#!/bin/bash # # # ``plugin.sh`` calls the following methods in the sourced driver: # # - nb_db_driver_install_server # - nb_db_driver_install_client # - nb_db_driver_start_server # - nb_db_driver_stop_server # - nb_db_driver_clean # - nb_db_driver_configure REDIS_VERSION=3.0.6 RUBY_VERSION=2.3 REDIS_SERVER_LIST=$REMOTE_DB_IP REMOTE_PORT_START=$REMOTE_DB_PORT NODE_COUNT_END=5 REMOTE_PORT_END=`expr $REMOTE_PORT_START + $NODE_COUNT_END` REDIS_PORT=`seq $REMOTE_PORT_START $REMOTE_PORT_END` function _configure_redis { pushd /opt/redis3/conf sudo sh -c "grep -q ulimit /etc/profile || echo ulimit -SHn 40960 >> /etc/profile" sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_tw_reuse" sudo sh -c "echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled" sudo sh -c "echo 2048 > /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn" sudo sh -c "grep -q vm.overcommit_memory /etc/sysctl.conf || echo vm.overcommit_memory = 1 >> /etc/sysctl.conf" sudo sh -c "sysctl -p" for redisserver in $REDIS_SERVER_LIST; do for port in $REDIS_PORT; do echo "shutdown redis: "$redisserver:$port cp redis.conf /opt/redis3/conf/redis-$port.conf sed -i "s/6379/$port/g" redis-$port.conf sed -i "s/daemonize no/daemonize yes/g" redis-$port.conf sed -i "s/dump.rdb/dump-$port.rdb/g" redis-$port.conf sed -i "s/# cluster-enabled yes/cluster-enabled yes/g" redis-$port.conf sed -i "s/# cluster-config-file/cluster-config-file/g" redis-$port.conf sed -i "s/pubsub 32mb 8mb 60/pubsub 0 0 0/g" redis-$port.conf done done popd } function nb_db_driver_install_server { if [ "$DF_REDIS_INSTALL_FROM_RUBY" == "True" ]; then echo "Installing Redis cluster" if [ ! -f "$DEST/redis/redis-$REDIS_VERSION/redis" ]; then mkdir -p $DEST/redis if [ ! -f "$DEST/redis/redis-$REDIS_VERSION.tar.gz" ]; then wget http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-$REDIS_VERSION.tar.gz -O $DEST/redis/redis-$REDIS_VERSION.tar.gz fi tar xzvf $DEST/redis/redis-$REDIS_VERSION.tar.gz -C $DEST/redis pushd $DEST/redis/redis-$REDIS_VERSION make cd src sudo make PREFIX=/opt/redis3 install sudo mkdir -p /opt/redis3/conf sudo cp $DEST/redis/redis-$REDIS_VERSION/redis.conf /opt/redis3/conf sudo ln -sf /opt/redis3/conf /etc/redis3 sudo cp $DEST/redis/redis-$REDIS_VERSION/src/redis-trib.rb /opt/redis3/bin/ sudo chown -hR $STACK_USER /opt/redis3/ if is_ubuntu || is_fedora; then _configure_redis fi mkdir -p $DEST/ruby if [ ! -f "$DEST/ruby/ruby-$RUBY_VERSION.0.tar.gz" ]; then wget https://cache.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/$RUBY_VERSION/ruby-$RUBY_VERSION.0.tar.gz -O $DEST/ruby/ruby-$RUBY_VERSION.0.tar.gz fi tar xzvf $DEST/ruby/ruby-$RUBY_VERSION.0.tar.gz -C $DEST/ruby cd $DEST/ruby/ruby-$RUBY_VERSION.0 sudo ./configure sudo make sudo make install if ! sudo gem list redis | grep -q redis; then sudo gem source -a $DF_RUBY_SOURCE_ADD if [ -n "$DF_RUBY_SOURCE_REMOVE" ];then sudo gem source -r $DF_RUBY_SOURCE_REMOVE fi sudo gem install redis fi popd fi else if is_ubuntu; then install_package -y redis-server elif is_fedora; then install_package -y redis fi fi } function nb_db_driver_install_client { sudo pip install "redis>=2.10.0" sudo pip install "hiredis>=0.2.0" } function nb_db_driver_start_server { create= if is_service_enabled df-redis-server ; then if is_ubuntu || is_fedora; then # to acquire if should recreate cluster for redisserver in $REDIS_SERVER_LIST; do for port in $REDIS_PORT; do test -f /opt/redis3/conf/nodes-$port.conf || { create=true; break 2 ; } done done # start redis for redisserver in $REDIS_SERVER_LIST; do for port in $REDIS_PORT; do echo $redisserver:$port pushd /opt/redis3/ [ "$create" ] && { sudo rm nodes* -rf } ./bin/redis-server ./conf/redis-$port.conf & redis_cluster="$redis_cluster"" ""$redisserver:$port" popd done done # create cluster [ "$create" ] && { echo "Create the Redis cluster: "$redis_cluster pushd /opt/redis3/bin/ echo "yes" | sudo ./redis-trib.rb create --replicas 1 $redis_cluster popd } fi fi } function nb_db_driver_stop_server { if is_service_enabled df-redis-server ; then if is_ubuntu || is_fedora; then for redisserver in $REDIS_SERVER_LIST; do for port in $REDIS_PORT; do echo "Shutshow Redis: "$redisserver:$port sudo /opt/redis3/bin/redis-cli -p $port shutdown pushd /opt/redis3/ sudo rm -rf nodes*.conf sudo rm -rf dump*.rdb sudo netstat -apn | grep $port | awk '{print $7}' | cut -d '/' -f1 | xargs sudo kill -9 popd done done fi fi } function nb_db_driver_clean { sudo rm -rf /opt/redis3 if [ "$DF_REDIS_INSTALL_FROM_RUBY" == "True" ]; then sudo gem uninstall redis else if is_ubuntu; then uninstall_package -y redis-server elif is_fedora; then uninstall_package -y redis fi fi } function nb_db_driver_configure { : }