# Copyright 2014 # The Cloudscaling Group, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import base64 import collections import fnmatch import inspect import operator from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging import six from ec2api.api import ec2utils from ec2api.api import validator from ec2api.db import api as db_api from ec2api import exception from ec2api.i18n import _ ec2_opts = [ cfg.BoolOpt('disable_ec2_classic', help='True if server does not support EC2 Classic mode ' 'in favor of default VPC'), ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(ec2_opts) LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class OnCrashCleaner(object): def __init__(self): self._cleanups = [] self._suppress_exception = False def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if exc_type is None: return self._run_cleanups(self._cleanups) return self._suppress_exception def addCleanup(self, function, *args, **kwargs): self._cleanups.append((function, args, kwargs)) def approveChanges(self): del self._cleanups[:] self._suppress_exception = True def _run_cleanups(self, cleanups): for function, args, kwargs in reversed(cleanups): try: function(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: if inspect.ismethod(function): if six.PY2: cmodule = function.im_class.__module__ cname = function.im_class.__name__ else: cmodule = function.__self__.__class__.__module__ cname = function.__self__.__class__.__name__ name = '%s.%s.%s' % (cmodule, cname, function.__name__) elif inspect.isfunction(function): name = '%s.%s' % (function.__module__, function.__name__) else: name = '%s.%s' % (function.__class__.__module__, function.__class__.__name__) formatted_args = '' args_string = ', '.join([repr(arg) for arg in args]) kwargs_string = ', '.join([ '%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in kwargs.items() ]) if args_string: formatted_args = args_string if kwargs_string: if formatted_args: formatted_args += ', ' formatted_args += kwargs_string LOG.warning( 'Error cleaning up %(name)s(%(args)s)' % {'name': name, 'args': formatted_args}, exc_info=True) pass class Validator(object): def __init__(self, param_name="", action="", params=[]): self.param_name = param_name self.action = action self.params = params def multi(self, items, validation_func): validator.validate_list(items, self.param_name) for item in items: validation_func(item) def dummy(self, value): pass def bool(self, value): validator.validate_bool(value, self.param_name) def int(self, value): validator.validate_int(value, self.param_name) def str(self, value): validator.validate_str(value, self.param_name) def strs(self, values): self.multi(values, self.str) def str64(self, value): validator.validate_str(value, self.param_name, 64) def str255(self, value): validator.validate_str(value, self.param_name, 255) def str255s(self, values): self.multi(values, self.str255) def ip(self, ip): validator.validate_ipv4(ip, self.param_name) def ips(self, ips): self.multi(ips, self.ip) def cidr(self, cidr): validator.validate_cidr(cidr, self.param_name) def subnet_cidr(self, cidr): validator.validate_subnet_cidr(cidr) def vpc_cidr(self, cidr): validator.validate_vpc_cidr(cidr) def filter(self, filter): validator.validate_filter(filter) def key_value_dict_list(self, dict_list): validator.validate_key_value_dict_list(dict_list, self.param_name) def ec2_id(self, id, prefices=None): validator.validate_ec2_id(id, self.param_name, prefices) def ec2_ids(self, ids): self.multi(ids, self.ec2_id) def i_id(self, id): self.ec2_id(id, ['i']) def i_ids(self, ids): self.multi(ids, self.i_id) def ami_id(self, id): self.ec2_id(id, ['ami']) def aki_id(self, id): self.ec2_id(id, ['aki']) def ari_id(self, id): self.ec2_id(id, ['ari']) def amiariaki_id(self, id): self.ec2_id(id, ['ami', 'ari', 'aki']) def amiariaki_ids(self, ids): self.multi(ids, self.amiariaki_id) def sg_id(self, id): self.ec2_id(id, ['sg']) def sg_ids(self, ids): self.multi(ids, self.sg_id) def subnet_id(self, id): self.ec2_id(id, ['subnet']) def subnet_ids(self, ids): self.multi(ids, self.subnet_id) def igw_id(self, id): self.ec2_id(id, ['igw']) def igw_ids(self, ids): self.multi(ids, self.igw_id) def rtb_id(self, id): self.ec2_id(id, ['rtb']) def rtb_ids(self, ids): self.multi(ids, self.rtb_id) def eni_id(self, id): self.ec2_id(id, ['eni']) def eni_ids(self, ids): self.multi(ids, self.eni_id) def vpc_id(self, id): self.ec2_id(id, ['vpc']) def vpc_ids(self, ids): self.multi(ids, self.vpc_id) def eipalloc_id(self, id): self.ec2_id(id, ['eipalloc']) def eipalloc_ids(self, ids): self.multi(ids, self.eipalloc_id) def eipassoc_id(self, id): self.ec2_id(id, ['eipassoc']) def rtbassoc_id(self, id): self.ec2_id(id, ['rtbassoc']) def eni_attach_id(self, id): self.ec2_id(id, ['eni-attach']) def snap_id(self, id): self.ec2_id(id, ['snap']) def snap_ids(self, ids): self.multi(ids, self.snap_id) def vol_id(self, id): self.ec2_id(id, ['vol']) def vol_ids(self, ids): self.multi(ids, self.vol_id) def dopt_id(self, id): self.ec2_id(id, ['dopt']) def dopt_ids(self, ids): self.multi(ids, self.dopt_id) def vgw_id(self, id): self.ec2_id(id, ['vgw']) def vgw_ids(self, ids): self.multi(ids, self.vgw_id) def cgw_id(self, id): self.ec2_id(id, ['cgw']) def cgw_ids(self, ids): self.multi(ids, self.cgw_id) def vpn_id(self, id): self.ec2_id(id, ['vpn']) def vpn_ids(self, ids): self.multi(ids, self.vpn_id) def security_group_str(self, value): validator.validate_security_group_str(value, self.param_name, self.params.get('vpc_id')) def security_group_strs(self, values): self.multi(values, self.security_group_str) def vpn_connection_type(self, value): validator.validate_vpn_connection_type(value) VPC_KINDS = ['vpc', 'igw', 'subnet', 'eni', 'dopt', 'eipalloc', 'rtb', 'vgw', 'cgw', 'vpn'] class UniversalDescriber(object): """Abstract Describer class for various Describe implementations.""" KIND = '' SORT_KEY = '' FILTER_MAP = {} def format(self, item=None, os_item=None): pass def post_format(self, formatted_item, item): pass def get_db_items(self): return ec2utils.get_db_items(self.context, self.KIND, self.ids) def get_os_items(self): return [] def auto_update_db(self, item, os_item): if item is None and self.KIND not in VPC_KINDS: item = ec2utils.auto_create_db_item(self.context, self.KIND, self.get_id(os_item)) LOG.info( 'Item %(item)s was updated to %(os_item)s.', {'item': str(item), 'os_item': str(os_item)}) return item def get_id(self, os_item): return os_item['id'] if isinstance(os_item, dict) else os_item.id def get_name(self, os_item): return os_item['name'] def delete_obsolete_item(self, item): LOG.info('Deleting obsolete item %(item)s', {'item': str(item)}) db_api.delete_item(self.context, item['id']) def is_filtering_value_found(self, filter_value, value): if fnmatch.fnmatch(str(value), str(filter_value)): return True def filtered_out(self, item, filters): if filters is None: return False for filter in filters: filter_name = self.FILTER_MAP.get(filter['name']) if filter_name is None: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue( value=filter['name'], parameter='filter', reason='invalid filter') values = self.get_values_by_filter(filter_name, item) if not values: return True filter_values = filter['value'] for filter_value in filter_values: if any(self.is_filtering_value_found(filter_value, value) for value in values): break else: return True return False def get_values_by_filter(self, filter_name, item): if isinstance(filter_name, list): values = [] value_set = item.get(filter_name[0], []) for value in value_set: vals = self.get_values_by_filter(filter_name[1], value) if vals: values += vals else: if isinstance(filter_name, tuple): value = item.get(filter_name[0], {}).get(filter_name[1]) else: value = item.get(filter_name) values = [value] if value is not None else [] return values def get_paged(self, formatted_items, max_results, next_token): self.next_token = None if not max_results and not next_token: return formatted_items if max_results and max_results > 1000: max_results = 1000 formatted_items = sorted(formatted_items, key=operator.itemgetter(self.SORT_KEY)) next_item = 0 if next_token: next_item = int(base64.b64decode(next_token).decode()) if next_item: formatted_items = formatted_items[next_item:] if max_results and max_results < len(formatted_items): self.next_token = base64.b64encode( str(next_item + max_results).encode()) formatted_items = formatted_items[:max_results] return formatted_items def is_selected_item(self, context, os_item_name, item): return (os_item_name in self.names or (item and item['id'] in self.ids)) def handle_unpaired_item(self, item): self.delete_obsolete_item(item) def describe(self, context, ids=None, names=None, filter=None, max_results=None, next_token=None): if max_results and max_results < 5: msg = (_('Value ( %s ) for parameter maxResults is invalid. ' 'Expecting a value greater than 5.') % max_results) raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(msg) self.context = context self.selective_describe = ids is not None or names is not None self.ids = set(ids or []) self.names = set(names or []) self.items = self.get_db_items() self.os_items = self.get_os_items() formatted_items = [] self.items_dict = {i['os_id']: i for i in (self.items or [])} paired_items_ids = set() for os_item in self.os_items: os_item_name = self.get_name(os_item) os_item_id = self.get_id(os_item) item = self.items_dict.get(os_item_id, None) if item: paired_items_ids.add(item['id']) # NOTE(Alex): Filter out items not requested in names or ids if (self.selective_describe and not self.is_selected_item(context, os_item_name, item)): continue # NOTE(Alex): Autoupdate DB for autoupdatable items item = self.auto_update_db(item, os_item) # NOTE(andrey-mp): save item id again # (if item has created by auto update) if item: paired_items_ids.add(item['id']) formatted_item = self.format(item, os_item) self.post_format(formatted_item, item) if os_item_name in self.names: self.names.remove(os_item_name) if item and item['id'] in self.ids: self.ids.remove(item['id']) if (formatted_item and not self.filtered_out(formatted_item, filter)): formatted_items.append(formatted_item) # NOTE(Alex): delete obsolete items for item in self.items: if item['id'] in paired_items_ids: continue formatted_item = self.handle_unpaired_item(item) if formatted_item: if not self.filtered_out(formatted_item, filter): formatted_items.append(formatted_item) if item['id'] in self.ids: self.ids.remove(item['id']) # NOTE(Alex): some requested items are not found if self.ids or self.names: params = {'id': next(iter(self.ids or self.names))} raise ec2utils.NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION_MAP[self.KIND](**params) return self.get_paged(formatted_items, max_results, next_token) class TaggableItemsDescriber(UniversalDescriber): tags = None def __init__(self): super(TaggableItemsDescriber, self).__init__() self.FILTER_MAP['tag-key'] = ['tagSet', 'key'] self.FILTER_MAP['tag-value'] = ['tagSet', 'value'] self.FILTER_MAP['tag'] = 'tagSet' def get_tags(self): return db_api.get_tags(self.context, (self.KIND,), self.ids) def post_format(self, formatted_item, item): if not item or not formatted_item: return if self.tags is None: tags = collections.defaultdict(list) for tag in self.get_tags(): tags[tag['item_id']].append(tag) self.tags = tags formatted_tags = [] for tag in self.tags[item['id']]: formatted_tags.append({'key': tag['key'], 'value': tag['value']}) if formatted_tags: # NOTE(ft): AWS returns tagSet element for all objects (there are # errors in AWS docs) formatted_item['tagSet'] = formatted_tags def describe(self, context, ids=None, names=None, filter=None, max_results=None, next_token=None): if filter: for f in filter: if f['name'].startswith('tag:'): tag_key = f['name'].split(':')[1] tag_values = f['value'] f['name'] = 'tag' f['value'] = [{'key': tag_key, 'value': tag_values}] return super(TaggableItemsDescriber, self).describe( context, ids=ids, names=names, filter=filter, max_results=max_results, next_token=next_token) def is_filtering_value_found(self, filter_value, value): if isinstance(filter_value, dict): for tag_pair in value: if (not isinstance(tag_pair, dict) or filter_value.get('key') != tag_pair.get('key')): continue for filter_dict_value in filter_value.get('value'): if super(TaggableItemsDescriber, self).is_filtering_value_found( filter_dict_value, tag_pair.get('value')): return True return False return super(TaggableItemsDescriber, self).is_filtering_value_found(filter_value, value) class NonOpenstackItemsDescriber(UniversalDescriber): """Describer class for non-Openstack items Describe implementations.""" def describe(self, context, ids=None, names=None, filter=None, max_results=None, next_token=None): if max_results and max_results < 5: msg = (_('Value ( %s ) for parameter maxResults is invalid. ' 'Expecting a value greater than 5.') % max_results) raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(msg) self.context = context self.ids = ids self.items = self.get_db_items() formatted_items = [] for item in self.items: formatted_item = self.format(item) self.post_format(formatted_item, item) if (formatted_item and not self.filtered_out(formatted_item, filter)): formatted_items.append(formatted_item) return self.get_paged(formatted_items, max_results, next_token)