- nodeset: name: openstack-single-node nodes: - name: controller label: ubuntu-xenial groups: - name: tempest nodes: - controller - nodeset: name: openstack-two-node nodes: - name: controller label: ubuntu-xenial - name: compute1 label: ubuntu-xenial groups: # Node where tests are executed and test results collected - name: tempest nodes: - controller # Nodes running the compute service - name: compute nodes: - controller - compute1 # Nodes that are not the controller - name: subnode nodes: - compute1 # Switch node for multinode networking setup - name: switch nodes: - controller # Peer nodes for multinode networking setup - name: peers nodes: - compute1 - job: name: devstack-base parent: multinode abstract: true description: | Base abstract Devstack job. Defines plays and base variables, but it does not include any project and it does not run any service by default. This is a common base for all single Devstack jobs, single or multinode. Variables are defined in job.vars, which is what is then used by single node jobs and by multi node jobs for the controller, as well as in job.group-vars.peers, which is what is used by multi node jobs for subnode nodes (everything but the controller). required-projects: - git.openstack.org/openstack-dev/devstack roles: - zuul: git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/devstack-gate - zuul: git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs vars: devstack_localrc: DATABASE_PASSWORD: secretdatabase RABBIT_PASSWORD: secretrabbit ADMIN_PASSWORD: secretadmin SERVICE_PASSWORD: secretservice NETWORK_GATEWAY: FIXED_RANGE: IPV4_ADDRS_SAFE_TO_USE: FLOATING_RANGE: PUBLIC_NETWORK_GATEWAY: LOGFILE: /opt/stack/logs/devstacklog.txt LOG_COLOR: false VERBOSE: true NOVNC_FROM_PACKAGE: true ERROR_ON_CLONE: true # Gate jobs can't deal with nested virt. Disable it. LIBVIRT_TYPE: qemu # NOTE(dims): etcd 3.x is not available in debian/ubuntu # etc. As a stop gap measure, devstack uses wget to download # from the location below for all the CI jobs. ETCD_DOWNLOAD_URL: http://tarballs.openstack.org/etcd/ devstack_services: # Ignore any default set by devstack. Emit a "disable_all_services". base: false zuul_copy_output: '{{ devstack_conf_dir }}/local.conf': logs '{{ devstack_conf_dir }}/localrc': logs '{{ devstack_conf_dir }}/.localrc.auto': logs '{{ devstack_conf_dir }}/.stackenv': logs '{{ devstack_log_dir }}/dstat-csv.log': logs '{{ devstack_log_dir }}/devstacklog.txt': logs '{{ devstack_log_dir }}/devstacklog.txt.summary': logs '{{ devstack_full_log}}': logs '{{ stage_dir }}/verify_tempest_conf.log': logs '{{ stage_dir }}/apache': logs '{{ stage_dir }}/apache_config': logs '{{ stage_dir }}/etc': logs /var/log/rabbitmq: logs /var/log/postgresql: logs /var/log/mysql.err: logs /var/log/mysql.log: logs /var/log/libvirt: logs /etc/sudoers: logs /etc/sudoers.d: logs '{{ stage_dir }}/iptables.txt': logs '{{ stage_dir }}/df.txt': logs '{{ stage_dir }}/pip2-freeze.txt': logs '{{ stage_dir }}/pip3-freeze.txt': logs '{{ stage_dir }}/dpkg-l.txt': logs '{{ stage_dir }}/rpm-qa.txt': logs '{{ stage_dir }}/core': logs '{{ stage_dir }}/listen53.txt': logs '{{ stage_dir }}/deprecations.log': logs /var/log/ceph: logs /var/log/openvswitch: logs /var/log/glusterfs: logs /etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol: logs /etc/resolv.conf: logs /var/log/unbound.log: logs extensions_to_txt: conf: true log: true localrc: true stackenv: true auto: true group-vars: subnode: test_matrix_role: subnode devstack_localrc: DATABASE_PASSWORD: secretdatabase RABBIT_PASSWORD: secretrabbit ADMIN_PASSWORD: secretadmin SERVICE_PASSWORD: secretservice NETWORK_GATEWAY: FIXED_RANGE: IPV4_ADDRS_SAFE_TO_USE: FLOATING_RANGE: PUBLIC_NETWORK_GATEWAY: LOGFILE: /opt/stack/logs/devstacklog.txt LOG_COLOR: false VERBOSE: true VERBOSE_NO_TIMESTAMP: true NOVNC_FROM_PACKAGE: true ERROR_ON_CLONE: true LIBVIRT_TYPE: qemu ETCD_DOWNLOAD_URL: http://tarballs.openstack.org/etcd/ devstack_services: base: false pre-run: playbooks/pre.yaml run: playbooks/devstack.yaml post-run: playbooks/post.yaml irrelevant-files: # Documentation related - ^.*\.rst$ - ^api-ref/.*$ - ^doc/.*$ - ^releasenotes/.*$ # Translations - ^.*/locale/.*po$ - job: name: devstack-minimal parent: devstack-base description: | Minimal devstack base job, intended for use by jobs that need less than the normal minimum set of required-projects. nodeset: openstack-single-node required-projects: - git.openstack.org/openstack/requirements vars: devstack_localrc: # Multinode specific settings SERVICE_HOST: "{{ hostvars['controller']['nodepool']['private_ipv4'] }}" HOST_IP: "{{ hostvars['controller']['nodepool']['private_ipv4'] }}" PUBLIC_BRIDGE_MTU: "{{ external_bridge_mtu }}" devstack_services: # Shared services dstat: true etcd3: false mysql: true peakmem_tracker: true rabbit: true group-vars: subnode: devstack_services: # Shared services dstat: true peakmem_tracker: true devstack_localrc: # Multinode specific settings HOST_IP: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['nodepool']['private_ipv4'] }}" SERVICE_HOST: "{{ hostvars['controller']['nodepool']['private_ipv4'] }}" PUBLIC_BRIDGE_MTU: "{{ external_bridge_mtu }}" # Subnode specific settings DATABASE_TYPE: mysql RABBIT_HOST: "{{ hostvars['controller']['nodepool']['private_ipv4'] }}" DATABASE_HOST: "{{ hostvars['controller']['nodepool']['private_ipv4'] }}" - job: name: devstack parent: devstack-minimal description: | Base devstack job for integration gate. This base job can be used for single node and multinode devstack jobs. nodeset: openstack-single-node required-projects: - git.openstack.org/openstack/cinder - git.openstack.org/openstack/glance - git.openstack.org/openstack/keystone - git.openstack.org/openstack/neutron - git.openstack.org/openstack/nova - git.openstack.org/openstack/swift timeout: 7200 vars: test_matrix_configs: [neutron, tlsproxy] devstack_localrc: # Common OpenStack services settings SWIFT_REPLICAS: 1 SWIFT_START_ALL_SERVICES: false SWIFT_HASH: 1234123412341234 CINDER_PERIODIC_INTERVAL: 10 DEBUG_LIBVIRT_COREDUMPS: true NOVA_VNC_ENABLED: true VNCSERVER_LISTEN: VNCSERVER_PROXYCLIENT_ADDRESS: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['nodepool']['private_ipv4'] }}" devstack_local_conf: post-config: $NEUTRON_CONF: DEFAULT: global_physnet_mtu: '{{ external_bridge_mtu }}' devstack_services: base: true # We need this explicitly here to trigger the sync of the CA data tls-proxy: true horizon: false tempest: false # Test matrix emits ceilometer but ceilomenter is not installed in the # integrated gate, so specifying the services has not effect. # ceilometer-*: false group-vars: subnode: devstack_services: base: true # We need this explicitly here to trigger the sync of the CA data tls-proxy: true devstack_localrc: # Subnode specific settings GLANCE_HOSTPORT: "{{ hostvars['controller']['nodepool']['private_ipv4'] }}:9292" Q_HOST: "{{ hostvars['controller']['nodepool']['private_ipv4'] }}" - job: name: devstack-multinode parent: devstack nodeset: openstack-two-node description: | Simple multinode test to verify multinode functionality on devstack side. This is not meant to be used as a parent job. - job: name: devstack-tox-base parent: devstack description: | Base job for devstack-based functional tests that use tox. This job is not intended to be run directly. It's just here for organizational purposes for devstack-tox-functional and devstack-tox-functional-consumer. post-run: playbooks/tox/post.yaml vars: tox_envlist: functional tox_install_siblings: false - job: name: devstack-tox-functional parent: devstack-tox-base description: | Base job for devstack-based functional tests that use tox. Runs devstack, then runs the tox ``functional`` environment, then collects tox/testr build output like normal tox jobs. Turns off tox sibling installation. Projects may be involved in the devstack deployment and so may be in the required-projects list, but may not want to test against master of the other projects in their tox env. Child jobs can set tox_install_siblings to True to re-enable sibling processing. run: playbooks/tox/run-both.yaml - job: name: devstack-tox-functional-consumer parent: devstack description: | Base job for devstack-based functional tests for projects that consume the devstack cloud. This base job should only be used by projects that are not involved in the devstack deployment step, but are instead projects that are using devstack to get a cloud against which they can test things. Runs devstack in pre-run, then runs the tox ``functional`` environment, then collects tox/testr build output like normal tox jobs. Turns off tox sibling installation. Projects may be involved in the devstack deployment and so may be in the required-projects list, but may not want to test against master of the other projects in their tox env. Child jobs can set tox_install_siblings to True to re-enable sibling processing. pre-run: - playbooks/devstack.yaml - playbooks/tox/pre.yaml run: playbooks/tox/run.yaml - project: templates: - integrated-gate - integrated-gate-py35 - publish-openstack-sphinx-docs check: jobs: - devstack - devstack-multinode - openstack-tox-bashate - ironic-tempest-dsvm-ipa-wholedisk-bios-agent_ipmitool-tinyipa: voting: false - swift-dsvm-functional: voting: false irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^doc/.*$ - neutron-grenade: irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^doc/.*$ - neutron-grenade-multinode: irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^doc/.*$ - neutron-tempest-linuxbridge: irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^doc/.*$ - tempest-multinode-full: voting: false irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^doc/.*$ gate: jobs: - devstack - openstack-tox-bashate - neutron-grenade-multinode: irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^doc/.*$ - neutron-tempest-linuxbridge: irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^doc/.*$ - neutron-grenade: irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^doc/.*$ experimental: jobs: - devstack-plugin-ceph-tempest: irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^doc/.*$ - devstack-plugin-ceph-tempest-py3: irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^doc/.*$ - neutron-tempest-dvr: irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^doc/.*$ - legacy-tempest-dsvm-neutron-dvr-multinode-full: irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^doc/.*$ - neutron-tempest-dvr-ha-multinode-full: irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^doc/.*$ - legacy-tempest-dsvm-lvm-multibackend: irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^doc/.*$ - legacy-tempest-dsvm-neutron-pg-full: irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^doc/.*$