# lib/lvm
# Configure the default LVM volume group used by Cinder and Nova

# Dependencies:
# - ``functions`` file
# - ``cinder`` configurations


# clean_default_volume_group - called from clean()
# configure_default_volume_group - called from configure()
# init_default_volume_group - called from init()

# Save trace setting
_XTRACE_LVM=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace

# Defaults
# --------
# Name of the lvm volume groups to use/create for iscsi volumes

# Backing file name is of the form $VOLUME_GROUP$BACKING_FILE_SUFFIX

# Functions
# ---------

# _clean_lvm_volume_group removes all default LVM volumes
# Usage: clean_lvm_volume_group $vg
function _clean_lvm_volume_group {
    local vg=$1

    # Clean out existing volumes
    sudo lvremove -f $vg

# _clean_lvm_backing_file() removes the backing file of the
# volume group
# Usage: _clean_lvm_backing_file() $backing_file
function _clean_lvm_backing_file {
    local backing_file=$1

    # If the backing physical device is a loop device, it was probably setup by DevStack
    if [[ -n "$backing_file" ]] && [[ -e "$backing_file" ]]; then
        local vg_dev
        vg_dev=$(sudo losetup -j $backing_file | awk -F':' '/'$BACKING_FILE_SUFFIX'/ { print $1}')
        if [[ -n "$vg_dev" ]]; then
            sudo losetup -d $vg_dev
        rm -f $backing_file

# clean_lvm_volume_group() cleans up the volume group and removes the
# backing file
# Usage: clean_lvm_volume_group $vg
function clean_lvm_volume_group {
    local vg=$1

    _clean_lvm_volume_group $vg
    # if there is no logical volume left, it's safe to attempt a cleanup
    # of the backing file
    if [[ -z "$(sudo lvs --noheadings -o lv_name $vg 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
        _clean_lvm_backing_file $DATA_DIR/$vg$BACKING_FILE_SUFFIX

# _create_lvm_volume_group creates default volume group
# Usage: _create_lvm_volume_group() $vg $size
function _create_lvm_volume_group {
    local vg=$1
    local size=$2

    local backing_file=$DATA_DIR/$vg$BACKING_FILE_SUFFIX
    if ! sudo vgs $vg; then
        # Only create if the file doesn't already exists
        [[ -f $backing_file ]] || truncate -s $size $backing_file
        local vg_dev
        vg_dev=`sudo losetup -f --show $backing_file`

        # Only create volume group if it doesn't already exist
        if ! sudo vgs $vg; then
            sudo vgcreate $vg $vg_dev

# init_lvm_volume_group() initializes the volume group creating the backing
# file if necessary
# Usage: init_lvm_volume_group() $vg
function init_lvm_volume_group {
    local vg=$1
    local size=$2

    # Start the lvmetad and tgtd services
    if is_fedora || is_suse; then
        # services is not started by default
        start_service lvm2-lvmetad
        if [ "$CINDER_ISCSI_HELPER" = "tgtadm" ]; then
            start_service tgtd

    # Start with a clean volume group
    _create_lvm_volume_group $vg $size

    # Remove iscsi targets
    if [ "$CINDER_ISCSI_HELPER" = "lioadm" ]; then
        sudo cinder-rtstool get-targets | sudo xargs -rn 1 cinder-rtstool delete
        sudo tgtadm --op show --mode target | awk '/Target/ {print $3}' | sudo xargs -r -n1 tgt-admin --delete
    _clean_lvm_volume_group $vg

# Sentinal value to ensure that init of default lvm volume group is
# only performed once across calls of init_default_lvm_volume_group.

# init_default_lvm_volume_group() initializes a default volume group
# intended to be shared between cinder and nova.  It is idempotent;
# the init of the default volume group is guaranteed to be performed
# only once so that either or both of the dependent services can
# safely call this function.
# Usage: init_default_lvm_volume_group()
function init_default_lvm_volume_group {
    if [[ "$_DEFAULT_LVM_INIT" = "0" ]]; then

# clean_lvm_filter() Remove the filter rule set in set_lvm_filter()
# Usage: clean_lvm_filter()
function clean_lvm_filter {
    sudo sed -i "s/^.*# from devstack$//" /etc/lvm/lvm.conf

# set_lvm_filter() Gather all devices configured for LVM and
# use them to build a global device filter
# set_lvm_filter() Create a device filter
# and add to /etc/lvm.conf.  Note this uses
# all current PV's in use by LVM on the
# system to build it's filter.
# Usage: set_lvm_filter()
function set_lvm_filter {
    local filter_suffix='"r|.*|" ]  # from devstack'
    local filter_string="global_filter = [ "
    local pv
    local vg
    local line

    for pv_info in $(sudo pvs --noheadings -o name); do
        pv=$(echo -e "${pv_info}" | sed 's/ //g' | sed 's/\/dev\///g')
        new="\"a|$pv|\", "

    sudo sed -i "/# global_filter = \[*\]/a\    $global_filter$filter_string" /etc/lvm/lvm.conf
    echo_summary "set lvm.conf device global_filter to: $filter_string"

# Restore xtrace

# mode: shell-script
# End: