diff --git a/elements/apt-sources/README.rst b/elements/apt-sources/README.rst
index 1e0171a22..9400d8dae 100644
--- a/elements/apt-sources/README.rst
+++ b/elements/apt-sources/README.rst
@@ -2,20 +2,16 @@
+Specify an apt sources.list file which is used during image building and then
+remains on the image when it is run.
-This element overrides the default sources.list.
+Environment Variables
-For APT based systems, if your network connection is slow for the default
-sources.list in the upstream cloud image, you can define `DIB_APT_SOURCES` with
-your favorite sources.list to override it, before running devtest.sh.
-The new sources.list will take effect at build time and run time.
-If you want to use this element with tripleo-incubator scripts, set `NODE_DIST`
-it take effect at the appropriate time.
-For instance, before running devtest.sh:
-    export `DIB_APT_SOURCES`=/etc/apt/sources.list
-    export `NODE_DIST`="ubuntu apt-sources"
+  :Required: No
+  :Default: None (Does not replace sources.list file)
+  :Description: Path to a file on the build host which is used in place of
+    ``/etc/apt/sources.list``
+  :Example: ``DIB_APT_SOURCES=/etc/apt/sources.list`` will use the same
+    sources.list as the build host.