# Copyright 2014 # The Cloudscaling Group, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import binascii import os import shutil import tarfile import tempfile import time import botocore.client import botocore.config import botocore.session from cinderclient import exceptions as cinder_exception from cryptography.hazmat import backends from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization import eventlet from glanceclient.common import exceptions as glance_exception from lxml import etree from oslo_concurrency import processutils from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_serialization import jsonutils import six from ec2api.api import common from ec2api.api import ec2utils from ec2api.api import instance as instance_api from ec2api import clients from ec2api.db import api as db_api from ec2api import exception from ec2api.i18n import _ LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) s3_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('image_decryption_dir', default='/tmp', help='Parent directory for tempdir used for image decryption'), cfg.StrOpt('s3_url', default='http://$my_ip:3334', help='URL to S3 server'), # TODO(andrey-mp): this should be reworked with all region`s logic cfg.StrOpt('s3_region', default='RegionOne', help='Region of S3 server'), cfg.StrOpt('x509_root_private_key', help='Path to ca private key file'), ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(s3_opts) rpcapi_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('cert_topic', default='cert', deprecated_for_removal=True, deprecated_reason='"nova_cert" service is removed', help='The topic cert nodes listen on'), ] CONF.register_opts(rpcapi_opts) """Images related API implementation """ Validator = common.Validator CONTAINER_TO_KIND = {'aki': 'aki', 'ari': 'ari', 'ami': 'ami', # NOTE(ft): this mappings are ported from legacy Nova EC2 # There is no idea about its actuality 'kernel': 'aki', 'ramdisk': 'ari'} IMAGE_TYPES = {'aki': 'kernel', 'ari': 'ramdisk', 'ami': 'machine'} GLANCE_STATUS_TO_EC2 = {'queued': 'pending', 'saving': 'pending', 'active': 'available', 'killed': 'deregistered', 'pending_delete': 'deregistered', 'deleted': 'deregistered', 'deactivated': 'invalid'} EPHEMERAL_PREFIX_LEN = len('ephemeral') # TODO(yamahata): race condition # At the moment there is no way to prevent others from # manipulating instances/volumes/snapshots. # As other code doesn't take it into consideration, here we don't # care of it for now. Ostrich algorithm def create_image(context, instance_id, name=None, description=None, no_reboot=False, block_device_mapping=None): instance = ec2utils.get_db_item(context, instance_id) if not instance_api._is_ebs_instance(context, instance['os_id']): msg = _('Instance does not have a volume attached at root (null).') raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(value=instance_id, parameter='InstanceId', reason=msg) nova = clients.nova(context) os_instance = nova.servers.get(instance['os_id']) restart_instance = False if not no_reboot and os_instance.status != 'SHUTOFF': if os_instance.status != 'ACTIVE': # TODO(ft): Change the error code and message with the real AWS # ones msg = _('Instance must be run or stopped') raise exception.IncorrectState(reason=msg) restart_instance = True # meaningful image name name_map = dict(instance=instance['os_id'], now=ec2utils.isotime()) name = name or _('image of %(instance)s at %(now)s') % name_map def delayed_create(context, image, name, os_instance): try: os_instance.stop() # wait instance for really stopped start_time = time.time() while os_instance.status != 'SHUTOFF': time.sleep(1) os_instance.get() # NOTE(yamahata): timeout and error. 1 hour for now for safety. # Is it too short/long? # Or is there any better way? timeout = 1 * 60 * 60 if time.time() > start_time + timeout: err = (_("Couldn't stop instance within %d sec") % timeout) raise exception.EC2Exception(message=err) # NOTE(ft): create an image with ec2_id metadata to let other code # link os and db objects in race conditions os_image_id = os_instance.create_image( name, metadata={'ec2_id': image['id']}) image['os_id'] = os_image_id db_api.update_item(context, image) except Exception: LOG.exception('Failed to complete image %s creation', image['id']) try: image['state'] = 'failed' db_api.update_item(context, image) except Exception: LOG.warning("Couldn't set 'failed' state for db image %s", image['id'], exc_info=True) try: os_instance.start() except Exception: LOG.warning('Failed to start instance %(i_id)s after ' 'completed creation of image %(image_id)s', {'i_id': instance['id'], 'image_id': image['id']}, exc_info=True) image = {'is_public': False, 'description': description} if restart_instance: # NOTE(ft): image type is hardcoded, because we don't know it now, # but cannot change it later. But Nova doesn't specify container format # for snapshots of volume backed instances, so that it is 'ami' in fact image = db_api.add_item(context, 'ami', image) eventlet.spawn_n(delayed_create, context, image, name, os_instance) else: glance = clients.glance(context) with common.OnCrashCleaner() as cleaner: os_image_id = os_instance.create_image(name) cleaner.addCleanup(glance.images.delete, os_image_id) # TODO(andrey-mp): snapshot and volume also must be deleted in case # of error os_image = glance.images.get(os_image_id) image['os_id'] = os_image_id image = db_api.add_item(context, _get_os_image_kind(os_image), image) return {'imageId': image['id']} def register_image(context, name=None, image_location=None, description=None, architecture=None, root_device_name=None, block_device_mapping=None, virtualization_type=None, kernel_id=None, ramdisk_id=None, sriov_net_support=None): # Setup default flags is_s3_import = False is_url_import = False # Process the input arguments if not image_location and not root_device_name: # NOTE(ft): for backward compatibility with a hypothetical code # which uses name as image_location image_location = name if not image_location and not root_device_name: msg = _("Either imageLocation or rootDeviceName must be set.") raise exception.InvalidParameterCombination(msg) if not image_location and not name: msg = _('The request must contain the parameter name') raise exception.MissingParameter(msg) # TODO(ft): check parameters metadata = {} if name: # TODO(ft): check the name is unique (at least for EBS image case) metadata['name'] = name if image_location: # Resolve the import type metadata['image_location'] = image_location parsed_url = six.moves.urllib.parse.urlparse(image_location) is_s3_import = (parsed_url.scheme == '') or (parsed_url.scheme == 's3') is_url_import = not is_s3_import # Check if the name is in the metadata if 'name' not in metadata: # NOTE(ft): it's needed for backward compatibility metadata['name'] = image_location if root_device_name: metadata['root_device_name'] = root_device_name cinder = clients.cinder(context) if block_device_mapping: mappings = instance_api._parse_block_device_mapping( context, block_device_mapping) # TODO(ft): merge with image manifets's virtual device mappings short_root_device_name = ( ec2utils.block_device_strip_dev(root_device_name)) for bdm in mappings: instance_api._populate_parsed_bdm_parameter( bdm, short_root_device_name) if 'volume_size' in bdm: continue try: if bdm['source_type'] == 'snapshot': snapshot = cinder.volume_snapshots.get(bdm['snapshot_id']) bdm['volume_size'] = snapshot.size elif bdm['source_type'] == 'volume': volume = cinder.volumes.get(bdm['volume_id']) bdm['volume_size'] = volume.size except cinder_exception.NotFound: pass metadata['bdm_v2'] = 'True' metadata['block_device_mapping'] = jsonutils.dumps(mappings) if architecture is not None: metadata['architecture'] = architecture if kernel_id: metadata['kernel_id'] = ec2utils.get_os_image(context, kernel_id).id if ramdisk_id: metadata['ramdisk_id'] = ec2utils.get_os_image(context, ramdisk_id).id # Begin the import/registration process with common.OnCrashCleaner() as cleaner: # Setup the glance client glance = clients.glance(context) # Check if this is an S3 import if is_s3_import: os_image = _s3_create(context, metadata) # Condition for all non-S3 imports else: # Create the image in glance metadata.update({'visibility': 'private', 'container_format': 'bare', 'disk_format': 'raw'}) os_image = glance.images.create(**metadata) # Kick-off the URL image import if from URL if is_url_import: glance.images.image_import(os_image.id, method='web-download', uri=metadata['image_location']) # Otherwise, use the default method else: glance.images.upload(os_image.id, '', image_size=0) # Add cleanups and complete the registration process cleaner.addCleanup(glance.images.delete, os_image.id) kind = _get_os_image_kind(os_image) image = db_api.add_item(context, kind, {'os_id': os_image.id, 'is_public': False, 'description': description}) # Return the image ID for the registration process return {'imageId': image['id']} def deregister_image(context, image_id): os_image = ec2utils.get_os_image(context, image_id) if not os_image: image = db_api.get_item_by_id(context, image_id) if image.get('state') != 'failed': # TODO(ft): figure out corresponding AWS error raise exception.IncorrectState( reason='Image is still being created') else: _check_owner(context, os_image) glance = clients.glance(context) try: glance.images.delete(os_image.id) except glance_exception.HTTPNotFound: pass db_api.delete_item(context, image_id) return True class ImageDescriber(common.TaggableItemsDescriber): KIND = 'ami' FILTER_MAP = {'architecture': 'architecture', 'block-device-mapping.device-name': ['blockDeviceMapping', 'deviceName'], 'block-device-mapping.snapshot-id': ['blockDeviceMapping', ('ebs', 'snapshotId')], 'block-device-mapping.volume-size': ['blockDeviceMapping', ('ebs', 'volumeSize')], 'description': 'description', 'image-id': 'imageId', 'image-type': 'imageType', 'is-public': 'isPublic', 'kernel_id': 'kernelId', 'name': 'name', 'owner-id': 'imageOwnerId', 'ramdisk-id': 'ramdiskId', 'root-device-name': 'rootDeviceName', 'root-device-type': 'rootDeviceType', 'state': 'imageState', } def format(self, image, os_image): return _format_image(self.context, image, os_image, self.items_dict, self.ids_dict, self.snapshot_ids) def get_db_items(self): # TODO(ft): we can't get all images from DB per one request due # different kinds. It's need to refactor DB API and ec2utils functions # to work with kind smarter if self.ids: local_images = db_api.get_items_by_ids(self.context, self.ids) else: local_images = sum((db_api.get_items(self.context, kind) for kind in ('ami', 'ari', 'aki')), []) public_images = sum((db_api.get_public_items(self.context, kind, self.ids) for kind in ('ami', 'ari', 'aki')), []) mapped_ids = [] if self.ids: mapped_ids = [{'id': item_id, 'os_id': os_id} for kind in ('ami', 'ari', 'aki') for item_id, os_id in db_api.get_items_ids( self.context, kind, item_ids=self.ids)] # NOTE(ft): mapped_ids must be the first to let complete items from # next lists to override mappings, which do not have item body data images = sum((mapped_ids, local_images, public_images), []) if self.ids: # NOTE(ft): public images, owned by a current user, appear in both # local and public lists of images. Therefore it's not enough to # just compare length of requested and retrieved lists to make sure # that all requested images are retrieved. images_ids = set(i['id'] for i in images) if len(images_ids) < len(self.ids): missed_ids = self.ids - images_ids raise exception.InvalidAMIIDNotFound(id=next(iter(missed_ids))) self.pending_images = {i['id']: i for i in local_images if not i['os_id']} self.snapshot_ids = dict( (s['os_id'], s['id']) for s in db_api.get_items(self.context, 'snap')) self.local_images_os_ids = set(i['os_id'] for i in local_images) self.ids_dict = {} return images def get_os_items(self): os_images = list(clients.glance(self.context).images.list()) self.ec2_created_os_images = { os_image.ec2_id: os_image for os_image in os_images if (hasattr(os_image, 'ec2_id') and self.context.project_id == os_image.owner)} return os_images def auto_update_db(self, image, os_image): if not image: kind = _get_os_image_kind(os_image) if self.context.project_id == os_image.owner: if getattr(os_image, 'ec2_id', None) in self.pending_images: # NOTE(ft): the image is being creating, Glance had created # image, but creating thread doesn't yet update db item image = self.pending_images[os_image.ec2_id] image['os_id'] = os_image.id image['is_public'] = os_image.visibility == 'public' db_api.update_item(self.context, image) else: image = ec2utils.get_db_item_by_os_id( self.context, kind, os_image.id, self.items_dict, os_image=os_image) else: image_id = ec2utils.os_id_to_ec2_id( self.context, kind, os_image.id, items_by_os_id=self.items_dict, ids_by_os_id=self.ids_dict) image = {'id': image_id, 'os_id': os_image.id} elif (self.context.project_id == os_image.owner and image.get('is_public') != os_image.visibility == 'public'): image['is_public'] = os_image.visibility == 'public' if image['id'] in self.local_images_os_ids: db_api.update_item(self.context, image) else: # TODO(ft): currently update_item can not update id mapping, # because its project_id is None. Instead of upgrade db_api, # we use add_item. But its execution leads to a needless # DB call. This should be reworked in the future. kind = ec2utils.get_ec2_id_kind(image['id']) db_api.add_item(self.context, kind, image) return image def get_name(self, os_item): return '' def delete_obsolete_item(self, image): if image['os_id'] in self.local_images_os_ids: db_api.delete_item(self.context, image['id']) def get_tags(self): return db_api.get_tags(self.context, ('ami', 'ari', 'aki'), self.ids) def handle_unpaired_item(self, item): if item['os_id']: return super(ImageDescriber, self).handle_unpaired_item(item) if 'is_public' not in item: return None # NOTE(ft): process creating images, ignoring ids mapping # NOTE(ft): the image is being creating, Glance had created # image, but creating thread doesn't yet update db item os_image = self.ec2_created_os_images.get(item['id']) if os_image: item['os_id'] = os_image.id item['is_public'] = os_image.visibility == 'public' db_api.update_item(self.context, item) image = self.format(item, os_image) else: # NOTE(ft): Glance image is not yet created, but DB item # exists. So that we adds EC2 image to output results # with all data we have. # TODO(ft): check if euca2ools can process such result image = {'imageId': item['id'], 'imageOwnerId': self.context.project_id, 'imageType': IMAGE_TYPES[ ec2utils.get_ec2_id_kind(item['id'])], 'isPublic': item['is_public']} if 'description' in item: image['description'] = item['description'] image['imageState'] = item.get('state', 'pending') return image def describe_images(context, executable_by=None, image_id=None, owner=None, filter=None): formatted_images = ImageDescriber().describe( context, ids=image_id, filter=filter) return {'imagesSet': formatted_images} def describe_image_attribute(context, image_id, attribute): def _block_device_mapping_attribute(os_image, image, result): properties = ec2utils.deserialize_os_image_properties(os_image) mappings = _format_mappings(context, properties) if mappings: result['blockDeviceMapping'] = mappings def _description_attribute(os_image, image, result): result['description'] = {'value': image.get('description')} def _launch_permission_attribute(os_image, image, result): result['launchPermission'] = [] if os_image.visibility == 'public': result['launchPermission'].append({'group': 'all'}) def _kernel_attribute(os_image, image, result): kernel_id = getattr(os_image, 'kernel_id', None) if kernel_id: result['kernel'] = { 'value': ec2utils.os_id_to_ec2_id(context, 'aki', kernel_id) } def _ramdisk_attribute(os_image, image, result): ramdisk_id = getattr(os_image, 'ramdisk_id', None) if ramdisk_id: result['ramdisk'] = { 'value': ec2utils.os_id_to_ec2_id(context, 'ari', ramdisk_id) } # NOTE(ft): Openstack extension, AWS-incompability def _root_device_name_attribute(os_image, image, result): properties = ec2utils.deserialize_os_image_properties(os_image) result['rootDeviceName'] = ( ec2utils.block_device_properties_root_device_name(properties)) supported_attributes = { 'blockDeviceMapping': _block_device_mapping_attribute, 'description': _description_attribute, 'launchPermission': _launch_permission_attribute, 'kernel': _kernel_attribute, 'ramdisk': _ramdisk_attribute, # NOTE(ft): Openstack extension, AWS-incompability 'rootDeviceName': _root_device_name_attribute, } fn = supported_attributes.get(attribute) if fn is None: raise exception.InvalidRequest() os_image = ec2utils.get_os_image(context, image_id) if not os_image: # TODO(ft): figure out corresponding AWS error raise exception.IncorrectState( reason='Image is still being created or failed') _check_owner(context, os_image) image = ec2utils.get_db_item(context, image_id) result = {'imageId': image_id} fn(os_image, image, result) return result def modify_image_attribute(context, image_id, attribute=None, user_group=None, operation_type=None, description=None, launch_permission=None, product_code=None, user_id=None, value=None): os_image = ec2utils.get_os_image(context, image_id) if not os_image: # TODO(ft): figure out corresponding AWS error raise exception.IncorrectState( reason='Image is still being created or failed') attributes = set() # NOTE(andrey-mp): launchPermission structure is converted here # to plain parameters: attribute, user_group, operation_type, user_id if launch_permission is not None: attributes.add('launchPermission') user_group = list() user_id = list() if len(launch_permission) == 0: msg = _('No operation specified for launchPermission attribute.') raise exception.InvalidParameterCombination(msg) if len(launch_permission) > 1: msg = _('Only one operation can be specified.') raise exception.InvalidParameterCombination(msg) operation_type, permissions = launch_permission.popitem() for index_key in permissions: permission = permissions[index_key] if 'group' in permission: user_group.append(permission['group']) if 'user_id' in permission: user_id.append(permission['user_id']) if attribute == 'launchPermission': attributes.add('launchPermission') if description is not None: attributes.add('description') value = description if attribute == 'description': attributes.add('description') # check attributes if len(attributes) == 0: if product_code is not None: attribute = 'productCodes' if attribute in ['kernel', 'ramdisk', 'productCodes', 'blockDeviceMapping']: raise exception.InvalidParameter( _('Parameter %s is invalid. ' 'The attribute is not supported.') % attribute) raise exception.InvalidParameterCombination('No attributes specified.') if len(attributes) > 1: raise exception.InvalidParameterCombination( _('Fields for multiple attribute types specified: %s') % str(attributes)) if 'launchPermission' in attributes: if not user_group: msg = _('No operation specified for launchPermission attribute.') raise exception.InvalidParameterCombination(msg) if len(user_group) != 1 and user_group[0] != 'all': msg = _('only group "all" is supported') raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(parameter='UserGroup', value=user_group, reason=msg) if operation_type not in ['add', 'remove']: msg = _('operation_type must be add or remove') raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(parameter='OperationType', value='operation_type', reason=msg) _check_owner(context, os_image) glance = clients.glance(context) visibility = 'public' if operation_type == 'add' else 'private' glance.images.update(os_image.id, visibility=visibility) return True if 'description' in attributes: if not value: raise exception.MissingParameter( 'The request must contain the parameter description') _check_owner(context, os_image) image = ec2utils.get_db_item(context, image_id) image['description'] = value db_api.update_item(context, image) return True def reset_image_attribute(context, image_id, attribute): if attribute != 'launchPermission': raise exception.InvalidRequest() os_image = ec2utils.get_os_image(context, image_id) _check_owner(context, os_image) glance = clients.glance(context) glance.images.update(os_image.id, visibility='private') return True def _check_owner(context, os_image): if os_image.owner != context.project_id: raise exception.AuthFailure(_('Not authorized for image:%s') % os_image.id) def _format_image(context, image, os_image, images_dict, ids_dict, snapshot_ids=None): ec2_image = {'imageId': image['id'], 'imageOwnerId': os_image.owner, 'imageType': IMAGE_TYPES[ ec2utils.get_ec2_id_kind(image['id'])], 'isPublic': os_image.visibility == 'public', 'architecture': getattr(os_image, 'architecture', None), 'creationDate': os_image.created_at } if 'description' in image: ec2_image['description'] = image['description'] if 'state' in image: state = image['state'] else: state = GLANCE_STATUS_TO_EC2.get(os_image.status, 'error') if state in ('available', 'pending'): state = _s3_image_state_map.get(getattr(os_image, 'image_state', None), state) ec2_image['imageState'] = state kernel_id = getattr(os_image, 'kernel_id', None) if kernel_id: ec2_image['kernelId'] = ec2utils.os_id_to_ec2_id( context, 'aki', kernel_id, items_by_os_id=images_dict, ids_by_os_id=ids_dict) ramdisk_id = getattr(os_image, 'ramdisk_id', None) if ramdisk_id: ec2_image['ramdiskId'] = ec2utils.os_id_to_ec2_id( context, 'ari', ramdisk_id, items_by_os_id=images_dict, ids_by_os_id=ids_dict) name = os_image.name img_loc = getattr(os_image, 'image_location', None) if img_loc: ec2_image['imageLocation'] = img_loc else: ec2_image['imageLocation'] = "%s (%s)" % (img_loc, name) if not name and img_loc: # This should only occur for images registered with ec2 api # prior to that api populating the glance name ec2_image['name'] = img_loc else: ec2_image['name'] = name properties = ec2utils.deserialize_os_image_properties(os_image) root_device_name = ( ec2utils.block_device_properties_root_device_name(properties)) mappings = _format_mappings(context, properties, root_device_name, snapshot_ids, os_image.owner) if mappings: ec2_image['blockDeviceMapping'] = mappings root_device_type = 'instance-store' if root_device_name: ec2_image['rootDeviceName'] = root_device_name short_root_device_name = ec2utils.block_device_strip_dev( root_device_name) if any((short_root_device_name == ec2utils.block_device_strip_dev(bdm.get('deviceName'))) for bdm in mappings): root_device_type = 'ebs' ec2_image['rootDeviceType'] = root_device_type return ec2_image def _format_mappings(context, os_image_properties, root_device_name=None, snapshot_ids=None, project_id=None): formatted_mappings = [] bdms = ec2utils.get_os_image_mappings(os_image_properties) ephemeral_numbers = _ephemeral_free_number_generator(bdms) for bdm in bdms: # NOTE(yamahata): trim ebs.no_device == true. Is this necessary? # TODO(ft): figure out AWS and Nova behaviors if bdm.get('no_device'): continue item = {} if bdm.get('boot_index') == 0 and root_device_name: item['deviceName'] = root_device_name elif 'device_name' in bdm: item['deviceName'] = bdm['device_name'] if bdm.get('destination_type') == 'volume': ebs = _format_volume_mapping( context, bdm, snapshot_ids=snapshot_ids, project_id=project_id) if not ebs: # TODO(ft): what to do with the wrong bdm? continue item['ebs'] = ebs elif bdm.get('destination_type') == 'local': virtual_name = _format_virtual_name(bdm, ephemeral_numbers) if not virtual_name: # TODO(ft): what to do with the wrong bdm? continue item['virtualName'] = virtual_name else: # TODO(ft): what to do with the wrong bdm? continue formatted_mappings.append(item) return formatted_mappings def _format_volume_mapping(context, bdm, snapshot_ids=None, project_id=None): ebs = {'deleteOnTermination': bdm['delete_on_termination']} # TODO(ft): set default volumeSize from the source if bdm.get('volume_size') is not None: ebs['volumeSize'] = bdm['volume_size'] if bdm.get('source_type') == 'snapshot': if bdm.get('snapshot_id'): ebs['snapshotId'] = ec2utils.os_id_to_ec2_id( context, 'snap', bdm['snapshot_id'], ids_by_os_id=snapshot_ids, project_id=project_id) # NOTE(ft): Openstack extension, AWS-incompability elif bdm.get('source_type') == 'volume': if bdm.get('volume_id'): ebs['snapshotId'] = ec2utils.os_id_to_ec2_id( context, 'vol', bdm['volume_id'], project_id=project_id) # NOTE(ft): extension, AWS-incompability elif bdm.get('source_type') == 'image': if bdm.get('image_id'): ebs['snapshotId'] = ec2utils.os_id_to_ec2_id( context, 'ami', bdm['image_id']) if ebs.get('snapshotId') or bdm.get('source_type') == 'blank': return ebs def _format_virtual_name(bdm, ephemeral_numbers): if bdm.get('source_type') == 'blank': if bdm.get('guest_format') == 'swap': return 'swap' else: return (bdm.get('virtual_name') or 'ephemeral%s' % next(ephemeral_numbers)) def _ephemeral_free_number_generator(bdms): named_ephemeral_nums = set( int(bdm['virtual_name'][EPHEMERAL_PREFIX_LEN:]) for bdm in bdms if (bdm.get('destination_type') == 'local' and bdm.get('source_type') == 'blank' and bdm.get('guest_format') != 'swap' and bdm.get('virtual_name'))) ephemeral_free_num = 0 while True: if ephemeral_free_num not in named_ephemeral_nums: yield ephemeral_free_num ephemeral_free_num += 1 def _get_os_image_kind(os_image): # NOTE(ft): for 'get' operation Glance image doesn't have an attribute # if it isn't sent by Glance. But Glance doesn't send null-value # attributes, and the attributes above are null for volume-backed images. if not hasattr(os_image, 'container_format'): return 'ami' return CONTAINER_TO_KIND.get(os_image.container_format, 'ami') def _auto_create_image_extension(context, image, os_image): image['is_public'] = os_image.visibility == 'public' ec2utils.register_auto_create_db_item_extension( 'ami', _auto_create_image_extension) ec2utils.register_auto_create_db_item_extension( 'ari', _auto_create_image_extension) ec2utils.register_auto_create_db_item_extension( 'aki', _auto_create_image_extension) # NOTE(ft): following functions are copied from various parts of Nova # translate our internal state to states valid by the EC2 API documentation _s3_image_state_map = {'downloading': 'pending', 'failed_download': 'failed', 'decrypting': 'pending', 'failed_decrypt': 'failed', 'untarring': 'pending', 'failed_untar': 'failed', 'uploading': 'pending', 'failed_upload': 'failed', 'available': 'available'} def _s3_create(context, metadata): """Gets a manifest from s3 and makes an image.""" # Parse the metadata into bucket and manifest path parsed_url = six.moves.urllib.parse.urlparse(metadata['image_location']) if parsed_url.hostname is not None: # Handle s3:/// case bucket_name = parsed_url.hostname manifest_path = parsed_url.path[1:] else: # Handle / case bucket_name = parsed_url.path.split('/')[0] manifest_path = '/'.join(parsed_url.path.split('/')[1:]) # Continue with S3 import s3_client = _s3_conn(context) image_location = '/'.join([bucket_name, manifest_path]) key = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=manifest_path) body = key['Body'] if isinstance(body, six.string_types): manifest = body else: # TODO(andrey-mp): check big objects manifest = body.read() (image_metadata, image_parts, encrypted_key, encrypted_iv) = _s3_parse_manifest(context, manifest) metadata.update(image_metadata) metadata.update({'image_state': 'pending', 'visibility': 'private'}) # TODO(bcwaldon): right now, this removes user-defined ids # We need to re-enable this. metadata.pop('id', None) glance = clients.glance(context) image = glance.images.create(**metadata) def _update_image_state(image_state): glance.images.update(image.id, image_state=image_state) def delayed_create(): """This handles the fetching and decrypting of the part files.""" context.update_store() try: image_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=CONF.image_decryption_dir) log_vars = {'image_location': image_location, 'image_path': image_path} _update_image_state('downloading') try: parts = [] for part_name in image_parts: part = _s3_download_file(s3_client, bucket_name, part_name, image_path) parts.append(part) # NOTE(vish): this may be suboptimal, should we use cat? enc_filename = os.path.join(image_path, 'image.encrypted') with open(enc_filename, 'wb') as combined: for filename in parts: with open(filename, "rb") as part: combined.write(part.read()) except Exception: LOG.exception('Failed to download %(image_location)s ' 'to %(image_path)s', log_vars) _update_image_state('failed_download') return _update_image_state('decrypting') try: dec_filename = os.path.join(image_path, 'image.tar.gz') _s3_decrypt_image(context, enc_filename, encrypted_key, encrypted_iv, dec_filename) except Exception: LOG.exception('Failed to decrypt %(image_location)s ' 'to %(image_path)s', log_vars) _update_image_state('failed_decrypt') return _update_image_state('untarring') try: unz_filename = _s3_untarzip_image(image_path, dec_filename) except Exception: LOG.exception('Failed to untar %(image_location)s ' 'to %(image_path)s', log_vars) _update_image_state('failed_untar') return _update_image_state('uploading') try: with open(unz_filename, "rb") as image_file: glance.images.upload(image.id, image_file) except Exception: LOG.exception('Failed to upload %(image_location)s ' 'to %(image_path)s', log_vars) _update_image_state('failed_upload') return _update_image_state('available') shutil.rmtree(image_path) except glance_exception.HTTPNotFound: LOG.info('Image %swas deleted underneath us', image.id) except Exception: LOG.exception('Failed to complete image %s creation', image.id) eventlet.spawn_n(delayed_create) return image def _s3_parse_manifest(context, manifest): manifest = etree.fromstring(manifest) try: arch = manifest.find('machine_configuration/architecture').text except Exception: arch = 'x86_64' metadata = {'architecture': arch} mappings = [] try: block_device_mapping = manifest.findall('machine_configuration/' 'block_device_mapping/' 'mapping') for bdm in block_device_mapping: mappings.append({'virtual': bdm.find('virtual').text, 'device': bdm.find('device').text}) except Exception: mappings = [] if mappings: metadata['mappings'] = mappings def set_dependent_image_id(image_key): try: image_key_path = ('machine_configuration/%(image_key)s' % {'image_key': image_key}) image_id = manifest.find(image_key_path).text except Exception: return if image_id == 'true': return True os_image = ec2utils.get_os_image(context, image_id) metadata[image_key] = os_image.id image_format = 'ami' if set_dependent_image_id('kernel_id'): image_format = 'aki' if set_dependent_image_id('ramdisk_id'): image_format = 'ari' metadata.update({'disk_format': image_format, 'container_format': image_format}) image_parts = [ fn_element.text for fn_element in manifest.find('image').iter('filename')] encrypted_key = manifest.find('image/ec2_encrypted_key').text encrypted_iv = manifest.find('image/ec2_encrypted_iv').text return metadata, image_parts, encrypted_key, encrypted_iv def _s3_download_file(s3_client, bucket_name, filename, local_dir): s3_object = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=filename) local_filename = os.path.join(local_dir, os.path.basename(filename)) body = s3_object['Body'] with open(local_filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(body.read()) return local_filename def _s3_decrypt_image(context, encrypted_filename, encrypted_key, encrypted_iv, decrypted_filename): encrypted_key = binascii.a2b_hex(encrypted_key) encrypted_iv = binascii.a2b_hex(encrypted_iv) try: key = _decrypt_text(encrypted_key).decode() except Exception as exc: msg = _('Failed to decrypt private key: %s') % exc raise exception.EC2Exception(msg) try: iv = _decrypt_text(encrypted_iv).decode() except Exception as exc: msg = _('Failed to decrypt initialization vector: %s') % exc raise exception.EC2Exception(msg) try: processutils.execute('openssl', 'enc', '-d', '-aes-128-cbc', '-in', '%s' % (encrypted_filename,), '-K', '%s' % (key,), '-iv', '%s' % (iv,), '-out', '%s' % (decrypted_filename,)) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as exc: raise exception.EC2Exception(_('Failed to decrypt image file ' '%(image_file)s: %(err)s') % {'image_file': encrypted_filename, 'err': exc.stdout}) def _s3_untarzip_image(path, filename): _s3_test_for_malicious_tarball(path, filename) tar_file = tarfile.open(filename, 'r|gz') tar_file.extractall(path) image_file = tar_file.getnames()[0] tar_file.close() return os.path.join(path, image_file) def _s3_test_for_malicious_tarball(path, filename): """Raises exception if extracting tarball would escape extract path.""" tar_file = tarfile.open(filename, 'r|gz') for n in tar_file.getnames(): if not os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, n)).startswith(path): tar_file.close() # TODO(ft): figure out actual AWS exception raise exception.EC2InvalidException(_('Unsafe filenames in image')) tar_file.close() def _s3_conn(context): region = CONF.s3_region ec2_creds = clients.keystone(context).ec2.list(context.user_id) # Here we a) disable user's default config to let ec2api works independetly # of user's local settings; # b) specify region to be used by botocore; # c) do not change standard botocore keys to get these settings # from environment connection_data = { 'config_file': (None, 'AWS_CONFIG_FILE', None, None), 'region': ('region', 'AWS_DEFAULT_REGION', region, None), } session = botocore.session.get_session(connection_data) return session.create_client( 's3', region_name=region, endpoint_url=CONF.s3_url, aws_access_key_id=ec2_creds[0].access, aws_secret_access_key=ec2_creds[0].secret, config=botocore.config.Config(signature_version='s3v4')) def _decrypt_text(text): private_key_file = CONF.x509_root_private_key if not private_key_file: msg = _("Path to ca private key isn't configured") raise exception.EC2Exception(msg) with open(private_key_file, 'rb') as f: data = f.read() priv_key = serialization.load_pem_private_key( data, None, backends.default_backend()) return priv_key.decrypt(text, padding.PKCS1v15())