# **inc/python** - Python-related functions
# Support for pip/setuptools interfaces and virtual environments
# External functions used:
# - GetOSVersion
# - is_fedora
# - is_suse
# - safe_chown

# Save trace setting
INC_PY_TRACE=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace

# Global Config Variables

# PROJECT_VENV contains the name of the virtual environment for each
# project.  A null value installs to the system Python directories.

# Python Functions
# ================

# Get the path to the pip command.
# get_pip_command
function get_pip_command {
    local version="$1"
    # NOTE(dhellmann): I don't know if we actually get a pip3.4-python
    # under any circumstances.
    which pip${version} || which pip${version}-python

    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        die $LINENO "Unable to find pip${version}; cannot continue"

# Get the path to the directory where python executables are installed.
# get_python_exec_prefix
function get_python_exec_prefix {
    local xtrace
    xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
    set +o xtrace
    if [[ -z "$os_PACKAGE" ]]; then

    if is_fedora || is_suse; then
        echo "/usr/bin"
        echo "/usr/local/bin"

# Wrapper for ``pip install`` that only installs versions of libraries
# from the global-requirements specification.
# Uses globals ``REQUIREMENTS_DIR``
# pip_install_gr packagename
function pip_install_gr {
    local name=$1
    local clean_name
    clean_name=$(get_from_global_requirements $name)
    pip_install $clean_name

# Determine the python versions supported by a package
function get_python_versions_for_package {
    local name=$1
    cd $name && python setup.py --classifiers \
        | grep 'Language' | cut -f5 -d: | grep '\.' | tr '\n' ' '

# Wrapper for ``pip install`` to set cache and proxy environment variables
# Uses globals ``OFFLINE``, ``PIP_VIRTUAL_ENV``,
# ``PIP_UPGRADE``, ``TRACK_DEPENDS``, ``*_proxy``,
# pip_install package [package ...]
function pip_install {
    local xtrace result
    xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
    set +o xtrace
    local upgrade=""
    local offline=${OFFLINE:-False}
    if [[ "$offline" == "True" || -z "$@" ]]; then

    time_start "pip_install"

    PIP_UPGRADE=$(trueorfalse False PIP_UPGRADE)
    if [[ "$PIP_UPGRADE" = "True" ]] ; then

    if [[ -z "$os_PACKAGE" ]]; then
    if [[ $TRACK_DEPENDS = True && ! "$@" =~ virtualenv ]]; then
        # TRACK_DEPENDS=True installation creates a circular dependency when
        # we attempt to install virtualenv into a virtualenv, so we must global
        # that installation.
        source $DEST/.venv/bin/activate
        local cmd_pip=$DEST/.venv/bin/pip
        local sudo_pip="env"
        if [[ -n ${PIP_VIRTUAL_ENV:=} && -d ${PIP_VIRTUAL_ENV} ]]; then
            local cmd_pip=$PIP_VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/pip
            local sudo_pip="env"
            local cmd_pip
            cmd_pip=$(get_pip_command $PYTHON2_VERSION)
            local sudo_pip="sudo -H"
            if python3_enabled; then
                # Look at the package classifiers to find the python
                # versions supported, and if we find the version of
                # python3 we've been told to use, use that instead of the
                # default pip
                local package_dir=${!#}
                local python_versions
                if [[ -d "$package_dir" ]]; then
                    python_versions=$(get_python_versions_for_package $package_dir)
                    if [[ $python_versions =~ $PYTHON3_VERSION ]]; then
                        cmd_pip=$(get_pip_command $PYTHON3_VERSION)

    cmd_pip="$cmd_pip install"
    # Always apply constraints
    cmd_pip="$cmd_pip -c $REQUIREMENTS_DIR/upper-constraints.txt"

    # FIXME(dhellmann): Need to force multiple versions of pip for
    # packages like setuptools?
    local pip_version
    pip_version=$(python -c "import pip; \
    if (( pip_version<6 )); then
        die $LINENO "Currently installed pip version ${pip_version} does not" \
            "meet minimum requirements (>=6)."

    # adding SETUPTOOLS_SYS_PATH_TECHNIQUE is a workaround to keep
    # the same behaviour of setuptools before version 25.0.0.
    # related issue: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/3874
    $sudo_pip \
        http_proxy="${http_proxy:-}" \
        https_proxy="${https_proxy:-}" \
        no_proxy="${no_proxy:-}" \
        $cmd_pip $upgrade \

    # Also install test requirements
    local test_req="${!#}/test-requirements.txt"
    if [[ $result == 0 ]] && [[ -e "$test_req" ]]; then
        echo "Installing test-requirements for $test_req"
        $sudo_pip \
            http_proxy=${http_proxy:-} \
            https_proxy=${https_proxy:-} \
            no_proxy=${no_proxy:-} \
            $cmd_pip $upgrade \
            -r $test_req

    time_stop "pip_install"
    return $result

# get version of a package from global requirements file
# get_from_global_requirements <package>
function get_from_global_requirements {
    local package=$1
    local required_pkg
    required_pkg=$(grep -i -h ^${package} $REQUIREMENTS_DIR/global-requirements.txt | cut -d\# -f1)
    if [[ $required_pkg == ""  ]]; then
        die $LINENO "Can't find package $package in requirements"
    echo $required_pkg

# should we use this library from their git repo, or should we let it
# get pulled in via pip dependencies.
function use_library_from_git {
    local name=$1
    local enabled=1
    [[ ${LIBS_FROM_GIT} = 'ALL' ]] || [[ ,${LIBS_FROM_GIT}, =~ ,${name}, ]] && enabled=0
    return $enabled

# determine if a package was installed from git
function lib_installed_from_git {
    local name=$1
    pip freeze 2>/dev/null | grep -- "$name" | grep -q -- '-e git'

# check that everything that's in LIBS_FROM_GIT was actually installed
# correctly, this helps double check issues with library fat fingering.
function check_libs_from_git {
    local lib=""
    local not_installed=""
    for lib in $(echo ${LIBS_FROM_GIT} | tr "," " "); do
        if ! lib_installed_from_git "$lib"; then
            not_installed+=" $lib"
    # if anything is not installed, say what it is.
    if [[ -n "$not_installed" ]]; then
        die $LINENO "The following LIBS_FROM_GIT were not installed correct: $not_installed"

# setup a library by name. If we are trying to use the library from
# git, we'll do a git based install, otherwise we'll punt and the
# library should be installed by a requirements pull from another
# project.
function setup_lib {
    local name=$1
    local dir=${GITDIR[$name]}
    setup_install $dir

# setup a library by name in editable mode. If we are trying to use
# the library from git, we'll do a git based install, otherwise we'll
# punt and the library should be installed by a requirements pull from
# another project.
# use this for non namespaced libraries
function setup_dev_lib {
    local name=$1
    local dir=${GITDIR[$name]}
    setup_develop $dir

# this should be used if you want to install globally, all libraries should
# use this, especially *oslo* ones
# setup_install project_dir [extras]
# project_dir: directory of project repo (e.g., /opt/stack/keystone)
# extras: comma-separated list of optional dependencies to install
#         (e.g., ldap,memcache).
#         See http://docs.openstack.org/developer/pbr/#extra-requirements
# The command is like "pip install <project_dir>[<extras>]"
function setup_install {
    local project_dir=$1
    local extras=$2
    _setup_package_with_constraints_edit $project_dir "" $extras

# this should be used for projects which run services, like all services
# setup_develop project_dir [extras]
# project_dir: directory of project repo (e.g., /opt/stack/keystone)
# extras: comma-separated list of optional dependencies to install
#         (e.g., ldap,memcache).
#         See http://docs.openstack.org/developer/pbr/#extra-requirements
# The command is like "pip install -e <project_dir>[<extras>]"
function setup_develop {
    local project_dir=$1
    local extras=$2
    _setup_package_with_constraints_edit $project_dir -e $extras

# determine if a project as specified by directory is in
# projects.txt. This will not be an exact match because we throw away
# the namespacing when we clone, but it should be good enough in all
# practical ways.
function is_in_projects_txt {
    local project_dir=$1
    local project_name
    project_name=$(basename $project_dir)
    grep -q "/$project_name\$" $REQUIREMENTS_DIR/projects.txt

# ``pip install -e`` the package, which processes the dependencies
# using pip before running `setup.py develop`
# Updates the constraints from REQUIREMENTS_DIR to reflect the
# future installed state of this package. This ensures when we
# install this package we get the from source version.
# Uses globals ``REQUIREMENTS_DIR``
# _setup_package_with_constraints_edit project_dir flags [extras]
# project_dir: directory of project repo (e.g., /opt/stack/keystone)
# flags: pip CLI options/flags
# extras: comma-separated list of optional dependencies to install
#         (e.g., ldap,memcache).
#         See http://docs.openstack.org/developer/pbr/#extra-requirements
# The command is like "pip install <flags> <project_dir>[<extras>]"
function _setup_package_with_constraints_edit {
    local project_dir=$1
    local flags=$2
    local extras=$3

    # Normalize the directory name to avoid
    # "installation from path or url cannot be constrained to a version"
    # error.
    # REVISIT(yamamoto): Remove this when fixed in pip.
    # https://github.com/pypa/pip/pull/3582
    project_dir=$(cd $project_dir && pwd)

    if [ -n "$REQUIREMENTS_DIR" ]; then
        # Constrain this package to this project directory from here on out.
        local name
        name=$(awk '/^name.*=/ {print $3}' $project_dir/setup.cfg)
        $REQUIREMENTS_DIR/.venv/bin/edit-constraints \
            $REQUIREMENTS_DIR/upper-constraints.txt -- $name \
            "$flags file://$project_dir#egg=$name"

    setup_package $project_dir "$flags" $extras


# ``pip install -e`` the package, which processes the dependencies
# using pip before running `setup.py develop`
# Uses globals ``STACK_USER``
# setup_package project_dir [flags] [extras]
# project_dir: directory of project repo (e.g., /opt/stack/keystone)
# flags: pip CLI options/flags
# extras: comma-separated list of optional dependencies to install
#         (e.g., ldap,memcache).
#         See http://docs.openstack.org/developer/pbr/#extra-requirements
# The command is like "pip install <flags> <project_dir>[<extras>]"
function setup_package {
    local project_dir=$1
    local flags=$2
    local extras=$3

    # if the flags variable exists, and it doesn't look like a flag,
    # assume it's actually the extras list.
    if [[ -n "$flags" && -z "$extras" && ! "$flags" =~ ^-.* ]]; then

    if [[ ! -z "$extras" ]]; then

    pip_install $flags "$project_dir$extras"
    # ensure that further actions can do things like setup.py sdist
    if [[ "$flags" == "-e" ]]; then
        safe_chown -R $STACK_USER $1/*.egg-info

# Report whether python 3 should be used
function python3_enabled {
    if [[ $USE_PYTHON3 == "True" ]]; then
        return 0
        return 1

# Install python3 packages
function install_python3 {
    if is_ubuntu; then
        apt_get install python${PYTHON3_VERSION} python${PYTHON3_VERSION}-dev

# Restore xtrace

# Local variables:
# mode: shell-script
# End: