====== centos ====== Use CentOS cloud images as the baseline for built disk images. For further details see the redhat-common README. Environment Variables --------------------- DIB_DISTRIBUTION_MIRROR: :Required: No :Default: None :Description: To use a CentOS Yum mirror, set this variable to the mirror URL before running bin/disk-image-create. This URL should point to the directory containing the ``7/8-stream/9-stream`` directories. :Example: ``DIB_DISTRIBUTION_MIRROR=http://amirror.com/centos`` DIB_CLOUD_IMAGES: :Required: No :Description: Set the desired URL to fetch the images from. ppc64le: Currently the CentOS community is working on providing the ppc64le images. Until then you'll need to set this to a local image file. :Example: ``DIB_CLOUD_IMAGES=/path/to/my/centos/8/CentOS-8-GenericCloud-x86_64.qcow2`` DIB_RELEASE: :Required: No :Description: To override the release to build, utilize this paraemter. Presently defaults to ``9-stream``, however may be changed by diskimage-builder to newer versions *as* the distribution versions move through their lifecycle.