#!/usr/bin/env bash # ``stack.sh`` is an opinionated OpenStack developer installation. It # installs and configures various combinations of **Ceilometer**, **Cinder**, # **Glance**, **Heat**, **Horizon**, **Keystone**, **Nova**, **Neutron**, # and **Swift** # This script's options can be changed by setting appropriate environment # variables. You can configure things like which git repositories to use, # services to enable, OS images to use, etc. Default values are located in the # ``stackrc`` file. If you are crafty you can run the script on multiple nodes # using shared settings for common resources (eg., mysql or rabbitmq) and build # a multi-node developer install. # To keep this script simple we assume you are running on a recent **Ubuntu** # (12.04 Precise or newer) or **Fedora** (F18 or newer) machine. (It may work # on other platforms but support for those platforms is left to those who added # them to DevStack.) It should work in a VM or physical server. Additionally # we maintain a list of ``apt`` and ``rpm`` dependencies and other configuration # files in this repo. # Learn more and get the most recent version at http://devstack.org # Make sure custom grep options don't get in the way unset GREP_OPTIONS # Sanitize language settings to avoid commands bailing out # with "unsupported locale setting" errors. unset LANG unset LANGUAGE LC_ALL=C export LC_ALL # Make sure umask is sane umask 022 # Keep track of the devstack directory TOP_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd) # Import common functions source $TOP_DIR/functions # Import config functions source $TOP_DIR/lib/config # Determine what system we are running on. This provides ``os_VENDOR``, # ``os_RELEASE``, ``os_UPDATE``, ``os_PACKAGE``, ``os_CODENAME`` # and ``DISTRO`` GetDistro # Global Settings # =============== # Check for a ``localrc`` section embedded in ``local.conf`` and extract if # ``localrc`` does not already exist # Phase: local rm -f $TOP_DIR/.localrc.auto if [[ -r $TOP_DIR/local.conf ]]; then LRC=$(get_meta_section_files $TOP_DIR/local.conf local) for lfile in $LRC; do if [[ "$lfile" == "localrc" ]]; then if [[ -r $TOP_DIR/localrc ]]; then warn $LINENO "localrc and local.conf:[[local]] both exist, using localrc" else echo "# Generated file, do not edit" >$TOP_DIR/.localrc.auto get_meta_section $TOP_DIR/local.conf local $lfile >>$TOP_DIR/.localrc.auto fi fi done fi # ``stack.sh`` is customizable by setting environment variables. Override a # default setting via export:: # # export DATABASE_PASSWORD=anothersecret # ./stack.sh # # or by setting the variable on the command line:: # # DATABASE_PASSWORD=simple ./stack.sh # # Persistent variables can be placed in a ``localrc`` file:: # # DATABASE_PASSWORD=anothersecret # DATABASE_USER=hellaroot # # We try to have sensible defaults, so you should be able to run ``./stack.sh`` # in most cases. ``localrc`` is not distributed with DevStack and will never # be overwritten by a DevStack update. # # DevStack distributes ``stackrc`` which contains locations for the OpenStack # repositories, branches to configure, and other configuration defaults. # ``stackrc`` sources ``localrc`` to allow you to safely override those settings. if [[ ! -r $TOP_DIR/stackrc ]]; then log_error $LINENO "missing $TOP_DIR/stackrc - did you grab more than just stack.sh?" fi source $TOP_DIR/stackrc # Local Settings # -------------- # Make sure the proxy config is visible to sub-processes export_proxy_variables # Destination path for installation ``DEST`` DEST=${DEST:-/opt/stack} # Sanity Check # ------------ # Clean up last environment var cache if [[ -r $TOP_DIR/.stackenv ]]; then rm $TOP_DIR/.stackenv fi # ``stack.sh`` keeps the list of ``apt`` and ``rpm`` dependencies and config # templates and other useful files in the ``files`` subdirectory FILES=$TOP_DIR/files if [ ! -d $FILES ]; then log_error $LINENO "missing devstack/files" fi # ``stack.sh`` keeps function libraries here # Make sure ``$TOP_DIR/lib`` directory is present if [ ! -d $TOP_DIR/lib ]; then log_error $LINENO "missing devstack/lib" fi # Import common services (database, message queue) configuration source $TOP_DIR/lib/database source $TOP_DIR/lib/rpc_backend # Remove services which were negated in ENABLED_SERVICES # using the "-" prefix (e.g., "-rabbit") instead of # calling disable_service(). disable_negated_services # Warn users who aren't on an explicitly supported distro, but allow them to # override check and attempt installation with ``FORCE=yes ./stack`` if [[ ! ${DISTRO} =~ (precise|saucy|trusty|7.0|wheezy|sid|testing|jessie|f19|f20|rhel6) ]]; then echo "WARNING: this script has not been tested on $DISTRO" if [[ "$FORCE" != "yes" ]]; then die $LINENO "If you wish to run this script anyway run with FORCE=yes" fi fi # Make sure we only have one rpc backend enabled, # and the specified rpc backend is available on your platform. check_rpc_backend # Check to see if we are already running DevStack # Note that this may fail if USE_SCREEN=False if type -p screen >/dev/null && screen -ls | egrep -q "[0-9].$SCREEN_NAME"; then echo "You are already running a stack.sh session." echo "To rejoin this session type 'screen -x stack'." echo "To destroy this session, type './unstack.sh'." exit 1 fi # Set up logging level VERBOSE=$(trueorfalse True $VERBOSE) # root Access # ----------- # OpenStack is designed to be run as a non-root user; Horizon will fail to run # as **root** since Apache will not serve content from **root** user). # ``stack.sh`` must not be run as **root**. It aborts and suggests one course of # action to create a suitable user account. if [[ $EUID -eq 0 ]]; then echo "You are running this script as root." echo "Cut it out." echo "Really." echo "If you need an account to run DevStack, do this (as root, heh) to create $STACK_USER:" echo "$TOP_DIR/tools/create-stack-user.sh" exit 1 fi # We're not **root**, make sure ``sudo`` is available is_package_installed sudo || install_package sudo # UEC images ``/etc/sudoers`` does not have a ``#includedir``, add one sudo grep -q "^#includedir.*/etc/sudoers.d" /etc/sudoers || echo "#includedir /etc/sudoers.d" | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers # Set up devstack sudoers TEMPFILE=`mktemp` echo "$STACK_USER ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:ALL" >$TEMPFILE # Some binaries might be under /sbin or /usr/sbin, so make sure sudo will # see them by forcing PATH echo "Defaults:$STACK_USER secure_path=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin" >> $TEMPFILE chmod 0440 $TEMPFILE sudo chown root:root $TEMPFILE sudo mv $TEMPFILE /etc/sudoers.d/50_stack_sh # Additional repos # ---------------- # Some distros need to add repos beyond the defaults provided by the vendor # to pick up required packages. # The Debian Wheezy official repositories do not contain all required packages, # add gplhost repository. if [[ "$os_VENDOR" =~ (Debian) ]]; then echo 'deb http://archive.gplhost.com/debian grizzly main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gplhost_wheezy-backports.list echo 'deb http://archive.gplhost.com/debian grizzly-backports main' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gplhost_wheezy-backports.list apt_get update apt_get install --force-yes gplhost-archive-keyring fi if [[ is_fedora && $DISTRO =~ (rhel6) ]]; then # Installing Open vSwitch on RHEL6 requires enabling the RDO repo. RHEL6_RDO_REPO_RPM=${RHEL6_RDO_REPO_RPM:-"http://rdo.fedorapeople.org/openstack-havana/rdo-release-havana.rpm"} RHEL6_RDO_REPO_ID=${RHEL6_RDO_REPO_ID:-"openstack-havana"} if ! sudo yum repolist enabled $RHEL6_RDO_REPO_ID | grep -q $RHEL6_RDO_REPO_ID; then echo "RDO repo not detected; installing" yum_install $RHEL6_RDO_REPO_RPM || \ die $LINENO "Error installing RDO repo, cannot continue" fi # RHEL6 requires EPEL for many Open Stack dependencies RHEL6_EPEL_RPM=${RHEL6_EPEL_RPM:-"http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm"} if ! sudo yum repolist enabled epel | grep -q 'epel'; then echo "EPEL not detected; installing" yum_install ${RHEL6_EPEL_RPM} || \ die $LINENO "Error installing EPEL repo, cannot continue" fi # ... and also optional to be enabled is_package_installed yum-utils || install_package yum-utils sudo yum-config-manager --enable rhel-6-server-optional-rpms fi # Filesystem setup # ---------------- # Create the destination directory and ensure it is writable by the user # and read/executable by everybody for daemons (e.g. apache run for horizon) sudo mkdir -p $DEST safe_chown -R $STACK_USER $DEST safe_chmod 0755 $DEST # a basic test for $DEST path permissions (fatal on error unless skipped) check_path_perm_sanity ${DEST} # Certain services such as rabbitmq require that the local hostname resolves # correctly. Make sure it exists in /etc/hosts so that is always true. LOCAL_HOSTNAME=`hostname -s` if [ -z "`grep ^ /etc/hosts | grep $LOCAL_HOSTNAME`" ]; then sudo sed -i "s/\(^*\)/\1 $LOCAL_HOSTNAME/" /etc/hosts fi # Destination path for service data DATA_DIR=${DATA_DIR:-${DEST}/data} sudo mkdir -p $DATA_DIR safe_chown -R $STACK_USER $DATA_DIR # Common Configuration # -------------------- # Set ``OFFLINE`` to ``True`` to configure ``stack.sh`` to run cleanly without # Internet access. ``stack.sh`` must have been previously run with Internet # access to install prerequisites and fetch repositories. OFFLINE=`trueorfalse False $OFFLINE` # Set ``ERROR_ON_CLONE`` to ``True`` to configure ``stack.sh`` to exit if # the destination git repository does not exist during the ``git_clone`` # operation. ERROR_ON_CLONE=`trueorfalse False $ERROR_ON_CLONE` # Whether to enable the debug log level in OpenStack services ENABLE_DEBUG_LOG_LEVEL=`trueorfalse True $ENABLE_DEBUG_LOG_LEVEL` # Set fixed and floating range here so we can make sure not to use addresses # from either range when attempting to guess the IP to use for the host. # Note that setting FIXED_RANGE may be necessary when running DevStack # in an OpenStack cloud that uses either of these address ranges internally. FLOATING_RANGE=${FLOATING_RANGE:-} FIXED_RANGE=${FIXED_RANGE:-} FIXED_NETWORK_SIZE=${FIXED_NETWORK_SIZE:-256} HOST_IP=$(get_default_host_ip $FIXED_RANGE $FLOATING_RANGE "$HOST_IP_IFACE" "$HOST_IP") if [ "$HOST_IP" == "" ]; then die $LINENO "Could not determine host ip address. Either localrc specified dhcp on ${HOST_IP_IFACE} or defaulted" fi # Allow the use of an alternate hostname (such as localhost/ for service endpoints. SERVICE_HOST=${SERVICE_HOST:-$HOST_IP} # Allow the use of an alternate protocol (such as https) for service endpoints SERVICE_PROTOCOL=${SERVICE_PROTOCOL:-http} # Configure services to use syslog instead of writing to individual log files SYSLOG=`trueorfalse False $SYSLOG` SYSLOG_HOST=${SYSLOG_HOST:-$HOST_IP} SYSLOG_PORT=${SYSLOG_PORT:-516} # for DSTAT logging DSTAT_FILE=${DSTAT_FILE:-"dstat.txt"} # Use color for logging output (only available if syslog is not used) LOG_COLOR=`trueorfalse True $LOG_COLOR` # Service startup timeout SERVICE_TIMEOUT=${SERVICE_TIMEOUT:-60} # Reset the bundle of CA certificates SSL_BUNDLE_FILE="$DATA_DIR/ca-bundle.pem" rm -f $SSL_BUNDLE_FILE # Configure Projects # ================== # Import apache functions source $TOP_DIR/lib/apache # Import TLS functions source $TOP_DIR/lib/tls # Source project function libraries source $TOP_DIR/lib/infra source $TOP_DIR/lib/oslo source $TOP_DIR/lib/stackforge source $TOP_DIR/lib/horizon source $TOP_DIR/lib/keystone source $TOP_DIR/lib/glance source $TOP_DIR/lib/nova source $TOP_DIR/lib/cinder source $TOP_DIR/lib/swift source $TOP_DIR/lib/ceilometer source $TOP_DIR/lib/heat source $TOP_DIR/lib/neutron source $TOP_DIR/lib/baremetal source $TOP_DIR/lib/ldap # Extras Source # -------------- # Phase: source if [[ -d $TOP_DIR/extras.d ]]; then for i in $TOP_DIR/extras.d/*.sh; do [[ -r $i ]] && source $i source done fi # Set the destination directories for other OpenStack projects OPENSTACKCLIENT_DIR=$DEST/python-openstackclient # Interactive Configuration # ------------------------- # Do all interactive config up front before the logging spew begins # Generic helper to configure passwords function read_password { XTRACE=$(set +o | grep xtrace) set +o xtrace var=$1; msg=$2 pw=${!var} if [[ -f $RC_DIR/localrc ]]; then localrc=$TOP_DIR/localrc else localrc=$TOP_DIR/.localrc.auto fi # If the password is not defined yet, proceed to prompt user for a password. if [ ! $pw ]; then # If there is no localrc file, create one if [ ! -e $localrc ]; then touch $localrc fi # Presumably if we got this far it can only be that our localrc is missing # the required password. Prompt user for a password and write to localrc. echo '' echo '################################################################################' echo $msg echo '################################################################################' echo "This value will be written to your localrc file so you don't have to enter it " echo "again. Use only alphanumeric characters." echo "If you leave this blank, a random default value will be used." pw=" " while true; do echo "Enter a password now:" read -e $var pw=${!var} [[ "$pw" = "`echo $pw | tr -cd [:alnum:]`" ]] && break echo "Invalid chars in password. Try again:" done if [ ! $pw ]; then pw=`openssl rand -hex 10` fi eval "$var=$pw" echo "$var=$pw" >> $localrc fi $XTRACE } # Database Configuration # To select between database backends, add the following to ``localrc``: # # disable_service mysql # enable_service postgresql # # The available database backends are listed in ``DATABASE_BACKENDS`` after # ``lib/database`` is sourced. ``mysql`` is the default. initialize_database_backends && echo "Using $DATABASE_TYPE database backend" || echo "No database enabled" # Queue Configuration # Rabbit connection info if is_service_enabled rabbit; then RABBIT_HOST=${RABBIT_HOST:-localhost} read_password RABBIT_PASSWORD "ENTER A PASSWORD TO USE FOR RABBIT." fi # Keystone if is_service_enabled key; then # The ``SERVICE_TOKEN`` is used to bootstrap the Keystone database. It is # just a string and is not a 'real' Keystone token. read_password SERVICE_TOKEN "ENTER A SERVICE_TOKEN TO USE FOR THE SERVICE ADMIN TOKEN." # Services authenticate to Identity with servicename/``SERVICE_PASSWORD`` read_password SERVICE_PASSWORD "ENTER A SERVICE_PASSWORD TO USE FOR THE SERVICE AUTHENTICATION." # Horizon currently truncates usernames and passwords at 20 characters read_password ADMIN_PASSWORD "ENTER A PASSWORD TO USE FOR HORIZON AND KEYSTONE (20 CHARS OR LESS)." # Keystone can now optionally install OpenLDAP by enabling the ``ldap`` # service in ``localrc`` (e.g. ``enable_service ldap``). # To clean out the Keystone contents in OpenLDAP set ``KEYSTONE_CLEAR_LDAP`` # to ``yes`` (e.g. ``KEYSTONE_CLEAR_LDAP=yes``) in ``localrc``. To enable the # Keystone Identity Driver (``keystone.identity.backends.ldap.Identity``) # set ``KEYSTONE_IDENTITY_BACKEND`` to ``ldap`` (e.g. # ``KEYSTONE_IDENTITY_BACKEND=ldap``) in ``localrc``. # only request ldap password if the service is enabled if is_service_enabled ldap; then read_password LDAP_PASSWORD "ENTER A PASSWORD TO USE FOR LDAP" fi fi # Swift if is_service_enabled s-proxy; then # We only ask for Swift Hash if we have enabled swift service. # ``SWIFT_HASH`` is a random unique string for a swift cluster that # can never change. read_password SWIFT_HASH "ENTER A RANDOM SWIFT HASH." fi # Configure logging # ----------------- # Draw a spinner so the user knows something is happening function spinner { local delay=0.75 local spinstr='/-\|' printf "..." >&3 while [ true ]; do local temp=${spinstr#?} printf "[%c]" "$spinstr" >&3 local spinstr=$temp${spinstr%"$temp"} sleep $delay printf "\b\b\b" >&3 done } # Echo text to the log file, summary log file and stdout # echo_summary "something to say" function echo_summary { if [[ -t 3 && "$VERBOSE" != "True" ]]; then kill >/dev/null 2>&1 $LAST_SPINNER_PID if [ ! -z "$LAST_SPINNER_PID" ]; then printf "\b\b\bdone\n" >&3 fi echo -n -e $@ >&6 spinner & LAST_SPINNER_PID=$! else echo -e $@ >&6 fi } # Echo text only to stdout, no log files # echo_nolog "something not for the logs" function echo_nolog { echo $@ >&3 } # Set up logging for ``stack.sh`` # Set ``LOGFILE`` to turn on logging # Append '.xxxxxxxx' to the given name to maintain history # where 'xxxxxxxx' is a representation of the date the file was created TIMESTAMP_FORMAT=${TIMESTAMP_FORMAT:-"%F-%H%M%S"} if [[ -n "$LOGFILE" || -n "$SCREEN_LOGDIR" ]]; then LOGDAYS=${LOGDAYS:-7} CURRENT_LOG_TIME=$(date "+$TIMESTAMP_FORMAT") fi if [[ -n "$LOGFILE" ]]; then # First clean up old log files. Use the user-specified ``LOGFILE`` # as the template to search for, appending '.*' to match the date # we added on earlier runs. LOGDIR=$(dirname "$LOGFILE") LOGFILENAME=$(basename "$LOGFILE") mkdir -p $LOGDIR find $LOGDIR -maxdepth 1 -name $LOGFILENAME.\* -mtime +$LOGDAYS -exec rm {} \; LOGFILE=$LOGFILE.${CURRENT_LOG_TIME} SUMFILE=$LOGFILE.${CURRENT_LOG_TIME}.summary # Redirect output according to config # Copy stdout to fd 3 exec 3>&1 if [[ "$VERBOSE" == "True" ]]; then # Redirect stdout/stderr to tee to write the log file exec 1> >( awk -v logfile=${LOGFILE} ' /((set \+o$)|xtrace)/ { next } { cmd ="date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N | \"" cmd | getline now close("date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N | \"") sub(/^/, now) print > logfile fflush(logfile) print fflush("") }' ) 2>&1 # Set up a second fd for output exec 6> >( tee "${SUMFILE}" ) else # Set fd 1 and 2 to primary logfile exec 1> "${LOGFILE}" 2>&1 # Set fd 6 to summary logfile and stdout exec 6> >( tee "${SUMFILE}" >&3 ) fi echo_summary "stack.sh log $LOGFILE" # Specified logfile name always links to the most recent log ln -sf $LOGFILE $LOGDIR/$LOGFILENAME ln -sf $SUMFILE $LOGDIR/$LOGFILENAME.summary else # Set up output redirection without log files # Copy stdout to fd 3 exec 3>&1 if [[ "$VERBOSE" != "True" ]]; then # Throw away stdout and stderr exec 1>/dev/null 2>&1 fi # Always send summary fd to original stdout exec 6>&3 fi # Set up logging of screen windows # Set ``SCREEN_LOGDIR`` to turn on logging of screen windows to the # directory specified in ``SCREEN_LOGDIR``, we will log to the the file # ``screen-$SERVICE_NAME-$TIMESTAMP.log`` in that dir and have a link # ``screen-$SERVICE_NAME.log`` to the latest log file. # Logs are kept for as long specified in ``LOGDAYS``. if [[ -n "$SCREEN_LOGDIR" ]]; then # We make sure the directory is created. if [[ -d "$SCREEN_LOGDIR" ]]; then # We cleanup the old logs find $SCREEN_LOGDIR -maxdepth 1 -name screen-\*.log -mtime +$LOGDAYS -exec rm {} \; else mkdir -p $SCREEN_LOGDIR fi fi # Set Up Script Execution # ----------------------- # Kill background processes on exit trap exit_trap EXIT function exit_trap { local r=$? jobs=$(jobs -p) if [[ -n $jobs ]]; then echo "exit_trap: cleaning up child processes" kill 2>&1 $jobs fi exit $r } # Exit on any errors so that errors don't compound trap err_trap ERR function err_trap { local r=$? set +o xtrace if [[ -n "$LOGFILE" ]]; then echo "${0##*/} failed: full log in $LOGFILE" else echo "${0##*/} failed" fi exit $r } set -o errexit # Print the commands being run so that we can see the command that triggers # an error. It is also useful for following along as the install occurs. set -o xtrace # Install Packages # ================ # OpenStack uses a fair number of other projects. # Install package requirements # Source it so the entire environment is available echo_summary "Installing package prerequisites" source $TOP_DIR/tools/install_prereqs.sh # Configure an appropriate python environment if [[ "$OFFLINE" != "True" ]]; then $TOP_DIR/tools/install_pip.sh fi # Do the ugly hacks for borken packages and distros $TOP_DIR/tools/fixup_stuff.sh install_rpc_backend if is_service_enabled $DATABASE_BACKENDS; then install_database fi if is_service_enabled neutron; then install_neutron_agent_packages fi TRACK_DEPENDS=${TRACK_DEPENDS:-False} # Install python packages into a virtualenv so that we can track them if [[ $TRACK_DEPENDS = True ]]; then echo_summary "Installing Python packages into a virtualenv $DEST/.venv" pip_install -U virtualenv rm -rf $DEST/.venv virtualenv --system-site-packages $DEST/.venv source $DEST/.venv/bin/activate $DEST/.venv/bin/pip freeze > $DEST/requires-pre-pip fi # Check Out and Install Source # ---------------------------- echo_summary "Installing OpenStack project source" # Install required infra support libraries install_infra # Install oslo libraries that have graduated install_oslo # Install stackforge libraries for testing if is_service_enabled stackforge_libs; then install_stackforge fi # Install clients libraries install_keystoneclient install_glanceclient install_cinderclient install_novaclient if is_service_enabled swift glance horizon; then install_swiftclient fi if is_service_enabled neutron nova horizon; then install_neutronclient fi if is_service_enabled heat horizon; then install_heatclient fi git_clone $OPENSTACKCLIENT_REPO $OPENSTACKCLIENT_DIR $OPENSTACKCLIENT_BRANCH setup_develop $OPENSTACKCLIENT_DIR if is_service_enabled key; then install_keystone configure_keystone fi if is_service_enabled s-proxy; then install_swift configure_swift # swift3 middleware to provide S3 emulation to Swift if is_service_enabled swift3; then # replace the nova-objectstore port by the swift port S3_SERVICE_PORT=8080 git_clone $SWIFT3_REPO $SWIFT3_DIR $SWIFT3_BRANCH setup_develop $SWIFT3_DIR fi fi if is_service_enabled g-api n-api; then # image catalog service install_glance configure_glance fi if is_service_enabled cinder; then install_cinder configure_cinder fi if is_service_enabled neutron; then install_neutron install_neutron_third_party fi if is_service_enabled nova; then # compute service install_nova cleanup_nova configure_nova fi if is_service_enabled horizon; then # dashboard install_horizon configure_horizon fi if is_service_enabled ceilometer; then install_ceilometerclient install_ceilometer echo_summary "Configuring Ceilometer" configure_ceilometer configure_ceilometerclient fi if is_service_enabled heat; then install_heat cleanup_heat configure_heat fi if is_service_enabled tls-proxy; then configure_CA init_CA init_cert # Add name to /etc/hosts # don't be naive and add to existing line! fi # Extras Install # -------------- # Phase: install if [[ -d $TOP_DIR/extras.d ]]; then for i in $TOP_DIR/extras.d/*.sh; do [[ -r $i ]] && source $i stack install done fi if [[ $TRACK_DEPENDS = True ]]; then $DEST/.venv/bin/pip freeze > $DEST/requires-post-pip if ! diff -Nru $DEST/requires-pre-pip $DEST/requires-post-pip > $DEST/requires.diff; then echo "Detect some changes for installed packages of pip, in depend tracking mode" cat $DEST/requires.diff fi echo "Ran stack.sh in depend tracking mode, bailing out now" exit 0 fi # Syslog # ------ if [[ $SYSLOG != "False" ]]; then if [[ "$SYSLOG_HOST" = "$HOST_IP" ]]; then # Configure the master host to receive cat </tmp/90-stack-m.conf \$ModLoad imrelp \$InputRELPServerRun $SYSLOG_PORT EOF sudo mv /tmp/90-stack-m.conf /etc/rsyslog.d else # Set rsyslog to send to remote host cat </tmp/90-stack-s.conf *.* :omrelp:$SYSLOG_HOST:$SYSLOG_PORT EOF sudo mv /tmp/90-stack-s.conf /etc/rsyslog.d fi RSYSLOGCONF="/etc/rsyslog.conf" if [ -f $RSYSLOGCONF ]; then sudo cp -b $RSYSLOGCONF $RSYSLOGCONF.bak if [[ $(grep '$SystemLogRateLimitBurst' $RSYSLOGCONF) ]]; then sudo sed -i 's/$SystemLogRateLimitBurst\ .*/$SystemLogRateLimitBurst\ 0/' $RSYSLOGCONF else sudo sed -i '$ i $SystemLogRateLimitBurst\ 0' $RSYSLOGCONF fi if [[ $(grep '$SystemLogRateLimitInterval' $RSYSLOGCONF) ]]; then sudo sed -i 's/$SystemLogRateLimitInterval\ .*/$SystemLogRateLimitInterval\ 0/' $RSYSLOGCONF else sudo sed -i '$ i $SystemLogRateLimitInterval\ 0' $RSYSLOGCONF fi fi echo_summary "Starting rsyslog" restart_service rsyslog fi # Finalize queue installation # ---------------------------- restart_rpc_backend # Export Certicate Authority Bundle # --------------------------------- # If certificates were used and written to the SSL bundle file then these # should be exported so clients can validate their connections. if [ -f $SSL_BUNDLE_FILE ]; then export OS_CACERT=$SSL_BUNDLE_FILE fi # Configure database # ------------------ if is_service_enabled $DATABASE_BACKENDS; then configure_database fi # Configure screen # ---------------- USE_SCREEN=$(trueorfalse True $USE_SCREEN) if [[ "$USE_SCREEN" == "True" ]]; then # Create a new named screen to run processes in screen -d -m -S $SCREEN_NAME -t shell -s /bin/bash sleep 1 # Set a reasonable status bar if [ -z "$SCREEN_HARDSTATUS" ]; then SCREEN_HARDSTATUS='%{= .} %-Lw%{= .}%> %n%f %t*%{= .}%+Lw%< %-=%{g}(%{d}%H/%l%{g})' fi screen -r $SCREEN_NAME -X hardstatus alwayslastline "$SCREEN_HARDSTATUS" screen -r $SCREEN_NAME -X setenv PROMPT_COMMAND /bin/true fi # Clear screen rc file SCREENRC=$TOP_DIR/$SCREEN_NAME-screenrc if [[ -e $SCREENRC ]]; then rm -f $SCREENRC fi # Initialize the directory for service status check init_service_check # Dstat # ------- # A better kind of sysstat, with the top process per time slice DSTAT_OPTS="-tcndylp --top-cpu-adv" if [[ -n ${SCREEN_LOGDIR} ]]; then screen_it dstat "cd $TOP_DIR; dstat $DSTAT_OPTS | tee $SCREEN_LOGDIR/$DSTAT_FILE" else screen_it dstat "dstat $DSTAT_OPTS" fi # Start Services # ============== # Keystone # -------- if is_service_enabled key; then echo_summary "Starting Keystone" init_keystone start_keystone # Set up a temporary admin URI for Keystone SERVICE_ENDPOINT=$KEYSTONE_SERVICE_PROTOCOL://$KEYSTONE_AUTH_HOST:$KEYSTONE_AUTH_PORT/v2.0 if is_service_enabled tls-proxy; then export OS_CACERT=$INT_CA_DIR/ca-chain.pem # Until the client support is fixed, just use the internal endpoint SERVICE_ENDPOINT=http://$KEYSTONE_AUTH_HOST:$KEYSTONE_AUTH_PORT_INT/v2.0 fi # Setup OpenStackclient token-flow auth export OS_TOKEN=$SERVICE_TOKEN export OS_URL=$SERVICE_ENDPOINT create_keystone_accounts create_nova_accounts create_glance_accounts create_cinder_accounts create_neutron_accounts if is_service_enabled ceilometer; then create_ceilometer_accounts fi if is_service_enabled swift; then create_swift_accounts fi if is_service_enabled heat; then create_heat_accounts fi # Begone token-flow auth unset OS_TOKEN OS_URL # Set up password-flow auth creds now that keystone is bootstrapped export OS_AUTH_URL=$SERVICE_ENDPOINT export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin export OS_USERNAME=admin export OS_PASSWORD=$ADMIN_PASSWORD fi # Horizon # ------- # Set up the django horizon application to serve via apache/wsgi if is_service_enabled horizon; then echo_summary "Configuring and starting Horizon" init_horizon start_horizon fi # Glance # ------ if is_service_enabled g-reg; then echo_summary "Configuring Glance" init_glance fi # Neutron # ------- if is_service_enabled neutron; then echo_summary "Configuring Neutron" configure_neutron # Run init_neutron only on the node hosting the neutron API server if is_service_enabled $DATABASE_BACKENDS && is_service_enabled q-svc; then init_neutron fi fi # Some Neutron plugins require network controllers which are not # a part of the OpenStack project. Configure and start them. if is_service_enabled neutron; then configure_neutron_third_party init_neutron_third_party start_neutron_third_party fi # Nova # ---- if is_service_enabled n-net q-dhcp; then # Delete traces of nova networks from prior runs # Do not kill any dnsmasq instance spawned by NetworkManager netman_pid=$(pidof NetworkManager || true) if [ -z "$netman_pid" ]; then sudo killall dnsmasq || true else sudo ps h -o pid,ppid -C dnsmasq | grep -v $netman_pid | awk '{print $1}' | sudo xargs kill || true fi clean_iptables rm -rf ${NOVA_STATE_PATH}/networks sudo mkdir -p ${NOVA_STATE_PATH}/networks safe_chown -R ${USER} ${NOVA_STATE_PATH}/networks # Force IP forwarding on, just in case sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 fi # Storage Service # --------------- if is_service_enabled s-proxy; then echo_summary "Configuring Swift" init_swift fi # Volume Service # -------------- if is_service_enabled cinder; then echo_summary "Configuring Cinder" init_cinder fi # Compute Service # --------------- if is_service_enabled nova; then echo_summary "Configuring Nova" init_nova # Additional Nova configuration that is dependent on other services if is_service_enabled neutron; then create_nova_conf_neutron elif is_service_enabled n-net; then create_nova_conf_nova_network fi init_nova_cells fi # Extra things to prepare nova for baremetal, before nova starts if is_service_enabled nova && is_baremetal; then echo_summary "Preparing for nova baremetal" prepare_baremetal_toolchain configure_baremetal_nova_dirs fi # Extras Configuration # ==================== # Phase: post-config if [[ -d $TOP_DIR/extras.d ]]; then for i in $TOP_DIR/extras.d/*.sh; do [[ -r $i ]] && source $i stack post-config done fi # Local Configuration # =================== # Apply configuration from local.conf if it exists for layer 2 services # Phase: post-config merge_config_group $TOP_DIR/local.conf post-config # Launch Services # =============== # Only run the services specified in ``ENABLED_SERVICES`` # Launch Swift Services if is_service_enabled s-proxy; then echo_summary "Starting Swift" start_swift fi # Launch the Glance services if is_service_enabled glance; then echo_summary "Starting Glance" start_glance fi # Install Images # ============== # Upload an image to glance. # # The default image is cirros, a small testing image which lets you login as **root** # cirros has a ``cloud-init`` analog supporting login via keypair and sending # scripts as userdata. # See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CloudInit for more on cloud-init # # Override ``IMAGE_URLS`` with a comma-separated list of UEC images. # * **precise**: http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/precise/current/precise-server-cloudimg-amd64.tar.gz if is_service_enabled g-reg; then TOKEN=$(keystone token-get | grep ' id ' | get_field 2) die_if_not_set $LINENO TOKEN "Keystone fail to get token" if is_baremetal; then echo_summary "Creating and uploading baremetal images" # build and upload separate deploy kernel & ramdisk upload_baremetal_deploy $TOKEN # upload images, separating out the kernel & ramdisk for PXE boot for image_url in ${IMAGE_URLS//,/ }; do upload_baremetal_image $image_url $TOKEN done else echo_summary "Uploading images" # Option to upload legacy ami-tty, which works with xenserver if [[ -n "$UPLOAD_LEGACY_TTY" ]]; then IMAGE_URLS="${IMAGE_URLS:+${IMAGE_URLS},}https://github.com/downloads/citrix-openstack/warehouse/tty.tgz" fi for image_url in ${IMAGE_URLS//,/ }; do upload_image $image_url $TOKEN done fi fi # Create an access key and secret key for nova ec2 register image if is_service_enabled key && is_service_enabled swift3 && is_service_enabled nova; then eval $(openstack ec2 credentials create --user nova --project $SERVICE_TENANT_NAME -f shell -c access -c secret) iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT s3_access_key "$access" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT s3_secret_key "$secret" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT s3_affix_tenant "True" fi # Create a randomized default value for the keymgr's fixed_key if is_service_enabled nova; then FIXED_KEY="" for i in $(seq 1 64); do FIXED_KEY+=$(echo "obase=16; $(($RANDOM % 16))" | bc); done; iniset $NOVA_CONF keymgr fixed_key "$FIXED_KEY" fi if is_service_enabled zeromq; then echo_summary "Starting zermomq receiver" screen_it zeromq "cd $NOVA_DIR && $NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-rpc-zmq-receiver" fi # Launch the nova-api and wait for it to answer before continuing if is_service_enabled n-api; then echo_summary "Starting Nova API" start_nova_api fi if is_service_enabled q-svc; then echo_summary "Starting Neutron" start_neutron_service_and_check check_neutron_third_party_integration elif is_service_enabled $DATABASE_BACKENDS && is_service_enabled n-net; then NM_CONF=${NOVA_CONF} if is_service_enabled n-cell; then NM_CONF=${NOVA_CELLS_CONF} fi # Create a small network $NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-manage --config-file $NM_CONF network create "$PRIVATE_NETWORK_NAME" $FIXED_RANGE 1 $FIXED_NETWORK_SIZE $NETWORK_CREATE_ARGS # Create some floating ips $NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-manage --config-file $NM_CONF floating create $FLOATING_RANGE --pool=$PUBLIC_NETWORK_NAME # Create a second pool $NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-manage --config-file $NM_CONF floating create --ip_range=$TEST_FLOATING_RANGE --pool=$TEST_FLOATING_POOL fi if is_service_enabled neutron; then start_neutron_agents fi # Once neutron agents are started setup initial network elements if is_service_enabled q-svc; then echo_summary "Creating initial neutron network elements" create_neutron_initial_network setup_neutron_debug fi if is_service_enabled nova; then echo_summary "Starting Nova" start_nova fi if is_service_enabled cinder; then echo_summary "Starting Cinder" start_cinder fi if is_service_enabled ceilometer; then echo_summary "Starting Ceilometer" init_ceilometer start_ceilometer fi # Configure and launch heat engine, api and metadata if is_service_enabled heat; then # Initialize heat echo_summary "Configuring Heat" init_heat echo_summary "Starting Heat" start_heat fi # Create account rc files # ======================= # Creates source able script files for easier user switching. # This step also creates certificates for tenants and users, # which is helpful in image bundle steps. if is_service_enabled nova && is_service_enabled key; then USERRC_PARAMS="-PA --target-dir $TOP_DIR/accrc" if [ -f $SSL_BUNDLE_FILE ]; then USERRC_PARAMS="$USERRC_PARAMS --os-cacert $SSL_BUNDLE_FILE" fi $TOP_DIR/tools/create_userrc.sh $USERRC_PARAMS fi # If we are running nova with baremetal driver, there are a few # last-mile configuration bits to attend to, which must happen # after n-api and n-sch have started. # Also, creating the baremetal flavor must happen after images # are loaded into glance, though just knowing the IDs is sufficient here if is_service_enabled nova && is_baremetal; then # create special flavor for baremetal if we know what images to associate [[ -n "$BM_DEPLOY_KERNEL_ID" ]] && [[ -n "$BM_DEPLOY_RAMDISK_ID" ]] && \ create_baremetal_flavor $BM_DEPLOY_KERNEL_ID $BM_DEPLOY_RAMDISK_ID # otherwise user can manually add it later by calling nova-baremetal-manage [[ -n "$BM_FIRST_MAC" ]] && add_baremetal_node if [[ "$BM_DNSMASQ_FROM_NOVA_NETWORK" = "False" ]]; then # NOTE: we do this here to ensure that our copy of dnsmasq is running sudo pkill dnsmasq || true sudo dnsmasq --conf-file= --port=0 --enable-tftp --tftp-root=/tftpboot \ --dhcp-boot=pxelinux.0 --bind-interfaces --pid-file=/var/run/dnsmasq.pid \ --interface=$BM_DNSMASQ_IFACE --dhcp-range=$BM_DNSMASQ_RANGE \ ${BM_DNSMASQ_DNS:+--dhcp-option=option:dns-server,$BM_DNSMASQ_DNS} fi # ensure callback daemon is running sudo pkill nova-baremetal-deploy-helper || true screen_it baremetal "cd ; nova-baremetal-deploy-helper" fi # Save some values we generated for later use CURRENT_RUN_TIME=$(date "+$TIMESTAMP_FORMAT") echo "# $CURRENT_RUN_TIME" >$TOP_DIR/.stackenv for i in BASE_SQL_CONN ENABLED_SERVICES HOST_IP LOGFILE \ SERVICE_HOST SERVICE_PROTOCOL STACK_USER TLS_IP KEYSTONE_AUTH_PROTOCOL OS_CACERT; do echo $i=${!i} >>$TOP_DIR/.stackenv done # Local Configuration # =================== # Apply configuration from local.conf if it exists for layer 2 services # Phase: extra merge_config_group $TOP_DIR/local.conf extra # Run extras # ========== # Phase: extra if [[ -d $TOP_DIR/extras.d ]]; then for i in $TOP_DIR/extras.d/*.sh; do [[ -r $i ]] && source $i stack extra done fi # Local Configuration # =================== # Apply configuration from local.conf if it exists for layer 2 services # Phase: post-extra merge_config_group $TOP_DIR/local.conf post-extra # Run local script # ================ # Run ``local.sh`` if it exists to perform user-managed tasks if [[ -x $TOP_DIR/local.sh ]]; then echo "Running user script $TOP_DIR/local.sh" $TOP_DIR/local.sh fi # Check the status of running services service_check # Fin # === set +o xtrace if [[ -n "$LOGFILE" ]]; then exec 1>&3 # Force all output to stdout and logs now exec 1> >( tee -a "${LOGFILE}" ) 2>&1 else # Force all output to stdout now exec 1>&3 fi # Using the cloud # --------------- echo "" echo "" echo "" # If you installed Horizon on this server you should be able # to access the site using your browser. if is_service_enabled horizon; then echo "Horizon is now available at http://$SERVICE_HOST/" fi # If Keystone is present you can point ``nova`` cli to this server if is_service_enabled key; then echo "Keystone is serving at $KEYSTONE_AUTH_PROTOCOL://$SERVICE_HOST:$KEYSTONE_SERVICE_PORT/v2.0/" echo "Examples on using novaclient command line is in exercise.sh" echo "The default users are: admin and demo" echo "The password: $ADMIN_PASSWORD" fi # Echo ``HOST_IP`` - useful for ``build_uec.sh``, which uses dhcp to give the instance an address echo "This is your host ip: $HOST_IP" # Warn that a deprecated feature was used if [[ -n "$DEPRECATED_TEXT" ]]; then echo_summary "WARNING: $DEPRECATED_TEXT" fi # TODO(dtroyer): Remove EXTRA_OPTS after stable/icehouse branch is cut # Specific warning for deprecated configs if [[ -n "$EXTRA_OPTS" ]]; then echo "" echo_summary "WARNING: EXTRA_OPTS is used" echo "You are using EXTRA_OPTS to pass configuration into nova.conf." echo "Please convert that configuration in localrc to a nova.conf section in local.conf:" echo "EXTRA_OPTS will be removed early in the Juno development cycle" echo " [[post-config|\$NOVA_CONF]] [DEFAULT] " for I in "${EXTRA_OPTS[@]}"; do # Replace the first '=' with ' ' for iniset syntax echo ${I} done fi # TODO(dtroyer): Remove EXTRA_BAREMETAL_OPTS after stable/icehouse branch is cut if [[ -n "$EXTRA_BAREMETAL_OPTS" ]]; then echo "" echo_summary "WARNING: EXTRA_BAREMETAL_OPTS is used" echo "You are using EXTRA_BAREMETAL_OPTS to pass configuration into nova.conf." echo "Please convert that configuration in localrc to a nova.conf section in local.conf:" echo "EXTRA_BAREMETAL_OPTS will be removed early in the Juno development cycle" echo " [[post-config|\$NOVA_CONF]] [baremetal] " for I in "${EXTRA_BAREMETAL_OPTS[@]}"; do # Replace the first '=' with ' ' for iniset syntax echo ${I} done fi # TODO(dtroyer): Remove Q_AGENT_EXTRA_AGENT_OPTS after stable/juno branch is cut if [[ -n "$Q_AGENT_EXTRA_AGENT_OPTS" ]]; then echo "" echo_summary "WARNING: Q_AGENT_EXTRA_AGENT_OPTS is used" echo "You are using Q_AGENT_EXTRA_AGENT_OPTS to pass configuration into $NEUTRON_CONF." echo "Please convert that configuration in localrc to a $NEUTRON_CONF section in local.conf:" echo "Q_AGENT_EXTRA_AGENT_OPTS will be removed early in the 'K' development cycle" echo " [[post-config|/\$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE]] [DEFAULT] " for I in "${Q_AGENT_EXTRA_AGENT_OPTS[@]}"; do # Replace the first '=' with ' ' for iniset syntax echo ${I} done fi # TODO(dtroyer): Remove Q_AGENT_EXTRA_SRV_OPTS after stable/juno branch is cut if [[ -n "$Q_AGENT_EXTRA_SRV_OPTS" ]]; then echo "" echo_summary "WARNING: Q_AGENT_EXTRA_SRV_OPTS is used" echo "You are using Q_AGENT_EXTRA_SRV_OPTS to pass configuration into $NEUTRON_CONF." echo "Please convert that configuration in localrc to a $NEUTRON_CONF section in local.conf:" echo "Q_AGENT_EXTRA_AGENT_OPTS will be removed early in the 'K' development cycle" echo " [[post-config|/\$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE]] [DEFAULT] " for I in "${Q_AGENT_EXTRA_SRV_OPTS[@]}"; do # Replace the first '=' with ' ' for iniset syntax echo ${I} done fi # TODO(dtroyer): Remove Q_DHCP_EXTRA_DEFAULT_OPTS after stable/icehouse branch is cut if [[ -n "$Q_DHCP_EXTRA_DEFAULT_OPTS" ]]; then echo "" echo_summary "WARNING: Q_DHCP_EXTRA_DEFAULT_OPTS is used" echo "You are using Q_DHCP_EXTRA_DEFAULT_OPTS to pass configuration into $Q_DHCP_CONF_FILE." echo "Please convert that configuration in localrc to a $Q_DHCP_CONF_FILE section in local.conf:" echo "Q_DHCP_EXTRA_DEFAULT_OPTS will be removed early in the Juno development cycle" echo " [[post-config|/\$Q_DHCP_CONF_FILE]] [DEFAULT] " for I in "${Q_DHCP_EXTRA_DEFAULT_OPTS[@]}"; do # Replace the first '=' with ' ' for iniset syntax echo ${I} done fi # TODO(dtroyer): Remove Q_SRV_EXTRA_DEFAULT_OPTS after stable/icehouse branch is cut if [[ -n "$Q_SRV_EXTRA_DEFAULT_OPTS" ]]; then echo "" echo_summary "WARNING: Q_SRV_EXTRA_DEFAULT_OPTS is used" echo "You are using Q_SRV_EXTRA_DEFAULT_OPTS to pass configuration into $NEUTRON_CONF." echo "Please convert that configuration in localrc to a $NEUTRON_CONF section in local.conf:" echo "Q_SRV_EXTRA_DEFAULT_OPTS will be removed early in the Juno development cycle" echo " [[post-config|\$NEUTRON_CONF]] [DEFAULT] " for I in "${Q_SRV_EXTRA_DEFAULT_OPTS[@]}"; do # Replace the first '=' with ' ' for iniset syntax echo ${I} done fi # Indicate how long this took to run (bash maintained variable ``SECONDS``) echo_summary "stack.sh completed in $SECONDS seconds." # Restore/close logging file descriptors exec 1>&3 exec 2>&3 exec 3>&- exec 6>&-