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.. _ec2api-clients:
.. list-table:: Description of OpenStack Clients configuration options
:header-rows: 1
:class: config-ref-table
* - Configuration option = Default value
- Description
* - **[DEFAULT]**
* - ``cinder_service_type`` = ``volumev3``
- (String) Service type of Volume API, registered in Keystone catalog.
* - ``ec2_timestamp_expiry`` = ``300``
- (Integer) Time in seconds before ec2 timestamp expires
* - ``keystone_ec2_tokens_url`` = ``http://localhost:5000/v3/ec2tokens``
- (String) URL to authenticate token from ec2 request.
* - ``nova_service_type`` = ``compute``
- (String) Service type of Compute API, registered in Keystone catalog. Should be v2.1 with microversion support. If it is obsolete v2, a lot of useful EC2 compliant instance properties will be unavailable.