====== ubuntu ====== Use Ubuntu cloud images as the baseline for built disk images. Overrides: * To use a non-default URL for downloading base Ubuntu cloud images, use the environment variable ``DIB_CLOUD_IMAGES`` * To download a non-default release of Ubuntu cloud images, use the environment variable ``DIB_RELEASE``. This element will export the ``DIB_RELEASE`` variable. * Use ``DIB_DISTRIBUTION_MIRROR`` to override the ``sources.list`` with an alternative mirror * Setting ``DIB_DISTRIBUTION_MIRROR_UBUNTU_IGNORE`` to an extended-regexp (i.e. the argument to the ``=~`` bash comparitor) which, when matched, will *not* set that line to the ``DIB_DISTRIBUTION_MIRROR``. For example, if your local mirror does not mirror the universe and multiverse components, set this to ``(universe|multiverse)`` * Setting ``DIB_DISTRIBUTION_MIRROR_UBUNTU_INSECURE`` updates apt settings to allow insecure/unuthenticated repositories. .. element_deps::