... by replacing it by the built-in unittest.mock . Change-Id: Ie853237d5c59730353d5ea4a7e61888e066614be
711 lines
29 KiB
711 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
import logging
from unittest import mock
import diskimage_builder.block_device.tests.test_config as tc
from diskimage_builder.block_device.blockdevice import BlockDeviceState
from diskimage_builder.block_device.config import config_tree_to_graph
from diskimage_builder.block_device.config import create_graph
from diskimage_builder.block_device.exception import \
from diskimage_builder.block_device.level0.localloop import LocalLoopNode
from diskimage_builder.block_device.level1.lvm import LVMNode
from diskimage_builder.block_device.level1.lvm import LVMPlugin
from diskimage_builder.block_device.level1.lvm import LvsNode
from diskimage_builder.block_device.level1.lvm import PvsNode
from diskimage_builder.block_device.level1.lvm import VgsNode
from diskimage_builder.block_device.level1.partitioning import PartitionNode
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TestLVM(tc.TestGraphGeneration):
def test_lvm_tree_to_graph(self):
# equivalence of tree-based to graph-based config
tree = self.load_config_file('lvm_tree.yaml')
graph = self.load_config_file('lvm_graph.yaml')
parsed_graph = config_tree_to_graph(tree)
self.assertCountEqual(parsed_graph, graph)
def test_lvm_invalid_config(self):
# test some invalid config paths
config = self.load_config_file('lvm_graph.yaml')
lvm_config = config[2]['lvm']
bad_config = copy.deepcopy(lvm_config)
bad_config['vgs'][0]['base'] = ['invalid_pv']
"base:invalid_pv in vgs does not match "
"a valid pvs",
LVMPlugin, bad_config, {}, {})
bad_config = copy.deepcopy(lvm_config)
bad_config['lvs'][0]['base'] = ['invalid_vg']
r"base:\['invalid_vg'\] in lvs does not match "
r"a valid vg",
LVMPlugin, bad_config, {}, {})
bad_config = copy.deepcopy(lvm_config)
del bad_config['lvs'][0]['size']
"Missing 'size' or 'extents' in lvs config",
LVMPlugin, bad_config, {}, {})
def test_lvm_multi_pv(self, mock_exec_sudo):
# Test the command-sequence for a more complicated LVM setup
tree = self.load_config_file('lvm_tree_multiple_pv.yaml')
config = config_tree_to_graph(tree)
state = BlockDeviceState()
graph, call_order = create_graph(config, self.fake_default_config,
# XXX: todo; test call_order. Make sure PV's come before, VG;
# VG before LV, and that mounts/etc happen afterwards.
# Fake state for the two PV's specified by this config
state['blockdev'] = {}
state['blockdev']['root'] = {}
state['blockdev']['root']['device'] = '/dev/fake/root'
state['blockdev']['data'] = {}
state['blockdev']['data']['device'] = '/dev/fake/data'
for node in call_order:
# XXX: This has not mocked out the "lower" layers of
# creating the devices, which we're assuming works OK, nor
# the upper layers.
if isinstance(node, (LVMNode, PvsNode,
VgsNode, LvsNode)):
# only the LVMNode actually does anything here...
# ensure the sequence of calls correctly setup the devices
cmd_sequence = [
# create the pv's on the faked out block devices
mock.call(['pvcreate', '/dev/fake/root', '--force']),
mock.call(['pvcreate', '/dev/fake/data', '--force']),
# create a volume called "vg" out of these two pv's
mock.call(['vgcreate', 'vg',
'/dev/fake/root', '/dev/fake/data', '--force']),
# create a bunch of lv's on vg
mock.call(['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_root', '-L', '1799356416B',
mock.call(['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_tmp', '-L', '96468992B',
mock.call(['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_var', '-L', '499122176B',
mock.call(['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_log', '-L', '96468992B',
mock.call(['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_audit', '-L', '96468992B',
mock.call(['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_home', '-L', '197132288B',
self.assertEqual(mock_exec_sudo.call_count, len(cmd_sequence))
# Ensure the correct LVM state was preserved
blockdev_state = {
'data': {'device': '/dev/fake/data'},
'root': {'device': '/dev/fake/root'},
'lv_audit': {
'device': '/dev/mapper/vg-lv_audit',
'extents': None,
'opts': None,
'size': '100M',
'vgs': 'vg'
'lv_home': {
'device': '/dev/mapper/vg-lv_home',
'extents': None,
'opts': None,
'size': '200M',
'vgs': 'vg'
'lv_log': {
'device': '/dev/mapper/vg-lv_log',
'extents': None,
'opts': None,
'size': '100M',
'vgs': 'vg'
'lv_root': {
'device': '/dev/mapper/vg-lv_root',
'extents': None,
'opts': None,
'size': '1800M',
'vgs': 'vg'
'lv_tmp': {
'device': '/dev/mapper/vg-lv_tmp',
'extents': None,
'opts': None,
'size': '100M',
'vgs': 'vg'
'lv_var': {
'device': '/dev/mapper/vg-lv_var',
'extents': None,
'opts': None,
'size': '500M',
'vgs': 'vg'
# state.debug_dump()
self.assertDictEqual(state['blockdev'], blockdev_state)
# XXX: mount ordering? fs creation?
def test_lvm_multi_pv_vg(self):
# Test the command-sequence for a more complicated LVM setup
tree = self.load_config_file('lvm_tree_multiple_pv_vg.yaml')
config = config_tree_to_graph(tree)
state = BlockDeviceState()
graph, call_order = create_graph(config, self.fake_default_config,
# XXX: todo; test call_order. Make sure PV's come before, VG;
# VG before LV, and that mounts/etc happen afterwards.
# Fake state for the two PV's specified by this config
state['blockdev'] = {}
state['blockdev']['root'] = {}
state['blockdev']['root']['device'] = '/dev/fake/root'
state['blockdev']['data'] = {}
state['blockdev']['data']['device'] = '/dev/fake/data'
# We mock patch this ... it's just a little long!
exec_sudo = 'diskimage_builder.block_device.level1.lvm.exec_sudo'
# Creation test
with mock.patch(exec_sudo) as mock_exec_sudo:
for node in call_order:
# XXX: This has not mocked out the "lower" layers of
# creating the devices, which we're assuming works OK, nor
# the upper layers.
if isinstance(node, (LVMNode, PvsNode,
VgsNode, LvsNode)):
# only the PvsNode actually does anything here...
# ensure the sequence of calls correctly setup the devices
cmd_sequence = [
# create the pv's on the faked out block devices
mock.call(['pvcreate', '/dev/fake/root', '--force']),
mock.call(['pvcreate', '/dev/fake/data', '--force']),
# create a volume called "vg" out of these two pv's
mock.call(['vgcreate', 'vg1',
'/dev/fake/root', '--force']),
mock.call(['vgcreate', 'vg2',
'/dev/fake/data', '--force']),
# create a bunch of lv's on vg
mock.call(['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_root',
'-L', '1799356416B', 'vg1']),
mock.call(['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_tmp',
'-L', '96468992B', 'vg1']),
mock.call(['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_var',
'-L', '499122176B', 'vg2']),
mock.call(['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_log',
'-L', '96468992B', 'vg2']),
mock.call(['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_audit',
'-L', '96468992B', 'vg2']),
mock.call(['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_home',
'-L', '197132288B', 'vg2'])]
# Ensure the correct LVM state was preserved
blockdev_state = {
'data': {'device': '/dev/fake/data'},
'root': {'device': '/dev/fake/root'},
'lv_audit': {
'device': '/dev/mapper/vg2-lv_audit',
'extents': None,
'opts': None,
'size': '100M',
'vgs': 'vg2'
'lv_home': {
'device': '/dev/mapper/vg2-lv_home',
'extents': None,
'opts': None,
'size': '200M',
'vgs': 'vg2'
'lv_log': {
'device': '/dev/mapper/vg2-lv_log',
'extents': None,
'opts': None,
'size': '100M',
'vgs': 'vg2'
'lv_root': {
'device': '/dev/mapper/vg1-lv_root',
'extents': None,
'opts': None,
'size': '1800M',
'vgs': 'vg1'
'lv_tmp': {
'device': '/dev/mapper/vg1-lv_tmp',
'extents': None,
'opts': None,
'size': '100M',
'vgs': 'vg1'
'lv_var': {
'device': '/dev/mapper/vg2-lv_var',
'extents': None,
'opts': None,
'size': '500M',
'vgs': 'vg2'
# state.debug_dump()
self.assertDictEqual(state['blockdev'], blockdev_state)
# Umount test
with mock.patch(exec_sudo) as mock_exec_sudo, \
mock.patch('tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile') as mock_temp, \
# each call to tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile will return a
# new mock with a unique filename, which we store in
# tempfiles
tempfiles = []
def new_tempfile(*args, **kwargs):
n = '/tmp/files%s' % len(tempfiles)
# trap! note mock.Mock(name = n) doesn't work like you
# think it would, since mock has a name attribute.
# That's why we override it with the configure_mock
# (this is mentioned in mock documentation if you read
# it :)
r = mock.Mock()
return r
mock_temp.side_effect = new_tempfile
def run_it(phase):
reverse_order = reversed(call_order)
for node in reverse_order:
if isinstance(node, (LVMNode, PvsNode, VgsNode, LvsNode)):
getattr(node, phase)()
logger.debug("Skipping node for test: %s", node)
cmd_sequence = [
# delete the lv's
mock.call(['lvchange', '-an', '/dev/vg1/lv_root']),
mock.call(['lvchange', '-an', '/dev/vg1/lv_tmp']),
mock.call(['lvchange', '-an', '/dev/vg2/lv_var']),
mock.call(['lvchange', '-an', '/dev/vg2/lv_log']),
mock.call(['lvchange', '-an', '/dev/vg2/lv_audit']),
mock.call(['lvchange', '-an', '/dev/vg2/lv_home']),
# delete the vg's
mock.call(['vgchange', '-an', 'vg1']),
mock.call(['vgchange', '-an', 'vg2']),
mock.call(['udevadm', 'settle']),
mock.call(['pvscan', '--cache']),
self.assertListEqual(mock_exec_sudo.call_args_list, cmd_sequence)
def test_lvm_spanned_vg(self):
# Test when a volume group spans some partitions
tree = self.load_config_file('lvm_tree_spanned_vg.yaml')
config = config_tree_to_graph(tree)
state = BlockDeviceState()
graph, call_order = create_graph(config, self.fake_default_config,
# XXX: todo; test call_order. Make sure PV's come before, VG;
# VG before LV, and that mounts/etc happen afterwards.
# Fake state for the two PV's specified by this config
state['blockdev'] = {}
state['blockdev']['root'] = {}
state['blockdev']['root']['device'] = '/dev/fake/root'
state['blockdev']['data1'] = {}
state['blockdev']['data1']['device'] = '/dev/fake/data1'
state['blockdev']['data2'] = {}
state['blockdev']['data2']['device'] = '/dev/fake/data2'
# We mock patch this ... it's just a little long!
exec_sudo = 'diskimage_builder.block_device.level1.lvm.exec_sudo'
# Creation test
with mock.patch(exec_sudo) as mock_exec_sudo:
for node in call_order:
# XXX: This has not mocked out the "lower" layers of
# creating the devices, which we're assuming works OK, nor
# the upper layers.
if isinstance(node, (LVMNode, PvsNode, VgsNode, LvsNode)):
# only the LVMNode actually does anything here...
# ensure the sequence of calls correctly setup the devices
cmd_sequence = [
# create the pv's on the faked out block devices
mock.call(['pvcreate', '/dev/fake/root', '--force']),
mock.call(['pvcreate', '/dev/fake/data1', '--force']),
mock.call(['pvcreate', '/dev/fake/data2', '--force']),
# create a root and a data volume, with the data volume
# spanning data1 & data2
mock.call(['vgcreate', 'vg_root',
'/dev/fake/root', '--force']),
mock.call(['vgcreate', 'vg_data',
'/dev/fake/data1', '/dev/fake/data2', '--force']),
# create root and data volume
mock.call(['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_root',
'-L', '1799356416B', 'vg_root']),
mock.call(['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_data',
'-L', '1996488704B', 'vg_data'])
with mock.patch(exec_sudo) as mock_exec_sudo, \
mock.patch('tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile') as mock_temp, \
# see above ...
tempfiles = []
def new_tempfile(*args, **kwargs):
n = '/tmp/files%s' % len(tempfiles)
r = mock.Mock()
return r
mock_temp.side_effect = new_tempfile
def run_it(phase):
reverse_order = reversed(call_order)
for node in reverse_order:
if isinstance(node, (LVMNode, PvsNode, VgsNode, LvsNode)):
getattr(node, phase)()
logger.debug("Skipping node for test: %s", node)
cmd_sequence = [
# deactivate lv's
mock.call(['lvchange', '-an', '/dev/vg_root/lv_root']),
mock.call(['lvchange', '-an', '/dev/vg_data/lv_data']),
# deactivate vg's
mock.call(['vgchange', '-an', 'vg_root']),
mock.call(['vgchange', '-an', 'vg_data']),
mock.call(['udevadm', 'settle']),
mock.call(['pvscan', '--cache']),
self.assertListEqual(mock_exec_sudo.call_args_list, cmd_sequence)
def test_lvm_multiple_partitions(self):
# Test the command-sequence for several partitions, one containing
# volumes on it
tree = self.load_config_file('lvm_tree_multiple_partitions.yaml')
config = config_tree_to_graph(tree)
state = BlockDeviceState()
graph, call_order = create_graph(config, self.fake_default_config,
# Fake state for the partitions on this config
state['blockdev'] = {}
state['blockdev']['image0'] = {}
state['blockdev']['image0']['device'] = '/dev/fake/image0'
state['blockdev']['image0']['image'] = 'image'
state['blockdev']['root'] = {}
state['blockdev']['root']['device'] = '/dev/fake/root'
state['blockdev']['ESP'] = {}
state['blockdev']['ESP']['device'] = '/dev/fake/ESP'
state['blockdev']['BSP'] = {}
state['blockdev']['BSP']['device'] = '/dev/fake/BSP'
# Creation test
# We mock out the following exec_sudo and other related calls
# calls for the layers we are testing.
exec_sudo_lvm = 'diskimage_builder.block_device.level1.lvm.exec_sudo'
exec_sudo_part = ('diskimage_builder.block_device.'
exec_sudo_loop = ('diskimage_builder.block_device.'
image_create = ('diskimage_builder.block_device.level0.'
size_of_block = ('diskimage_builder.block_device.level1.'
create_mbr = ('diskimage_builder.block_device.level1.'
manager = mock.MagicMock()
with mock.patch(exec_sudo_lvm) as mock_sudo_lvm, \
mock.patch(exec_sudo_part) as mock_sudo_part, \
mock.patch(exec_sudo_loop) as mock_sudo_loop, \
mock.patch(image_create) as mock_image_create, \
mock.patch(size_of_block) as mock_size_of_block, \
mock.patch(create_mbr) as mock_create_mbr:
manager.attach_mock(mock_sudo_lvm, 'sudo_lvm')
manager.attach_mock(mock_sudo_part, 'sudo_part')
manager.attach_mock(mock_sudo_loop, 'sudo_loop')
manager.attach_mock(mock_image_create, 'image_create')
manager.attach_mock(mock_size_of_block, 'size_of_block')
manager.attach_mock(mock_create_mbr, 'create_mbr')
for node in call_order:
# We're just keeping this to the partition setup and
# LVM creation; i.e. skipping mounting, mkfs, etc.
if isinstance(node, (LVMNode, PvsNode,
VgsNode, LvsNode,
LocalLoopNode, PartitionNode)):
logger.debug("Skipping node for test: %s", node)
cmd_sequence = [
# create the underlying block device
# write out partition table
# now mount partitions
mock.call.sudo_part(['kpartx', '-uvs', '/dev/fake/image0']),
# now create lvm environment
mock.call.sudo_lvm(['pvcreate', '/dev/fake/root', '--force']),
['vgcreate', 'vg', '/dev/fake/root', '--force']),
['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_root', '-l', '28%VG', 'vg']),
['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_tmp', '-l', '4%VG', 'vg']),
['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_var', '-l', '40%VG', 'vg']),
['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_log', '-l', '23%VG', 'vg']),
['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_audit', '-l', '4%VG', 'vg']),
['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_home', '-l', '1%VG', 'vg']),
# Umount/cleanup test
manager = mock.MagicMock()
with mock.patch(exec_sudo_lvm) as mock_sudo_lvm, \
mock.patch(exec_sudo_part) as mock_sudo_part, \
mock.patch(exec_sudo_loop) as mock_sudo_loop:
manager.attach_mock(mock_sudo_lvm, 'sudo_lvm')
manager.attach_mock(mock_sudo_part, 'sudo_part')
manager.attach_mock(mock_sudo_loop, 'sudo_loop')
def run_it(phase):
reverse_order = reversed(call_order)
for node in reverse_order:
if isinstance(node, (LVMNode, PvsNode,
VgsNode, LvsNode,
LocalLoopNode, PartitionNode)):
getattr(node, phase)()
logger.debug("Skipping node for test: %s", node)
cmd_sequence = [
# deactivate LVM first
mock.call.sudo_lvm(['lvchange', '-an', '/dev/vg/lv_root']),
mock.call.sudo_lvm(['lvchange', '-an', '/dev/vg/lv_tmp']),
mock.call.sudo_lvm(['lvchange', '-an', '/dev/vg/lv_var']),
mock.call.sudo_lvm(['lvchange', '-an', '/dev/vg/lv_log']),
mock.call.sudo_lvm(['lvchange', '-an', '/dev/vg/lv_audit']),
mock.call.sudo_lvm(['lvchange', '-an', '/dev/vg/lv_home']),
mock.call.sudo_lvm(['vgchange', '-an', 'vg']),
mock.call.sudo_lvm(['udevadm', 'settle']),
# now remove partitions (note has to happen after lvm removal)
mock.call.sudo_part(['kpartx', '-d', '/dev/fake/image0']),
# now remove loopback device
mock.call.sudo_loop(['losetup', '-d', '/dev/fake/image0']),
# now final LVM cleanup call
mock.call.sudo_lvm(['pvscan', '--cache']),
def test_lvm_thin_provision(self, mock_exec_sudo):
# Test the command-sequence for a more complicated LVM setup
tree = self.load_config_file('lvm_tree_thin_provision.yaml')
config = config_tree_to_graph(tree)
state = BlockDeviceState()
graph, call_order = create_graph(config, self.fake_default_config,
# Fake state for the two PV's specified by this config
state['blockdev'] = {}
state['blockdev']['root'] = {}
state['blockdev']['root']['device'] = '/dev/fake/root'
for node in call_order:
# XXX: This has not mocked out the "lower" layers of
# creating the devices, which we're assuming works OK, nor
# the upper layers.
if isinstance(node, (LVMNode, PvsNode,
VgsNode, LvsNode)):
# only the LVMNode actually does anything here...
# ensure the sequence of calls correctly setup the devices
cmd_sequence = [
# create the pv's on the faked out block devices
mock.call(['pvcreate', '/dev/fake/root', '--force']),
# create a volume called "vg" out of these two pv's
mock.call(['vgcreate', 'vg', '/dev/fake/root', '--force']),
mock.call(['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_thinpool',
'--type', 'thin-pool', '-L', '2936012800B', 'vg']),
# create a bunch of lv's on vg using the pool
mock.call(['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_root', '--type', 'thin',
'--thin-pool', 'lv_thinpool', '-V', '1887436800B',
mock.call(['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_tmp', '--type', 'thin',
'--thin-pool', 'lv_thinpool', '-V', '104857600B', 'vg']),
mock.call(['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_var', '--type', 'thin',
'--thin-pool', 'lv_thinpool', '-V', '524288000B', 'vg']),
mock.call(['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_log', '--type', 'thin',
'--thin-pool', 'lv_thinpool', '-V', '104857600B', 'vg']),
mock.call(['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_audit', '--type', 'thin',
'--thin-pool', 'lv_thinpool', '-V', '104857600B', 'vg']),
mock.call(['lvcreate', '--name', 'lv_home', '--type', 'thin',
'--thin-pool', 'lv_thinpool', '-V', '209715200B', 'vg'])]
self.assertEqual(mock_exec_sudo.call_count, len(cmd_sequence))
# Ensure the correct LVM state was preserved
blockdev_state = {
'root': {'device': '/dev/fake/root'},
'lv_thinpool': {
'vgs': 'vg',
'size': '2800MiB',
'extents': None,
'opts': None,
'device': '/dev/mapper/vg-lv_thinpool'
'lv_root': {
'vgs': 'vg',
'size': '1800MiB',
'extents': None,
'opts': None,
'device': '/dev/mapper/vg-lv_root'
'lv_tmp': {
'vgs': 'vg',
'size': '100MiB',
'extents': None,
'opts': None,
'device': '/dev/mapper/vg-lv_tmp'
'lv_var': {
'vgs': 'vg',
'size': '500MiB',
'extents': None,
'opts': None,
'device': '/dev/mapper/vg-lv_var'
'lv_log': {
'vgs': 'vg',
'size': '100MiB',
'extents': None,
'opts': None,
'device': '/dev/mapper/vg-lv_log'
'lv_audit': {
'vgs': 'vg',
'size': '100MiB',
'extents': None,
'opts': None,
'device': '/dev/mapper/vg-lv_audit'
'lv_home': {
'vgs': 'vg',
'size': '200MiB',
'extents': None,
'opts': None,
'device': '/dev/mapper/vg-lv_home'
self.assertDictEqual(state['blockdev'], blockdev_state)
def test_validate_lvs_type(self, mock_exec_sudo):
# Test the command-sequence for a more complicated LVM setup
tree = self.load_config_file('lvm_tree_thin_provision.yaml')
tree[2]['lvm']['lvs'][0]['type'] = 'thin-pol'
config = config_tree_to_graph(tree)
state = BlockDeviceState()
"Unsupported type:thin-pol, supported types: thin, thin-pool",