This action has been reordered so cleanup can occur before copy to blockdev occurs. Documentation has been added about the ordering of this element in relation to cleanup actions as well. Change-Id: I3f9334a3669ee588d7fa7129202c97fa22fdb050
The package-installs element allows for a declarative method of installing and uninstalling packages for an image build. This is done by creating a package-installs.yaml or package-installs.json file in the element directory.
example package-installs.yaml:
phase: pre-install.d
uninstall: True
installtype: source
arch: amd64
example package-installs.json:
"libxml2": null,
"grub2": {"phase": "pre-install.d"},
"networkmanager": {"uninstall": true}
"os-collect-config": {"installtype": "source"}
Setting phase, uninstall, or installtype properties for a package overrides the following default values:
phase: install.d
uninstall: False
installtype: * (Install package for all installtypes)
arch: * (Install package for all architectures)
Setting the installtype property causes the package only to be installed if the specified installtype would be used for the element. See the diskimage-builder docs for more information on installtypes.
Setting the arch property causes the package only to be installed for the specified target architecture. See documentation about the ARCH variable for more information.
DEPRECATED: Adding a file under your elements pre-install.d, install.d, or post-install.d directories called package-installs-<element-name> will cause the list of packages in that file to be installed at the beginning of the respective phase. If the package name in the file starts with a "-", then that package will be removed at the end of the install.d phase.
Using post-install.d for cleanup
Package removal is done in post-install.d at level 95. If you a running cleanup functions before this, you need to be careful not to clean out any temporary files relied upon by this element. For this reason, generally post-install cleanup functions should occupy the higher levels between 96 and 99.