xuanyandong 44f22cf2a5 Remove six
Replace the following items with Python 3 style code.

- six.PY2
- six.text_type
- six.string_type
- six.binary_type
- six.iterkeys
- six.moves
- six.itervalues

Implements: blueprint six-removal

Change-Id: I6195ceeeed2ebe1586973eaeef7fa9f29698fec2
2022-07-05 17:37:44 +08:00

561 lines
19 KiB

# Copyright 2014
# The Cloudscaling Group, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import datetime
import re
from glanceclient.common import exceptions as glance_exception
from lxml import etree
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_utils import timeutils
from ec2api import clients
from ec2api.db import api as db_api
from ec2api import exception
from ec2api.i18n import _
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ec2_opts = [
help='Name of the external network, which is used to connect'
'VPCs to Internet and to allocate Elastic IPs.'),
LEGACY_BDM_FIELDS = set(['device_name', 'delete_on_termination', 'snapshot_id',
'volume_id', 'volume_size', 'no_device'])
_c2u = re.compile('(((?<=[a-z])[A-Z])|([A-Z](?![A-Z]|$)))')
def camelcase_to_underscore(str):
return _c2u.sub(r'_\1', str).lower().strip('_')
def _try_convert(value):
"""Return a non-string from a string or unicode, if possible.
============= =====================================================
When value is returns
============= =====================================================
zero-length ''
'None' None
'True' True case insensitive
'False' False case insensitive
'0', '-0' 0
0xN, -0xN int from hex (positive) (N is any number)
0bN, -0bN int from binary (positive) (N is any number)
* try conversion to int, float, complex, fallback value
def _negative_zero(value):
epsilon = 1e-7
return 0 if abs(value) < epsilon else value
if len(value) == 0:
return ''
if value == 'None':
return None
lowered_value = value.lower()
if lowered_value == 'true':
return True
if lowered_value == 'false':
return False
for prefix, base in [('0x', 16), ('0b', 2), ('0', 8), ('', 10)]:
if lowered_value.startswith((prefix, "-" + prefix)):
return int(lowered_value, base)
except ValueError:
return _negative_zero(float(value))
except ValueError:
return value
def dict_from_dotted_str(items):
"""parse multi dot-separated argument into dict.
EBS boot uses multi dot-separated arguments like
Convert the above into
{'block_device_mapping': {'1': {'device_name': snap-id}}}
args = {}
for key, value in items:
parts = key.split(".")
key = str(camelcase_to_underscore(parts[0]))
if isinstance(value, str):
# NOTE(vish): Automatically convert strings back
# into their respective values
value = _try_convert(value)
if len(parts) > 1:
d = args.get(key, {})
args[key] = d
for k in parts[1:-1]:
k = camelcase_to_underscore(k)
v = d.get(k, {})
d[k] = v
d = v
d[camelcase_to_underscore(parts[-1])] = value
args[key] = value
return args
def _render_dict(el, data):
for key, val in data.items():
sub_el = etree.SubElement(el, key)
_render_data(sub_el, val)
except Exception:
def _render_data(el, data):
if isinstance(data, list):
for item in data:
sub_el = etree.SubElement(el, 'item')
_render_data(sub_el, item)
elif isinstance(data, dict):
_render_dict(el, data)
elif hasattr(data, '__dict__'):
_render_dict(el, data.__dict__)
elif isinstance(data, bool):
el.text = str(data).lower()
elif isinstance(data, datetime.datetime):
el.text = _database_to_isoformat(data)
elif isinstance(data, bytes):
el.text = data.decode("utf-8")
elif data is not None:
el.text = str(data)
def _database_to_isoformat(datetimeobj):
"""Return a xs:dateTime parsable string from datatime."""
return datetimeobj.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3] + 'Z'
def dict_to_xml(data_dict, root_tag):
root = etree.Element(root_tag)
_render_dict(root, data_dict)
return root
_ms_time_regex = re.compile(r'^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3,6}Z$')
def is_ec2_timestamp_expired(request, expires=None):
"""Checks the timestamp or expiry time included in an EC2 request
and returns true if the request is expired
query_time = None
timestamp = request.get('Timestamp')
expiry_time = request.get('Expires')
def parse_strtime(strtime):
if _ms_time_regex.match(strtime):
# NOTE(MotoKen): time format for aws-sdk-java contains millisecond
time_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ"
time_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"
return timeutils.parse_strtime(strtime, time_format)
if timestamp and expiry_time:
msg = _("Request must include either Timestamp or Expires,"
" but cannot contain both")
raise exception.InvalidRequest(msg)
elif expiry_time:
query_time = parse_strtime(expiry_time)
return timeutils.is_older_than(query_time, -1)
elif timestamp:
query_time = parse_strtime(timestamp)
# Check if the difference between the timestamp in the request
# and the time on our servers is larger than 5 minutes, the
# request is too old (or too new).
if query_time and expires:
return (timeutils.is_older_than(query_time, expires) or
timeutils.is_newer_than(query_time, expires))
return False
except ValueError:
LOG.exception("Timestamp is invalid: ")
return True
# NOTE(ft): extra functions to use in vpc specific code or instead of
# malformed existed functions
def get_ec2_id_kind(obj_id):
return obj_id.split('-')[0]
def change_ec2_id_kind(obj_id, new_kind):
return '%(kind)s-%(id)s' % {'kind': new_kind,
'id': obj_id.split('-')[-1]}
'vpc': exception.InvalidVpcIDNotFound,
'igw': exception.InvalidInternetGatewayIDNotFound,
'subnet': exception.InvalidSubnetIDNotFound,
'eni': exception.InvalidNetworkInterfaceIDNotFound,
'dopt': exception.InvalidDhcpOptionsIDNotFound,
'eipalloc': exception.InvalidAllocationIDNotFound,
'sg': exception.InvalidGroupNotFound,
'rtb': exception.InvalidRouteTableIDNotFound,
'i': exception.InvalidInstanceIDNotFound,
'kp': exception.InvalidKeypairNotFound,
'az': exception.InvalidAvailabilityZoneNotFound,
'vol': exception.InvalidVolumeNotFound,
'snap': exception.InvalidSnapshotNotFound,
'ami': exception.InvalidAMIIDNotFound,
'aki': exception.InvalidAMIIDNotFound,
'ari': exception.InvalidAMIIDNotFound,
'vgw': exception.InvalidVpnGatewayIDNotFound,
'cgw': exception.InvalidCustomerGatewayIDNotFound,
'vpn': exception.InvalidVpnConnectionIDNotFound,
def get_db_item(context, ec2_id, expected_kind=None):
"""Get an DB item, raise AWS compliant exception if it's not found.
context (RequestContext): The request context.
ec2_id (str): The ID of the requested item.
expected_kind (str): The expected kind of the requested item.
It should be specified for a kind of ec2_id to be validated,
if you need it.
The DB item.
item = db_api.get_item_by_id(context, ec2_id)
if (item is None or
expected_kind and get_ec2_id_kind(ec2_id) != expected_kind):
kind = expected_kind or get_ec2_id_kind(ec2_id)
params = {'id': ec2_id}
raise NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION_MAP[kind](**params)
return item
def get_db_items(context, kind, ec2_ids):
if not ec2_ids:
return db_api.get_items(context, kind)
if not isinstance(ec2_ids, set):
ec2_ids = set(ec2_ids)
items = db_api.get_items_by_ids(context, ec2_ids)
if len(items) < len(ec2_ids):
missed_ids = ec2_ids - set((item['id'] for item in items))
params = {'id': next(iter(missed_ids))}
raise NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION_MAP[kind](**params)
return items
_auto_create_db_item_extensions = {}
def register_auto_create_db_item_extension(kind, extension):
_auto_create_db_item_extensions[kind] = extension
def auto_create_db_item(context, kind, os_id, **extension_kwargs):
item = {'os_id': os_id}
extension = _auto_create_db_item_extensions.get(kind)
if extension:
extension(context, item, **extension_kwargs)
return db_api.add_item(context, kind, item)
def get_db_item_by_os_id(context, kind, os_id, items_by_os_id=None,
"""Get DB item by OS id (create if it doesn't exist).
context (RequestContext): The request context.
kind (str): The kind of item.
os_id (str): OS id of an object.
items_by_os_id (dict of items): The dict of known DB items,
OS id is used as a key.
extension_kwargs (dict): Additional parameters passed to
a registered extension at creating item.
A found or created item.
Search item in passed dict. If it's not found - create a new item, and
add it to the dict (if it's passed).
If an extension is registered on corresponding item kind, call it
passing extension_kwargs to it.
if os_id is None:
return None
if items_by_os_id is not None:
item = items_by_os_id.get(os_id)
if item:
return item
item = next((i for i in db_api.get_items(context, kind)
if i['os_id'] == os_id), None)
if not item:
item = auto_create_db_item(context, kind, os_id, **extension_kwargs)
if items_by_os_id is not None:
items_by_os_id[os_id] = item
return item
# TODO(Alex): The project_id passing mechanism can be potentially
# reconsidered in future.
def os_id_to_ec2_id(context, kind, os_id, items_by_os_id=None,
ids_by_os_id=None, project_id=None):
if os_id is None:
return None
if ids_by_os_id is not None:
item_id = ids_by_os_id.get(os_id)
if item_id:
return item_id
if items_by_os_id is not None:
item = items_by_os_id.get(os_id)
if item:
return item['id']
ids = db_api.get_items_ids(context, kind, item_os_ids=(os_id,))
if len(ids):
item_id, _os_id = ids[0]
item_id = db_api.add_item_id(context, kind, os_id,
if ids_by_os_id is not None:
ids_by_os_id[os_id] = item_id
return item_id
def get_os_image(context, ec2_image_id):
kind = get_ec2_id_kind(ec2_image_id)
ids = db_api.get_items_ids(context, kind, item_ids=(ec2_image_id,))
if not ids:
raise exception.InvalidAMIIDNotFound(id=ec2_image_id)
_id, os_id = ids[0]
if not os_id:
return None
glance = clients.glance(context)
return glance.images.get(os_id)
except glance_exception.HTTPNotFound:
raise exception.InvalidAMIIDNotFound(id=ec2_image_id)
def deserialize_os_image_properties(os_image):
def prepare_property(property_name):
if property_name in os_image_dict:
os_image_dict[property_name] = jsonutils.loads(
os_image_dict = dict(os_image)
return os_image_dict
def create_virtual_bdm(device_name, virtual_name):
bdm = {'device_name': device_name,
'source_type': 'blank',
'destination_type': 'local',
'device_type': 'disk',
'delete_on_termination': True,
'boot_index': -1,
'virtual_name': virtual_name}
if virtual_name == 'swap':
bdm['guest_format'] = 'swap'
return bdm
def get_os_image_mappings(os_image_properties):
mappings = []
names = set()
# TODO(ft): validate device names for both virtual and block device
# mappings
def is_virtual(virtual_name):
return virtual_name == 'swap' or (virtual_name and
# NOTE(ft): substitute mapping if the same device name is specified
def add_mapping(mapping):
device_name = block_device_strip_dev(mapping.get('device_name'))
if device_name in names:
for i, m in enumerate(mappings):
if (device_name ==
mappings[i] = mapping
if device_name:
# TODO(ft): From Juno virtual device mapping has precedence of block one
# in boot logic. This function should do the same, despite Nova EC2
# behavior.
# NOTE(ft): Nova EC2 prepended device names for virtual device mappings.
# But AWS doesn't do it.
for vdm in os_image_properties.get('mappings', []):
if is_virtual(vdm.get('virtual')):
block_device_prepend_dev(vdm.get('device')), vdm['virtual']))
legacy_mapping = not os_image_properties.get('bdm_v2', False)
for bdm in os_image_properties.get('block_device_mapping', []):
if legacy_mapping:
virtual_name = bdm.get('virtual_name')
if is_virtual(virtual_name):
new_bdm = create_virtual_bdm(bdm.get('device_name'),
new_bdm = {key: val for key, val in bdm.items()
if bdm.get('snapshot_id'):
new_bdm.update({'source_type': 'snapshot',
'destination_type': 'volume'})
elif bdm.get('volume_id'):
new_bdm.update({'source_type': 'volume',
'destination_type': 'volume'})
bdm = new_bdm
bdm.setdefault('delete_on_termination', False)
return mappings
def get_os_public_network(context):
neutron = clients.neutron(context)
search_opts = {'router:external': True, 'name': CONF.external_network}
os_networks = neutron.list_networks(**search_opts)['networks']
if len(os_networks) != 1:
if CONF.external_network:
if len(os_networks) == 0:
msg = "No external network with name '%s' is found"
msg = "More than one external network with name '%s' is found"
LOG.error(msg, CONF.external_network)
if len(os_networks) == 0:
msg = 'No external network is found'
msg = 'More than one external network is found'
raise exception.Unsupported(_('Feature is restricted by OS admin'))
return os_networks[0]
def get_attached_gateway(context, vpc_id, gateway_kind):
# TODO(ft): move search by vpc_id to DB api
return next((gw for gw in db_api.get_items(context, gateway_kind)
if gw['vpc_id'] == vpc_id), None)
_check_and_create_default_vpc = None
def check_and_create_default_vpc(context):
return _check_and_create_default_vpc(context)
def set_check_and_create_default_vpc(check_and_create_default_vpc):
global _check_and_create_default_vpc
_check_and_create_default_vpc = check_and_create_default_vpc
def get_default_vpc(context):
default_vpc = check_and_create_default_vpc(context)
if not default_vpc:
raise exception.VPCIdNotSpecified()
return default_vpc
# NOTE(ft): following functions are copied from various parts of Nova
_ephemeral = re.compile(r'^ephemeral(\d|[1-9]\d+)$')
_dev = re.compile(r'^/dev/')
def block_device_strip_dev(device_name):
"""remove leading '/dev/'."""
return _dev.sub('', device_name) if device_name else device_name
def block_device_prepend_dev(device_name):
"""Make sure there is a leading '/dev/'."""
return device_name and '/dev/' + block_device_strip_dev(device_name)
def block_device_properties_root_device_name(properties):
"""get root device name from image meta data.
If it isn't specified, return None.
if 'root_device_name' in properties:
return properties.get('root_device_name')
elif 'mappings' in properties:
return next((bdm['device'] for bdm in properties['mappings']
if bdm['virtual'] == 'root'), None)
return None
_ISO8601_TIME_FORMAT_SUBSECOND = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f'
_ISO8601_TIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'
def isotime(at=None, subsecond=False):
"""Stringify time in ISO 8601 format."""
# Python provides a similar instance method for datetime.datetime objects
# called isoformat(). The format of the strings generated by isoformat()
# have a couple of problems:
# 1) The strings generated by isotime are used in tokens and other public
# APIs that we can't change without a deprecation period. The strings
# generated by isoformat are not the same format, so we can't just
# change to it.
# 2) The strings generated by isoformat do not include the microseconds if
# the value happens to be 0. This will likely show up as random failures
# as parsers may be written to always expect microseconds, and it will
# parse correctly most of the time.
if not at:
at = timeutils.utcnow()
st = at.strftime(_ISO8601_TIME_FORMAT
if not subsecond
tz = at.tzinfo.tzname(None) if at.tzinfo else 'UTC'
st += ('Z' if tz == 'UTC' else tz)
return st