2012-11-10 00:04:13 +13:00
2012-11-15 16:20:32 +13:00
# Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# All Rights Reserved.
2013-01-25 14:23:56 -08:00
2012-11-15 16:20:32 +13:00
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
2013-01-25 14:23:56 -08:00
2012-11-15 16:20:32 +13:00
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
2013-01-25 14:23:56 -08:00
2012-11-15 16:20:32 +13:00
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
2012-11-10 00:04:13 +13:00
set -e
2013-01-28 18:08:50 +00:00
# Prevent perl from complaining a lot, but also remove any unexpected side-effects
# of $LANG varying between build hosts
export LANG=C
2013-04-04 20:38:19 +01:00
# Store our initial environment and command line args for later
export DIB_ARGS="$@"
export DIB_ENV=$(export)
2012-11-10 00:04:13 +13:00
SCRIPTNAME=$(basename $0)
2013-01-21 17:35:31 -08:00
SCRIPT_HOME=$(dirname $0)
2012-11-10 00:04:13 +13:00
export _LIB=$(dirname $0)/../lib
source $_LIB/die
function show_options () {
echo "Options:"
2013-04-08 15:10:34 +12:00
echo " -a i386|amd64|armhf -- set the architecture of the image"
2013-01-25 14:23:56 -08:00
echo " -o filename -- set the name of the output file"
2012-11-10 00:04:13 +13:00
echo " -x -- turn on tracing"
2012-12-14 13:25:18 +13:00
echo " -u -- uncompressed; do not compress the image - larger but faster"
2013-01-30 18:24:24 +00:00
echo " -c -- clear environment before starting work"
2013-01-28 18:24:05 +00:00
echo " -n skip the default inclusion of the 'base' element"
2012-12-18 20:45:02 +00:00
echo " -p package[,package,package] -- list of packages to install in the image"
2013-02-25 10:17:32 +01:00
echo "ELEMENTS_PATH will allow you to specify multiple locations for the elements."
2012-11-10 00:04:13 +13:00
exit 0
2012-12-18 20:45:02 +00:00
2012-12-14 13:25:18 +13:00
2013-01-28 18:24:05 +00:00
TEMP=`getopt -o a:ho:xucnp: -n $SCRIPTNAME -- "$@"`
2012-11-10 00:04:13 +13:00
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "Terminating..." >&2 ; exit 1 ; fi
# Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
eval set -- "$TEMP"
while true ; do
case "$1" in
-a) export ARCH=$2; shift 2 ;;
-o) export IMAGE_NAME=$2; shift 2 ;;
-h) show_options;;
-x) shift; set -x;;
2012-12-14 13:25:18 +13:00
-u) shift; export COMPRESS_IMAGE="";;
2013-01-30 18:24:24 +00:00
-c) shift ; export CLEAR_ENV=1;;
2013-01-28 18:24:05 +00:00
-n) shift; export SKIP_BASE="1";;
2012-12-18 20:45:02 +00:00
-p) IFS="," read -a INSTALL_PACKAGES <<< "$2"; export INSTALL_PACKAGES ; shift 2 ;;
2012-11-10 00:04:13 +13:00
--) shift ; break ;;
*) echo "Internal error!" ; exit 1 ;;
2013-01-30 18:24:24 +00:00
2013-02-14 11:16:00 +13:00
if [ "$CLEAR_ENV" = "1" -a "$HOME" != "" ]; then
2013-01-30 18:24:24 +00:00
echo "Re-execing to clear environment."
echo "(note this will prevent much of the local_config element from working)"
exec -c $0 "$@"
2012-11-30 12:47:57 -08:00
for arg do IMAGE_ELEMENT="$IMAGE_ELEMENT $arg" ; done
2012-11-10 00:04:13 +13:00
2013-01-28 18:24:05 +00:00
if [ "$SKIP_BASE" != "1" ]; then
2012-11-10 00:04:13 +13:00
source $_LIB/img-defaults
2012-11-09 18:18:08 +00:00
source $_LIB/common-functions
2012-11-10 00:04:13 +13:00
source $_LIB/img-functions
2013-03-14 17:56:18 +00:00
2013-01-21 17:35:31 -08:00
IMAGE_ELEMENT=$($SCRIPT_HOME/element-info --expand-dependencies $IMAGE_ELEMENT)
2012-11-30 12:47:57 -08:00
echo "Building elements: $IMAGE_ELEMENT"
2012-11-10 00:04:13 +13:00
echo "If prompted for sudo, install sudoers.d/img-build-sudoers into /etc/sudoers.d and restart the build."
2013-02-11 17:01:36 +13:00
# TODO: make into an element.
2012-11-10 00:04:13 +13:00
2013-04-10 12:42:00 +01:00
eval_run_d block-device-size "DIB_IMAGE_SIZE="
2012-11-10 00:04:13 +13:00
2013-04-10 12:42:00 +01:00
qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o preallocation=metadata $TMP_IMAGE_PATH ${DIB_IMAGE_SIZE}G
2012-11-10 00:04:13 +13:00
2013-04-12 17:49:23 +01:00
# grab the next available /dev/nbdX and connect to it
echo "NBD Device: $NBD_DEV"
2012-11-10 00:04:13 +13:00
export EXTRA_UNMOUNT="sudo qemu-nbd -d $NBD_DEV"
2012-11-12 11:47:26 +13:00
eval_run_d block-device "IMAGE_BLOCK_DEVICE="
2012-11-10 00:04:13 +13:00
sudo mkfs -F -t $FS_TYPE -L cloudimg-rootfs ${IMAGE_BLOCK_DEVICE}
mount_tmp_image ${IMAGE_BLOCK_DEVICE}
run_d extra-data
2013-02-14 11:16:00 +13:00
# Run pre-install scripts. These do things that prepare the chroot for package installs
run_d_in_target pre-install
2012-12-18 20:45:02 +00:00
2013-02-14 11:16:00 +13:00
# Call install scripts to pull in the software users want.
run_d_in_target install
2013-04-15 11:31:04 +01:00
run_d_in_target post-install
2012-11-10 00:04:13 +13:00