dnsmasq-base dnsmasq-utils # for dhcp_release conntrack kpartx parted iputils-arping libmysqlclient-dev # testonly mysql-server # NOPRIME python-mysqldb python-mysql.connector python-xattr # needed for glance which is needed for nova --- this shouldn't be here python-lxml # needed for glance which is needed for nova --- this shouldn't be here gawk iptables ebtables sqlite3 sudo qemu-kvm # NOPRIME qemu # dist:wheezy,jessie NOPRIME libvirt-bin # NOPRIME pm-utils libjs-jquery-tablesorter # Needed for coverage html reports vlan curl genisoimage # required for config_drive rabbitmq-server # NOPRIME qpidd # NOPRIME socat # used by ajaxterm python-mox python-paste python-migrate python-greenlet python-libvirt # NOPRIME python-libxml2 python-routes python-numpy # used by websockify for spice console python-pastedeploy python-eventlet python-cheetah python-tempita python-sqlalchemy python-suds python-lockfile python-m2crypto python-kombu python-feedparser python-iso8601 python-qpid # NOPRIME