n 1 | cut -d"|" -f2` fi # Setup Keypair KEY_NAME=test_key KEY_FILE=key.pem nova keypair-delete $KEY_NAME || true nova keypair-add $KEY_NAME > $KEY_FILE chmod 600 $KEY_FILE # Boot our instance VM_UUID=`nova boot --flavor $INSTANCE_TYPE --image $IMAGE --security_groups=$SECGROUP --key_name $KEY_NAME $INSTANCE_NAME | grep ' id ' | cut -d"|" -f3 | sed 's/ //g'` # check that the status is active within ACTIVE_TIMEOUT seconds if ! timeout $ACTIVE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! nova show $VM_UUID | grep status | grep -q ACTIVE; do sleep 1; done"; then echo "server didn't become active!" exit 1 fi # Delete the old volume nova volume-delete $VOL_NAME || true # Free every floating ips - setting FREE_ALL_FLOATING_IPS=True in localrc will make life easier for testers if [ "$FREE_ALL_FLOATING_IPS" = "True" ]; then nova floating-ip-list | grep nova | cut -d "|" -f2 | tr -d " " | xargs -n1 nova floating-ip-delete || true fi # Allocate floating ip FLOATING_IP=`nova floating-ip-create | grep $DEFAULT_FLOATING_POOL | cut -d '|' -f2 | tr -d ' '` # Make sure the ip gets allocated if ! timeout $ASSOCIATE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! nova floating-ip-list | grep -q $FLOATING_IP; do sleep 1; done"; then echo "Floating IP not allocated" exit 1 fi # Add floating ip to our server nova add-floating-ip $VM_UUID $FLOATING_IP # Test we can ping our floating ip within ASSOCIATE_TIMEOUT seconds if ! timeout $ASSOCIATE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! ping -c1 -w1 $FLOATING_IP; do sleep 1; done"; then echo "Couldn't ping server with floating ip" exit 1 fi # Create our volume nova volume-create --display_name=$VOL_NAME 1 # Wait for volume to activate if ! timeout $ACTIVE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! nova volume-list | grep $VOL_NAME | grep available; do sleep 1; done"; then echo "Volume $VOL_NAME not created" exit 1 fi # FIXME (anthony) - python-novaclient should accept a volume_name for the attachment param? DEVICE=/dev/vdb VOLUME_ID=`nova volume-list | grep $VOL_NAME | cut -d '|' -f 2 | tr -d ' '` nova volume-attach $INSTANCE_NAME $VOLUME_ID $DEVICE # Wait till volume is attached if ! timeout $ACTIVE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! nova volume-list | grep $VOL_NAME | grep in-use; do sleep 1; done"; then echo "Volume $VOL_NAME not created" exit 1 fi # The following script builds our bootable volume. # To do this, ssh to the builder instance, mount volume, and build a volume-backed image. STAGING_DIR=/tmp/stage CIRROS_DIR=/tmp/cirros ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $KEY_FILE cirros@$FLOATING_IP << EOF set -o errexit set -o xtrace sudo mkdir -p $STAGING_DIR sudo mkfs.ext3 -b 1024 $DEVICE 1048576 sudo mount $DEVICE $STAGING_DIR # The following lines create a writable empty file so that we can scp # the actual file sudo touch $STAGING_DIR/cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-rootfs.img.gz sudo chown cirros $STAGING_DIR/cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-rootfs.img.gz EOF # Download cirros if [ ! -e cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-rootfs.img.gz ]; then wget http://images.ansolabs.com/cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-rootfs.img.gz fi # Copy cirros onto the volume scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $KEY_FILE cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-rootfs.img.gz cirros@$FLOATING_IP:$STAGING_DIR # Unpack cirros into volume ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $KEY_FILE cirros@$FLOATING_IP << EOF set -o errexit set -o xtrace cd $STAGING_DIR sudo mkdir -p $CIRROS_DIR sudo gunzip cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-rootfs.img.gz sudo mount cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-rootfs.img $CIRROS_DIR # Copy cirros into our volume sudo cp -pr $CIRROS_DIR/* $STAGING_DIR/ cd sync sudo umount $CIRROS_DIR # The following typically fails. Don't know why. sudo umount $STAGING_DIR || true EOF # Detach the volume from the builder instance nova volume-detach $INSTANCE_NAME $VOLUME_ID # Boot instance from volume! This is done with the --block_device_mapping param. # The format of mapping is: # =::: # Leaving the middle two fields blank appears to do-the-right-thing VOL_VM_UUID=`nova boot --flavor $INSTANCE_TYPE --image $IMAGE --block_device_mapping vda=$VOLUME_ID:::0 --security_groups=$SECGROUP --key_name $KEY_NAME $VOL_INSTANCE_NAME | grep ' id ' | cut -d"|" -f3 | sed 's/ //g'` # Check that the status is active within ACTIVE_TIMEOUT seconds if ! timeout $ACTIVE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! nova show $VOL_VM_UUID | grep status | grep -q ACTIVE; do sleep 1; done"; then echo "server didn't become active!" exit 1 fi # Add floating ip to our server nova remove-floating-ip $VM_UUID $FLOATING_IP # Gratuitous sleep, probably hiding a race condition :/ sleep 1 # Add floating ip to our server nova add-floating-ip $VOL_VM_UUID $FLOATING_IP # Test we can ping our floating ip within ASSOCIATE_TIMEOUT seconds if ! timeout $ASSOCIATE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! ping -c1 -w1 $FLOATING_IP; do sleep 1; done"; then echo "Couldn't ping volume-backed server with floating ip" exit 1 fi # Make sure our volume-backed instance launched ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $KEY_FILE cirros@$FLOATING_IP << EOF echo "success!" EOF # Delete volume backed instance nova delete $VOL_INSTANCE_NAME # Wait till our volume is no longer in-use if ! timeout $ACTIVE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! nova volume-list | grep $VOL_NAME | grep available; do sleep 1; done"; then echo "Volume $VOL_NAME not created" exit 1 fi # Delete the volume nova volume-delete $VOL_NAME # Delete instance nova delete $INSTANCE_NAME # Wait for termination if ! timeout $ACTIVE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while nova show $INSTANCE_NAME; do sleep 1; done"; then echo "server didn't terminate!" exit 1 fi # De-allocate the floating ip nova floating-ip-delete $FLOATING_IP # Delete secgroup nova secgroup-delete $SECGROUP set +o xtrace echo "**************************************************" echo "End DevStack Exercise: $0" echo "**************************************************"