#!/usr/bin/env bash # build_uec_ramdisk.sh - Build RAM disk images based on UEC image # exit on error to stop unexpected errors set -o errexit if [ ! "$#" -eq "1" ]; then echo "$0 builds a gziped Ubuntu OpenStack install" echo "usage: $0 dest" exit 1 fi # Make sure that we have the proper version of ubuntu (only works on oneiric) if ! egrep -q "oneiric" /etc/lsb-release; then echo "This script only works with ubuntu oneiric." exit 1 fi # Clean up resources that may be in use cleanup() { set +o errexit if [ -n "$MNT_DIR" ]; then umount $MNT_DIR/dev umount $MNT_DIR fi if [ -n "$DEST_FILE_TMP" ]; then rm $DEST_FILE_TMP fi # Kill ourselves to signal parents trap 2; kill -2 $$ } trap cleanup SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM SIGQUIT EXIT # Output dest image DEST_FILE=$1 # Keep track of the current directory TOOLS_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd) TOP_DIR=`cd $TOOLS_DIR/..; pwd` cd $TOP_DIR # Source params source ./stackrc DEST=${DEST:-/opt/stack} # Ubuntu distro to install DIST_NAME=${DIST_NAME:-oneiric} # Configure how large the VM should be GUEST_SIZE=${GUEST_SIZE:-2G} # exit on error to stop unexpected errors set -o errexit set -o xtrace # Abort if localrc is not set if [ ! -e $TOP_DIR/localrc ]; then echo "You must have a localrc with ALL necessary passwords defined before proceeding." echo "See stack.sh for required passwords." exit 1 fi # Install deps if needed DEPS="kvm libvirt-bin kpartx cloud-utils curl" apt-get install -y --force-yes $DEPS # Where to store files and instances CACHEDIR=${CACHEDIR:-/opt/stack/cache} WORK_DIR=${WORK_DIR:-/opt/ramstack} # Where to store images image_dir=$WORK_DIR/images/$DIST_NAME mkdir -p $image_dir # Get the base image if it does not yet exist if [ ! -e $image_dir/disk ]; then $TOOLS_DIR/get_uec_image.sh -r 2000M $DIST_NAME $image_dir/disk fi # Configure the root password of the vm to be the same as ``ADMIN_PASSWORD`` ROOT_PASSWORD=${ADMIN_PASSWORD:-password} # Name of our instance, used by libvirt GUEST_NAME=${GUEST_NAME:-devstack} # Pre-load the image with basic environment if [ ! -e $image_dir/disk-primed ]; then cp $image_dir/disk $image_dir/disk-primed $TOOLS_DIR/warm_apts_and_pips_for_uec.sh $image_dir/disk-primed $TOOLS_DIR/copy_dev_environment_to_uec.sh $image_dir/disk-primed fi # Back to devstack cd $TOP_DIR DEST_FILE_TMP=`mktemp $DEST_FILE.XXXXXX` MNT_DIR=`mktemp -d --tmpdir mntXXXXXXXX` cp $image_dir/disk-primed $DEST_FILE_TMP mount -t ext4 -o loop $DEST_FILE_TMP $MNT_DIR mount -o bind /dev /$MNT_DIR/dev cp -p /etc/resolv.conf $MNT_DIR/etc/resolv.conf echo root:$ROOT_PASSWORD | chroot $MNT_DIR chpasswd touch $MNT_DIR/$DEST/.ramdisk # We need to install a non-virtual kernel and modules to boot from if [ ! -r "`ls $MNT_DIR/boot/vmlinuz-*-generic | head -1`" ]; then chroot $MNT_DIR apt-get install -y linux-generic fi # git clone only if directory doesn't exist already. Since ``DEST`` might not # be owned by the installation user, we create the directory and change the # ownership to the proper user. function git_clone { # clone new copy or fetch latest changes CHECKOUT=${MNT_DIR}$2 if [ ! -d $CHECKOUT ]; then mkdir -p $CHECKOUT git clone $1 $CHECKOUT else pushd $CHECKOUT git fetch popd fi # FIXME(ja): checkout specified version (should works for branches and tags) pushd $CHECKOUT # checkout the proper branch/tag git checkout $3 # force our local version to be the same as the remote version git reset --hard origin/$3 popd # give ownership to the stack user chroot $MNT_DIR chown -R stack $2 } git_clone $NOVA_REPO $DEST/nova $NOVA_BRANCH git_clone $GLANCE_REPO $DEST/glance $GLANCE_BRANCH git_clone $KEYSTONE_REPO $DEST/keystone $KEYSTONE_BRANCH git_clone $NOVNC_REPO $DEST/novnc $NOVNC_BRANCH git_clone $HORIZON_REPO $DEST/horizon $HORIZON_BRANCH git_clone $NOVACLIENT_REPO $DEST/python-novaclient $NOVACLIENT_BRANCH git_clone $OPENSTACKX_REPO $DEST/openstackx $OPENSTACKX_BRANCH git_clone $TEMPEST_REPO $DEST/tempest $TEMPEST_BRANCH # Use this version of devstack rm -rf $MNT_DIR/$DEST/devstack cp -pr $TOP_DIR $MNT_DIR/$DEST/devstack chroot $MNT_DIR chown -R stack $DEST/devstack # Configure host network for DHCP mkdir -p $MNT_DIR/etc/network cat > $MNT_DIR/etc/network/interfaces <<EOF auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp EOF # Set hostname echo "ramstack" >$MNT_DIR/etc/hostname echo " localhost ramstack" >$MNT_DIR/etc/hosts # Configure the runner RUN_SH=$MNT_DIR/$DEST/run.sh cat > $RUN_SH <<EOF #!/usr/bin/env bash # Get IP range set \`ip addr show dev eth0 | grep inet\` PREFIX=\`echo \$2 | cut -d. -f1,2,3\` export FLOATING_RANGE="\$PREFIX.224/27" # Kill any existing screens killall screen # Run stack.sh cd $DEST/devstack && \$STACKSH_PARAMS ./stack.sh > $DEST/run.sh.log echo >> $DEST/run.sh.log echo >> $DEST/run.sh.log echo "All done! Time to start clicking." >> $DEST/run.sh.log EOF # Make the run.sh executable chmod 755 $RUN_SH chroot $MNT_DIR chown stack $DEST/run.sh umount $MNT_DIR/dev umount $MNT_DIR rmdir $MNT_DIR mv $DEST_FILE_TMP $DEST_FILE rm -f $DEST_FILE_TMP trap - SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM SIGQUIT EXIT