#!/bin/bash # # functions - DevStack-specific functions # # The following variables are assumed to be defined by certain functions: # # - ``DATABASE_BACKENDS`` # - ``ENABLED_SERVICES`` # - ``FILES`` # - ``GLANCE_HOSTPORT`` # # ensure we don't re-source this in the same environment [[ -z "$_DEVSTACK_FUNCTIONS" ]] || return 0 declare -r -g _DEVSTACK_FUNCTIONS=1 # Include the common functions FUNC_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE:-$0}") && pwd) source ${FUNC_DIR}/functions-common source ${FUNC_DIR}/inc/ini-config source ${FUNC_DIR}/inc/meta-config source ${FUNC_DIR}/inc/python source ${FUNC_DIR}/inc/rootwrap source ${FUNC_DIR}/inc/async # Save trace setting _XTRACE_FUNCTIONS=$(set +o | grep xtrace) set +o xtrace # Check if a function already exists function function_exists { declare -f -F $1 > /dev/null } # short_source prints out the current location of the caller in a way # that strips redundant directories. This is useful for PS4 usage. function short_source { saveIFS=$IFS IFS=" " called=($(caller 0)) IFS=$saveIFS file=${called[2]} file=${file#$RC_DIR/} printf "%-40s " "$file:${called[1]}:${called[0]}" } # PS4 is exported to child shells and uses the 'short_source' function, so # export it so child shells have access to the 'short_source' function also. export -f short_source # Download a file from a URL # # Will check cache (in $FILES) or download given URL. # # Argument is the URL to the remote file # # Will echo the local path to the file as the output. Will die on # failure to download. # # Files can be pre-cached for CI environments, see EXTRA_CACHE_URLS # and tools/image_list.sh function get_extra_file { local file_url=$1 file_name=$(basename "$file_url") if [[ $file_url != file* ]]; then # If the file isn't cache, download it if [[ ! -f $FILES/$file_name ]]; then wget --progress=dot:giga -t 2 -c $file_url -O $FILES/$file_name if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then die "$file_url could not be downloaded" fi fi echo "$FILES/$file_name" return else # just strip the file:// bit and that's the path to the file echo $file_url | sed 's/$file:\/\///g' fi } # Generate image property arguments for OSC # # Arguments: properties, one per, like propname=value # # Result is --property propname1=value1 --property propname2=value2 function _image_properties_to_arg { local result="" for property in $*; do result+=" --property $property" done echo $result } # Upload an image to glance using the configured mechanism # # Arguments: # image name # container format # disk format # path to image file # optional properties (format of propname=value) # function _upload_image { local image_name="$1" shift local container="$1" shift local disk="$1" shift local image="$1" shift local properties local useimport properties=$(_image_properties_to_arg $*) if [[ "$GLANCE_USE_IMPORT_WORKFLOW" == "True" ]]; then useimport="--import" fi openstack --os-cloud=devstack-admin --os-region-name="$REGION_NAME" image create "$image_name" --public --container-format "$container" --disk-format "$disk" $useimport $properties --file $(readlink -f "${image}") } # Retrieve an image from a URL and upload into Glance. # Uses the following variables: # # - ``FILES`` must be set to the cache dir # - ``GLANCE_HOSTPORT`` # # upload_image image-url function upload_image { local image_url=$1 local image image_fname image_name local max_attempts=5 # Create a directory for the downloaded image tarballs. mkdir -p $FILES/images image_fname=`basename "$image_url"` if [[ $image_url != file* ]]; then # Downloads the image (uec ami+akistyle), then extracts it. if [[ ! -f $FILES/$image_fname || "$(stat -c "%s" $FILES/$image_fname)" = "0" ]]; then for attempt in `seq $max_attempts`; do local rc=0 wget --progress=dot:giga -c $image_url -O $FILES/$image_fname || rc=$? if [[ $rc -ne 0 ]]; then if [[ "$attempt" -eq "$max_attempts" ]]; then echo "Not found: $image_url" return fi echo "Download failed, retrying in $attempt second, attempt: $attempt" sleep $attempt else break fi done fi image="$FILES/${image_fname}" else # File based URL (RFC 1738): ``file://host/path`` # Remote files are not considered here. # unix: ``file:///home/user/path/file`` # windows: ``file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/user/path/file`` image=$(echo $image_url | sed "s/^file:\/\///g") if [[ ! -f $image || "$(stat -c "%s" $image)" == "0" ]]; then echo "Not found: $image_url" return fi fi # OpenVZ-format images are provided as .tar.gz, but not decompressed prior to loading if [[ "$image_url" =~ 'openvz' ]]; then image_name="${image_fname%.tar.gz}" _upload_image "$image_name" ami ami "$image" return fi # vmdk format images if [[ "$image_url" =~ '.vmdk' ]]; then image_name="${image_fname%.vmdk}" # Before we can upload vmdk type images to glance, we need to know it's # disk type, storage adapter, and networking adapter. These values are # passed to glance as custom properties. # We take these values from the vmdk file if populated. Otherwise, we use # vmdk filename, which is expected in the following format: # # <name>-<disk type>;<storage adapter>;<network adapter> # # If the filename does not follow the above format then the vsphere # driver will supply default values. local vmdk_disktype="" local vmdk_net_adapter="e1000" local path_len # vmdk adapter type local vmdk_adapter_type vmdk_adapter_type="$(head -25 $image | { grep -a -F -m 1 'ddb.adapterType =' $image || true; })" vmdk_adapter_type="${vmdk_adapter_type#*\"}" vmdk_adapter_type="${vmdk_adapter_type%?}" # vmdk disk type local vmdk_create_type vmdk_create_type="$(head -25 $image | { grep -a -F -m 1 'createType=' $image || true; })" vmdk_create_type="${vmdk_create_type#*\"}" vmdk_create_type="${vmdk_create_type%\"*}" descriptor_data_pair_msg="Monolithic flat and VMFS disks "` `"should use a descriptor-data pair." if [[ "$vmdk_create_type" = "monolithicSparse" ]]; then vmdk_disktype="sparse" elif [[ "$vmdk_create_type" = "monolithicFlat" || "$vmdk_create_type" = "vmfs" ]]; then # Attempt to retrieve the ``*-flat.vmdk`` local flat_fname flat_fname="$(head -25 $image | { grep -G 'RW\|RDONLY [0-9]+ FLAT\|VMFS' $image || true; })" flat_fname="${flat_fname#*\"}" flat_fname="${flat_fname%?}" if [[ -z "$flat_fname" ]]; then flat_fname="$image_name-flat.vmdk" fi path_len=`expr ${#image_url} - ${#image_fname}` local flat_url="${image_url:0:$path_len}$flat_fname" warn $LINENO "$descriptor_data_pair_msg"` `" Attempt to retrieve the *-flat.vmdk: $flat_url" if [[ $flat_url != file* ]]; then if [[ ! -f $FILES/$flat_fname || \ "$(stat -c "%s" $FILES/$flat_fname)" = "0" ]]; then wget --progress=dot:giga -c $flat_url -O $FILES/$flat_fname fi image="$FILES/${flat_fname}" else image=$(echo $flat_url | sed "s/^file:\/\///g") if [[ ! -f $image || "$(stat -c "%s" $image)" == "0" ]]; then echo "Flat disk not found: $flat_url" return 1 fi fi image_name="${flat_fname}" vmdk_disktype="preallocated" elif [[ "$vmdk_create_type" = "streamOptimized" ]]; then vmdk_disktype="streamOptimized" elif [[ -z "$vmdk_create_type" ]]; then # *-flat.vmdk provided: attempt to retrieve the descriptor (*.vmdk) # to retrieve appropriate metadata if [[ ${image_name: -5} != "-flat" ]]; then warn $LINENO "Expected filename suffix: '-flat'."` `" Filename provided: ${image_name}" else descriptor_fname="${image_name:0:${#image_name} - 5}.vmdk" path_len=`expr ${#image_url} - ${#image_fname}` local flat_path="${image_url:0:$path_len}" local descriptor_url=$flat_path$descriptor_fname warn $LINENO "$descriptor_data_pair_msg"` `" Attempt to retrieve the descriptor *.vmdk: $descriptor_url" if [[ $flat_path != file* ]]; then if [[ ! -f $FILES/$descriptor_fname || \ "$(stat -c "%s" $FILES/$descriptor_fname)" = "0" ]]; then wget -c $descriptor_url -O $FILES/$descriptor_fname fi descriptor_url="$FILES/$descriptor_fname" else descriptor_url=$(echo $descriptor_url | sed "s/^file:\/\///g") if [[ ! -f $descriptor_url || \ "$(stat -c "%s" $descriptor_url)" == "0" ]]; then echo "Descriptor not found: $descriptor_url" return 1 fi fi vmdk_adapter_type="$(head -25 $descriptor_url | { grep -a -F -m 1 'ddb.adapterType =' $descriptor_url || true; })" vmdk_adapter_type="${vmdk_adapter_type#*\"}" vmdk_adapter_type="${vmdk_adapter_type%?}" fi vmdk_disktype="preallocated" else vmdk_disktype="preallocated" fi # NOTE: For backwards compatibility reasons, colons may be used in place # of semi-colons for property delimiters but they are not permitted # characters in NTFS filesystems. property_string=`echo "$image_name" | { grep -oP '(?<=-)(?!.*-).*[:;].*[:;].*$' || true; }` IFS=':;' read -a props <<< "$property_string" vmdk_disktype="${props[0]:-$vmdk_disktype}" vmdk_adapter_type="${props[1]:-$vmdk_adapter_type}" vmdk_net_adapter="${props[2]:-$vmdk_net_adapter}" _upload_image "$image_name" bare vmdk "$image" vmware_disktype="$vmdk_disktype" vmware_adaptertype="$vmdk_adapter_type" hw_vif_model="$vmdk_net_adapter" return fi if [[ "$image_url" =~ '.hds' ]]; then image_name="${image_fname%.hds}" vm_mode=${image_name##*-} if [[ $vm_mode != 'exe' && $vm_mode != 'hvm' ]]; then die $LINENO "Unknown vm_mode=${vm_mode} for Virtuozzo image" fi _upload_image "$image_name" bare ploop "$image" vm_mode=$vm_mode return fi local kernel="" local ramdisk="" local disk_format="" local container_format="" local unpack="" local img_property="" # NOTE(danms): If we're on libvirt/qemu or libvirt/kvm, set the hw_rng_model # to libvirt in the image properties. if [[ "$VIRT_DRIVER" == "libvirt" ]]; then if [[ "$LIBVIRT_TYPE" == "qemu" || "$LIBVIRT_TYPE" == "kvm" ]]; then img_property="hw_rng_model=virtio" fi fi case "$image_fname" in *.tar.gz|*.tgz) # Extract ami and aki files [ "${image_fname%.tar.gz}" != "$image_fname" ] && image_name="${image_fname%.tar.gz}" || image_name="${image_fname%.tgz}" local xdir="$FILES/images/$image_name" rm -Rf "$xdir"; mkdir "$xdir" tar -zxf $image -C "$xdir" kernel=$(for f in "$xdir/"*-vmlinuz* "$xdir/"aki-*/image; do [ -f "$f" ] && echo "$f" && break; done; true) ramdisk=$(for f in "$xdir/"*-initrd* "$xdir/"ari-*/image; do [ -f "$f" ] && echo "$f" && break; done; true) image=$(for f in "$xdir/"*.img "$xdir/"ami-*/image; do [ -f "$f" ] && echo "$f" && break; done; true) if [[ -z "$image_name" ]]; then image_name=$(basename "$image" ".img") fi ;; *.img) image_name=$(basename "$image" ".img") local format format=$(qemu-img info ${image} | awk '/^file format/ { print $3; exit }') if [[ ",qcow2,raw,vdi,vmdk,vpc," =~ ",$format," ]]; then disk_format=$format else disk_format=raw fi container_format=bare ;; *.img.gz) image_name=$(basename "$image" ".img.gz") disk_format=raw container_format=bare unpack=zcat ;; *.img.bz2) image_name=$(basename "$image" ".img.bz2") disk_format=qcow2 container_format=bare unpack=bunzip2 ;; *.qcow2) image_name=$(basename "$image" ".qcow2") disk_format=qcow2 container_format=bare ;; *.qcow2.xz) image_name=$(basename "$image" ".qcow2.xz") disk_format=qcow2 container_format=bare unpack=unxz ;; *.raw) image_name=$(basename "$image" ".raw") disk_format=raw container_format=bare ;; *.iso) image_name=$(basename "$image" ".iso") disk_format=iso container_format=bare ;; *.vhd|*.vhdx|*.vhd.gz|*.vhdx.gz) local extension="${image_fname#*.}" image_name=$(basename "$image" ".$extension") disk_format=$(echo $image_fname | grep -oP '(?<=\.)vhdx?(?=\.|$)') container_format=bare if [ "${image_fname##*.}" == "gz" ]; then unpack=zcat fi ;; *) echo "Do not know what to do with $image_fname"; false;; esac if is_arch "ppc64le" || is_arch "ppc64" || is_arch "ppc"; then img_property="$img_property hw_cdrom_bus=scsi os_command_line=console=hvc0" fi if is_arch "aarch64"; then img_property="$img_property hw_machine_type=virt hw_cdrom_bus=scsi hw_scsi_model=virtio-scsi os_command_line='console=ttyAMA0'" fi if [ "$container_format" = "bare" ]; then if [ "$unpack" = "zcat" ]; then _upload_image "$image_name" $container_format $disk_format <(zcat --force "$image") $img_property elif [ "$unpack" = "bunzip2" ]; then _upload_image "$image_name" $container_format $disk_format <(bunzip2 -cdk "$image") $img_property elif [ "$unpack" = "unxz" ]; then # NOTE(brtknr): unxz the file first and cleanup afterwards to # prevent timeout while Glance tries to upload image (e.g. to Swift). local tmp_dir local image_path tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d) image_path="$tmp_dir/$image_name" unxz -cv "${image}" > "$image_path" _upload_image "$image_name" $container_format $disk_format "$image_path" $img_property rm -rf $tmp_dir else _upload_image "$image_name" $container_format $disk_format "$image" $img_property fi else # Use glance client to add the kernel the root filesystem. # We parse the results of the first upload to get the glance ID of the # kernel for use when uploading the root filesystem. local kernel_id="" ramdisk_id=""; if [ -n "$kernel" ]; then kernel_id=$(openstack --os-cloud=devstack-admin --os-region-name="$REGION_NAME" image create "$image_name-kernel" $(_image_properties_to_arg $img_property) --public --container-format aki --disk-format aki --file $(readlink -f "$kernel") -f value -c id) fi if [ -n "$ramdisk" ]; then ramdisk_id=$(openstack --os-cloud=devstack-admin --os-region-name="$REGION_NAME" image create "$image_name-ramdisk" $(_image_properties_to_arg $img_property) --public --container-format ari --disk-format ari --file $(readlink -f "$ramdisk") -f value -c id) fi _upload_image "${image_name%.img}" ami ami "$image" ${kernel_id:+ kernel_id=$kernel_id} ${ramdisk_id:+ ramdisk_id=$ramdisk_id} $img_property fi } # Set the database backend to use # When called from stackrc/localrc DATABASE_BACKENDS has not been # initialized yet, just save the configuration selection and call back later # to validate it. # # ``$1`` - the name of the database backend to use (mysql, postgresql, ...) function use_database { if [[ -z "$DATABASE_BACKENDS" ]]; then # No backends registered means this is likely called from ``localrc`` # This is now deprecated usage DATABASE_TYPE=$1 deprecated "The database backend needs to be properly set in ENABLED_SERVICES; use_database is deprecated localrc" else # This should no longer get called...here for posterity use_exclusive_service DATABASE_BACKENDS DATABASE_TYPE $1 fi } #Macro for curl statements. curl requires -g option for literal IPv6 addresses. CURL_GET="${CURL_GET:-curl -g}" # Wait for an HTTP server to start answering requests # wait_for_service timeout url # # If the service we want is behind a proxy, the proxy may be available # before the service. Compliant proxies will return a 503 in this case # Loop until we get something else. # Also check for the case where there is no proxy and the service just # hasn't started yet. curl returns 7 for Failed to connect to host. function wait_for_service { local timeout=$1 local url=$2 local rval=0 time_start "wait_for_service" timeout $timeout bash -x <<EOF || rval=$? while [[ \$( ${CURL_GET} -k --noproxy '*' -s -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' ${url} ) == 503 || \$? -eq 7 ]]; do sleep 1 done EOF time_stop "wait_for_service" return $rval } function wait_for_compute { local timeout=$1 local rval=0 local compute_hostname time_start "wait_for_service" compute_hostname=$(iniget $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT host) if [[ -z $compute_hostname ]]; then compute_hostname=$(hostname) fi timeout $timeout bash -x <<EOF || rval=$? ID="" while [[ "\$ID" == "" ]]; do sleep 1 if [[ "$VIRT_DRIVER" = 'fake' ]]; then # When using the fake driver the compute hostnames have a suffix of 1 to NUMBER_FAKE_NOVA_COMPUTE ID=\$(openstack --os-cloud devstack-admin --os-region "$REGION_NAME" compute service list --host `hostname`1 --service nova-compute -c ID -f value) else ID=\$(openstack --os-cloud devstack-admin --os-region "$REGION_NAME" compute service list --host "$compute_hostname" --service nova-compute -c ID -f value) fi done EOF time_stop "wait_for_service" # Figure out what's happening on platforms where this doesn't work if [[ "$rval" != 0 ]]; then echo "Didn't find service registered by hostname after $timeout seconds" openstack --os-cloud devstack-admin --os-region "$REGION_NAME" compute service list fi return $rval } # ping check # Uses globals ``ENABLED_SERVICES``, ``TOP_DIR``, ``PRIVATE_NETWORK`` # ping_check <ip> [boot-timeout] [from_net] [expected] function ping_check { local ip=$1 local timeout=${2:-30} local from_net=${3:-""} local expected=${4:-True} local op="!" local failmsg="[Fail] Couldn't ping server" local ping_cmd="ping" # if we don't specify a from_net we're expecting things to work # fine from our local box. if [[ -n "$from_net" ]]; then # TODO(stephenfin): Is there any way neutron could be disabled now? if is_service_enabled neutron; then ping_cmd="$TOP_DIR/tools/ping_neutron.sh $from_net" fi fi # inverse the logic if we're testing no connectivity if [[ "$expected" != "True" ]]; then op="" failmsg="[Fail] Could ping server" fi # Because we've transformed this command so many times, print it # out at the end. local check_command="while $op $ping_cmd -c1 -w1 $ip; do sleep 1; done" echo "Checking connectivity with $check_command" if ! timeout $timeout sh -c "$check_command"; then die $LINENO $failmsg fi } # Get ip of instance function get_instance_ip { local vm_id=$1 local network_name=$2 local addresses local ip addresses=$(openstack server show -c addresses -f value "$vm_id") ip=$(echo $addresses | sed -n "s/^.*$network_name=\([0-9\.]*\).*$/\1/p") if [[ $ip = "" ]];then echo "addresses of server $vm_id : $addresses" die $LINENO "[Fail] Couldn't get ipaddress of VM" fi echo $ip } # ssh check # ssh_check net-name key-file floating-ip default-user active-timeout function ssh_check { if is_service_enabled neutron; then _ssh_check_neutron "$1" $2 $3 $4 $5 return fi _ssh_check_novanet "$1" $2 $3 $4 $5 } function _ssh_check_novanet { local NET_NAME=$1 local KEY_FILE=$2 local FLOATING_IP=$3 local DEFAULT_INSTANCE_USER=$4 local ACTIVE_TIMEOUT=$5 local probe_cmd="" if ! timeout $ACTIVE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $KEY_FILE ${DEFAULT_INSTANCE_USER}@$FLOATING_IP echo success; do sleep 1; done"; then die $LINENO "server didn't become ssh-able!" fi } # Get the location of the $module-rootwrap executables, where module is cinder # or nova. # get_rootwrap_location module function get_rootwrap_location { local module=$1 echo "$(get_python_exec_prefix)/$module-rootwrap" } # Path permissions sanity check # check_path_perm_sanity path function check_path_perm_sanity { # Ensure no element of the path has 0700 permissions, which is very # likely to cause issues for daemons. Inspired by default 0700 # homedir permissions on RHEL and common practice of making DEST in # the stack user's homedir. local real_path real_path=$(readlink -f $1) local rebuilt_path="" for i in $(echo ${real_path} | tr "/" " "); do rebuilt_path=$rebuilt_path"/"$i if [[ $(stat -c '%a' ${rebuilt_path}) = 700 ]]; then echo "*** DEST path element" echo "*** ${rebuilt_path}" echo "*** appears to have 0700 permissions." echo "*** This is very likely to cause fatal issues for DevStack daemons." if [[ -n "$SKIP_PATH_SANITY" ]]; then return else echo "*** Set SKIP_PATH_SANITY to skip this check" die $LINENO "Invalid path permissions" fi fi done } # vercmp ver1 op ver2 # Compare VER1 to VER2 # - op is one of < <= == >= > # - returns true if satisified # e.g. # if vercmp 1.0 "<" 2.0; then # ... # fi function vercmp { local v1=$1 local op=$2 local v2=$3 local result # sort the two numbers with sort's "-V" argument. Based on if v2 # swapped places with v1, we can determine ordering. result=$(echo -e "$v1\n$v2" | sort -V | head -1) case $op in "==") [ "$v1" = "$v2" ] return ;; ">") [ "$v1" != "$v2" ] && [ "$result" = "$v2" ] return ;; "<") [ "$v1" != "$v2" ] && [ "$result" = "$v1" ] return ;; ">=") [ "$result" = "$v2" ] return ;; "<=") [ "$result" = "$v1" ] return ;; *) die $LINENO "unrecognised op: $op" ;; esac } # This sets up defaults we like in devstack for logging for tracking # down issues, and makes sure everything is done the same between # projects. # NOTE(jh): Historically this function switched between three different # functions: setup_systemd_logging, setup_colorized_logging and # setup_standard_logging_identity. Since we always run with systemd now, # this could be cleaned up, but the other functions may still be in use # by plugins. Since deprecations haven't worked in the past, we'll just # leave them in place. function setup_logging { setup_systemd_logging $1 } # This function sets log formatting options for colorizing log # output to stdout. It is meant to be called by lib modules. function setup_colorized_logging { local conf_file=$1 # Add color to logging output iniset $conf_file DEFAULT logging_context_format_string "%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(color)s%(levelname)s %(name)s [[01;36m%(request_id)s [00;36m%(project_name)s %(user_name)s%(color)s] [01;35m%(instance)s%(color)s%(message)s[00m" iniset $conf_file DEFAULT logging_default_format_string "%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(color)s%(levelname)s %(name)s [[00;36m-%(color)s] [01;35m%(instance)s%(color)s%(message)s[00m" iniset $conf_file DEFAULT logging_debug_format_suffix "[00;33mfrom (pid=%(process)d) %(funcName)s %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d[00m" iniset $conf_file DEFAULT logging_exception_prefix "%(color)s%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d TRACE %(name)s [01;35m%(instance)s[00m" } function setup_systemd_logging { local conf_file=$1 # NOTE(sdague): this is a nice to have, and means we're using the # native systemd path, which provides for things like search on # request-id. However, there may be an eventlet interaction here, # so going off for now. USE_JOURNAL=$(trueorfalse False USE_JOURNAL) local pidstr="" if [[ "$USE_JOURNAL" == "True" ]]; then iniset $conf_file DEFAULT use_journal "True" # if we are using the journal directly, our process id is already correct else pidstr="(pid=%(process)d) " fi iniset $conf_file DEFAULT logging_debug_format_suffix "[00;33m{{${pidstr}%(funcName)s %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d}}[00m" iniset $conf_file DEFAULT logging_context_format_string "%(color)s%(levelname)s %(name)s [[01;36m%(global_request_id)s %(request_id)s [00;36m%(project_name)s %(user_name)s%(color)s] [01;35m%(instance)s%(color)s%(message)s[00m" iniset $conf_file DEFAULT logging_default_format_string "%(color)s%(levelname)s %(name)s [[00;36m-%(color)s] [01;35m%(instance)s%(color)s%(message)s[00m" iniset $conf_file DEFAULT logging_exception_prefix "ERROR %(name)s [01;35m%(instance)s[00m" } function setup_standard_logging_identity { local conf_file=$1 iniset $conf_file DEFAULT logging_user_identity_format "%(project_name)s %(user_name)s" } # These functions are provided for basic fall-back functionality for # projects that include parts of DevStack (Grenade). stack.sh will # override these with more specific versions for DevStack (with fancy # spinners, etc). We never override an existing version if ! function_exists echo_summary; then function echo_summary { echo $@ } fi if ! function_exists echo_nolog; then function echo_nolog { echo $@ } fi # create_disk - Create, configure, and mount a backing disk function create_disk { local node_number local disk_image=${1} local storage_data_dir=${2} local loopback_disk_size=${3} local key key=$(echo $disk_image | sed 's#/.##') key="devstack-$key" destroy_disk $disk_image $storage_data_dir # Create an empty file of the correct size (and ensure the # directory structure up to that path exists) sudo mkdir -p $(dirname ${disk_image}) sudo truncate -s ${loopback_disk_size} ${disk_image} # Make a fresh XFS filesystem. Use bigger inodes so xattr can fit in # a single inode. Keeping the default inode size (256) will result in multiple # inodes being used to store xattr. Retrieving the xattr will be slower # since we have to read multiple inodes. This statement is true for both # Swift and Ceph. sudo mkfs.xfs -f -i size=1024 ${disk_image} # Install a new loopback fstab entry for this disk image, and mount it echo "$disk_image $storage_data_dir xfs loop,noatime,nodiratime,logbufs=8,comment=$key 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab sudo mkdir -p $storage_data_dir sudo mount -v $storage_data_dir } # Unmount, de-configure, and destroy a backing disk function destroy_disk { local disk_image=$1 local storage_data_dir=$2 local key key=$(echo $disk_image | sed 's#/.##') key="devstack-$key" # Unmount the target, if mounted if egrep -q $storage_data_dir /proc/mounts; then sudo umount $storage_data_dir fi # Clear any fstab rules sudo sed -i '/.*comment=$key.*/ d' /etc/fstab # Delete the file sudo rm -f $disk_image } # set_mtu - Set MTU on a device function set_mtu { local dev=$1 local mtu=$2 sudo ip link set mtu $mtu dev $dev } # running_in_container - Returns true otherwise false function running_in_container { [[ $(systemd-detect-virt --container) != 'none' ]] } # enable_kernel_bridge_firewall - Enable kernel support for bridge firewalling function enable_kernel_bridge_firewall { # Load bridge module. This module provides access to firewall for bridged # frames; and also on older kernels (pre-3.18) it provides sysctl knobs to # enable/disable bridge firewalling sudo modprobe bridge # For newer kernels (3.18+), those sysctl settings are split into a separate # kernel module (br_netfilter). Load it too, if present. sudo modprobe br_netfilter 2>> /dev/null || : # Enable bridge firewalling in case it's disabled in kernel (upstream # default is enabled, but some distributions may decide to change it). # This is at least needed for RHEL 7.2 and earlier releases. for proto in ip ip6; do sudo sysctl -w net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-${proto}tables=1 done } # Set a systemd system override # # This sets a system-side override in system.conf. A per-service # override would be /etc/systemd/system/${service}.service/override.conf function set_systemd_override { local key="$1" local value="$2" local sysconf="/etc/systemd/system.conf" iniset -sudo "${sysconf}" "Manager" "$key" "$value" echo "Set systemd system override for ${key}=${value}" sudo systemctl daemon-reload } # Get a random port from the local port range # # This function returns an available port in the local port range. The search # order is not truly random, but should be considered a random value by the # user because it depends on the state of your local system. function get_random_port { read lower_port upper_port < /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range while true; do for (( port = upper_port ; port >= lower_port ; port-- )); do sudo lsof -i ":$port" &> /dev/null if [[ $? > 0 ]] ; then break 2 fi done done echo $port } # Save some state information # # Write out various useful state information to /etc/devstack-version function write_devstack_version { cat - <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/devstack-version >/dev/null DevStack Version: ${DEVSTACK_SERIES} Change: $(git log --format="%H %s %ci" -1) OS Version: ${os_VENDOR} ${os_RELEASE} ${os_CODENAME} EOF } # Restore xtrace $_XTRACE_FUNCTIONS # Local variables: # mode: shell-script # End: