.. _install-manual: Manual Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Install and configure components -------------------------------- 1. Install the packages in any way you prefer (**github+setup.py** / **pip** / **packages**) 2. Create the service credentials .. include:: credentials-creation.rst 3. Create database .. include:: database-creation.rst There is a script creating 'ec2api' database that is accessible only on localhost by user 'ec2api' with password 'ec2api'. https://github.com/openstack/ec2-api/blob/master/tools/db/ec2api-db-setup 4. Create endpoints: .. include:: endpoints-creation.rst 5. Create configuration files ``/etc/ec2api/api-paste.ini`` (can be copied from https://github.com/openstack/ec2-api/blob/master/etc/ec2api/api-paste.ini) and ``/etc/ec2api/ec2api.conf`` .. include:: configuration.rst 6. Configure metadata: .. include:: metadata-configuration.rst 7. Start the services as binaries .. code-block:: console $ /usr/local/bin/ec2-api $ /usr/local/bin/ec2-api-metadata or set up as Linux services.