Monty Taylor 23aa76dff0 Split the debootstrap functions into an element
debootstrap is not debian or ubuntu specific. We can make a debootstrap
element that knows how to do all of the things, and then a
debian-minimal and ubuntu-minimal image that use it. Finally, make
the debian element simply be a collection of the extra things we do to
make it look like a cloud-init based cloud image.

Change-Id: Iaf46c8e61bf1cac9a096cbfd75d6d6a9111b701e
2015-04-26 18:04:59 +00:00

5 lines
240 B

export DISTRO_NAME=ubuntu
export DIB_RELEASE=${DIB_RELEASE:-trusty}
export DIB_DEBIAN_COMPONENTS=${DIB_DEBIAN_COMPONENTS:-main,restricted,universe}
export DIB_DISTRIBUTION_MIRROR=${DIB_DISTRIBUTION_MIRROR:-http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu}