.. _database-creation: Creating the database ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The database is created automatically by the install.sh. To create the database manually, complete these steps: * Use the database access client to connect to the database server as the ``root`` user: .. code-block:: console $ mysql -u root -p * Create the ``ec2api`` database: .. code-block:: mysql CREATE DATABASE ec2api; * Grant proper access to the ``ec2api`` database: .. code-block:: console GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ec2api.* TO 'ec2api'@'localhost' \ IDENTIFIED BY 'EC2-API_DBPASS'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ec2api.* TO 'ec2api'@'%' \ IDENTIFIED BY 'EC2-API_DBPASS'; Replace ``EC2-API_DBPASS`` with a suitable password. * Exit the database access client. .. code-block:: mysql exit;