tikitavi 4bbd243f47 add API reference documentation
add documentation for further publishing to OpenStack API Documentation

Change-Id: I5052c101db4763f77f186ee39bc4167409b72aa1
2016-12-15 15:00:47 +03:00

504 lines
56 KiB

.. -*- rst -*-
Supported features and limitations
* DryRun option is not supported.
* Some exceptions are not exactly the same as reported by AWS.
| AWS | Command | Functionality | Limitations |
| Component| | group | |
| | **bold** - supported, normal - supported | | |
| | with limitations, *italic* -not supported| | |
| VPC | *AcceptVpcPeeringConnection* | cross-VPC | not supported |
| | | connectivity | |
| EC2, VPC | **AllocateAddress** | addresses | |
| | *AllocateHosts* | dedicated hosts | not supported |
| | *AssignIpv6Addresses* | network | not supported |
| | | interfaces | |
| VPC | AssignPrivateIpAddresses | network | allowReassignment parameter |
| | | interfaces | |
| EC2, VPC | **AssociateAddress** | addresses | |
| VPC | **AssociateDhcpOptions** | DHCP options | |
| VPC | **AssociateRouteTable** | routes | |
| | *AssociateSubnetCidrBlock* | subnets | not supported |
| | *AssociateVpcCidrBlock* | VPC | not supported |
| VPC | *AttachClassicLinkVpc* | cross-VPC | not supported |
| | | connectivity | |
| VPC | **AttachInternetGateway** | internet | |
| | | gateways | |
| VPC | **AttachNetworkInterface** | network | |
| | | interfaces | |
| EC2, EBS | **AttachVolume** | volumes | |
| VPC | **AttachVpnGateway** | VPN | |
| EC2, VPC | AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress | security groups | EC2 classic way to pass cidr, protocol,|
| | | | sourceGroup, ports parameters |
| EC2, VPC | AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress | security groups | EC2 classic way to pass cidr, protocol,|
| | | | sourceGroup, ports parameters |
| | *BundleInstance* | tasks,s3 | not supported |
| | *CancelBundleTask* | tasks,s3 | not supported |
| | *CancelConversionTask* | tasks,s3 | not supported |
| | *CancelExportTask* | tasks,s3 | not supported |
| | *CancelImportTask* | tasks,s3 | not supported |
| | *CancelReservedInstancesListing* | market | not supported |
| | *CancelSpotFleetRequests* | market | not supported |
| | *CancelSpotInstanceRequests* | market | not supported |
| | *ConfirmProductInstance* | product codes | not supported |
| EBS | *CopyImage* | image | not supported |
| | | provisioning | |
| EBS | *CopySnapshot* | snapshots,s3 | not supported |
| VPC | CreateCustomerGateway | VPC gateways | BGP dynamic routing |
| VPC | **CreateDhcpOptions** | DHCP options | |
| | *CreateEgressOnlyInternetGateway* | VPC gateways | not supported |
| | *CreateFlowLogs* | infrastructural | not supported |
| EBS | CreateImage | images | blockDeviceMapping parameter |
| | *CreateInstanceExportTask* | tasks,s3 | not supported |
| VPC | **CreateInternetGateway** | VPC gateways | |
| EC2 | **CreateKeyPair** | key pairs | |
| | *CreateNatGateway* | NAT gateways | not supported |
| VPC | *CreateNetworkAcl* | ACL | not supported |
| VPC | *CreateNetworkAclEntry* | ACL | not supported |
| VPC | **CreateNetworkInterface** | network | |
| | | interfaces | |
| | *CreatePlacementGroup* | clusters | not supported |
| | *CreateReservedInstancesListing* | market | not supported |
| VPC | CreateRoute | routes | vpcPeeringConnection parameter |
| VPC | **CreateRouteTable** | routes | |
| EC2, VPC | **CreateSecurityGroup** | security groups | |
| EBS | **CreateSnapshot** | snapshots | |
| | *CreateSpotDatafeedSubscription* | market | not supported |
| VPC | CreateSubnet | subnets | availabilityZone parameter |
| EC2 | **CreateTags** | tags | |
| EBS | CreateVolume | volumes | iops, encrypted, kmsKeyId parameters |
| VPC | **CreateVpc** | VPC | |
| VPC | *CreateVpcEndpoint* | cross-VPC | not supported |
| | | connectivity | |
| VPC | *CreateVpcPeeringConnection* | cross-VPC | not supported |
| | | connectivity | |
| VPC | CreateVpnConnection | VPN | BGP dynamic routing |
| VPC | **CreateVpnConnectionRoute** | VPN | |
| VPC | CreateVpnGateway | VPN | BGP dynamic routing |
| VPC | **DeleteCustomerGateway** | VPC gateways | |
| VPC | **DeleteDhcpOptions** | DHCP options | |
| | *DeleteEgressOnlyInternetGateway* | VPC gateways | not supported |
| | *DeleteFlowLogs* | infrastructural | not supported |
| VPC | **DeleteInternetGateway** | VPC gateways | |
| EC2 | **DeleteKeyPair** | key pairs | |
| | *DeleteNatGateway* | NAT gateways | not supported |
| VPC | *DeleteNetworkAcl* | ACL | not supported |
| VPC | *DeleteNetworkAclEntry* | ACL | not supported |
| VPC | **DeleteNetworkInterface** | network | |
| | | interfaces | |
| EC2 | *DeletePlacementGroup* | clusters | not supported |
| VPC | **DeleteRoute** | routes | |
| VPC | **DeleteRouteTable** | routes | |
| EC2, VPC | **DeleteSecurityGroup** | security groups | |
| EBS | **DeleteSnapshot** | snapshots | |
| | *DeleteSpotDatafeedSubscription* | market | not supported |
| VPC | **DeleteSubnet** | subnets | |
| EC2 | **DeleteTags** | tags | |
| EBS | **DeleteVolume** | volumes | |
| VPC | **DeleteVpc** | VPC | |
| VPC | *DeleteVpcEndpoints* | cross-VPC | not supported |
| | | connectivity | |
| VPC | *DeleteVpcPeeringConnection* | cross-VPC | not supported |
| | | connectivity | |
| VPC | **DeleteVpnConnection** | VPN | |
| VPC | **DeleteVpnConnectionRoute** | VPN | |
| VPC | **DeleteVpnGateway** | VPN | |
| EBS | **DeregisterImage** | images | |
| EC2 | DescribeAccountAttributes | infrastructural | vpc-max-security-groups-per-interface, |
| | | | max-elastic-ips, |
| | | | vpc-max-elastic-ips attributes |
| EC2, VPC | **DescribeAddresses** | addresses | |
| EC2 | **DescribeAvailabilityZones** | availability | |
| | | zones | |
| | *DescribeBundleTasks* | tasks,s3 | not supported |
| VPC | *DescribeClassicLinkInstances* | cross-VPC | not supported |
| | | connectivity | |
| | *DescribeConversionTasks* | tasks,s3 | not supported |
| VPC | **DescribeCustomerGateways** | gateways | |
| VPC | **DescribeDhcpOptions** | DHCP options | |
| | *DescribeEgressOnlyInternetGateways* | VPC gateways | not supported |
| | *DescribeExportTasks* | tasks,s3 | not supported |
| | *DescribeFlowLogs* | infrastructural | not supported |
| | *DescribeHosts* | dedicated hosts | not supported |
| | *DescribeIdentityIdFormat* | resource IDs | not supported |
| | *DescribeIdFormat* | resource IDs | not supported |
| EBS | DescribeImageAttribute | images | productCodes, sriovNetSupport |
| | | | attributes |
| EBS | **DescribeImages** | images | |
| | *DescribeImportImageTasks* | tasks,s3 | not supported |
| | *DescribeImportSnapshotTasks* | tasks,s3 | not supported |
| EC2 | DescribeInstanceAttribute | instances | same limitations as for |
| | | | ModifyInstanceAttribute |
| EC2, | **DescribeInstances** | instances | |
| EBS, VPC | | | |
| | *DescribeInstanceStatus* | monitoring | not supported |
| VPC | **DescribeInternetGateways** | gateways | |
| EC2 | **DescribeKeyPairs** | key pairs | |
| VPC | *DescribeMovingAddresses* | infrastructural | not supported |
| | *DescribeNatGateways* | NAT gateways | not supported |
| VPC | *DescribeNetworkAcls* | ACL | not supported |
| VPC | **DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttribute** | network | |
| | | interfaces | |
| VPC | **DescribeNetworkInterfaces** | network | |
| | | interfaces | |
| EC2 | *DescribePlacementGroups* | clusters | not supported |
| VPC | *DescribePrefixLists* | cross-VPC | not supported |
| | | connectivity | |
| EC2 | DescribeRegions | availability | RegionNameparameter |
| | | zones | |
| | *DescribeReservedInstances* | market | not supported |
| | *DescribeReservedInstancesListings* | market | not supported |
| | *DescribeReservedInstancesModifications* | market | not supported |
| | *DescribeReservedInstancesOfferings* | market | not supported |
| VPC | **DescribeRouteTables** | routes | |
| | *DescribeScheduledInstanceAvailability* | scheduled | not supported |
| | | instances | |
| | *DescribeScheduledInstances* | scheduled | not supported |
| | | instances | |
| | *DescribeSecurityGroupReferences* | security groups | not supported |
| EC2, VPC | DescribeSecurityGroups | security groups | cidr, protocol, port, sourceGroup |
| | | | parameters |
| EBS | *DescribeSnapshotAttribute* | snapshots | not supported |
| EBS | **DescribeSnapshots** | snapshots | |
| | *DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscription* | market | not supported |
| | *DescribeSpotFleetInstances* | market | not supported |
| | *DescribeSpotFleetRequestHistory* | market | not supported |
| | *DescribeSpotFleetRequests* | market | not supported |
| | *DescribeSpotInstanceRequests* | market | not supported |
| | *DescribeSpotPriceHistory* | market | not supported |
| | *DescribeStaleSecurityGroups* | security groups | not supported |
| VPC | **DescribeSubnets** | subnets | |
| EC2 | **DescribeTags** | tags | |
| EBS | *DescribeVolumeAttribute* | volumes | not supported |
| EBS | **DescribeVolumes** | volumes | |
| | *DescribeVolumeStatus* | monitoring | not supported |
| VPC | *DescribeVpcAttribute* | VPC | not supported |
| VPC | *DescribeVpcClassicLink* | cross-VPC | not supported |
| | | connectivity | |
| | *DescribeVpcClassicLinkDnsSupport* | cross-VPC | not supported |
| | | connectivity | |
| VPC | *DescribeVpcEndpoints* | cross-VPC | not supported |
| | | connectivity | |
| VPC | *DescribeVpcEndpointServices* | cross-VPC | not supported |
| | | connectivity | |
| VPC | *DescribeVpcPeeringConnections* | cross-VPC | not supported |
| | | connectivity | |
| VPC | **DescribeVpcs** | VPC | |
| VPC | **DescribeVpnConnections** | VPN | |
| VPC | **DescribeVpnGateways** | VPN | |
| VPC | *DetachClassicLinkVpc* | cross-VPC | not supported |
| | | connectivity | |
| VPC | **DetachInternetGateway** | VPC | |
| VPC | **DetachNetworkInterface** | network | |
| | | interfaces | |
| EC2, EBS | DetachVolume | volumes | instance_id, device, force parameters |
| VPC | **DetachVpnGateway** | VPN | |
| VPC | **DisableVgwRoutePropagation** | VPN | |
| VPC | *DisableVpcClassicLink* | cross-VPC | not supported |
| | | connectivity | |
| | *DisableVpcClassicLinkDnsSupport* | cross-VPC | not supported |
| | | connectivity | |
| EC2, VPC | **DisassociateAddress** | addresses | |
| VPC | **DisassociateRouteTable** | routes | |
| | *DisassociateSubnetCidrBlock* | subnets | not supported |
| | *DisassociateVpcCidrBlock* | VPC | not supported |
| VPC | **EnableVgwRoutePropagation** | VPN | |
| EBS | *EnableVolumeIO* | monitoring | not supported |
| VPC | *EnableVpcClassicLink* | cross-VPC | not supported |
| | | connectivity | |
| | *EnableVpcClassicLinkDnsSupport* | cross-VPC | not supported |
| | | connectivity | |
| EC2 | **GetConsoleOutput** | instances | |
| | *GetConsoleScreenshot* | instances | not supported |
| EC2 | **GetPasswordData** | instances | |
| | *ImportImage* | tasks,s3 | not supported |
| | *ImportInstance* | tasks,s3 | not supported |
| EC2 | **ImportKeyPair** | keypairs | |
| | *ImportSnapshot* | tasks,s3 | not supported |
| | *ImportVolume* | tasks,s3 | not supported |
| | *ModifyHosts* | dedicated hosts | not supported |
| | *ModifyIdentityIdFormat* | resource IDs | not supported |
| | *ModifyIdFormat* | resource IDs | not supported |
| EBS | ModifyImageAttribute | images | productCodes attribute |
| EC2 | ModifyInstanceAttribute | instances | only disableApiTermination, |
| | | | sourceDestCheck,instanceType supported |
| | *ModifyInstancePlacement* | dedicated hosts | not supported |
| VPC | **ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute** | network | |
| | | interfaces | |
| | *ModifyReservedInstances* | market | not supported |
| EBS | *ModifySnapshotAttribute* | snapshots | not supported |
| | *ModifySpotFleetRequest* | market | not supported |
| VPC | *ModifySubnetAttribute* | subnets | not supported |
| EBS | *ModifyVolumeAttribute* | volumes | not supported |
| VPC | *ModifyVpcAttribute* | VPC | not supported |
| VPC | *ModifyVpcEndpoint* | cross-VPC | not supported |
| | | connectivity | |
| | *ModifyVpcPeeringConnectionOptions* | cross-VPC | not supported |
| | | connectivity | |
| | *MonitorInstances* | monitoring | not supported |
| VPC | *MoveAddressToVpc* | infrastructural | not supported |
| | *PurchaseReservedInstancesOffering* | market | not supported |
| | *PurchaseScheduledInstances* | scheduled | not supported |
| | | instances | |
| EC2 | **RebootInstances** | instances | |
| EBS | RegisterImage | images | virtualizationType, sriovNetSupport |
| | | | parameters |
| VPC | *RejectVpcPeeringConnection* | cross-VPC | not supported |
| | | connectivity | |
| EC2, VPC | **ReleaseAddress** | addresses | |
| | *ReleaseHosts* | dedicated hosts | not supported |
| VPC | *ReplaceNetworkAclAssociation* | ACL | not supported |
| VPC | *ReplaceNetworkAclEntry* | ACL | not supported |
| VPC | **ReplaceRoute** | routes | |
| VPC | **ReplaceRouteTableAssociation** | routes | |
| | *ReportInstanceStatus* | monitoring | not supported |
| | *RequestSpotFleet* | market | not supported |
| | *RequestSpotInstances* | market | not supported |
| EBS | **ResetImageAttribute** | images | |
| EC2 | ResetInstanceAttribute | instances | same limitations as for |
| | | | ModifyInstanceAttribute |
| VPC | **ResetNetworkInterfaceAttribute** | network | |
| | | interfaces | |
| EBS | *ResetSnapshotAttribute* | snapshots | not supported |
| VPC | *RestoreAddressToClassic* | infrastructural | not supported |
| EC2, VPC | RevokeSecurityGroupEgress | security groups | EC2 classic way to pass cidr, protocol,|
| | | | sourceGroup, ports parameters |
| EC2, VPC | RevokeSecurityGroupIngress | security groups | EC2 classic way to pass cidr, protocol,|
| | | | sourceGroup, ports parameters |
| EC2, | RunInstances | instances | placement, block_device_mapping partial|
| VPC, EBS | | | support, monitoring, |
| | | | iamInstanceProfile, ebsOptimized, |
| | | | shutdownInitiatedInstanceBehavior |
| | | | parameters |
| | *RunScheduledInstances* | scheduled | not supported |
| | | instances | |
| EC2 | **StartInstances** | instances | |
| EC2 | **StopInstances** | instances | |
| EC2 | **TerminateInstances** | instances | |
| | *UnassignIpv6Addresses* | network | not supported |
| | | interfaces | |
| VPC | **UnassignPrivateIpAddresses** | network | |
| | | interfaces | |
| | *UnmonitorInstances* | monitoring | not supported |