# lib/horizon # Functions to control the configuration and operation of the horizon service # Dependencies: # # - ``functions`` file # - ``apache`` file # - ``SERVICE_{TENANT_NAME|PASSWORD}`` must be defined # ``stack.sh`` calls the entry points in this order: # # - install_horizon # - configure_horizon # - init_horizon # - start_horizon # - stop_horizon # - cleanup_horizon # Save trace setting XTRACE=$(set +o | grep xtrace) set +o xtrace # Defaults # -------- # Set up default directories HORIZON_DIR=$DEST/horizon # local_settings.py is used to customize Dashboard settings. # The example file in Horizon repo is used by default. HORIZON_SETTINGS=${HORIZON_SETTINGS:-$HORIZON_DIR/openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py.example} # Tell Tempest this project is present TEMPEST_SERVICES+=,horizon # Functions # --------- # utility method of setting python option function _horizon_config_set { local file=$1 local section=$2 local option=$3 local value=$4 if grep -q "^$section" $file; then line=$(sed -ne "/^$section/,/^}/ { /^ *'$option':/ p; }" $file) if [ -n "$line" ]; then sed -i -e "/^$section/,/^}/ s/^\( *'$option'\) *:.*$/\1: $value,/" $file else sed -i -e "/^$section/a\ '$option': $value," $file fi else echo -e "\n\n$section = {\n '$option': $value,\n}" >> $file fi } # Entry Points # ------------ # cleanup_horizon() - Remove residual data files, anything left over from previous # runs that a clean run would need to clean up function cleanup_horizon { if [[ is_fedora && $DISTRO =~ (rhel6) ]]; then # If ``/usr/bin/node`` points into ``$DEST`` # we installed it via ``install_nodejs`` if [[ $(readlink -f /usr/bin/node) =~ ($DEST) ]]; then sudo rm /usr/bin/node fi fi } # configure_horizon() - Set config files, create data dirs, etc function configure_horizon { setup_develop $HORIZON_DIR } # init_horizon() - Initialize databases, etc. function init_horizon { # ``local_settings.py`` is used to override horizon default settings. local_settings=$HORIZON_DIR/openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py cp $HORIZON_SETTINGS $local_settings if is_service_enabled neutron; then _horizon_config_set $local_settings OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK enable_security_group $Q_USE_SECGROUP fi # enable loadbalancer dashboard in case service is enabled if is_service_enabled q-lbaas; then _horizon_config_set $local_settings OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK enable_lb True fi # enable firewall dashboard in case service is enabled if is_service_enabled q-fwaas; then _horizon_config_set $local_settings OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK enable_firewall True fi # enable VPN dashboard in case service is enabled if is_service_enabled q-vpn; then _horizon_config_set $local_settings OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK enable_vpn True fi # Create an empty directory that apache uses as docroot sudo mkdir -p $HORIZON_DIR/.blackhole # Apache 2.4 uses mod_authz_host for access control now (instead of "Allow") HORIZON_REQUIRE='' if check_apache_version "2.4" ; then HORIZON_REQUIRE='Require all granted' fi local horizon_conf=/etc/$APACHE_NAME/$APACHE_CONF_DIR/horizon.conf if is_ubuntu; then # Clean up the old config name sudo rm -f /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default # Be a good citizen and use the distro tools here sudo touch $horizon_conf sudo a2ensite horizon.conf elif is_fedora; then sudo sed '/^Listen/s/^.*$/Listen' -i /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf elif is_suse; then : # nothing to do else exit_distro_not_supported "horizon apache configuration" fi # Remove old log files that could mess with how devstack detects whether Horizon # has been successfully started (see start_horizon() and functions::screen_it()) sudo rm -f /var/log/$APACHE_NAME/horizon_* # Configure apache to run horizon sudo sh -c "sed -e \" s,%USER%,$APACHE_USER,g; s,%GROUP%,$APACHE_GROUP,g; s,%HORIZON_DIR%,$HORIZON_DIR,g; s,%APACHE_NAME%,$APACHE_NAME,g; s,%DEST%,$DEST,g; s,%HORIZON_REQUIRE%,$HORIZON_REQUIRE,g; \" $FILES/apache-horizon.template >$horizon_conf" } # install_horizon() - Collect source and prepare function install_horizon { # Apache installation, because we mark it NOPRIME install_apache_wsgi git_clone $HORIZON_REPO $HORIZON_DIR $HORIZON_BRANCH $HORIZON_TAG } # start_horizon() - Start running processes, including screen function start_horizon { restart_apache_server screen_it horizon "cd $HORIZON_DIR && sudo tail -f /var/log/$APACHE_NAME/horizon_error.log" } # stop_horizon() - Stop running processes (non-screen) function stop_horizon { stop_apache_server } # Restore xtrace $XTRACE # Tell emacs to use shell-script-mode ## Local variables: ## mode: shell-script ## End: