Omer Anson 7b8fd6dd4d Update add_table_names script
Add a new script, tools/add_table_names, that adds to the output of
ovs-ofctl dump-flows the table names, including those allocated by the
new datapath. It relies on the new datapath output file.

Change-Id: I82069d1d084145ea0a55fd8c7ea2573ba5a86c4f
2018-05-28 08:25:45 +03:00

57 lines
2.3 KiB
Executable File

#!/bin/awk -f
CONTROLLER_CONSTANTS_FILE="CONTROLLER_CONSTANTS_FILE" in ENVIRON ? ENVIRON["CONTROLLER_CONSTANTS_FILE"] : "/opt/stack/dragonflow/dragonflow/controller/common/constants.py";
DATAPATH_ALLOCATION_FILE="DATAPATH_ALLOCATION_FILE" in ENVIRON ? ENVIRON["DATAPATH_ALLOCATION_FILE"] : "/var/run/dragonflow/dragonflow_datapath_allocation.json";
# id_to_name from python file
cmd = "awk '/^[^#].*TABLE[\\w]*/ {split($0, a, \" *= *\"); name=a[1]; id=a[2]; print id \" \" name}' " CONTROLLER_CONSTANTS_FILE
while (cmd | getline) {
split($0, a);
id_to_name[ a[1] ] = a[2];
# id_to_name from jq
jq_code = "\
. as $all | \n\
def invert: . as $in |\n\
$in | keys as $ks |\n\
reduce $ks[] as $k ({}; .[$in[$k] | tostring] = $k);\n\
def invert_and_merge: reduce . as $obj ({}; . |= $obj | invert);\n\
def map_keys(f): . as $obj | $obj | keys as $ks | reduce $ks[] as $k ({}; .[$k | f] = $obj[$k]);\n\
def on_exists($v2): . + \"/\" + $v2; \n\
def join($new): . as $orig | $new | keys as $n_ks |\n\
reduce $n_ks[] as $k ($orig;\n\
.[$k] = (if ($orig | has($k)) then ($orig[$k] | on_exists($new[$k])) else $new[$k] end));\n\
def filter_keys(f): . as $obj | $obj | keys as $ks | reduce $ks[] as $k ({}; if ($k | f) then .[$k] = $obj[$k] else . end);\n\
def to_output: . as $in | $in | keys as $ks | reduce $ks[] as $k (\"\"; . + $k + \" \" + $in[$k] + \"\\n\") | rtrimstr(\"\\n\");\n\
$all | filter_keys(. != \"dragonflow-legacy\") as $all |\n\
$all | keys as $k |\n\
reduce $k[] as $var ({}; . += (\n\
($all[$var][\"states\"] | map_keys($var + \".\" + .) | invert)\n\
| join(($all[$var][\"entrypoints\"] | map_keys($var + \".in.\" + .) | invert))\n\
| join(($all[$var][\"exitpoints\"] | map_keys($var + \".out.\" + .) | invert))\n\
)) |\n\
cmd = "jq -r -f /dev/stdin " DATAPATH_ALLOCATION_FILE " << \"EOF\"\n" jq_code "\nEOF"
while (cmd | getline) {
split($0, a);
id_to_name[ a[1] ] = a[2];
head = ""
while (match(tail, /(resubmit\(,|table=)([0-9]+)/, arr)) {
repl = substr(tail, RSTART, RLENGTH)
head = head substr(tail,1, RSTART-1) repl "(" id_to_name[arr[2]] ")"
tail = substr(tail, RSTART+RLENGTH)
print head tail