Populated limitations list

Change-Id: Icbf4c9f12d1c9479a74ee79aaeade4dd2ea47f59
This commit is contained in:
alevine 2015-02-12 18:47:01 +04:00
parent 0ece6267b0
commit f0906e4e6d
1 changed files with 97 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -79,11 +79,103 @@ aws --endpoint-url ec2 describe-instances
Limitations Limitations
=========== ===========
VPN-related and ACL-related functionality is not supported. General:
Default VPC Security Groups had to be named "Default" instead of Amazon's - DryRun option is not supported.
"default" due to conflict with OpenStack's default groups. - Some exceptions are not exactly the same as reported by AWS.
DryRun option is not supported.
Some exceptions are not exactly the same as reported by AWS. Not supported functionality features:
- Network ACL
- VPC Peering connection
- Classic Link
- Reserved Instances
- Spot Instances
- Placement Groups
- Monitoring Instances and Volumes
- Instances Tasks - Bundle, Export, Import
Availability zone related:
- messages AvailabilityZone property
- regionName AvailabilityZone property
Image related:
- CopyImage
- ResetImageAttribute
- creationDate Image property
- platform Image property
- productCodes Image property
- description Image property
- hypervisor Image property
- imageOwnerAlias Image property
- sriovNetSupport Image property
- stateReason Image property
- virtualizationType Image property
- encrypted EbsBlockDevice property
- iops EbsBlockDevice property
- volumeType EbsBlockDevice property
- selective filtering by Image Owner
Instance related:
- DescribeInstanceStatus
- ReportInstanceStatus
- ModifyInstanceAttribute
- ResetInstanceAttribute
- productCodes Instance property
- sourceDestCheck Instance property
- ebsOptimized Instance property
- sriovNetSupport Instance property
- monitoring Instance property
- placement Instance property
- platform Instance property
- publicDnsName Instance property
- stateTransitionReason Instance property
- architecture Instance property
- ebsOptimized Instance property
- hypervisor Instance property
- iamInstanceProfile Instance property
- instanceLifecycle Instance property
- spotInstanceRequestId Instance property
- stateReason Instance property
- virtualizationType Instance property
- attachTime EbsInstanceBlockDevice property
Network interface related:
- availabilityZone NetworkInterface property
- deleteOnTermination (modification is not supported)
Snapshot related:
- CopySnapshot
- ModifySnapshotAttribute
- ResetSnapshotAttribute
- encryption Snapshot property
- kmsKeyId Snapshot property
- ownerAlias Snapshot property
- selective filtering by Snapshot Owner, RestorableBy
Subnet related:
- ModifySubnetAttribute
- availabilityZone Subnet property
- defaultForAz Subnet property
- mapPublicIpOnLaunch Subnet property
Volume related:
- DescribeVolumeAttribute
- DescribeVolumeStatus
- ModifyVolumeAttribute
- kmsKeyId Volume property
- iops Volume property
- deleteOnTermination property (supported for describing instances only)
- volumeType (current implementation isn't AWS compatible) Volume property
VPC related:
- describeVpcAttribute
- modifyVpcAttribute
- instanceTenancy VPC property
DescribeAccountAttributes result properties:
- pc-max-security-groups-per-interface AccountAttribute property
- max-elastic-ips AccountAttribute property
- vpc-max-elastic-ips AccountAttribute property
Supported Features Supported Features
================== ==================