# lib/tls # Functions to control the configuration and operation of the TLS proxy service # !! source _before_ any services that use ``SERVICE_HOST`` # # Dependencies: # # - ``functions`` file # - ``DEST``, ``DATA_DIR`` must be defined # - ``HOST_IP``, ``SERVICE_HOST`` # - ``KEYSTONE_TOKEN_FORMAT`` must be defined # Entry points: # # - configure_CA # - init_CA # - configure_proxy # - start_tls_proxy # - make_root_ca # - make_int_ca # - new_cert $INT_CA_DIR int-server "abc" # - start_tls_proxy HOST_IP 5000 localhost 5000 # Defaults # -------- if is_service_enabled tls-proxy; then # TODO(dtroyer): revisit this below after the search for HOST_IP has been done TLS_IP=${TLS_IP:-$SERVICE_IP} # Set the default ``SERVICE_PROTOCOL`` for TLS SERVICE_PROTOCOL=https fi # Make up a hostname for cert purposes # will be added to /etc/hosts? DEVSTACK_HOSTNAME=secure.devstack.org DEVSTACK_CERT_NAME=devstack-cert DEVSTACK_CERT=$DATA_DIR/$DEVSTACK_CERT_NAME.pem # CA configuration ROOT_CA_DIR=${ROOT_CA_DIR:-$DATA_DIR/CA/root-ca} INT_CA_DIR=${INT_CA_DIR:-$DATA_DIR/CA/int-ca} ORG_NAME="OpenStack" ORG_UNIT_NAME="DevStack" # Stud configuration STUD_PROTO="--tls" STUD_CIPHERS='TLSv1+HIGH:!DES:!aNULL:!eNULL:@STRENGTH' # CA Functions # ============ # There may be more than one, get specific OPENSSL=${OPENSSL:-/usr/bin/openssl} # Do primary CA configuration function configure_CA() { # build common config file # Verify ``TLS_IP`` is good if [[ -n "$HOST_IP" && "$HOST_IP" != "$TLS_IP" ]]; then # auto-discover has changed the IP TLS_IP=$HOST_IP fi } # Creates a new CA directory structure # create_CA_base ca-dir function create_CA_base() { local ca_dir=$1 if [[ -d $ca_dir ]]; then # Bail out it exists return 0 fi for i in certs crl newcerts private; do mkdir -p $ca_dir/$i done chmod 710 $ca_dir/private echo "01" >$ca_dir/serial cp /dev/null $ca_dir/index.txt } # Create a new CA configuration file # create_CA_config ca-dir common-name function create_CA_config() { local ca_dir=$1 local common_name=$2 echo " [ ca ] default_ca = CA_default [ CA_default ] dir = $ca_dir policy = policy_match database = \$dir/index.txt serial = \$dir/serial certs = \$dir/certs crl_dir = \$dir/crl new_certs_dir = \$dir/newcerts certificate = \$dir/cacert.pem private_key = \$dir/private/cacert.key RANDFILE = \$dir/private/.rand default_md = default [ req ] default_bits = 1024 default_md = sha1 prompt = no distinguished_name = ca_distinguished_name x509_extensions = ca_extensions [ ca_distinguished_name ] organizationName = $ORG_NAME organizationalUnitName = $ORG_UNIT_NAME Certificate Authority commonName = $common_name [ policy_match ] countryName = optional stateOrProvinceName = optional organizationName = match organizationalUnitName = optional commonName = supplied [ ca_extensions ] basicConstraints = critical,CA:true subjectKeyIdentifier = hash authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always, issuer keyUsage = cRLSign, keyCertSign " >$ca_dir/ca.conf } # Create a new signing configuration file # create_signing_config ca-dir function create_signing_config() { local ca_dir=$1 echo " [ ca ] default_ca = CA_default [ CA_default ] dir = $ca_dir policy = policy_match database = \$dir/index.txt serial = \$dir/serial certs = \$dir/certs crl_dir = \$dir/crl new_certs_dir = \$dir/newcerts certificate = \$dir/cacert.pem private_key = \$dir/private/cacert.key RANDFILE = \$dir/private/.rand default_md = default [ req ] default_bits = 1024 default_md = sha1 prompt = no distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name x509_extensions = req_extensions [ req_distinguished_name ] organizationName = $ORG_NAME organizationalUnitName = $ORG_UNIT_NAME Server Farm [ policy_match ] countryName = optional stateOrProvinceName = optional organizationName = match organizationalUnitName = optional commonName = supplied [ req_extensions ] basicConstraints = CA:false subjectKeyIdentifier = hash authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always, issuer keyUsage = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment, keyAgreement extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth, clientAuth subjectAltName = \$ENV::SUBJECT_ALT_NAME " >$ca_dir/signing.conf } # Create root and intermediate CAs # init_CA function init_CA { # Ensure CAs are built make_root_CA $ROOT_CA_DIR make_int_CA $INT_CA_DIR $ROOT_CA_DIR # Create the CA bundle cat $ROOT_CA_DIR/cacert.pem $INT_CA_DIR/cacert.pem >>$INT_CA_DIR/ca-chain.pem } # Create an initial server cert # init_cert function init_cert { if [[ ! -r $DEVSTACK_CERT ]]; then if [[ -n "$TLS_IP" ]]; then # Lie to let incomplete match routines work TLS_IP="DNS:$TLS_IP" fi make_cert $INT_CA_DIR $DEVSTACK_CERT_NAME $DEVSTACK_HOSTNAME "$TLS_IP" # Create a cert bundle cat $INT_CA_DIR/private/$DEVSTACK_CERT_NAME.key $INT_CA_DIR/$DEVSTACK_CERT_NAME.crt $INT_CA_DIR/cacert.pem >$DEVSTACK_CERT fi } # make_cert creates and signs a new certificate with the given commonName and CA # make_cert ca-dir cert-name "common-name" ["alt-name" ...] function make_cert() { local ca_dir=$1 local cert_name=$2 local common_name=$3 local alt_names=$4 # Generate a signing request $OPENSSL req \ -sha1 \ -newkey rsa \ -nodes \ -keyout $ca_dir/private/$cert_name.key \ -out $ca_dir/$cert_name.csr \ -subj "/O=${ORG_NAME}/OU=${ORG_UNIT_NAME} Servers/CN=${common_name}" if [[ -z "$alt_names" ]]; then alt_names="DNS:${common_name}" else alt_names="DNS:${common_name},${alt_names}" fi # Sign the request valid for 1 year SUBJECT_ALT_NAME="$alt_names" \ $OPENSSL ca -config $ca_dir/signing.conf \ -extensions req_extensions \ -days 365 \ -notext \ -in $ca_dir/$cert_name.csr \ -out $ca_dir/$cert_name.crt \ -subj "/O=${ORG_NAME}/OU=${ORG_UNIT_NAME} Servers/CN=${common_name}" \ -batch } # Make an intermediate CA to sign everything else # make_int_CA ca-dir signing-ca-dir function make_int_CA() { local ca_dir=$1 local signing_ca_dir=$2 # Create the root CA create_CA_base $ca_dir create_CA_config $ca_dir 'Intermediate CA' create_signing_config $ca_dir # Create a signing certificate request $OPENSSL req -config $ca_dir/ca.conf \ -sha1 \ -newkey rsa \ -nodes \ -keyout $ca_dir/private/cacert.key \ -out $ca_dir/cacert.csr \ -outform PEM # Sign the intermediate request valid for 1 year $OPENSSL ca -config $signing_ca_dir/ca.conf \ -extensions ca_extensions \ -days 365 \ -notext \ -in $ca_dir/cacert.csr \ -out $ca_dir/cacert.pem \ -batch } # Make a root CA to sign other CAs # make_root_CA ca-dir function make_root_CA() { local ca_dir=$1 # Create the root CA create_CA_base $ca_dir create_CA_config $ca_dir 'Root CA' # Create a self-signed certificate valid for 5 years $OPENSSL req -config $ca_dir/ca.conf \ -x509 \ -nodes \ -newkey rsa \ -days 21360 \ -keyout $ca_dir/private/cacert.key \ -out $ca_dir/cacert.pem \ -outform PEM } # Proxy Functions # =============== # Starts the TLS proxy for the given IP/ports # start_tls_proxy front-host front-port back-host back-port function start_tls_proxy() { local f_host=$1 local f_port=$2 local b_host=$3 local b_port=$4 stud $STUD_PROTO -f $f_host,$f_port -b $b_host,$b_port $DEVSTACK_CERT 2>/dev/null } # Tell emacs to use shell-script-mode ## Local variables: ## mode: shell-script ## End: