# Copyright 2023 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import argparse import collections import io import jsonschema import os import os.path import shlex import subprocess import sys import textwrap import yaml import diskimage_builder.paths class SchemaProperty(object): """Base class for a basic schema and a help string""" key = None description = None schema_type = "string" def __init__(self, key, description, schema_type=None): self.key = key self.description = description if schema_type: self.schema_type = schema_type def to_schema(self): return {self.key: {"type": self.schema_type}} def type_help(self): return "Value is a string" def to_help(self): return "%s\n%s\n%s\n(%s)" % ( self.key, "-" * len(self.key), "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(self.description)), self.type_help(), ) class Env(SchemaProperty): """String dict schema for environment variables""" def __init__(self, key, description): super(Env, self).__init__(key, description, schema_type="object") def to_schema(self): schema = super(Env, self).to_schema() schema[self.key]["additionalProperties"] = {"type": "string"} return schema def type_help(self): return "Value is a map of strings" class Arg(SchemaProperty): """Command argument with associated value""" arg = None def __init__(self, key, description, schema_type=None, arg=None): super(Arg, self).__init__(key, description, schema_type=schema_type) self.arg = arg def arg_name(self): if self.arg is None: return "--%s" % self.key return self.arg def to_argument(self, value=None): arg = self.arg_name() if value is not None and value != "": return [arg, value] return [] class Flag(Arg): """Boolean value which does not contribute to arguments""" def __init__(self, key, description): super(Flag, self).__init__(key, description, schema_type="boolean") def to_argument(self, value=None): return [] def type_help(self): return "Value is a boolean" class ArgFlag(Arg): """Boolean value for a flag argument being set or not""" def __init__(self, key, description, arg=None): super(ArgFlag, self).__init__( key, description, arg=arg, schema_type="boolean" ) def to_argument(self, value=None): if value: return [self.arg_name()] return [] def type_help(self): return "Value is a boolean" class ArgEnum(Arg): """String argument constrained to a list of allowed values""" enum = None def __init__( self, key, description, schema_type="string", arg=None, enum=None ): super(ArgEnum, self).__init__( key, description, schema_type=schema_type, arg=arg ) self.enum = enum and enum or [] def to_schema(self): schema = super(ArgEnum, self).to_schema() schema[self.key]["enum"] = self.enum return schema def type_help(self): return "Allowed values: %s" % ", ".join(self.enum) class ArgFlagRepeating(ArgEnum): """Flag argument which repeats the specified number of times""" def __init__(self, key, description, arg=None, max_repeat=0): enum = list(range(max_repeat + 1)) super(ArgFlagRepeating, self).__init__( key, description, schema_type="integer", arg=arg, enum=enum ) def to_argument(self, value): return [self.arg] * value def type_help(self): return "Allowed values: %s" % ", ".join([str(i) for i in self.enum]) class ArgInt(Arg): """Integer argument which a minumum constraint""" minimum = 1 def __init__(self, key, description, arg=None, minimum=1): super(ArgInt, self).__init__( key, description, arg=arg, schema_type="integer" ) self.minimum = minimum def to_schema(self): schema = super(ArgInt, self).to_schema() schema[self.key]["minimum"] = self.minimum return schema def to_argument(self, value): return super(ArgInt, self).to_argument(str(value)) def type_help(self): return "Value is an integer" class ArgList(Arg): """List of strings converted to comma delimited argument""" def __init__(self, key, description, arg=None): super(ArgList, self).__init__( key, description, arg=arg, schema_type="array" ) def to_schema(self): schema = super(ArgList, self).to_schema() schema[self.key]["items"] = {"type": "string"} return schema def to_argument(self, value): if not value: return [] return super(ArgList, self).to_argument(",".join(value)) def type_help(self): return "Value is a list of strings" class ArgListPositional(ArgList): """List of strings converted to positional arguments""" def __init__(self, key, description): super(ArgListPositional, self).__init__(key, description) def to_argument(self, value): # it is already a list, just return it return value def type_help(self): return "Value is a list of strings" class ArgEnumList(ArgList): """List of strings constrained to a list of allowed values""" enum = None def __init__(self, key, description, arg=None, enum=None): super(ArgEnumList, self).__init__(key, description, arg=arg) self.enum = enum and enum or [] def to_schema(self): schema = super(ArgEnumList, self).to_schema() schema[self.key]["items"]["enum"] = self.enum return schema def type_help(self): return ( "Value is a list of strings with allowed values: %s)" % ", ".join(self.enum) ) class ArgDictToString(Arg): """Dict with string values converted to key=value,key2=value2 argument""" def __init__(self, key, description, arg=None): super(ArgDictToString, self).__init__( key, description, arg=arg, schema_type="object" ) def to_schema(self): schema = super(ArgDictToString, self).to_schema() schema[self.key]["additionalProperties"] = {"type": "string"} return schema def to_argument(self, value): as_list = [] for k, v in value.items(): as_list.append("%s=%s" % (k, v)) return super(ArgDictToString, self).to_argument(",".join(as_list)) def type_help(self): return "Value is a map of strings" PROPERTIES = [ Arg("imagename", "Set the imagename of the output image file.", arg="-o"), ArgEnum( "arch", "Set the architecture of the image.", arg="-a", enum=[ "aarch64", "amd64", "arm64", "armhf", "powerpc", "ppc64", "ppc64el", "ppc64le", "s390x", "x86_64", ], ), ArgEnumList( "types", "Set the image types of the output image files.", arg="-t", enum=[ "qcow2", "tar", "tgz", "squashfs", "vhd", "docker", "aci", "raw", ], ), Env( "environment", "Environment variables to set during the image build.", ), Flag( "ramdisk", "Whether to build a ramdisk image.", ), ArgFlagRepeating( "debug-trace", "Tracing level to log, integer 0 is off.", arg="-x", max_repeat=2, ), ArgFlag( "uncompressed", "Do not compress the image - larger but faster.", arg="-u", ), ArgFlag("clear", "Clear environment before starting work.", arg="-c"), Arg( "logfile", "Save run output to given logfile.", ), ArgFlag( "checksum", "Generate MD5 and SHA256 checksum files for the created image.", ), ArgInt( "image-size", "Image size in GB for the created image.", ), ArgInt( "image-extra-size", "Extra image size in GB for the created image.", ), Arg( "image-cache", "Location for cached images, defaults to ~/.cache/image-create.", ), ArgInt( "max-online-resize", "Max number of filesystem blocks to support when resizing. " "Useful if you want a really large root partition when the " "image is deployed. Using a very large value may run into a " "known bug in resize2fs. Setting the value to 274877906944 " "will get you a 1PB root file system. Making this " "value unnecessarily large will consume extra disk " "space on the root partition with extra file system inodes.", ), ArgInt( "min-tmpfs", "Minimum size in GB needed in tmpfs to build the image.", ), ArgInt( "mkfs-journal-size", "Filesystem journal size in MB to pass to mkfs.", ), Arg( "mkfs-options", "Option flags to be passed directly to mkfs.", ), ArgFlag("no-tmpfs", "Do not use tmpfs to speed image build."), ArgFlag("offline", "Do not update cached resources."), ArgDictToString( "qemu-img-options", "Option flags to be passed directly to qemu-img.", ), Arg( "root-label", 'Label for the root filesystem, defaults to "cloudimg-rootfs".', ), Arg( "ramdisk-element", "Specify the main element to be used for building ramdisks. " 'Defaults to "ramdisk". Should be set to "dracut-ramdisk" ' "for platforms such as RHEL and CentOS that do not package busybox.", ), ArgEnum( "install-type", "Specify the default installation type.", enum=["source", "package"], ), Arg( "docker-target", "Specify the repo and tag to use if the output type is docker, " "defaults to the value of output imagename.", ), ArgList( "packages", "Extra packages to install in the image. Runs once, after " '"install.d" phase. Does not apply when ramdisk is true.', arg="-p", ), ArgFlag( "skip-base", 'Skip the default inclusion of the "base" element. ' "Does not apply when ramdisk is true.", arg="-n", ), ArgListPositional( "elements", "list of elements to build the image with", ), ] SCHEMA_PROPERTIES = {} for arg in PROPERTIES: SCHEMA_PROPERTIES.update(arg.to_schema()) DIB_SCHEMA = { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": SCHEMA_PROPERTIES, "additionalProperties": False, }, "additionalProperties": False, } class Command(object): script = None args = None environ = None def __init__(self, script, properties, entry): self.script = script self.args = [] self.environ = {} for prop in properties: if prop.key in entry: value = entry[prop.key] if isinstance(prop, Env): self.environ.update(value) elif isinstance(prop, Arg): self.args.extend(prop.to_argument(value)) def merged_env(self): environ = os.environ.copy() # pre-seed some paths for the shell script environ["_LIB"] = diskimage_builder.paths.get_path("lib") environ.update(self.environ) return environ def command(self): return ["bash", self.script] + self.args def __repr__(self): elements = [] for k, v in self.environ.items(): elements.append("%s=%s" % (k, shlex.quote(v))) elements.extend([shlex.quote(a) for a in self.command()]) return " ".join(elements) + "\n" def help_properties(): str = io.StringIO() for prop in PROPERTIES: str.write(prop.to_help()) str.write("\n\n") return str.getvalue() def get_args(): description = ( """\ The file format is YAML which expects a list of image definition maps. Supported entries for an image definition are: %s """ % help_properties() ) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=description, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( "files", metavar="<filename>", nargs="+", help="Paths to image build definition YAML files", ) parser.add_argument( "--dry-run", action="store_true", help="Show the disk-image-create, ramdisk-image-create commands and " "exit", ) parser.add_argument( "--stop-on-failure", action="store_true", help="Stop building images when an image build fails", ) args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) return args def merge_entry(merged_entry, entry): for k, v in entry.items(): if isinstance(v, list): # append to existing list list_value = merged_entry.setdefault(k, []) list_value.extend(v) elif isinstance(v, dict): # update environment dict dict_value = merged_entry.setdefault(k, {}) dict_value.update(v) else: # update value merged_entry[k] = v def build_commands(definition): jsonschema.validate(definition, schema=DIB_SCHEMA) dib_script = "%s/disk-image-create" % diskimage_builder.paths.get_path( "lib" ) rib_script = "%s/ramdisk-image-create" % diskimage_builder.paths.get_path( "lib" ) # Start with the default image name, 'image' previous_imagename = "image" merged_entries = collections.OrderedDict() for entry in definition: imagename = entry.get("imagename", previous_imagename) previous_imagename = imagename if imagename not in merged_entries: merged_entries[imagename] = entry else: merge_entry(merged_entries[imagename], entry) commands = [] for entry in merged_entries.values(): if entry.get("ramdisk", False): commands.append(Command(rib_script, PROPERTIES, entry)) else: commands.append(Command(dib_script, PROPERTIES, entry)) return commands def main(): args = get_args() # export the path to the current python if not os.environ.get("DIB_PYTHON_EXEC"): os.environ["DIB_PYTHON_EXEC"] = sys.executable definitions = [] for file in args.files: with open(file) as f: definitions.extend(yaml.safe_load(f)) commands = build_commands(definitions) final_returncode = 0 failed_command = None for command in commands: sys.stderr.write(str(command)) sys.stderr.write("\n") sys.stderr.flush() if not args.dry_run: p = subprocess.Popen(command.command(), env=command.merged_env()) p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: final_returncode = p.returncode failed_command = command if args.stop_on_failure: break if final_returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError( final_returncode, failed_command.command() )